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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / A Place For Thousand Demon (1752 Views)
My Personal Demon 18+ / INSATIABLE ~ Story Of A Quiet Yoruba Demon / Memoirs Of A Yoruba Demon (2) (3) (4)
A Place For Thousand Demon by ghostwritter(m): 1:39pm On Aug 06, 2021 |
By :Omotayo Suleman (ghostwritter)
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by ghostwritter(m): 1:54pm On Aug 06, 2021 |
CHAPTER ONE Underneath the broad tree in front of the lecture theater were few of the students who’d shielded themselves from the scorching sun, many of whom had left the hall on hearing Dr. Augustus had postponed his long awaited and controversial topic on[i] Good Versus Evil: human as a victim[/i], the lecturer in his previous class promised it was going to be an interesting one and that made many Students of Religion Studies very disappointed when the class representative announced the postponement. While Sam along with some of his course mates who tend to be football lover took the spare time into arguing about who deserves to be the world best player of the season, he received a message on his phone and after he was done reading it content in disbelief he called the attention of the other four boys to it. That was the twelfth message he’d received from an ‘unknown’ within twelve hours. One after the other the friends read the message and all concluded it was one of those messages from fraudsters or a prank and he should ignore it and so Sam did. By evening while Sam was heading back to the hostel from the cafeteria having filled himself with some junk food, he received another message on his phone from same ‘Unknown’, he read through it and wasn’t surprise to see same content as the previous seventeen. He ignored the message but still wondered how persistent the unknown sender could be by sending same content every hour, he wish he could reach out to whoever the sender was so he would punch him in the face, he really needed to vent on someone for his carry-over courses, lack of money to get the things he dearly needed, his mother’s illness that had got her bed ridden for months and no thanks to the fact that Cynthia his girlfriend dumped him for a Medical student who’d got all the things she’d desired, he really needed to vent. By 10:30 pm while he was about to sleep, he’d received the twenty-second message already with same content, just that the latest one had the sender’s name in it, one Barrister M.O. Ariana. Shortly after he’d slept, a call came through by an ‘Unknown’. “I’m sure you got my messages Mr. Sam” a soothing voice came from the other end. “Who is this?” Sam asked while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “For your own sake Mr. Sam, I’d need you to be at the address by 10:00am prompt tomorrow. The line dropped before Sam had the chance to pour out his mind, he could neither call nor text an Unknown, he was puzzled to realize it had been a woman all along and not a man like he’d thought behind the text messages. Quickly, he sat up on his bed to read the message again with a sense of consideration. Dear Mr. Sam The Pella Family will appreciate your presence tomorrow for an important meeting at the Pella Villa, 26. Pella Avenue, Kumasi Metropolises, 10:00am prompt. Barrister M.O Ariana. So many things he’d wished to ask as it juggled through his mind, among it was how the caller knew his name, why send multiple text and most importantly was what business has he got with the Pellas? He knows almost nothing about the billionaire family except for the obvious fact that Professor Benjamin Okufo Pella just like the father before him Chief Henry Okufo Pella was a great illusionists of his time. Few months ago, the nation was shocked at the news of Professor B.O Pella’s demise; they said he’d died in his sleep like he’d once predicted in one of his magical shows. He was the greatest showman of his time with countless stunts that would have cost any normal being a life. There were so many mysteries and controversies entwined to the showman’s personal life but even at that he seem to know how best to spin the controversies to his favor. The next morning, Sam had ignored the invitation after convincing himself that the messages and call could be fraudulent but changed his mind after Nnango his best friend convinced him to give it a try promising to go along with him. They’d both left for Kumasi shortly after lecture that afternoon with handful of pepper-spray and pocket knives to defend themselves if anything goes the other way. “No harm in trying, it would be an experience seeing what the Pella’s mansion looks like, the few people who ever entered the house said everything in it is of gold, I hope that’s true” Nnango was excited as he revealed to Sam in the bus on their way to Pella Avenue. Pella Villa was indeed a marvel for both boys even from it entrance; none had seen a house so magnificent. Sam alone was led into the main house after showing the text messages to the security guards while his friend waited behind the gigantic gate. Sam walked into a large room of people who were all seated and seem to await him. “You’re late, sit over there” a woman voiced to Sam while pointing at the only empty seat by the corner of the room. Like one strayed into a trap, Sam stood still, petrified at the way and manner everyone in the room stared at him like he was in the wrong place. It was a gathering of family members who’d all been invited for a reason all of them except Sam seem to be aware about. “Is this the person that’d kept us waiting for hours?” a man’s voice came from amongst the gathering in a tone tinted with disgust. “Yes, it’s him and his name is Sam. Your late father wanted him and every member of his family present in the reading of his will” A pretty lady dressed in a professional