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My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! - Family (14) - Nairaland

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Man Storms Hotel, Finds His Wife Cheating On Him With A Certain Big Man / Man Catches His Wife Cheating With Another Man In Their Bedroom - Video / Husband Caught His Cheating Wife, Snapped And Framed The Picture (2) (3) (4)

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Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 3:36pm On Sep 27, 2021

It could happen but I've not heard of a man killing his wife to bring in another woman
you dont want to hear it . there are many women killed by either the man or the side chick to make room . Infact the speed which mamy men remarry already tells you that a lot of wives have been gotten rid of to clear way for sidechicks


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 3:38pm On Sep 27, 2021
Vagina person grin no vex o grin grin grin
preek person , no vex o . Everything na bants .


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by Hassanmaye(m): 3:41pm On Sep 27, 2021
lol , so men that donate prick up and down how should we describe them ? From this your description men must be complete idiots.
Look you guys have show pepper to a lot of guys and thank they are coming back to their senses
Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 3:42pm On Sep 27, 2021

The child becomes his responsibility if the DNA TEST proves the child is his...... but he won't be taking care of another man's child which is the plan of the woman all along

DNA test is women's undoing in this era.... watch them jitter at the idea of DNA test
DNA won't change the fact that women will still do doggy with someone else, dear - they will just be more careful about contraceptive , condoms , abortions etc but this cheating o - na breakfast (the most important meal of the day) everybody must chop am .


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 3:45pm On Sep 27, 2021

All these Vagina people self. Weldone ma
well done to the preek people too o . I greet you .


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 3:49pm On Sep 27, 2021

That Vagina person doesn’t have sense ooo. They are pained that one of them is about to be sacked from her husbands house. Vagina people never seem to amaze me.
you see how senseless you preek people are ? No foresight . Pls your bro should quickly send her out - you people don't even realise how disposable you are to women nowadays
Lol . Pls send baby girl out to be living her best life. She kuku don marry before, even born pikin on top . Shiorr .


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by weslay: 3:50pm On Sep 27, 2021
you dont seem to realise men NEED women that's why they always remarry - women dont need men . Infact after experiencing a Nigerian man and making it out of the marriage for sanity sake many women just stay unmarried . Go to any magistrate court and find out which gender requests for divorce the most ? It's women. Becos women dont tell u people the truth about how they just manage naija men ! Naija men are not marriage material .

So those people praying in our churches for life partners are Nigerien women? Kontinue
Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by Haines: 3:51pm On Sep 27, 2021
Sorry about that but He should calm down first and control his emotions and never make any decision for now, and also find out if the woman is truly into adultery. Because atimes our heart can deviate, from there he will know what to do
Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 3:57pm On Sep 27, 2021

So much assumptions, are you the woman and how did you know he was squeezing the life out of her? That's a whole lot to assume to justify cheating in marriage and people don't take Assumptions seriously you know?

Luring a man isn't rocket science like you said but keeping a man is a whole new issue

I'll also bet with you that the side guy is just a fuckboy that wants to have fun and thrills of banging a married woman with no plans to assume any of her responsibility
women are not interested in keeping you guys any longer ? They tried that and finally realised you people are for the streets
. A lot of you are too slow to realise wonen just use you to wear wedding dress nowadays .


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by Klass99(f): 4:01pm On Sep 27, 2021

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Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:03pm On Sep 27, 2021

I told you those Vagina people have fish brain. You see how this one is trying to justify her kind grin

Pretty sure they are the kind of women OP created this thread for.

She goes around distributing Vagina and then come to say “men do it too”.

Pussy people never seem to amaze me.
see you preek people with your ram brain - you thought you could cheat and not be cheated on - is that not senseless ? You go around distributing preek that is not even enough for one woman to many - where will the madam you left at home get her satisfaction ? You see that you people have ram brain ?


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:04pm On Sep 27, 2021

Hey Pussy girl, people are different you know. Stop trying to defend your kind.

Other Men cheat shouldn’t mean He cheats too, but then as usual you’re showing your true self.

You can as well cheat on your partner. As if you lots have anything to offer, lol.
lol , hey pvssy boy !


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:08pm On Sep 27, 2021

At the end of the day, continuing the marriage with a cheating spouse is the decision of the offended spouse.

There is no one stopping women from walking away if their husband cheats.

I see a lot of 'women forgive/continue, why can't men forgive/continue'?

Well, it is their decision to/not to.

Besides, women walk out too (if they want to).
it is also a personal decision to cheat within the marriage instead of coming clean and opting for a divorce - which would have been the honourable thing .


