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COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? - Health (6) - Nairaland

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Unvaccinated Tiktoker Begs People To Get Vaccinated, Before Dying Days Later / COVID-19: Tobi Shares His Experience, Advises People To Get Vaccinated / Now That COVID-19 Vaccination Has Begun In Nigeria, Would You Get Vaccinated? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by GGstan(f): 6:32pm On Sep 14, 2021
fake Christians, read bible una no go read.... Anyway the mark of the beast is after rapture of the church

Please what Version of bible are you using and where can it be found in the bible that "the mark of the beast is after rapture of the Church".

Infact, make a wild or a careful search on the word "Rapture” in your bible, KJV, NKJV, BBE, NIV, ASV, RSV and so on, you would not find a single mention of that word.

There is a theological question that has disturbed millions of Christians and has lent untold doctrinal confusion to the modem religious world. That question revolves around the manner of Christ's coming back to this earth at the end of the world. Multitudes have been led to believe that Christ will return secretly. What about the so-called secret rapture? A large number of Christians have been exposed to this "dispensationalist" or "futurist" interpretation of prophecy and have been hopelessly confused.

According to this view, the coming of Jesus will be in two separate events. First, He will come secretly to take the church to heaven, and then, seven years later, He will come in an open demonstration of power and glory. In between those two events, the Antichrist is supposed to come into power and the great tribulation period takes place.

But the truth is that the Bible nowhere speaks of these two separate comings of Jesus. There is no second stage of His coming that occurs seven years after the so-called "rapture." By the way, that word "rapture" is also an invention of theologians. It can't be found in the Bible in even a single instance. It is a word coined for the second advent of Jesus.

Now here is what we find in the Scriptures: Christ's coming, the resurrection, and catching up of the saints to meet Jesus in the air, all take place at the same time, at the end of the world. This is why Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20). Now why would Jesus promise to be with the church until the end of the world if He intended to come seven years before the end to take them out of the world? The promise would have no meaning.

Will It Be Secret?
The secret rapture doctrine contradicts the words of Christ in Matthew chapter 13 when He said that the wheat and tares would grow together until the "end of the world" and then would be separated. According to the two-stage teaching of His coming, both groups would not grow together until the end of the world. The righteous would be separated from the wicked seven years before the end. And what about the promise of the resurrection? Christ said, concerning the righteous, "And I will raise him up at the last day" (John 6:40). No one denies that this means the last day of the world. Yet Paul declares that the saints are caught up to meet the Lord at the same time the dead in Christ are raised. He says, "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17).

Please keep in mind that Jesus called this resurrection the "last day." But how could it be the "last day" if this gathering of the saints takes place seven years before the end of the world? And how could the "last trump" sound if it really wasn't the very last moment of time?

Can you imagine the graves opening and the righteous rising and no one knowing that it had occurred? And consider this additional testimony of the Word of God:

Revelation 6:16,17 When the wicked see Christ come, they cry out to the rocks and mountains, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"

Matthew 24:27 "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

1 Corinthians 15:52 "For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised."

Psalm 50:3 "Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence."

Revelation 1:7 "Every eye shall see him. "

Matthew 24:30 "Then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."

Matthew 24:31 "He shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." (This is clearly the time when Christ comes to gather His saints.)

To say that the second coming of Christ to gather His saints will be secret, in view of these clear texts of Scripture, and in the absence of any text that even hints at His coming being secret, is to deny the Bible as the Word of God. In an attempt to uphold their contrived theory, the rapturists quote Matthew 24:40, 41 out of context. Notice this entire passage:
"But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating

and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left" (Matthew 24:37-41).

Jesus is clearly drawing a parallel between the second coming and the days of Noah. Those who entered the ark in Noah's day were saved, and those who refused to enter the ark were left outside. But what were they left for? For another chance? No, obviously they were left to be destroyed by the Flood. So, says Jesus, will it be when He comes at the end of the world. One will be taken to heaven with Jesus, and the other will be left for destruction. Verse 51 makes clear what will happen to those who are left: "And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Read Luke 17:26-37 for Luke's parallel account of these same words of Jesus. In verse 36, this statement is made: "Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left." Now notice verse 37 and the question the disciples asked: "And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord?" They wanted to know where those who didn't go to heaven were going to be left. Notice Jesus' clear answer: "And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together."

