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Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up - Family (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by bigdammyj: 3:14pm On Nov 25, 2021
Good point
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by ivolt: 3:16pm On Nov 25, 2021
Not until I gave birth to my son and started raising them, before I understood the kinds of challenges the male child faces. Society is built on the false premise that women have challenges only, and men are the cause if it. So therefore, male child are ignored. Before I use to tout anything female, but now, I can see that it's not a good approach because both gender suffer.
Can you list the unique challenges faced by your son?


Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by iKwaffy: 3:17pm On Nov 25, 2021
The boy child is actually Neglected for Real
Lemme share my story with you ...
When I graduated from Uni I asked my mum to give me some funds so I can set Up a biz
But she blutantly told me the only inheritance he has for me is the School fees she paid for me she has nothing else to give me ...

On the other hand
When my sister graduated my mum gave her 300K to set Up a biz before she gets married so that men will not see her as a Liability.

Omo the male Child isn't cared for ...

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Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by ivolt: 3:17pm On Nov 25, 2021
Empty rhetoric.
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by doneem(m): 3:19pm On Nov 25, 2021
the challenged the society usually feel why the female gender need more care to male gender is for her not to get wayward

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Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by Nobody: 3:21pm On Nov 25, 2021
Oh please is that why we have more men doing financial crime than women .. please nobody is doing joint account with you when their not married to you … everyone can only give what they can with less insults if you see what some of these men send and and beg tomorrow you’ll be surprised

Treat people royally and you will be Royal. Me wey dey do please thank you I am grateful the suffer wey you go suffer for man hand nonsense

Be kind but be wise these people get karma as well sha be nice to people maybe you’ll get more

Stop allowing people who have proved disloyal to have loyal privileges. be thankful for 20 be grateful for 2
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by ukaface(f): 3:21pm On Nov 25, 2021
I get the point
But you know why ' fight for boy child' won't come up?
Cos they've already sold it to the society that ' men are superior' ' man no dey cry'
Fighting for the boy child' would seem soft and a girly thing to do.
So who is to blame?
Women, females have been thought to be weak, the lesser class in terms of superiority,so more fights for their right has surfaced. A larger percentage of women fight for the right and course of women/ girl child.

Which man/ men fit swallow pride and ego to come out and fight for the male?

But, wait o. Wetin una one fight for again. I thought it's a man' s world after all

8 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by Alexclem(m): 3:23pm On Nov 25, 2021
[quote author=sammybest889 post=107953409]****TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN*****
[/quoteMale children are raised not cry or show pains.We are told to endure excruciating hardship and suffering. The wants us to succeed on our own. What a discrimination?]
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by jy2kbeyond(m): 3:24pm On Nov 25, 2021
A boy is left to his fate.

Man is the least in the food chain. Even Dog has more rights than men in the Western world nowadays...

Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by ivolt: 3:25pm On Nov 25, 2021
The boy child is actually Neglected for Real
Lemme share my story with you ...
When I graduated from Uni I asked my mum to give me some funds so I can set Up a biz
But she blutantly told me the only inheritance he has for me is the School fees she paid for me she has nothing else to give me ...

On the other hand
When my sister graduated my mum gave her 300K to set Up a biz before she gets married so that men will not see her as a Liability.

Omo the male Child isn't cared for ...

Which part of the country are you from?

Your mum is strange if her reaction isn't based on distrust based on your past.

When it comes to finance, majority traditional parents overwhelmingly empower their male child
while they wait for the husband to help the female.

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Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by Nobody: 3:25pm On Nov 25, 2021

This exactly where they are missing it.

As long as women continue to shy away from responsibilities, they are always going to take the back seat.

S/He who pays piper dictates the tune.

Bitter reality.
As long as women keep running away from equal responsibilities, equal rights or whatever they call it will continue to be a pipe dream.

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Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by Gentlevip: 3:26pm On Nov 25, 2021
So all the examples of evil done to boy you could garnish ends up with the North and no where else.

