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The Description Of God - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Accurate Description Of Hellfire / Some Poor Description Of God / Detailed Description Of Hell And Paradise By Angel GOD In The Book Of Esdras (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 9:27am On Aug 25, 2021

Maybe the Bible was made so that people will not understand and enter hell.

Mark 4:10-12
When he (Jesus) was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. 11He told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables 12so that," 'they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'

Have you checked the link and start learning English communication?

See it below again.


Please do Bro. I am here to help you.
Re: The Description Of God by Kayberg: 2:20pm On Aug 25, 2021
I see…
If this is not the handiwork of hackers, it will be that there is someone from the inside causing this confusion.
Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 3:05pm On Aug 25, 2021

Have you checked the link and start learning English communication?

See it below again.


Please do Bro. I am here to help you.

I don't think i need more English than this to communicate with Nigerians.
By the way, wetin be you score in your first SSCE English? Your Second if any?
Re: The Description Of God by oaroloye(m): 3:12pm On Aug 25, 2021


The God I know needs/has no son, helper, wife, etc in his dominion or salvation. He is able to do all things!


Yea… because it is not the One True Living GOD.

You want me to describe how your book described your god?


The living god according to you had sons, elders, etc to help him right?

Yeah you can but on a thread you create not mine.


You're much too far from seeing beyond your eyelids. So you're not seeing anything on the Spirit realm.

Why are you afraid of me describing your god according to the record of your book?


That's beyond the scope of this thread. Holy spirit should have informed you na


Holy spirit will lead you to lie. You've already started telling lies already. So open your thread and tag me.



The HOLY SPIRIT never leads to lie. But you thought you're being hilarious in your own eyes meanwhile you just kept goofing. Because just as JESUS CHRIST said, you never knew the HOLY SPIRIT, neither can you receive Him.

You know the description of your god shows it's not a god but a human imagination. And if this illusion be real, then how cool it is for a man's god to have two arms on one side without any on the other side, and then directly feet and shins without legs.

What does that look like to you?


It seems holy Spirit won't lead you to hear simple instructions. Alright.
I will do you the favor.

Kayberg wrote:

The HOLY SPIRIT never leads to lie. But you thought you're being hilarious in your own eyes meanwhile you just kept goofing. Because just as JESUS CHRIST said, you never knew the HOLY SPIRIT, neither can you receive Him.

You know the description of your god shows it's not a god but a human imagination. And if this illusion be real, then how cool it is for a man's god to have two arms on one side without any on the other side, and then directly feet and shins without legs.

What does that look like to you?


You can only bamboozle the Weak-end Christians



. GENESIS 17:1-10.

AND when Abram was
ninety years old and nine,
The LORD appeared to Abram,
and Said unto him,

"I am The Almighty God;
walk before Me,
and be thou perfect.
2. "And I will make
My Covenant
between Me and thee,
and will multiply thee exceedingly."

3. And Abram fell on his face:
and God Talked with him,

4. "As for Me,
behold, My Covenant
is with thee,
and thou shalt be
a Father of many Nations.
5. "Neither shall thy name
any more be called "Abram,"
but thy name shall be "Abraham;"
for a father of many nations
have I made thee.
6. "And I will make thee
Exceeding Fruitful,
and I will make
nations of thee,
and kings shall
come out of thee.
7. "And I will establish
My Covenant
between Me and thee
and thy seed after thee
in their Generations
for an Everlasting Covenant,
to be a God unto thee,
and to thy seed after thee.
8. "And I will give unto thee,
and to thy seed after thee,
the land wherein
thou art a stranger,
all the land of Canaan,
for an Everlasting Possession;
and I will be their God."

9. And God Said
unto Abraham,

"Thou shalt keep
My Covenant therefore,
thou, and thy seed after thee
in their Generations.
10. "This is My Covenant,
Which ye shall keep,
between Me and you
and thy seed after thee;


. LEVITICUS 24:15-16.

15. "And thou shalt speak
unto the Children of Israel,


16. "And he that blasphemeth
The Name of The LORD,
he shall surely be
put to Death,
and all the Congregation
shall certainly stone him:
as well the Stranger
as he that is Born in the land,
when he blasphemeth
The Name of The LORD,
shall be put to death."

. DEUTERONOMY 12:32-13:5.