suit and a straight skirt answered. The last statement seems not to go down well with the gathering as it disrupted the silence in the room as many began to grumble. Sam was confused and uncomfortable by what was happening, he felt he’d indeed walked into a wrong setting while he still stood there. “You mean dad had another son?” a bald headed young man asked looking vexed after staring at Sam closely enough to see the stricken resemblance of his own father. “I’m not entirely sure Mr. Taibo, I simply sent for him on your father’s order. Sam listened in disbelief, the man he believed to be his biological father died shortly before he was birthed, at least that was what his mother told him the last times he asked. “I think you’ve got me mixed up with someone else” Sam found his voice. “Sam, have your seat. I don’t have much time” the lady in suit stood up and grabbed everyone’s attention. “My name is M.O Adrian, I’m Prof. Pella’s legal advicer and I’m here to coordinate the distribution of his properties in accordance to his wish” she pressed the remote to a big television set and it came to life immediately with the image of a man in it, many gasped at who it was. “If you are watching this then be sure I’m dead” Professor Pella’s image began in a strong voice, “I trust my lawyer Ariana to have done a good job of getting you all together. I would love that every property in my name be sold and that whatever comes of it be shared in this order” Prof. Pella cleared his throat and continued in a calm tone “My first wife with all of her seven children be given 50 percent of it” an aged woman who had sat calmly all along smiled briefly with her grown up children around her, “Zarah my second wife with her five children be given 20 percent, my third wife Tefe along with her three children be given 15 percent, my other extended family members whom I share same ties be given 10 percent, my workers be given the last 5 percent” many in the room seemed satisfied at the deceased statement knowing how rich they’re about to become. “And to you Sammy” Prof. Pella suddenly spoke like he could see Sam in the corner he sat “I appreciate your presence, I know you have plenty of questions regarding who you really are, I’m sorry I can’t help you at the moment but I will want you to help me watch over my family as the dark days near”. As soon as Barrister Ariana switched off the television, everyone turned their curious stares on Sam who in turn only stared back in confusion. Jacob, one of the older child of madam Zarah walked up to Sam and stared down at him in fury “How old are you booooy?” “Eighteen…I turned eighteen last week” he replied bogarted. Jacob smirked seeing the discomfort he was already causing the young intruder in the presence of family members whom he’d wished to show his supremacy as the preferred heir of the Pella’s dynasty. “So why does father want you to protect us like you’re some baby-sitter?” “I don’t know, I have never met your father. I came here because I was invited” “No!” Jacob snapped “I guess you came here because you thought you will be getting something from my father’s property, isn’t it?” “That’s not it, I only came…” “Good, then leave, you do not belong here” The room seemed tensed as everyone watched with unspoken approval to Jacob’s action, Sam is indeed the intruder and should be treated as such. Sam was about to say something but thought against it as all eyes were on him, he could almost smell the hard air of hostility lingering in the air, he made a mental note to hit Nnango hard in his face for talking him into coming there. He lifted himself and walked out of the room, Barrister Ariana caught up with him somehow as he was about reaching for the main gate. “I’m sorry for what transpired in there, I guess your sudden presence and Prof. Pella’s last word came as a rude shock to everyone but I’m sure everyone will be fine” said Ariana shortly before pointing a small envelope to Sam. “Prof. Pella shortly before his death instructed me to give this to you personally, I don’t know what it reads if you ask me”, she stepped closer and comfortingly held Sam’s arm “I know the situation seems too much for you to grasp at the moment but soon you will understand” she swiftly turned around and walked back into the house. Sam pocketed the envelope as he walked out thoughtfully through the gate to go join his friend who already seemed curious to know all that happened. ** **** 6 Likes |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by Heartbender: 2:24pm On Aug 06, 2021 |
Nice. Tag me as you progress, please |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by Babysuccess02(f): 4:23pm On Aug 06, 2021 |
Heartbender:Please do not abandon this one o 1 Like |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by egorov(m): 8:50am On Aug 07, 2021 |
ghostwritter: My guy is back |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by TheEnygma(m): 2:04pm On Aug 09, 2021 |
Dear Ghostwritter. As much as I'm a fan of your work, your inability to finish your stories on this platform always kills my vibe no matter how intriguing the story is . .. 1 Like |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by Ego2(f): 8:50am On Aug 10, 2021 |
Ghostwriter with the incomplete stories.. 1 Like |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by Austeeenxx: 9:05pm On Aug 10, 2021 |
I'm very confident the OP will not be finishing this story. 1 Like |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by silverlinen(m): 10:54pm On Aug 11, 2021 |
Mr ghost abeg try complete this one too I'm with you all the way 1 Like |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by Benteazaa(m): 8:15am On Aug 12, 2021 |
Let me wait here |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by slimthugchimee2(m): 8:43am On Aug 12, 2021 |