Your rhetoric has no value. Next time be informed and go all round. Not half baked bitter sentiments

Though I commend the effort to bring the issue of boy child into the light. But I prefer unbiased inferences


Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by Emperor88(m): 3:26pm On Nov 25, 2021
Best piece I have read in a long while... Thanks O.P
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by Bigpapi: 3:27pm On Nov 25, 2021
After doing alot of research online to see if UNICEF or Government really care about a boy child..... i found out nobody cares.

This a thread to let female folks understand the hate towards them now isn't something that just pop up from nowhere but more psychological which is cause by neglect from society and harsh laws toward men.

There are several millions of campaigns in every part of the world towards fighting for the girl child....infact there are millions of activist fighting everyday for this agenda but no one is talking about the boy child.

We talk about rape,molestation,child marriage etc which are very bad toward the girl child but what about child labour which is actually what most boys up north face everyday.
Does it means mothers don't love there son?? or they feel is right for a boy to be on the street survivaling on his own from tender age of 10??

Are we saying having little boys doing labour in site, boy soldiers in war zone,sleeping on the street, going through molestation in hands of there oga etc is a lesser evil compare to rape,child marriage etc.

Everyone talks about what a girl child pass through in the north but not for one day has anyone spoken about what boys are facing which is much more......a boy of 5yrs in the north is on the street already doing various things to survive infact he can even be taking money to his mother and sisters to feed.....some are taken by boko haram forced into fighting a war.

We all talk about chibok girls but no one has talked about some boys book haram kidnapped years back and force them to join the war...those who were not willing to join were executed instantly.

Am not trying to bring a gender war here am just trying to bring this to people mind...the likes of tonto dike, iyabo ojo etc who have sons should also speak up for the boy child....isn't only the girl child that needs protection.

There are several laws created everyday to protect the female gender all over the world even absurd ones (like Ronaldinho paying 13k £ to a ex gf every month as maintenance fee) which is a Brazilian law and Canada is also trying to pass the same law.....how won't this cause hate??

Even though most of this laws are created by fellow men who i think are just simply foolish but ladies need not to exploit it..

Government of the world need to create laws to protect men/boy as well.

Things need to change else this hate will keep on increasing...government and society need to start advocating the boy child rights too so this feel of ño one cares which is transforming to hate towards female gender will stop.

The same way we are condemning rape of minors and child marriages let condemn child labour, boy soldiers, let condemn why the society feel comfortable with seeing minor boys on the streets.

Let speak up for boy child aswell.

I swear
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by SWORD419(m): 3:28pm On Nov 25, 2021
Had this conversation recently, this neglect is what gave rise to millitancy, boko haram, insurgency, ipob, banditry etc
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by Boss13: 3:28pm On Nov 25, 2021
Not until I gave birth to my son and started raising them, before I understood the kinds of challenges the male child faces. Society is built on the false premise that women have challenges only, and men are the cause if it. So therefore, male child are ignored. Before I use to tout anything female, but now, I can see that it's not a good approach because both gender suffer.

But I ask myself, after developing and elevating women, will they date and marry themselves? Isn't the same men that society ignored and don't want to invest upon will be their future husband, Co workers, pastors and much more? You can't tell me you love women and want to help them, why refusing to help men, same men that the majority of female happiness comes from. The earlier we open our eyes to the bigger picture, the better for all of us.

I'm glad you have a turnaround but it took you having male kids to have the rethink and that's selfish. If you had only female kids, you would have continued in your line of thinking.

A lot of women are like you especially young women. They hate men for no other reason but for merely existing as men. They champion causes to ridicule men and portray men as the architect of their problems. However, they have never thought of a society without men or a society with WEAK men.

Like you rightly said, each gender has their own specific challenges and it would be fair to treat everyone right.



Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by nomenclature(m): 3:30pm On Nov 25, 2021
If you can not bring a concrete motion /solution ,just shut up ,don't involve Godin what he knows nothing about. God this ,God that ,can't you think for yourself ?
Hmmmm @Godoverevery

Except if you choose to swim against the tide...nature has created the female gender to be nurtured, especially by the male gender hence the results of your research.

