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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed (6542 Views)
All Offerings Go To The Poor - Bishop Oyedepo / Pastor Adeboye Apologises For Saying You Won't Make Heaven For Not Paying Tithe / Man Kicked Out Of Anglican Church In Warri For 'Not Paying Tithe, Dressing Well' (2) (3) (4)
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He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Voice22: 4:06pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
He that helps the needy and not paying tithe will soon become poor,’ Bishop Oyedepo Daily-Godly 1h ‘Someone that helps the needy and not paying tithe will soon become poor,’ Bishop Oyedepo ‘Someone that is helping the needy and not paying his tithe will soon become one of the needy.’ Those were the words of Bishop David Oyedepo, the General Overseer of the Living Faith Church Worldwide otherwise known as Winners’ Chapel in a Youtube sermon video. The living faith Bishop was teaching on the touchy subject of tithing and prosperity. According to Luke 11 verse 42, and Malachi 3. Verses 8 to 10, Oyedepo’s emphasis is on the fact that if you are helping the poor, make sure you are not robbing or defaulting in your commitment to God in the area of tithe. Tithing and charity are two different things. One does not stop the other. God wants us to take care of the poor, but he wants us to pay our tithes because tithe is his mechanism of blessing us and causing increase in our lives. This can also be connected to Jesus’ statement on the same matter- give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. If you can pay taxes to government, why should you struggle to pay tithe to God? Based on the principle of spiritual prosperity, Bishop Oyedepo wants us to know that giving to the needy must not replace giving to God. Therefore, if all you do is charity, it is not enough. According to Oyedepo, one will worst off after sometime if one does not pay one’s tithe but only give to the poor. Bishop Oyedepo is well qualified to speak about tithing and giving. Known as Apostle of Faith, Bishop Oyedepo is a man of tremendous wealth and ‘dangerous giver. Tithing and sowing of seed are big spiritual practices among members of the Winners Chapel worldwide. These results of these practices are evident in his ministry and other establishments like the two Christian universities in Nigeria alongside his successful Christian publishing among others. 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by ayenale1(m): 4:11pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Hmmmmmmm 1 Like |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Apus: 4:11pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
But I'm yet to see where Jesus paid tithe and forgot the needy. Biko leave people with how they choose to use their money and not blackmail people into what they are not convinced or led to do. No where in the Bible did Jesus command any one to tithe but instead emphasized showing love and kindness to those in need around us as that is the love the Father expects of every believer. 16 Likes |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by UncleKoboko: 4:12pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Weyrey Tithe tight ya mouth there Ole-depo 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Naijanascam: 4:27pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Why is only tithe is the only law that you people selected from the old testament? Because it favours them a great deal, business minded individuals incorporating their business to their families alone while the sheep� kept funding and hoping to get rewarded in heaven 11 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Kondomatic(m): 4:40pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Religion that pleases God the Father must be pure and spotless. You must help needy orphans and widows and not let this world make you evil. James 1:27 5 Likes |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by WibusJaga: 4:52pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
I de shame for this kind teachings. ![]() One should not feel threatened to pay tithes but rather do so willingly. 1 Like |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Successfulben: 4:52pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Yeyedepo is a USELESS, BALD-HEADED FRAUDSTER. He has no other message other than tithes and prosperity. Pulling millions of crowds to hell on a daily basis. 6 Likes |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by MadamVanessa(f): 5:01pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Chai And some gullible persons will subscribe immediately to this false preaching. Make una de get shame na. 4 Likes |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Ogamysamo: 5:31pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
what if one pays tithe but is not helping the poor, will he become richer? if both are good and does not stop the other why not speak in favor of both why speaking basically on the advantage of one than the advantage of the other? 6 Likes |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by jesusjnr2020(m): 5:32pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
No surprises coming from the same person who said Job who helped the poor and needy suffered losses because he didn't tithe. When the leaders of the church now remind you more of the Pharisees who emphasized tithing rather than Jesus who emphasized giving alms, you'd begin to have an idea of where today's church has gotten it wrong. God bless. 4 Likes |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by joe54: 5:45pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
![]() ![]() SCAMMER ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Lostchild(m): 6:02pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Voice22 All this are the reason why I can't even listen to these money concious men. I know that if I follow men and not the leading of God Himself, I will miss the right and narrow path. I have been paying my tithe to the needy and will do so till I DIE I will continue to bow my head in sallute to Prophet T.B JOSHUA, the great icon. 4 Likes |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by paxonel(m): 6:24pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Poor like Dangote who doesn't pay tithe to any church abi? 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Nobody: 6:26pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Kondomatic: The first scripture that jumped into my head when I read the op. 1 Like |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Voice22: 7:10pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Lostchild:is Good to pay tithe and helping the poor people around. But dont say if you help the needed and you don't pay tithe you with become poor is like you threatened them to pay given should willing on the heart |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by silibaba: 7:27pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Ole ole ole ole ole The most greedy pastors I have seen since I was born. If tithe really open door, there will be no need preaching about it much. I will continue to channel my money to the poor, than giving it to a pastor that has private jet, all his kids school abroad. His eyeballs is almost falling out of the socket due to too much money. If I must pay tithe, I will pay it the right way below: Deuteronomy 14, 23-29 23 Eat the tithe of your grain, new wine and olive oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the presence of the LORD your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name, so that you may learn to revere the LORD your God always. 