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Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? - Health (9) - Nairaland

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Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 4:41pm On Oct 20, 2021
I had such experience some years back, I used anusol but it didn't work till someone bought herbs(stick and leaves) that I cooked. Just the first glass that I took relieved me. If you can contact me, I will direct you where to buy it. I feel your pain.quote author=MisterKennedy post=106885015]Good evening dear Nairalanders.

I've been having swelling on my anus since 2014. I saw a pharmacist and he prescribed Anusol for me to buy. After taking the Anusol, I felt better for some days and the swelling reduced but it came back few day later.

Now being almost 8 years ago. January 2022 will make it 8 years that I've been having this pile.

I've gone to University hospital in my State here in Jos and the woman also suggested Anusol for me. I've taken the Anusol but I'm still stock where I am. No difference at all.

Please has anybody ever experienced pile?
How did you get rid of yours?

The worst part now is that the pile comes with pain now. It almost feels like there's pepper in my anus.

Somebody please help me. Please don't just read and ignore me. Please see me as your brother or your son. Please help me fam.

Sir after taking it did it bring down all the swellings of the pile?

Here's my WhatsApp number Sir. Please DM me Sir
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 4:42pm On Oct 20, 2021

Do warm bath (put salt in warm water and sit in it)

Don't eat bread and potato

Eat enough vegetables and fruits/foods rich in fiber

I do eat bread almost everyday.

Sir I've tried the warm water solution and I sat on it but nothing changed
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 4:57pm On Oct 20, 2021
And don't forget to take the last dose for the day four hours after eaten.
OK Sir
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:00pm On Oct 20, 2021

I had to sign in to reply to this. From experience from a very close friend and I know the frustration that comes with this....... I will advice you to use this chinese herb from Jumia. Someone posted something similar in page two

https://www.j u m i a. com . ng/sumifun-hemorrhoids-creampile-cream-2-tubes-84084520.html
Remove the spaces from the link above

Get well soon.
Thank you so much Sir. I'll get it from Jumia as you've adviced.

Sir after using it, is it going to remove the swelling/tumor and the whole pile?
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:02pm On Oct 20, 2021

Boil hot water with Bitter leaf, salt..... When it's very hot, pour in bucket then sit on it for like 30 minutes. That's you have to use towel to cover any access of the steam getting out. And finally say bye bye to any meal that contains sugar, no beer for you again, no coke for at least 2 months. You go confirm am after one week. Morning and night

I did the hot water and salt treatment for one night only. It seemed like it wanted to get worse so I had to stop
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:04pm On Oct 20, 2021
go and buy 500mg fulcin,doxycycline,adult tribotan tube...take one tablet from both each for morning and evening while you rubb the tribotan tube on the surface morning and evening for two weeks,and at this period, stay away from sex. also stop taking sugary stuff like small Stouts and the rest. It do works...

You seem to be a doctor. Thank you so much for your advice Sir
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:09pm On Oct 20, 2021

Anusol is power in treating a pile.Pile itself is very stubborn.You need to consistently use the Anusol for long time and make sure you eat a lot of vegetables and other fibrous fruits,most especially orange(eat the pulp very well) .Drinking of water is also helpful.Stay away from pile triggers ( e.g taking soda drinks,sugar e.t.c). I recommend that you eat cucumber regularly as well. I wish you quick recovery.
Thank you so much Sir. You seem to be a medical practitioner

Sir for how long can I take the Anusol before the pile finally clears off?

The doctor and chemist I met both suggested 5 days but the pile didn't go. It wasn't effective
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:11pm On Oct 20, 2021
guy go find Pilex for chemist. IMO the thing work for me like magic.

Thank you for your advice Sir.

You mean your like has gone after taking it? All the swellings/tumors have all disappeared?
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by Oyiboman69: 5:11pm On Oct 20, 2021

You seem to be a doctor. Thank you so much for your advice Sir
no I'm not...talking from experience.
you should also stop smoking of any kind if you've been doing it ...

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Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:12pm On Oct 20, 2021

Guy just buy Irish potatoes, peel it wash and be chewing it for a week. Then come and thank me letter. It works for me and till date no pile
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:15pm On Oct 20, 2021
Not just oranges bro, you'll need to change your diet to something with a lot more fiber. But you will need to see a gastroenterologist. Because they are in a better position to tell what's actually wrong . And secondly , try doing a Sitz bath with salt . It should help relieve you of the pains and swellings
OK thank you so much Sir
How does the sitz bath go? Will I put salt in warm water and bathe with it or I'll put salt in hot water in a bucket and sit on it?
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:16pm On Oct 20, 2021

Guy use garlic

Blend garlic and insert in your anus

Very painful but does magic
Also eat garlic

Thanks for your advice bro. But I've done that already, it didn't work.
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:18pm On Oct 20, 2021

Stop taking bread for a while and see the difference.

Courtesy: Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin.
Thank you so much Sir.
Was there something Jeremiah said I can be eating in place of bread?
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:20pm On Oct 20, 2021
Suffered from Pile all through my Childhood! It stopped at my Adulthood! Try watch your body onz what you take in! (Diet).

I inserted Anusol and took some strong antibiotics during my treatment for 1 week, never for once experience pile again. Avoid stressing yourself, like standing for long and drink alot of water! Clean water ok.

OK I'll do that. Thank you so much Sir
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:22pm On Oct 20, 2021

Thank you so much Sir.
Please where can I get this miracle leaf?
Please can I get your friends phone number?
Here's my number. It's also my WhatsApp number. 08100553547
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:24pm On Oct 20, 2021

If you can do this today, you won't see the pile again.