32. What thing soever
I Command you,
observe to do it:
thou shalt not add thereto,
nor diminish from it.
IF THERE arise among you a Prophet,
or a Dreamer of Dreams,
and giveth thee a Sign or a Wonder,
2. And the Sign or the Wonder
come to pass,
whereof he spake unto thee,


3. Thou shalt not hearken
unto the words of that Prophet,
or that Dreamer of Dreams:
for The LORD thy God proveth you,
to know whether ye love
The LORD your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul.
4. Ye shall walk after
The LORD your God,
and fear Him,
and keep His Commandments,
and obey His Voice,
and ye shall serve Him,
and cleave unto Him.
5. And that Prophet,
or that Dreamer of Dreams,
shall be put to Death;
because he hath spoken
to turn (you) away
from The LORD your God,
Which brought you
out of the land of Egypt,
and redeemed you
out of the House of Bondage,
to thrust thee
out of The Way which
The LORD thy God
Commanded thee to walk in.
So shalt thou put
the Evil away
from the midst of thee.

. DEUTERONOMY 30:19-20.

19. I call Heaven and Earth
to Record this Day
against you,
that I have set before you
Life and Death,
Blessing and Cursing:
therefore Choose Life,

that both thou
and thy Seed may live:

20. That thou mayest love
The LORD thy God,

and that thou mayest obey
His Voice,

and that thou mayest
cleave unto Him:

for He is thy Life,
and the Length of thy Days:

that thou mayest
dwell in the Land
Which The LORD Sware
unto thy Fathers,
to Abraham,
to Isaac,
and to Jacob,
to give them.


THESE are the Signs of COMMUNICATION WITH A REAL GOD- as opposed to a talkative delusion!

(Matt. 25.)



You are therefore merely using TAQIYYA!



(1) JEHOVAH-RAPHA The Lord our Healer– (Exodus 15:26; Isaiah 1:5-6; Jeremiah 17:9; Luke 5:31.)

. EXODUS 15:22-26.

22. So Moses brought Israel
from the Red sea,
and they went out
into the wilderness of Shur;
and they went three days
in the wilderness,
and found no water.
23. And when they
came to Marah,
they could
not drink of
the waters of Marah,
for they were bitter:
therefore the name of it
was called Marah.
24. And the people murmured
against Moses,

"What shall we drink?"

And he cried unto The LORD;
and The LORD shewed him
a tree,
which when he had cast
into the waters,
the waters were made sweet:
there He made for them a Statute
and an Ordinance,
and there He proved them,
25. And Said,

"If thou wilt diligently
hearken to
The Voice of
The LORD thy God,
and wilt do that
which is Right in His Sight,
and wilt give ear
to His Commandments,
and keep all His Statutes,
I will put none of these Diseases
upon thee,
which I have brought
upon the Egyptians:
for I am the LORD
that Healeth thee."

(2) JEHOVAH-NISSI, The LORD our Banner [or Refuge]– (Exodus 17:8-15; Psalm 20:5.)

. EXODUS 17:8-16.

8. Then came Amalek,
and fought with Israel
in Rephidim.
9. And Moses said
unto Joshua,

"Choose us out men,
and go out,
fight with Amalek:
to morrow I will stand
on the top of the hill
with the Rod of God
in mine hand."

10. So Joshua did
as Moses had said to him,
and fought with Amalek:
and Moses, Aaron, and Hur
went up to the top of the hill.
11. And it came to pass,
when Moses held up his hand,
that Israel prevailed:
and when he let down his hand,
Amalek prevailed.
12. But Moses' hands
were heavy;
and they took a stone,
and put it under him,
and he sat thereon;
and Aaron and Hur
stayed up his hands,
the one on the one side,
and the other on the other side;
and his hands were steady
until the going down of the Sun.
13. And Joshua discomfited
Amalek and his people
with the edge of the sword.
14. And The LORD Said
unto Moses,

"Write This
for a Memorial in a Book,
and rehearse it
in the ears of Joshua:
for I will utterly put out
the Remembrance of Amalek
from under Heaven."

15. And Moses built an Altar,
and called the Name of it
16. For he said,

"Because The LORD
hath Sworn that


. PSALM 20:1-9.

