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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Foreign Affairs / Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) (31376 Views)
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Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by obonujoker(m): 9:08pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
fati2001: Where is this written in the Bible |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by sonymax16(m): 9:08pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
akpokpo:Somebody is busy setting fire on the bush so that u will believe the climate change bullshit.Why sambisa forest were hot no dey experience wild fire.Why is Europe that has a cool climate suddenly experiencing wild fire?It's not everything the govt or media tell u that is a fact. |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by neyoohhh: 9:09pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
AmazonTopaz: Correction, Nigerians are the worst people to live in a blessed country like Nigeria. With all the blessings nature bestowed on Nigeria, Nigerian's have continued to under utilise it. The terrible leaders we have is a reflection of who we are, we'd rather waste time watching useless programs like bbn instead of organising around the next elections but won't stop complaining about bad leadership. |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by Idamond: 9:11pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
fati2001: oga forget this your write up na big lie.. even in Europe it happens |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by sonymax16(m): 9:12pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
lakesider:U are clearly the one displaying stupidity.Your type will believe everything the govt and media tell u.Is any of these countries in Europe hotter than northern Nigeria? Why is there no wild fire in the north? Abi climate change no dey affect us? |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by dingbang(m): 9:14pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
fati2001:na u suppose get sense. No iota of reasoning to figure out famzing in my post..pls fvck off. I hate overserious people |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by fati2001(m): 9:15pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by AmazonTopaz(f): 9:16pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
sonymax16: Over three times.It is not a matter of common sense but sheer ignorance.Who told you that some parts of Africa like Angola and Congo don't experience wildfires in a minor degree.Who on earth told you there has been no wild fire in Africa abi you nor Sabi use Google.Who also told you that every part of Africa is hot apart from the Northern part and some parts of the southern parts of Africa climate is tropical and experience some forms of cold or cool temperatures.What about Turkey that is usually warm and not prone to wildfire but is currently experiencing one right now.If that isn't climate change what is ![]() ![]() How can you have access to the internet but you cannot take time to educate yourself before coming to a public forum to spill trash about climate change. ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by AmazonTopaz(f): 9:18pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
lakesider: Sonymax16 is a proud ignoramus that cannot learn.or take corrections.He is spewing trash and calling it facts I am ashamed on behalf of the grown up. |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by fati2001(m): 9:18pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by AmazonTopaz(f): 9:18pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
neyoohhh: Okay fair enough ![]() |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by fati2001(m): 9:19pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
dingbang: ewww. don't worry it will surely catch up with everyone. 1 Like |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by AmazonTopaz(f): 9:20pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
sonymax16: In your small mind na only wildfires be evidence of climate change. Rising sea levels,rain not falling according to its season cannot be evidence of a change in the climate.You are not that bright at all.You can take 20 minutes to educate yourself on what climate change is all about since you don't know that some parts of Africa is already experiencing climate change. 1 Like |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by sonymax16(m): 9:23pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
AmazonTopaz:Ok tell me,what is causing this climate change? And how can we stop this so called climate change? |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by obonujoker(m): 9:24pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
fati2001: So you are a Muslim?? No wonder you were saying what's not in the bible... Face your koran |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by sonymax16(m): 9:24pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
AmazonTopaz:Ok I agree am a proud ignoramus.What is the solution to the so called climate change? |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by AmazonTopaz(f): 9:25pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
sonymax16: Ask Google I will not do the work of your geography teacher ![]() Since you don't know that humans are using their hands to destroy nature hence the change in climate.You can take a few minutes to school yourself you can watch videos on YouTube and make further research on Google I have a lot of work to do and enlightening you today is not one of them. |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by fati2001(m): 9:26pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by AmazonTopaz(f): 9:26pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
sonymax16: Conservation is a solution.Reduction in carbon emissions hence the invention of electric cars is also a solution.Planting trees and desisting from bush burning is a solution and many more Mother nature is angry. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by AmazonTopaz(f): 9:28pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