24 But if that place is too distant and you have been blessed by the LORD your God and cannot carry your tithe (because the place where the LORD will choose to put his Name is so far away), 25 then exchange your tithe for silver, and take the silver with you and go to the place the LORD your God will choose. 26 Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice. 27 And do not neglect the Levites living in your towns, for they have no allotment or inheritance of their own. 28 At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year’s produce and store it in your towns, 29 so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheritance of their own) and the foreigners, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. 2 Likes |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Onyi22(f): 8:07pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Wailers over to you ![]() |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by jmoore(m): 8:29pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Tithe is not for Christians. For more about tithes, read>> 1 Like |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by TheEnygma(m): 9:33pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Let me book space first. 1 Like |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by bobestman(m): 10:29pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
One thing you Christians should know is that you never replaced the true chosen people "God" made covenant with. In snake tongues they are called Isreal (mind you, they are not the ones they created for you in Palestine). Neither are you spiritual Isreal. You and the other 2 major religions were created from their Ways and not according to Will of the Sovereign Father. As usual whenever they offend their maker, they are scattered or are carried away as punishment untill the cup of their sins is filled. He then remember them, gather them back to their land and make them very great that all must respect them. All you have today in your religions are not up to 30% truth. The chosen ones among them are the ones to reveal the lost truth hidden from you all since creation. Their Restoration wakes you all up from your deep sleep the powers that rule the world put you all on. The troubles among them today and all over the world are as a result of the birth pangs of their mother. It's the cry for their restoration. For only them can save their people who were ones head but now tail in the world (Africa). Their King/Priest must return. Gather them back. Restore the true temple. Sanctify the righteous ones among them and send them to preach the true gospel of salvation (not what you all teach today in churches that you never know their origin) as a witness to all before "God" pours His wrath on earth which you all know about. They are the Sons/Daughters of "God" that the world WAITS on for the truth cos all you have today are corruptions or white lies. Salvation of all and the world comes from them. They will save and heal the world. The restoration of these people also restores the true Priesthood. The Levites among them are the ones ordained to collect anything call Tithes. Since these people are not restored, your Tithes should go to the Poor. Whether they build churches with it, help the poor, pay pastors etc that's their cup of tea. The command is that they must be a sanctified Priest from the Levites tribe of the chosen people who are ordained to receive Tithes? I pity for many who think the old covenant in the Bible was totally abolished. The Messiah only redressed them. There are robbers who corrupted many things in the New testament to what you all preach today. Many of such corruption made all your religions Apostate. The true ways are the Ancient path. If you read the book of Ezekiel when he wrote about the FUTURE TEMPLE, everything was as of old. "God" never gets old. Neither His words. The first shall be the last. When everything is restored, we go back as it was in the begining The Ancients ones among you Oh Africans knew the truth more than those who stole your ways, corrupted it and brought it back to you in religions. Not everything in your traditions are evil. The ones who brought those religions are the ones who told your Ancestors that they are evil. Whenever you wake up is your morning. Stop following Religion. Live Right and wait for the truth!
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by talk2hb1(m): 10:37pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Voice22:All of them lie ministry, go preach that Elon Musk, Bill Gate, Dangote 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by triplechoice(m): 10:41pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
The sheepies will obey because they can't think for themselves. Nothing last forever. It's just a matter of time freedom will come for the minds that have been enslaved. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by silibaba: 11:14pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
talk2hb1:don't mind the guy. |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by CheedyJ(m): 11:31pm On Aug 01, 2021 |
Na una sabi |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Keegan: 8:14am On Apr 03, 2023 |
Voice22: ‘Someone that helps the needy and not paying tithe will soon become poor,’ Bishop Oyedepo Yes Daddy. |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by paxonel(m): 10:12pm On Apr 03, 2023 |
How many tithes did Dangote pay? |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by OkCornel(m): 11:36pm On Apr 03, 2023 |
These church brands are simply businesses selling you hopes… Wake up and smell the fraud. |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Nobody: 9:53am On Apr 04, 2023 |
Apus: Most of the things Jesus didn't right weren't recorded. Only those with controversy made it mostly |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Nobody: 9:54am On Apr 04, 2023 |
Naijanascam: Say tithe is the only news you hear. Since the last time you heard from him, does it mean he hasn't been speaking? 1 Like |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by Nobody: 9:56am On Apr 04, 2023 |
WibusJaga: If you dey shame, you never studied to show yourself approved unto God, a workman who need not be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth - Paul to Timothy |
Re: He That Helps The Needy And Not Paying Tithe Will Soon Become Poor,’ Bishop Oyed by OkCornel(m): 10:14am On Apr 04, 2023 |
Thanksful: Can you help us with examples of Gentile Christians that tithed in the early church? Especially after the Church council at Jerusalem in Acts 15... |
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