[To the chief Musician,
A Psalm of David.]
The LORD hear thee
in the day of trouble;
The Name of
The God of Jacob
defend thee;
2. Send thee help
from the sanctuary,
and strengthen thee out of Zion;
3. Remember all thy offerings,
and accept thy burnt sacrifice;
4. Grant thee according
to thine own heart,
and fulfil all thy Counsel.
5. We will rejoice in Thy Salvation,
and in The Name of our God
we will set up our banners:
The LORD fulfil all thy petitions.
6. Now know I that The LORD
Saveth His Anointed;
He will hear him
from His Holy Heaven
with the saving Strength
of his Right Hand.
7. Some trust in chariots,
and some in horses:
but we will remember
The Name of the LORD our God.
8. They are brought down and fallen:
but we are risen,
and stand upright.
9. Save, LORD:
let The King hear us when we call.

(3) JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH, The Lord (who) is Present– (Ezekiel 48:35; Exodus 33:14-15; 1st Chronicles 16:27; Psalm 16:11; 97:5.)

. EXODUS 33:9-17.

9. And it came to pass,
as Moses entered into
The Tabernacle,
The Cloudy Pillar descended,
and stood at the door
of The Tabernacle,
and The LORD
Talked with Moses.
10. And all the people
saw The Cloudy Pillar
stand at The Tabernacle Door:
and all the people rose up
and worshipped,
every man in his tent door.
11. And The LORD Spake
unto Moses face-to-face,
as a man speaketh
unto his friend.
And he turned again
into the camp:
but his servant Joshua,
the son of Nun,
a young man,
departed not
out of The Tabernacle.
12. And Moses said
unto The LORD,

Thou Sayest unto me,

'Bring up this people:'

and Thou hast not
let me know
whom Thou wilt send with me.
Yet Thou hast said,


13. "Now therefore,
I pray thee,
if I have found
Grace in Thy Sight,
shew me now Thy Way,
that I may know thee,
that I may find
Grace in Thy Sight:
and consider that
this Nation is Thy People."

14. And He Said,

"My Presence
shall go with thee,
and I will give thee Rest."

15. And he said unto him,

"If Thy Presence
go not with me,
carry us not up hence.
16. "For wherein shall it be
known here that
I and thy people have found
Grace in Thy Sight?
Is it not in that
Thou goest with us?
So shall we be separated,
I and thy people,
from all the people
that are upon
The Face of the Earth."

17. And The LORD
Said unto Moses,

"I will do this thing
also that thou hast spoken:
for thou hast found
Grace in My Sight,
and I know thee by name."

(4) JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU, the Lord our Righteousness– (Jeremiah 23:5-6; Psalm 11:7; 89:14; 1st Corinthians 1:30.)

. JEREMIAH 23:5-6.

5. "Behold,
the days come," Saith the LORD,
"that I will raise unto David
a righteous Branch,
and a King shall reign
and prosper,
and shall execute
Judgment and Justice
in the Earth.
6. In his days Judah
shall be Saved,
and Israel shall dwell safely:
and this is his Name
whereby he shall be called,


(5) JEHOVAH-SHALOM, the Lord our Peace– (Judges 6:24; Isaiah 9:6; Luke 1:78-79.)

. JUDGES 6:12-24.

12. And The Angel of The LORD
appeared unto him,
and Said unto him,
The LORD is with thee,
thou mighty Man of Valour."

13. And Gideon said unto him,

"Oh my Lord,
if The LORD be with us,
why then is all this befallen us?
And where be all His Miracles
which our fathers told us of,


But now The LORD
hath forsaken us,
and delivered us
into the hands of the Midianites.
14. And The LORD
looked upon him,
and Said,

"Go in this thy Might,
and thou shalt Save Israel
from the hand of the Midianites:
have not I sent thee?"

15. And he said unto him,

"Oh my Lord,
wherewith shall I save Israel?
my family is poor in Manasseh,
and I am the least
in my father's house."

16. And The LORD
Said unto him,

"Surely I will be with thee,
and thou shalt smite
the Midianites as one man."

17. And he said unto him,

"If now I have found Grace
in Thy Sight,
then shew me a Sign
that Thou Talkest with me.
18. "Depart not hence,
I pray thee,
until I come unto thee,
and bring forth my present,
and set it before Thee."

And He Said,

"I will tarry
until thou come again."

19. And Gideon went in,
and made ready a kid,
and unleavened cakes
of an ephah of flour:
the flesh he put in a basket,
and he put the broth in a pot,
and brought it out unto him
under the oak,
and presented it.
20. And The Angel of God
Said unto him,

"Take the flesh
and the unleavened cakes,
and lay them upon this rock,
and pour out the broth."

And he did so.