Take note how Jesus taught that the bodies of the wicked are going to be left on the ground for the eagles to consume. Scripture is too plain to be misunderstood. Only as we accept all that the Bible says can we be safe from such deceptive teachings that are confusing millions of sincere Christians today concerning this most glorious event of all ages, the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Now, I realize that the rapturists hang onto the texts that liken the Lord's coming to "a thief in the night." They assume that this must be a quiet, secret coming. But does it really mean that? Let's show that it definitely does not. Here is one of those texts in 2 Peter 3: 10: "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat." Obviously the "thief' part has nothing to do with secrecy because the heavens will pass away with a great noise! And if coming "as a thief' is the secret rapture which takes place seven years before the end of the world, how can the heavens and earth "pass away," as Peter describes it? The heavens and earth could not pass away seven years before the world ends - that is the end

The fact is that Jesus Himself explained clearly just how a thief's coming could be related to His coming: "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up" (Matthew 24:42, 43). There it is, so plain and simple! The thief would come unexpectedly when the owners were not looking for a thief. In the same way, His coming would take people by surprise. They would not be watching or looking for it.

Will Christ Return in Two Phases?
The dispensationalists teach that the two separate stages of Christ's coming are indicated "in the Greek." They argue that there will first be the rapture (parousia), a secret coming; then seven years later will be the revelation (apokalupsis), His coming in power and glory. But, actually, instead of teaching two separate events, the Greek terms are used interchangeably in the Bible. They give no indication of a seven-year interval.

For example, Paul uses the word "parousia" in the famous rapture chapter of 1 Thessalonians 4 in speaking of the coming of our Lord and our gathering together unto Him. He then goes right on to show that this "parousia" will destroy the man of sin. Speaking of the Antichrist, Paul says, "whom the Lord shall ... destroy with the brightness of his coming [parousia]" (2 Thessalonians 2:cool. These texts clearly describe the coming (parousia) of Christ as taking place after the reign of the man of sin, not as an escape rapture before the reign of the Antichrist begins.

The other Greek word "apokalupsis" (revelation) is used in a way that indicates it is not a separate coming from the time the believers are gathered up. Peter said to "be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation [apokalupsis] of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 1:13). Why would Christians be exhorted to keep hoping to the very end of the world for the grace brought through the revelation of Christ if their real hope was a secret rapture seven years before the revelation?

Now look at some verses that prove beyond a doubt that the two words "parousia" and "apokalupsis" refer to the same event. In Matthew 24:37 we read, "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming [parousia] of the Son of man be." Luke's account of the same passage says "As it was in the days of Noe ... Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed [apokalupsis]" (Luke 17:26, 30). This shows that the coming (parousia) of Christ and the revelation (apokalupsis) of Christ are the same event. There is absolutely no basis for placing seven years in between.

Many dispensationalist teachers actually claim that the rapture is not really the "coming" of Jesus at all. They say His coming is when Christ returns in power seven years after the rapture. But what a contradictory, confusing explanation that is! The fact is that there are many Scriptures that admonish Christians to wait and watch for the coming of the Lord. For example, James 5:7 says, "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord." But why should Christians need to be patient unto the coming of the Lord if there is to be a secret rapture to take them to heaven seven years before His coming?

Strange as it may seem, this whole counterfeit secret rapture is built upon a constant repetition of words and ideas that are not found in the Bible at all. But they have been repeated so often that millions have assumed that they must be soundly biblical. Let's take a look at some of the texts that have been used to support the doctrine of a two-phase coming of Christ. And please notice that none of the verses actually say what some try to read into them. In fact, it is only after a person has already assumed that Christ will return in two separate comings that these verses could even suggest the idea.

Revelation 3:10 is often quoted to try to prove that the righteous will be taken out of the world before the tribulation. "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." It is immediately obvious that this text does not speak of the righteous leaving this world at all. Jesus completely clarified the meaning by something He said in John 17:6, 15 which sounds very similar. "They have kept thy word. O I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil." Don't miss the significance of the term "kept the word" in both these texts. Both statements are talking about the same group of people - the faithful ones.

Now if those who "kept the word" can be "kept from the evil" of the world without being taken out of the world, why should we suppose that a special coming and secret rapture is required for those who "kept the word" to be "kept from the hour of temptation"? Whatever else may be taught in Revelation 3: 10, it is evident that no extra coming of Christ is indicated.