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:11pm On Sep 27, 2021

You should blame the society that gave men that privilege and blame same society that portrayed women as an Angel and Men as a devil...

Do you have anything to say on that also?
actually it wasn't society it was men that gave themselves that privilege .


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:13pm On Sep 27, 2021

It's painful because we can't trust you again, since you can make us father a bastard, if we cheat on you, you don't have these thoughts
how do you know the thoughts in a woman's head ? Why do u need to trust when you cannot be trusted ? Let's all not be able to trust each other, bro. Trust is overrated anyways.


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:18pm On Sep 27, 2021

Who is forcing women to 'endure'?

Maybe a cheating husband is not a deal breaker for a lot of women?

I know a woman (not celebrity or anything) who walked out of a cheating spouse with four kids.

I know a man who sleeps with prostitutes (no communication/relationship) because his wife would walk out of the marriage if he is caught cheating.

I know another man who said he knows his wife would walk if he commits adultery and so that one of his guiding principles; he still likes marriage to his wife.

It is one thing to make noise online; it is another for your partner to know that adultery is really a deal breaker so they sit up or decide if the adultery is worth the current marriage.

if you are really sincere about being able to walk out of a marriage - why don't men walk out of their marriage abd fvck who they realky want to fvck instead of cheating on their wives? The rules are different for each gender but the important thing is treating each other with decency - you can't happily be the polygamous gender and be hypocritically complaining that women are cheating on you !

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Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by UncleKoboko: 4:21pm On Sep 27, 2021
look - why does cheating pain you people like this ? The rate at which men cheat - isn't it extremely hypocritical to be so pained when you cause so much pain to others without thinking about it ? "Men are polygamous , men dont like eating only rice yen yen yen - will now turn to insults and curses when the same thing is done to you by women . Na so e dey pain . Maybe u people should consider this when ur telling women ur preek is polygamous . Ok
Sex is different for both gender.
In many relationships especially in Nigeria, what most of you bring to the table is SEX and we cherish it like that. When you start sharing what you offer someone that makes them cherish with other people, YOU NO LONGER HAVE ANY VALUES AND IMPORTANCE.


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Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:28pm On Sep 27, 2021

Paternity fraud for a man is equivalent to rape for a woman, it's extremely painful, it's a man's worst nightmare, it's painful knowing your spouse will not allow you to have your own seed, but invest in another decietfully,the problem is not the children, we have many stepfather's and men dating single mothers,it's the deciet in the woman's heart fooling the man's Emotions and making him think he's a father when he's not, such women are very deadly in the eyes of men, that level of wickedness is ah let me not talk
this is arrant nonsense . Many men father children outside and even have 2nd families . Anything resulting from infidelity is still an issue of infidelity - men bring diseases to their wives women bring babies to their husbands - do you know how many women husband has brought HIV to meet at home ? the core issue is infidelity - if you keep your dyck or pussy where it is supposed to be these unfortunate issues will not arise . An illegitimate child is an illegitimate child irrespective of who father's or mothers it. We know how many women have seen chidren they never knew their husband had pop out of nowhere after he dies - with husband denying his legitimate children care, affection, funds etc cos he had other kids outside . . Let everybody keep their dyck /pussy at home . And we would not have these issues


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:33pm On Sep 27, 2021

I dont get why you women play this card all the time....u make it look like men forced u to stay after infidelity...so u expect a men to automatically do the same...

.infidelity is painful to both genders...but it is an individual decision to forgive.... Don't make it look like a forced or general women decision because not all women stay after their husband's infidelity
nah it doesn't work that way - why don't men also leave the marriage to go and fvck who they really want to fvck? Did women force them to stay ? If you can fvck other women then don't bitch when Women fvck other men , abeg .

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Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:37pm On Sep 27, 2021

Yeah Men get Dem own ...but they can do away with it and not bring shame ..after all it's a man world

But a lady once she becomes a public property they become problem to society ..with the type of children they will born and raise ..what do they Wana teach the children of Tommorrow
men are public property so let women too be public property in peace , abeg . Must you people cry like babies when women cheat? U people really need to man up o . Because this cheating is only going to get worse - women are learning from you.


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:39pm On Sep 27, 2021

you're writing jargons, I married the lady i disflowered, so channel your frustration to your exssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
you don't even know anything - be there doing " i married the lady " lol mscheew .

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Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:42pm On Sep 27, 2021

Look you guys have show pepper to a lot of guys and thank they are coming back to their senses
who showed who pepper? Women didn't show men pepper it was men that taught women this wickedness. No be you people be the polygamous gender ?