21. Then The Angel of The LORD
put forth the end of the staff
that was in his hand,
and touched the flesh
and the unleavened cakes;
and there rose up fire
out of the rock,
and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes.
Then The Angel of The LORD
departed out of his sight.
22. And when Gideon
perceived that he was
An Angel of The LORD,
Gideon said,

"Alas, O Lord GOD!
For because I have seen
An Angel of The LORD
23. And The LORD
Said unto him,

"Peace be unto thee;
fear not:
thou shalt not die."

24. Then Gideon
built an Altar there
unto The LORD,
and called it Jehovahshalom:
unto this day it yet
in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.

(6) JEHOVAH-JIREH, the Lord our Provider– (Genesis 22:8-14; John 1:29; Gal 3:8; 1st Corinthians 2:7)

. GENESIS 22:1-18.

AND it came to pass
after these things,
that God did tempt Abraham,
and Said unto him,


and he said,

"Behold, here I am."

2. And He said,

"Take now thy son,
thine only son Isaac,
whom thou lovest,
and get thee into the land of Moriah;
and offer him there for a Burnt Offering
upon one of the mountains
which I will tell thee of."

3. And Abraham rose up
early in the morning,
and saddled his ass,
and took two
of his young men with him,
and Isaac his son,
and clave the wood
for the Burnt Offering,
and rose up,
and went unto the place
of which God had Told him.
4. Then on the third day
Abraham lifted up his eyes,
and saw the place afar off.
5. And Abraham said
unto his young men,

"Abide ye here with the ass;
and I and the lad will go
yonder and worship,
and come again to you."

6. And Abraham took
the wood of the Burnt Offering,
and laid it upon Isaac his son;
and he took the fire in his hand,
and a knife;
and they went both of them together.
7. And Isaac spake
unto Abraham his father,
and said,

"My father:"

and he said,

"Here am I, my son."

And he said,

"Behold the fire and the wood:
but where is the lamb
for a burnt offering?"

8. And Abraham said,

"My son, God will provide Himself
a lamb for a Burnt Offering:"

so they went both of them together.
9. And they came t the place
which God had told him of;
and Abraham built an Altar there,
and laid the wood in order,
and bound Isaac his son,
and laid him on the Altar
upon the wood.
10. And Abraham stretched
forth his hand, and took the knife
to slay his son.
11. And the Angel of The LORD
called unto him out of Heaven,
and Said,

"Abraham, Abraham:"

and he said,

"Here am I."

2. And He Said,

"Lay not thine hand upon the lad,
neither do thou any thing unto him:
for now I know that thou fearest God,
seeing thou hast not withheld thy son,
thine only son from Me."

13. And Abraham lifted up his eyes,
and looked,
and behold behind him a ram
caught in a thicket by his horns:
and Abraham went and took the ram,
and offered him up for a Burnt Offering
in the stead of his son.
14. And Abraham called
the Name of that place "JEHOVAHJIREH:"
as it is said to this day,


15. And The Angel of The LORD
called unto Abraham out of Heaven
the second time.
16. And Said,

"By Myself have I Sworn,

Saith The LORD,

"for because thou hast
done this thing,
and hast not withheld thy son,
thine only (son):
17. "That in Blessing
I will Bless thee,
and in multiplying I will multiply
thy seed as the Stars of Heaven,
and as the Sand which (is)
upon the Sea Shore;
and thy Seed shall possess
The Gate of his Enemies.
18. "And in thy Seed
shall all the Nations
of the Earth
be Blessed;
because thou hast
obeyed My Voice."

[GEORGE LAMSA, the Aramaic Authority notes here that "SEED," in ARAMAIC, also means "TEACHING."]

(7) JEHOVAH-RA’AH, The Lord our Shepherd– (Genesis 48:15; Psalm 23:1; 80:1; Isaiah 40:10-11; 1st Peter 2:25)

. GENESIS 48:15-16.

15. And he blessed Joseph,
and said,

"God, before whom
my fathers Abraham and Isaac
did walk,
the God which fed me
all my life long unto this day,
16. "The Angel
Which Redeemed me
from all Evil,
Bless the lads;
and let my name
be named on them,
and the name of my fathers
Abraham and Isaac;
and let them grow
into a multitude
in the midst of the Earth.

. PSALMS 23:1-6.