True biblical doctrine must be based upon clear statements of what the entire Bible teaches on a subject and not upon verses that offer only veiled inferences. Luke 21:36 is an example of that very thing. Jesus said to His disciples, "Pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass." How? By a secret rapture to take them to heaven seven years before the end of the world? Definitely not, for in the prayer of Jesus we read, "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil." When He told them to "pray ... to escape," He must have meant the same as when He prayed, "I pray not ... take them out of the world but ... keep them." This rules out a secret rapture entirely. The text that is used to prove the rapture is seen actually to forbid the saints being taken out of this world during the time of trouble.

"It is a matter for deep regret that those who advocate the futurist system at the present day, Protestants as they are for the most part, are really playing into the hands of Rome, and helping to screen the Papacy from detection as the Antichrist."

Thus, the whole theory of the secret rapture with its future Antichrist had its origin with the Jesuits in an attempt to take the blame off the Papacy.

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Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by EndBuhariNow(m): 6:34pm On Sep 14, 2021

You wonder how illiterates can read, write and even post on Nairaland. Imagine so called educated people talking against Vaccination. Same people that survived childhood killer disease because they were Vaccinated.
the thing tire me self

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Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by planetx: 6:44pm On Sep 14, 2021
Go to bitchute.com and read all the horror stories about the so called vaccine that is censored on mainstream media. Including the 70 people dying daily from the vaccine in the US and all miscarriages and menstrual problems women who took it are experiencing, not surprised because this so called vaccine was created by people that think the world is overpopulated.

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Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by Ammishaddai: 7:06pm On Sep 14, 2021
I didn't ask for all these balderdash that is common knowledge what makes the covid19 different according to you,since you know that they must be up to 5 years why did they approve it young fool.Was it not the same reputable bodies that approved the use of these vaccines so why are you doubting them when did you begin to know better than them ehn mumu cheesy Who said anything about Coronavirus not existing for a long time is that the bone of contention why are you deflecting?
Like I said shut up and stop spilling trash.Now tell me the clinical trials used for these vaccines meant to fight covid19 why then were they approved or didn't they also go through the normal process?
You are the mumu since you don't know that science is evolving and fast tracking vaccines creation is also a part of that olodo rabata and 5 years is not a static benchmark for anything because of the evolving and innovative process of science a time will come when vaccines will take less time for development by then continue embarrassing yourself that it must still be 5 years mumu.You are the educated idiot.
[/s] Shut the fvck up . Science is evolving means it should jump safety steps abi? Idiot. No wonder why they keep using nitwits like you for experiments and drug tests .

The same polio vaccines that killed millions of african and Indian kids in 70s was approved by the same world governing bodies approving this same bullshit you're taking right now . Yet common sense has not told you to see through the fluff .

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Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by Evangelynn(f): 7:31pm On Sep 14, 2021
[s] Shut the fvck up . Science is evolving means it should jump safety steps abi? Idiot. No wonder why they keep using nitwits like you for experiments and drug tests .

The same polio vaccines that killed millions of african and Indian kids in 70s was approved by the same world governing bodies approving this same bullshit you're taking right now . Yet common sense has not told you to see through the fluff[/s]
Like I said shut up you have nothing upstairs or important to say apart from insults.

cheesy cheesy

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Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by Evangelynn(f): 7:36pm On Sep 14, 2021

Oga you are the one swimming in ignorance and making a fool of yourself. Yes, most vaccines take up to 10years for full development but in the case of covid, it was accelerated via the millions of dollars(in excess of 500million dollars) pumped in over a short period BECAUSE of the danger it posed.
Read the article below
SOURCE: https://wellcome.org/news/quick-safe-covid-vaccine-development

How have Covid-19 vaccines been made quickly and safely?
How have Covid-19 vaccines been made quickly and safely?
Unprecedented international cooperation and focus have led to multiple effective and safe Covid-19 vaccines in less than a year, and created a blueprint for future vaccine development. Here's how.

The first vaccines for Covid-19 were developed in under twelve months. How was this possible and what can we learn from this?
The Covid-19 pandemic threatens every one of us, wherever we are, which has demanded a new global approach to vaccine development. There has been unprecedented international attention, cooperation and use of resources, enabling us to act at speed to stop people dying and protect livelihoods.

For most diseases, developing a vaccine can take more than 10 years. The development process is expensive, so to keep costs down development takes place slowly, each stage only beginning when the previous stage is successfully completed.