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by Myhusband(m): 4:44pm On Sep 27, 2021
you don't even know anything - be there doing " i married the lady " lol mscheew .

I know more than the man that gave birth to you, you ladies ways of life is at my palm

I've encountered wayward olosho like you before and I've met a pretender before, so what anything are you blabbing that I don't know

I'm sure you're in your late 20s yet I don't know anything, maybe you should come to my house and teach me what I need to know

I pity any man that will marry you with your Atlantic ocean. you think I'm in the class of guys that fúck anyhow lady like you

Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by Nobody: 4:45pm On Sep 27, 2021
this is atrant nonsense . Many men father children outside and even have 2nd families . Anything resulting from infidelity is still an issue of infidelity - men bro g diseases yo their wives women bro g babies to their husbnds - do you know how mamy women husband has brought HIV to meet at home ? the core issue is infidelity - if you keep your dyck or pussy where it is supposed to be these unfortunste issues will not arise . An illegitimate child is an illegitimate child irrespective of who father's or mothers it. We know how many women have seen chidren they never knew their husband had pop out of nowhere after he dies - with husband denying his legitimate children care, affection, funds etc cos he had other kids outside . . Let everybody keep their dyck /pussy at home . And we would not have these issues

A woman can accept an illegitimate bastard
A man will never accept an illegitimate bastard

Men and women are different, we can never be held to the same standards
Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:47pm On Sep 27, 2021

So those people praying in our churches for life partners are Nigerien women? Kontinue
bro . Let me give you this piece of knowledge- women pray for husband just to do wedding - they just use you to wear wedding dress - Go to any magistrate court go and find out which gender initiates divorce most ? Let me help you - it is women .


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 4:49pm On Sep 27, 2021

LMAO gringringrin

Who are you?

You've had me LOL with your come backs and energy in engaging some people on this thread.

There's one post I was laughing at so hard, my colleague had to ask what's going on.
loool. These men NEED jamb lessons , love .


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by Hassanmaye(m): 4:54pm On Sep 27, 2021
who showed who pepper? Women didn't show men pepper it was men that taught women this wickedness. No be you people be the polygamous gender ?
Hahahhahahaha please I don't want to go there
Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by Bigfish121(m): 5:03pm On Sep 27, 2021
What we are talking about here is the woman cheating. If uts a man that cheated we will know what to say.

loooooooooooool . So what is a man capable.of committing? Funny how it's only when women cheat you people start talking about murder , diseases etc Bloody hypocritical lot .
Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 5:05pm On Sep 27, 2021

Sex is different for both gender.
In many relationship especially in Nigeria, what most of you bring to the table is SEX and we cherish it like that. When you started sharing what you offer someone that makes them cherish with other people, YOU NO LONGER HAVE ANY VALUES AND IMPORTANCE.

it's funny how the first thing most man do when they meet women is try to stick their preek in you ! And here you are saying the only thing women bring to the table is sex ?im curious was that the only thing your mother brought to the table ,? Cos my mom was a co- breadwinner and all the women I know - got an education , work and can fend for themselves . So many women trade , learn skills and work and earn with those skills .
Most Nigerian homes are two- income homes and some are even solely funded by the woman ( who in many cases is forced to pretend the husband is the breadwinner so as not to hurt his fragile ego )
. This ridiculous narrative that you men peddle about being sole breadwinners becos you have the loudest voices is extremely dishonest .
If your experience had been that women only bro g sex to the table or means you need to broaen your circles- maybe its the women you know who are like that .

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Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TOPCRUISE(m): 5:07pm On Sep 27, 2021

He without sin, should cast the first stone......... cheesy
Excuse of fornicators and adulterers. Ashewo give that kind excuse so that no one will disturb them
Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 5:09pm On Sep 27, 2021

I know more than the man that gave birth to you, you ladies ways of life is at my palm

I've encountered wayward olosho like you before and I've met a pretender before, so what anything are you blabbing that I don't know

I'm sure you're in your late 20s yet I don't know anything, maybe you should come to my house and teach me what I need to know

I pity any man that will marry you with your Atlantic ocean. you think I'm in the class of guys that fúck anyhow lady like you

loooooooooooooooooooool .


Re: My Brother-In-Law Caught His Wife Cheating! by TWLifestyle: 5:10pm On Sep 27, 2021

A woman can accept an illegitimate bastard
A man will never accept an illegitimate bastard

Men and women are different, we can never be held to the same standards
don't worry , just wait small. Lol

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