[A Psalm of David.]
The LORD is my Shepherd;
I shall not want.
2. He maketh me
to lie down in Green Pastures:
He leadeth me beside
the still waters.
3. He restoreth my Soul:
He leadeth me in
The Paths of Righteousness
for His Name's Sake.
4. Yea,
though I walk through
The Valley of
The Shadow of Death,
I will fear no Evil:
for Thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff
they comfort me.
5. Thou preparest a table
before me in
the Presence of mine Enemies:
thou anointest my head with oil;
my cup runneth over.
6. Surely Goodness and Mercy
shall follow me
all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in
The House of The LORD
for ever.

Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 3:16pm On Aug 25, 2021


You can only bamboozle the Weak-end Christians


I no dey read that your long posts! I just dey delete am. Make sane short comments. I don't need an encyclopedia before I understand you.

How do you describe your God in summary?

1 Like

Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 10:26pm On Aug 25, 2021

I don't think i need more English than this to communicate with Nigerians.
By the way, wetin be you score in your first SSCE English? Your Second if any?

Bro, leave score. Go and check that link, I am not asking you to speak Queens English, it's just a normal comprehension of simple English grammar structure and lexicon that you lack. Use that site to come to speed. Then you can be able to understand writings in English. After that pickup your Bible.
Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 9:10am On Aug 26, 2021

Bro, leave score. Go and check that link, I am not asking you to speak Queens English, it's just a normal comprehension of simple English grammar structure and lexicon that you lack. Use that site to come to speed. Then you can be able to understand writings in English. After that pickup your Bible.

Which Bible should I pick out of all those translations?

I have been communicating with you but you still bemoan my English.

This is unlike Jesus's cruci-fiction in the Bible when he was about to die on the cross and he said "Eli Eli lama sabacthani". The listeners thought he was calling Elijah when he was actually questioning his Lord saying "My Lord My Lord why have you forsaken me?"
Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 9:16pm On Aug 26, 2021

Which Bible should I pick out of all those translations?

I have been communicating with you but you still bemoan my English.

This is unlike Jesus's cruci-fiction in the Bible when he was about to die on the cross and he said "Eli Eli lama sabacthani". The listeners thought he was calling Elijah when he was actually questioning his Lord saying "My Lord My Lord why have you forsaken me?"

You cant have a proper communication in a language you dont understand, you will be made jest of. It is already showing in how you read the bible here. I am not even asking you to believe the bible, but if you want to criticize or stand against something, ensure you know what was written there and be honest enough to explain it in the right language and communication then provide your defend or in-defence against it to tackle it.

That is how your seniors in criticism handles things. With that we can intelligently discuss and disagree if need be. But if your basic comprehension of English is bad, i will be wasting my time because i am not an English teacher to be able to help you. And your interpretation already set for the gallows with such blonder of comprehension.

Bros, go study English, then re-read that same passage you quoted in your OP and honestly present your argument as a learned critic.
Re: The Description Of God by Broveens42(m): 10:46pm On Aug 26, 2021

Maybe the Bible was made so that people will not understand and enter hell.

Mark 4:10-12
When he (Jesus) was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. 11He told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables 12so that," 'they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'

Very controversial.
Till today, no pastor dare explain this ..lol

1 Like

Re: The Description Of God by Broveens42(m): 10:50pm On Aug 26, 2021

You cant have a proper communication in a language you dont understand, you will be made jest of. It is already showing in how you read the bible here. I am not even asking you to believe the bible, but if you want to criticize or stand against something, ensure you know what was written there and be honest enough to explain it in the right language and communication then provide your defend or in-defence against it to tackle it.

That is how your seniors in criticism handles things. With that we can intelligently discuss and disagree if need be. But if your basic comprehension of English is bad, i will be wasting my time because i am not an English teacher to be able to help you. And your interpretation already set for the gallows with such blonder of comprehension.

Bros, go study English, then re-read that same passage you quoted in your OP and honestly present your argument as a learned critic.

Please react to this and stop the rigmarole

Stop making a caricature of yourself.
The English there is very clear
1.There is certainly no ambiguity
2. No figure of speech
3. Contextually compliant
Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 12:53am On Aug 27, 2021

Stop making a caricature of yourself.
The English there is very clear
1.There is certainly no ambiguity
2. No figure of speech
3. Contextually compliant

Is this the same person (Antichristian) I have been responding to or just another impatient reader who can't look on to his own business?

It's important I know who so as to know how to continue.
Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 5:50am On Aug 27, 2021

Is this the same person (Antichristian) I have been responding to or just another impatient reader who can't look on to his own business?

It's important I know who so as to know how to continue.