This has meant a fundamental redesign of the staggered approach of conventional vaccine development, so that Covid-19 vaccine development can safely be done much faster.

So far, it has been an extraordinary success – a brilliant example of what we can achieve when we work together.

It’s a bit like driving across a busy city in rush hour. Normally you spend lots of time waiting at traffic lights, but when you have a police escort, you can take the same journey and get to the same place, just as safely, but faster.

**Vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Oxford-AstraZeneca are the first Covid-19 vaccines to get emergency authorisation**

The usual vaccine development process
All licensed vaccines currently available have been made using a traditional vaccine development model. Because of the high costs and failure rate, this usually follows a linear sequence of steps.

There are five stages to the process:

Discovery research – normally takes between 2 and 5 years and involves lab-based research looking to find ways to induce an immune response at a molecular level.

The pre-clinical stage – takes up to 2 years and involves testing in animals to assess the safety and suitability of potential vaccines for humans.

Clinical development involves testing potential vaccines in humans and has three phases:
phase I: testing for safety – takes 2 years and requires 10-50 (usually healthy) people to take part in trials.
phase II: understanding the immune response, safety and dosage – takes 2 to 3 years and requires hundreds of people to take part in randomised trials, including a placebo control group and people with the target disease.
phase III: assessing if the vaccine safely protects against the disease – including prevention of infection and related immune responses – takes 5 to 10 years and requires thousands of people to take part in trials, including a placebo control group.

Regulatory approval – can take 2 years and involves submitting data and information on the vaccine’s safety and efficacy to regulatory authorities for review, to gain approval. Pharmaceutical companies continue to monitor effectiveness and safety after the vaccine has been licensed.
Manufacturing and delivery – require specialist facilities that are highly regulated and expensive to set up.

Using this approach, a vaccine would usually take more than 10 years to be developed and cost between $200 and $500 million.

Each of these stages happens in sequence, one after the other. At each stage, and between stages, there would be a lot of waiting.

With Covid-19, we couldn’t afford to wait. Because of how deadly and disruptive Covid-19 is, we simply had to find ways to speed up the usual vaccine development approach.

What changed to develop a Covid-19 vaccine at speed?
Developing Covid-19 vaccines in one year instead of 10 has been a monumental task. To succeed, new collaborative approaches to science and global manufacturing and distribution have been created.

The result has been faster vaccine development than we’ve ever seen, but without cutting back on testing and safety measures.

This has been possible thanks to public, private and philanthropic collaboration and investment on a never-before-seen level.

The investment needed for Covid-19 vaccine development is significant. $2 billion has been spent by COVAX alone, and they require a further $6.8 billion in 2021 to achieve their goal of delivering 2 billion vaccine doses globally.

While this sounds costly – at least four times the cost of usual vaccine development – it’s a good investment, given that we’re losing $375 billion from the global economy every month due to the pandemic.

To work together at speed, researchers, developers and funders have had to seek three things:

1. Unprecedented collaboration
To work at speed has meant carrying out different stages of development and production at the same time, to get to a vaccine faster.

Vaccine trials have been carried out in parallel around the world, not just in high-income countries, to give us the best chance of finding vaccines that are safe and effective for everyone.

2. Funding for multiple vaccines
We didn’t and still don’t know where the best Covid-19 vaccines will come from, so teams are trying as many different innovations and technologies as possible. This gives us the best chance of finding ones that work, and a diversity of vaccines with different requirements to make sure they work in a variety of contexts and populations.

3. Creation of additional manufacturing capability
To meet the demand for the billions of doses of Covid-19 vaccines (in addition to all the other routine vaccines that still need to be manufactured, such as MMR and polio) requires various steps to be taken:

manufacturing was started before the Covid-19 vaccines were proven to be safe and effective. This was done to avoid delay when a vaccine was approved, but at a risk to the vaccine manufacturers. If a vaccine wasn’t approved, they would have to bin what they had made, a bit like making a lot of food for an event that doesn’t go ahead.
some new manufacturing sites have had to be built, and more might be needed. This is because many existing sites are still needed to produce routine immunisations which must be kept up where possible to limit the burden of additional outbreaks. Also, new sites were needed to manufacture some of the novel vaccine technologies that are being tried for Covid-19, which have not been produced at scale before.
production sites have to be spread around the world, to help make sure vaccines are equitably distributed to communities everywhere.
a diverse pool of vaccines is needed to get control of this pandemic, so we must continue to develop additional safe and effective vaccines, particularly ones that are easier or cheaper to manufacture and deliver. This could include vaccines that only require one dose. We will stockpile new vaccines, ready for trials and emergency authorisation for future outbreaks, beyond this pandemic.