Find ori, mix it with salt and us it to rub your anus. That's all, it will disappear
Sir please what is Ori?
Does it have an English name?
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:26pm On Oct 20, 2021
OP I can relate with your issues. Trust me the time for medicine (english or local) is long gone. My bro also experienced same thing close to 6 years also. THE ONLY SOLUTION IS SURGERY... cut it out...
OMG!!! I'm so scared of surgery. I'm afraid it might do more harm than good.
Did your brother do his pile surgery here in Nigeria?
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:30pm On Oct 20, 2021

Follow the advice below

Then make sure the texture of ur swallows ( eba etc) is very soft, also avoid carbonated drinks.

Thank you so much Sir. I will certainly do as you've stated Sir.
You seem to be a medical practitioner
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:33pm On Oct 20, 2021
Mine just started an was triggered by carrying heavy load for an extended period of time I suspect. Currently I am on several drugs both native and modern hopefully my condition improves because the pains makes me so miserable, some days ago I started stooling blood too. Well I also wish you a speedy recovery soon because I may know how bad you feel. Just don't go about throwing your hard earned money away to scammers who have lost their souls to the devil so watch well before you spend.
Thank you so much Sir.
I can understand your pain Sir.
Here's my number 08100553547
Please send me a DM on WhatsApp I'll like to connect with you
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:35pm On Oct 20, 2021
Where's your location? If you're not far from Edo Benin, I have an assurance for you
I live in Jos Sir
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:36pm On Oct 20, 2021
Most likely Hermorhoid, google it and confirm is the same picture from ur anus, theres a solution, Had it for 2 years, went to my hometown and got a solution within a week. Let me know i can direct you how to get it with no "middleman" to me. But you have to come back online ad credit me ooooo

how much does it cost Sir
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by EyeBee04(m): 5:37pm On Oct 20, 2021
I suffered from external pile for almost 13years. I had to push back the pile inside everytime i finish pooing, i was lucky mine didnt bring me pain or much pain through out the 13years. I tried several herbal medication, to no avail. It kept me in constant worry. Until i started a diet of banana everyday, i ate atleast 3 bananas everyday and always stayed hydrated, i drank water even without being thirsty. I noticed the level of the rectum protrusion was reducing. Suprisingly i went to the toilet one day and discover it didnt come out, from that day became the end of it. I cant thank God enough for taking that huge burden off me. You can borrow a leaf from my banana and steady hydration therapy. And commit it always in prayer to God. I hope you receive your healing soonest.
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:38pm On Oct 20, 2021

Go and meet a real agbo seller, those in the market.
I had some serious pile some years back where I could not sit, taking bike rides then was terribly painful. I went to a herb seller and took the herbs, less than a week later I was in top health. Give it a shot.
Some people say herbs don't get rid of the swellings
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:40pm On Oct 20, 2021

Reduce ur carbohydtate intake and eat vegetable soups or stews, take lots of water and fruits like mango and oranges. Your dietbisnur problem, I'm sure you eat too man food that make your stool hard so when you go to the toilet you force stool out of ur anus... You probably also take too much sugar. What you have is constipation probably... If you spend toouch time in the toilet it also makes it worse.
thank you so much sir
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:41pm On Oct 20, 2021

Send me an email... My mum has the native medicine for it.....
here's my WhatsApp number Sir 08100553547
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:42pm On Oct 20, 2021
drop your number let me call you... We need to talk. Sorry about your pains
Thank you so much Sir. Here's my number 08100553547
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:44pm On Oct 20, 2021

There are good surgical alternatives depending on the stage, and also lifestyle remedies but they are just treatment encouraging the pile to go away on its own. That's just for stage two and one. If it's stage 3 or develops to stage 4 it's surgery.

From your explanation I suspect stage two internal pile gradually moving to three. Seek better advice from your doctor. There are surgical alternatives but Nigeria still does the general surgery and have not advanced.
Thank you so much Sir. I really wish I could get better check up from a more advanced country
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:45pm On Oct 20, 2021
buy dafflon use it for lik 3 weeks
I have used daflon for 10 days in July as directed by my doctor but it didn't go
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by Icepresh(m): 5:46pm On Oct 20, 2021
here's my WhatsApp number Sir 08100553547
I am going through same thing
Please anybody that can help should WhatsApp me

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Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:47pm On Oct 20, 2021
sad I had same problem for many years but alhamdulilahi for today. Buy liquid parrafin , dafflon and diclomol
Thank you so much Sir. I'll buy them. Although I've bought dafflon before and I took it for 10 days as directed by my doctor but it didn't go.
Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:56pm On Oct 20, 2021

If it's hemorrhoid, I was told it's basically as a result of infection of the colon which inflames it and thus makes it sag. That is the reason why Ciprotab-500mg, aloe Vera and bitterleaf have been highly effective for it. Although, tetracycline would have prevented it should you have been aware of its early signs.

Also ensure you take plenty of water daily. This will guide against hard stools.
You're very correct Sir.
Actually this all started in 2014 just after I patronized a prostitute and slept with her. The following week, I noticed some tumour-like growth on the sides of my anus. And that's the genesis of my condition. I strongly believe this pile is as a result of me sleeping with the proustite because I never had any growth or signs of pile until I slept with the prostitute.

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Re: Please Help Me: How Do I Treat My Pile? by MisterKennedy(m): 5:59pm On Oct 20, 2021
no I'm not...talking from experience.
you should also stop smoking of any kind if you've been doing it ...
OK Sir

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