Mr English language, why the false accusation?
Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 5:54am On Aug 27, 2021

Very controversial.
Till today, no pastor dare explain this ..lol

Of course you'll see some trying to be funny by interpreting this verse in another way.
Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 8:28am On Aug 27, 2021

You cant have a proper communication in a language you dont understand, you will be made jest of. It is already showing in how you read the bible here. I am not even asking you to believe the bible, but if you want to criticize or stand against something, ensure you know what was written there and be honest enough to explain it in the right language and communication then provide your defend or in-defence against it to tackle it.

That is how your seniors in criticism handles things. With that we can intelligently discuss and disagree if need be. But if your basic comprehension of English is bad, i will be wasting my time because i am not an English teacher to be able to help you. And your interpretation already set for the gallows with such blonder of comprehension.

Bros, go study English, then re-read that same passage you quoted in your OP and honestly present your argument as a learned critic.

Can Jesus read English? Was the Bible written in English? Reminds me of a nincompoop that spells blunder as blonder while accusing me of not understanding English!

Blonder is the adjectival comparative of "blond"!

And i can also say you've been acting all blonde here!
Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 9:11am On Aug 27, 2021

Can Jesus read English? Was the Bible written in English? Reminds me of a nincompoop that spells blunder as blonder while accusing me of not understanding English!

Blonder is the adjectival comparative of "blond"!

And i can also say you've been acting all blonde here!

You are still struggling with proper communication. You seems not to know what communication is. If you like know how to spell abracadabra, it doesn't change that you have little or no knowledge of English comprehension Sir. This is what I have been correcting you on. Why not take that correction and go to learn.

A critic without comprehension of language is messed up already. You will be ashamed if you sit among intellectuals and critic Bible the same way you read it here. Even any sensible supporter you have will laugh at you.

I know here on NL, everything is taken for argument even when you see the obvious truth in correction, because you see all things as "I want to win" you deprive yourself of better education and honesty of heart.

Kontinu Bro, your cloud will soon give rain.
Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 9:18am On Aug 27, 2021

Mr English language, why the false accusation?

Now I know why you read the Bible the way you do. Your issues seems not to be only English comprehension but majorly from impatient reading of text. If you can't read my response with patience and properly, how will you read what you critic properly. Bro, issue dey here o.

Read my message again. I never accused you, I asked a question and demanded an answer. I am likewise patient enough to get a response.

So you are the accuser now, and it seems it's the same way you go around accusing people of writing what they didn't write. Same way you did to the text of the Bible.

Change this attitude.
Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 9:20am On Aug 27, 2021

You are still struggling with proper communication. You seems not to know what communication is. If you like know how to spell abracadabra, it doesn't change that you have little or no knowledge of English comprehension Sir. This is what I have been correcting you on. Why not take that correction and go to learn.

A critic without comprehension of language is messed up already. You will be ashamed if you sit among intellectuals and critic Bible the same way you read it here. Even any sensible supporter you have will laugh at you.

I know here on NL, everything is taken for argument even when you see the obvious truth in correction, because you see all things as "I want to win" you deprive yourself of better education and honesty of heart.

Kontinu Bro, your cloud will soon give rain.

Abeg enough of your irrelevant lectures. Close shop make we hear word!
Na your cloud/rain?
Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 9:23am On Aug 27, 2021

Now I know why you read the Bible the way you do. Your issues seems not to be only English comprehension but majorly from impatient reading of text. If you can't read my response with patience and properly, how will you read what you critic properly. Bro, issue dey here o.

Read my message again. I never accused you, I asked a question and demanded an answer. I am likewise patient enough to get a response.

So you are the accuser now, and it seems it's the same way you go around accusing people of writing what they didn't write. Same way you did to the text of the Bible.

Change this attitude.

The moniker is different so what suggests to you that we are the same from his comment?

Anyone who goes against the Bible does not understand English!

Jesus sabi English?
Re: The Description Of God by Broveens42(m): 12:03pm On Aug 27, 2021

Is this the same person (Antichristian) I have been responding to or just another impatient reader who can't look on to his own business?

It's important I know who so as to know how to continue.

I'm Broveens
What type of English do you wish to explain to me since you are a British man?
Bring it on and let me expose your deficiencies

1 Like

Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 5:25pm On Aug 27, 2021

I'm Broveens
What type of English do you wish to explain to me since you are a British man?
Bring it on and let me expose your deficiencies

It's like the only difference between you and Antichristian is just the difference in name. The attitude and comprehension seems to be the same. Lack of ability to read with patience and properly seems to be a shared trait.