The dumb boy has cancelled your comments.Ammishaddai is a shameless boy who cannot take corrections I am embarrassed on his behalf the trash he is spitting intelligent people will refute offline so let him be here talking like the village tout that he is cheesy

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Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by phantom(m): 8:58pm On Sep 14, 2021
[s][/s] Rubbish as usual. The first sentence has automatically disqualified every fvcking thing

grin grin this guy na fool las las.....waste of time. 10minutes i'll never get back. Watching paint dry would have been a far better use of my time.
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by Ammishaddai: 8:58pm On Sep 14, 2021

grin grin this guy na fool las las.....waste of time. 10minutes i'll never get back. Watching paint dry would have been a far better use.
[/s] Your papa na fool .
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by phantom(m): 9:01pm On Sep 14, 2021
[s][/s] Your papa na fool .

grin grin grin......you should have just trickled down your popsi's legs and ended up as a dirty brown offensive smelling stain on the bedsheet.
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by Strivehardtilly: 9:55pm On Sep 14, 2021
Yes, nothing is wrong

There are many different ways to lose a lot of weight fast, That said ,many diet plans leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied.
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Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by kulex2k1(m): 10:08pm On Sep 14, 2021
Its your personal decision and your Life.... so you dont need Nairaland to make decisions for you. As for me sha o, i am fully Vaccinated and its my personal decision, not anybody's.
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by barcaboi(m): 10:12pm On Sep 14, 2021
Hello Nairalanders, There is something ongoing at my place of work at the moment and we were given a form to fill to get vaccinated
Please should I fill the form or not
The vaccinated people even have a risk of infection but a mild reaction to it. The unvaccinated have the risks and also the outside fighting chance. Leave pastor and skepticism; be on the safe side. No metal will glue on ur body
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by chubbyswit(m): 11:18pm On Sep 14, 2021
why did you take the jab then?
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by thaprofit88: 11:25pm On Sep 14, 2021
What about travelling out, someone need to be vaccinated before entry certain countries or flight

Not at all sir. The abroad has not made it compulsory yet. However black man�� If you go abroad they ask you to quarantine for 10days if you are not vaccinated, Nigeria has tied it to job so if you don’t take you lose your job. Yamayama people

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Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by EndBuhariNow(m): 2:01am On Sep 15, 2021
why did you take the jab then?
why did u take immunizations when you were small
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by Primusinterpares(m): 12:12pm On Sep 15, 2021
If what he is preaching does not excite you as a Christian knowing that the so much anticipated coming of Christ is here, I don't know the kind of gospel you enjoy. Maybe, prosperity? You want him to preach pleasant stuffs? But even Noah did not preach pleasant stuffs. Enough of the pleasant stuffs that don't edify the body.
The gospel of Christ - His Life, his death and his resuretion.
So because a man has taken a vaccine that means he's not entitled to salvation ni.? Taking a vaccine doesn't equates Acceptance of the anti christ.
#Remember these hypothesis were said about immunization of babies some years ago.
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by ghettochild(m): 12:51pm On Sep 15, 2021
[quote author=Ammishaddai post=105812038][s][/s] Malaria kills more people yearly yet not nobvaccine has been formulated . Even those who've taken this vaccine hasn't ensure reinfection. So drop that theory.[/quotep]
I already gave you an example... stadiums across the world are getting filled up n you know why.. so just stop justifying nonsense
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by RichAbujaGuy: 3:07pm On Sep 15, 2021

Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by RichAbujaGuy: 3:14pm On Sep 15, 2021

Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by Ammishaddai: 4:43pm On Sep 15, 2021
[s][quote author=ghettochild post=105840436][/quote][/s] Tell that to those who died from the vaccine
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by chubbyswit(m): 7:07pm On Sep 15, 2021
why did u take immunizations when you were small
because your natural immunity wasn't that developed against certain sicknesses and diseases or are you still small?
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by Elliot2(m): 8:36pm On Sep 15, 2021
The gospel of Christ - His Life, his death and his resuretion.
So because a man has taken a vaccine that means he's not entitled to salvation ni.? Taking a vaccine doesn't equates Acceptance of the anti christ.
#Remember these hypothesis were said about immunization of babies some years ago.