My problem with ghost is that he never finishes, so I just stopped reading 1 Like |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by emmadejust(m): 6:26pm On Aug 13, 2021 |
This will be another interesting story for the year ghostwritter ![]() |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by ghostwritter(m): 2:41pm On Jan 01, 2022 |
For those making enquiry on how to buy my completed books, all you need to do is send me a direct message to my business WhatsApp line. 09045956287 or my email I will have it sent to you immediately after payment. I really appreciate those that went far in encouraging me by buying my books and one who even paid in advance for my uncompleted book. God no go shame you. I swear. Abeg make una patronize me, I will need money this year o. Make una help my ministry. |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by slimsophiediva(f): 5:43pm On Mar 13, 2022 |
ghostwritter: Is the complete story available for sale |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by slimsophiediva(f): 6:38pm On Mar 13, 2022 |
ghostwritter: |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by mokoh(m): 10:10am On Mar 15, 2022 |
slimsophiediva: Hi |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by mokoh(m): 12:09am On Mar 16, 2022 |
ghostwritter: I try send a message to the number you posted but the person at the other end said its a wrong number |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by Nobody: 1:40am On Mar 16, 2022 |
[quote author=slimsophiediva post=111004831] Guy which phone number be that, shey na your number? How you take get that number and am the one using it? |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by slimsophiediva(f): 2:38am On Mar 16, 2022 |
[quote author=Joshjosh2 post=111075345][/quote] I don’t understand |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by Nobody: 12:24pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
slimsophiediva:That phone number you put there is mine and why are you posting it for your business. Remove that number it's mine cos people are contacting me instead pls remove that number and put yours cos I don't know you, and if you continue I'll report you to the police � am very serious about it |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by Nobody: 12:32pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
ghostwritter:hey this very number you posted here is mine pls kindly remove that number and put yours cos people are chatting with me on WhatsApp asking me about books I don't sell books pls remove that number 09045946287 |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by slimsophiediva(f): 2:22pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
Joshjosh2: Which phone number Are you okay Report who to police Please quote where I post the phone number Hope you never use head knack ground |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by slimsophiediva(f): 2:29pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
Joshjosh2:What’s your stress , you keep tagging different people The author’s num is 09045956287 I guess the one he wrote must have been a result of typo error Stop creating mountain out of anthill And you start ranting about reporting someone to police You think the police is as jobless as you are Something that can be sorted without issues You just want to make your relevance known Oga shift |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by Nobody: 2:54pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
slimsophiediva:Guy check your former post Nah, why you Self come de rant you no see the number way you post? Am telling you what is disturbing me. Like 4 people din the call me the chat me say them one buy book. You no get luck say I de tell you waiting de sub? |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by Nobody: 2:58pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
slimsophiediva:guy change that number make you write the correct thing abeg It's my number and people have been chatting and calling me pls it's for your own good Cause you are losing customers.
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by mokoh(m): 4:08pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
Ghostwriter is the one that posted the number so you have to talk to him directly not slimsophiediva she has nothing to do with it |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by slimsophiediva(f): 10:12pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
mokoh:God bless you Coz I don’t understand the stress |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by slimsophiediva(f): 10:13pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
guy change that number make you write the correct thing abegCan’t you see what you quote is me asking the author if the book is available for sale or you have reading problem |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by ghostwritter(m): 10:52pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
hey this very number you posted here is mine pls kindly remove that number and put yours cos people are chatting with me on WhatsApp asking me about books I don't sell books pls remove that number 09045946287Sorry for any inconvenience, I have corrected it in other forums. It ought to be 09045956287. |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by ghostwritter(m): 10:56pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
mokoh:Sorry, the earlier number is a mistake It ought to be 09045956287 |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by mokoh(m): 11:08pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
ghostwritter: Do you still have the book |
Re: A Place For Thousand Demon by mokoh(m): 11:10pm On Mar 16, 2022 |
guy change that number make you write the correct thing abeg Now u go fit make us rest now |
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