Read this one well, please, I beg you.

This is not an English studio. It is for Bible explanation. I am only helping your likes by pointing out to you that you can't both read properly a text of scripture and at the same time don't have good comprehension of literature, in this case the English language used in writing the bible you quoted.

If you need contest in English as your response implied, you can search the Google for a spelling bee competition or a creative writing challenge to engage in.

Here, a proper reading of text is central to intelligence of defence and discussion.

Discussing a text wrongly quoted, will mean both party chose to be dishonest to each other from the go. My honest help to you thus, is to present a proper text, that you have read and interpreted properly. Then we can start discussion.
Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 5:36pm On Aug 27, 2021

The moniker is different so what suggests to you that we are the same from his comment?

Anyone who goes against the Bible does not understand English!

Jesus sabi English?

Is this how you understand things and answer questions in exams? Going against Bible mean you don't understand English? cheesy

There are many here who don't believe the Bible and I never pointed out their comprehension deficiency even when Bible is debated. You know why? They read the writing properly and extracted their debates from it.

With that they weren't lying against the author to gain cheap point.

What you did is trying to gain cheap point by saying the author meant what wasn't meant even in the landing language.
I never wanted to assume you are deliberately lying against the author, the reason I assumed it's an English comprehension issue. Just giving you benefit of doubt, than calling you a liar yet you are accusing me.

grin grin

By the way, even a broken English is enough for Jesus to communicate well. His reading won't lack the honesty lacking in your reading style. grin grin grin
Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 5:43pm On Aug 27, 2021

Abeg enough of your irrelevant lectures. Close shop make we hear word!
Na your cloud/rain?

If people like me close shop how will you have what to discuss on NL grin grin

The name of your "startup business" here (Antichristian) already showed what you sell here, and without us available here, your business will not see the light of the day. Aren't we (Christians) your customers that you are trying to impress?
I better not close shop so that your business here wont end. grin grin grin
Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 5:51pm On Aug 27, 2021

If people like me close shop how will you have what to discuss on NL grin grin

The name of your "startup business" here (Antichristian) already showed what you sell here, and without us available here, your business will not see the light of the day. Aren't we (Christians) your customers that you are trying to impress?
I better not close shop so that your business here wont end. grin grin grin

Are you a Christian or an English Teacher? grin

You still need to discover yourself!
Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 5:56pm On Aug 27, 2021

Is this how you understand things and answer questions in exams? Going against Bible mean you don't understand English? cheesy

There are many here who don't believe the Bible and I never pointed out their comprehension deficiency even when Bible is debated. You know why? They read the writing properly and extracted their debates from it.

With that they weren't lying against the author to gain cheap point.

What you did is trying to gain cheap point by saying the author meant what wasn't meant even in the landing language.
I never wanted to assume you are deliberately lying against the author, the reason I assumed it's an English comprehension issue. Just giving you benefit of doubt, than calling you a liar yet you are accusing me.

grin grin

By the way, even a broken English is enough for Jesus to communicate well. His reading won't lack the honesty lacking in your reading style. grin grin grin

I may have more informed information for me to make such conclusion. You should have explained this instead of telling me to go learn English.

It is simple. Call me a liar. This is where you lie. It doesn't mean this. It meant this.....

But you kept moving from one irrelevancies to another.
Re: The Description Of God by AntiChristian: 5:59pm On Aug 27, 2021

It's like the only difference between you and Antichristian is just the difference in name. The attitude and comprehension seems to be the same. Lack of ability to read with patience and properly seems to be a shared trait.

Read this one well, please, I beg you.

This is not an English studio. It is for Bible explanation. I am only helping your likes by pointing out to you that you can't both read properly a text of scripture and at the same time don't have good comprehension of literature, in this case the English language used in writing the bible you quoted.

If you need contest in English as your response implied, you can search the Google for a spelling bee competition or a creative writing challenge to engage in.

Here, a proper reading of text is central to intelligence of defence and discussion.

Discussing a text wrongly quoted, will mean both party chose to be dishonest to each other from the go. My honest help to you thus, is to present a proper text, that you have read and interpreted properly. Then we can start discussion.

Can you just discuss the text in concern and stop impugning?
Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 2:38am On Aug 28, 2021

Can you just discuss the text in concern and stop impugning?