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Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by Primusinterpares(m): 10:37pm On Sep 15, 2021
Ogbeni... Stop all these conspiracy theories.
Vaccination is not mark of the beast.

#Belive in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by ghettochild(m): 1:21am On Sep 16, 2021
[s][/s] Tell that to those who died from the vaccine
Do even know how a vaccine works
I bet you dont know..
So I will stop here n not banter with u
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by malcom1X: 1:58am On Sep 16, 2021

If you wish to remain employed at your work place then you have no choice - if you don't want the vaccine, no biggie - find another place to work.

Why does he have to make this choice. He's not sick.
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by malcom1X: 2:01am On Sep 16, 2021
why did u take immunizations when you were small

In real life, no child is supposed to take immunizations after being born.

But those immunizations had been tested for years before administration and also undergone animal testing before human testing. Unlike the this one that was done in six months.
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by EndBuhariNow(m): 2:05am On Sep 16, 2021

In real life, no child is supposed to take immunizations after being born.

But those immunizations had been tested for years before administration and also undergone animal testing before human testing. Unlike the this one that was done in six months.
this one also tested, the urgent need of the vaccine made it available to the public this fast.. I took the vaccine 4 months ago, and am still standing, waiting for more 2 months to take 3 vaccine for booster
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by RichAbujaGuy: 2:09am On Sep 16, 2021
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by malcom1X: 2:23am On Sep 16, 2021
this one also tested, the urgent need of the vaccine made it available to the public this fast.. I took the vaccine 4 months ago, and am still standing, waiting for more 2 months to take 3 vaccine for booster

How many boosters do you need to take to become fully vaccinated? In a country like Israel, their health minister said that those with 2 jabs will be considered unvaccinated.

Moderna is making a case for a booster


Why would a vaccine need 4 or 5 or 8 boosters to protect you, does it mean it's not working?

Why are the UNVACCINATED not dropping dead on the streets. Or am I the only person asking these questions, you no dey follow ask questions?
Something doesn't feel right.
When you start getting dependent on this Vaccine for survival then you are being controlled.

Have you heard of ADE?

Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by malcom1X: 2:28am On Sep 16, 2021

You are correct my guy. Lots of ignoramus here. Very lazy. Africans don't read. The guy asking village people this kind question suppose Google deeply to get more correct answers than asking village guys here such question.

They think say vaccines dey dey body for years? Them no know say that what the vaccines do is to get your antibodies activated to face such virus. Which was why once you don suffer chicken pox, your body go develope antibodies on their own wey go make you no suffer the disease for life again.

Do you know that there are no antibody test for Covid 19 Vaccine, why is that?
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by OChimex: 9:08am On Sep 16, 2021

Do you know that there are no antibody test for Covid 19 Vaccine, why is that?

Which of the vaccines has an antibody test?
Tell me make I follow u learn.

Besides, oyinbo don at least contribute something in the fight against covid, make you wey sabi pass then contribute your own quota to saving the world. No be say you go just sit for you office dey criticise. Enter lab contribute too.

No so so oversabi we Africans they always claim.

This thing wey you talk now, about No antibody test I am sure say na for online you see am talk.

Can you beat your chest and say you don carry out your own comprehensive research to confirm what you just said?

Produce cure una no fit, then allow the person wey produce una still no want to. Una wan make covid wipe all of humans out?
Re: COVID-19: Should I Get Vaccinated? by EndBuhariNow(m): 1:07pm On Sep 16, 2021

How many boosters do you need to take to become fully vaccinated? In a country like Israel, their health minister said that those with 2 jabs will be considered unvaccinated.

Moderna is making a case for a booster


Why would a vaccine need 4 or 5 or 8 boosters to protect you, does it mean it's not working?

Why are the UNVACCINATED not dropping dead on the streets. Or am I the only person asking these questions, you no dey follow ask questions?
Something doesn't feel right.
When you start getting dependent on this Vaccine for survival then you are being controlled.

Have you heard of ADE?
we are taking it for taking sake that's all... my company its a mandatory and some companies before they recruit you , you must show ur vaccine card, and I don't see anything there..

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