fati2001: Hahahahahaha ![]() ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by fati2001(m): 9:31pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
obonujoker: The Rapture - the raising of the Church into heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:17)—is the next event on the prophetic calendar. The Rapture is when Christ comes back and takes every Christian that is still on this earth and resurrects all of those who have died and takes them to heaven with Him. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8, Paul expresses that the Lord’s return will be like a thief in the night. No one knows the date or time. However, there are several signs of the End Times that we can all be aware of. Events such as earthquakes and diseases, war and dispute among nations, and persecution against Christians are all signs leading to the Rapture. Mark 13:24-27 24 “But in those days, following that distress, “ ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’ 26 “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. Matthew 24:30-31 30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earthwill mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. 1 Like |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by sonymax16(m): 9:32pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
AmazonTopaz:So why are govts all over the world not taking these solutions to climate change seriously? Why are world leaders still driving luxury cars that run on petrol? Why are world leaders not embarking on tree planting campaign which are the solutions to climate change? |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by AmazonTopaz(f): 9:35pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
sonymax16: Ah you can't say this na,just say your Nigerian government which is a party to COP21 is not taking these measures seriously.Well other countries are doing that that is why you see why they are producing electric cars because oil will soon be abandoned and the middle East or Arabian oil blocks are already investing in tourism.Some countries are already enacting policies to fight poaching and expand conservation of wildlife and others as well Climate change is real and serious governments are taking action even China is not joking with it. 2 Likes |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by fati2001(m): 9:35pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
Idamond: Thessalonians 5:1-8, Paul expresses that the Lord’s return will be like a thief in the night. No one knows the date or time. However, there are several signs of the End Times that we can all be aware of. Events such as earthquakes and diseases, war and dispute among nations, and persecution against Christians are all signs leading to the Rapture. come back and clap at me again 1 Like |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by obonujoker(m): 9:36pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
fati2001: You are right... But before rapture. The Antichrist must be revealed, and the gospel must be preached in all corners of the earth... Truly we are in the end times... 1 Like |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by Nobody: 9:41pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
fati2001:you need rehabilitation |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by Anas09: 9:46pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
Swiperite:Idol worship. You won't believe it, but it's true. Nature worships God and gets very angry when men disobey their maker. Human blood that the earth is made to drink is what is resulting to all you see. It will get worst. Watch it. |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by mrdharkchild(m): 10:26pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
I've read comments so far, all I can say is, people are just blinded by the pleasure of this world. There's no man made definition for what's happening. Climate change and all what not. Prepare for hell or heaven. U think u are the owners/landlord of earth? There's nothing happening in the world that science can explain 1 Like |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by socialmerchant: 10:29pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
BigDawsNet: I guess it’s why they’re sponsoring Africans to kill Africans so they can inherit Africa |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by sonymax16(m): 11:07pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
AmazonTopaz:Lol madam ![]() U and I know that most world leaders if not all don't take climate change seriously neither are they leading by example.Joe Biden who is a strong advocate of fighting climate change still rides in his bullet-proof cardilac limo.He would have simply ordered for a bulletproof electric car to demonstrate his seriousness about climate change.That is why I don't take world leaders and the media serious,they do things "for the cameras" but they are bunch of hypocrites. 1 Like |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by AmazonTopaz(f): 11:12pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
sonymax16:You are the hypocrite and you don't know zilch of what you are talking about who is the you and I it is only you.If you cannot post any fact to the contrary that they are not taking climate change serious then keep quiet.You are a clown if you don't know what emissions are and the fact that electric cars are still in the first phase.Also Biden has signed executive orders targeted at fighting climate change but how will you know this and the works agencies of different governments are putting into fighting it when you simply can't read but just spew rubbish like you know something when you don't know zilch.I am sure rising sea levels,depleting earth and other hazards accustomed to climate change are doing it for the camera too. Radarada 1 Like |
Re: Greece & Turkey Fires Force Thousands Of Tourists & Locals To Flee (Pix, Video) by sonymax16(m): 11:25pm On Aug 07, 2021 |
AmazonTopaz:Suit urself madam |
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