Can you read the text properly in the right mode of communication and post your question or criticism afterwards.
Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 2:40am On Aug 28, 2021

I may have more informed information for me to make such conclusion. You should have explained this instead of telling me to go learn English.

It is simple. Call me a liar. This is where you lie. It doesn't mean this. It meant this.....

But you kept moving from one irrelevancies to another.

Well I never called you a liar. I don't assume for people, I let you present yourself the way you want to to be viewed. This is the reason I have given you benefit of doubt many times here.
Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 2:50am On Aug 28, 2021

Are you a Christian or an English Teacher? grin

You still need to discover yourself!

grin grin

I will stay with being a Christian that also read people's intents and writings properly before commenting on their work.

Proper interpretation will stem from proper understanding of the language, words, culture, events and primary audience of the work you intend to interpret. Especially when such text has been written many decades ago.

The moment you leave any of this out, you will only be discussing what the author never meant. This is what happens regularly to interpretation of Bible texts by many who have claims against its writing and events.

When read properly, discussion will take a different dimension.

So, we will first read properly within the proper context of the language, culture and events of the text, then we can honestly discuss all issues.
Re: The Description Of God by mhmsadyq(m): 6:18am On Aug 28, 2021

grin grin

I will stay with being a Christian that also read people's intents and writings properly before commenting on their work.

Proper interpretation will stem from proper understanding of the language, words, culture, events and primary audience of the work you intend to interpret. Especially when such text has been written many decades ago.

The moment you leave any of this out, you will only be discussing what the author never meant. This is what happens regularly to interpretation of Bible texts by many who have claims against its writing and events.

When read properly, discussion will take a different dimension.

So, we will first read properly within the proper context of the language, culture and events of the text, then we can honestly discuss all issues.

You are not interpreting the verse as an English Prof. that you are, you are not interpreting it as a layman, yet you are not teaching us English.

Wetin you wan gain for nothing?
Re: The Description Of God by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:43am On Aug 28, 2021
I love the highlighted! smiley
Since i've been telling you to put away the sentiment our Islamic Clerics infused in our heads about Christians you always try to mix up everything instead of first of all ascertaining what exactly is the meaning of the group name "CHRISTIANS" ?
Is it just a crowd of people shouting and singing in Jesus name?
Is there any specific task given that we can examine to distinguish between the churchgoers and REAL Christians?

When i was still a Muslim whoever claims to be a Christian or have titles such as Pastor, Prophet, Reverend, Bishop, Apostle and so on is a Christian to me. But now i see things differently. WHY? Because i put away the sentiment that Jesus never formed Christianity or God never called them Christians aside.
That's what my former religion taught me but i decided to know if someone wants to claim being a Christian for real, what must he be doing to merit being a little Christ (Christian) in the real sense?

Now you're asking him if he's an English teacher, shey?
Well address him as a Christian after all that's what you've always wanted instead of finding out what really makes someone a Christian? smiley


Are you a Christian or an English Teacher?
You still need to discover yourself!
Re: The Description Of God by hupernikao: 8:30am On Aug 28, 2021

You are not interpreting the verse as an English Prof. that you are, you are not interpreting it as a layman, yet you are not teaching us English.

Wetin you wan gain for nothing?

Did you ask me for any interpretation? Ask so that you can gain from the nothing.
Re: The Description Of God by Broveens42(m): 10:25pm On Aug 28, 2021

It's like the only difference between you and Antichristian is just the difference in name. The attitude and comprehension seems to be the same. Lack of ability to read with patience and properly seems to be a shared trait.

Read this one well, please, I beg you.

This is not an English studio. It is for Bible explanation. I am only helping your likes by pointing out to you that you can't both read properly a text of scripture and at the same time don't have good comprehension of literature, in this case the English language used in writing the bible you quoted.

If you need contest in English as your response implied, you can search the Google for a spelling bee competition or a creative writing challenge to engage in.

Here, a proper reading of text is central to intelligence of defence and discussion.

Discussing a text wrongly quoted, will mean both party chose to be dishonest to each other from the go. My honest help to you thus, is to present a proper text, that you have read and interpreted properly. Then we can start discussion.

I challenged you to explain something to me, and you ended up with long Epistles without even addressing the question.
I'm sure you are having a hard time to explain what context the clear passage is talking about.

Something written in black and white and you say it's not about English that it's about scriptures.
No you can as well say the texts are written in alien language.

So bring the original Greek or Hebrew texts at least to educate us contextually as you claim and stop sounding incoherent

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