Save in exceptional cases, there is something in a man that wants to pamper and give a TCL to a woman.

I'll enjoin to accept the fact that it is a law of the universe, just like gravitational pull, that YOU cannot change except God (who is over every) chooses to reinvent the wheels.

E kú research . . .don't be an online professor but please ensure it is published in a journal��
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by We4all: 3:30pm On Nov 25, 2021
After doing alot of research online to see if UNICEF or Government really care about a boy child..... i found out nobody cares.

This a thread to let female folks understand the hate towards them now isn't something that just pop up from nowhere but more psychological which is cause by neglect from society and harsh laws toward men.

There are several millions of campaigns in every part of the world towards fighting for the girl child....infact there are millions of activist fighting everyday for this agenda but no one is talking about the boy child.

We talk about rape,molestation,child marriage etc which are very bad toward the girl child but what about child labour which is actually what most boys up north face everyday.
Does it means mothers don't love there son?? or they feel is right for a boy to be on the street survivaling on his own from tender age of 10??

Are we saying having little boys doing labour in site, boy soldiers in war zone,sleeping on the street, going through molestation in hands of there oga etc is a lesser evil compare to rape,child marriage etc.

Everyone talks about what a girl child pass through in the north but not for one day has anyone spoken about what boys are facing which is much more......a boy of 5yrs in the north is on the street already doing various things to survive infact he can even be taking money to his mother and sisters to feed.....some are taken by boko haram forced into fighting a war.

We all talk about chibok girls but no one has talked about some boys book haram kidnapped years back and force them to join the war...those who were not willing to join were executed instantly.

Am not trying to bring a gender war here am just trying to bring this to people mind...the likes of tonto dike, iyabo ojo etc who have sons should also speak up for the boy child....isn't only the girl child that needs protection.

There are several laws created everyday to protect the female gender all over the world even absurd ones (like Ronaldinho paying 13k £ to a ex gf every month as maintenance fee) which is a Brazilian law and Canada is also trying to pass the same law.....how won't this cause hate??

Even though most of this laws are created by fellow men who i think are just simply foolish but ladies need not to exploit it..

Government of the world need to create laws to protect men/boy as well.

Things need to change else this hate will keep on increasing...government and society need to start advocating the boy child rights too so this feel of ño one cares which is transforming to hate towards female gender will stop.

The same way we are condemning rape of minors and child marriages let condemn child labour, boy soldiers, let condemn why the society feel comfortable with seeing minor boys on the streets.

Let speak up for boy child aswell.

Take your protest somewhere else because we don’t care. Research about murders, rape, abuse and other heinous crimes and those behind it, then come back here and continue your rant.

I once told someone that if there were no males on earth, the world would have been very peaceful.

What I’m saying in a nutshell is, the focus is on females and not males because the females are usually the victims of male oppression.

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Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by KillAlabi2021(m): 3:31pm On Nov 25, 2021
I get the point
But you know why ' fight for boy child' won't come up?
Cos they've already sold it to the society that ' men are superior' ' man no dey cry'
Fighting for the boy child' would seem soft and a girly thing to do.
So who is to blame?
Women, females have been thought to be weak, the lesser class in terms of superiority,so more fights for their right has surfaced. A larger percentage of women fight for the right and course of women/ girl child.

Which man/ men fit swallow pride and ego to come out and fight for the male?

But, wait o. Wetin una one fight for again. I thought it's a man' s world after all

Say no to akwunana akwuna

Akwuna no be work
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by NickHoward(m): 3:31pm On Nov 25, 2021
more men need to speak out.
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by Emperor88(m): 3:34pm On Nov 25, 2021
Yes! Sexual abuse... One in three girls have been abused by a man... Before the age of 18... Most boys who have been abused were raped by fellow men...

Don't be stupidly sentimental... It's life balanced? Women are usually victims, hence the receive more attention...

Because they usually are... A girl child is more liable to be abused, trafficked, mistreated, denied of an education than their male counterparts... And the perpetrators of these crimes are most often men...

actually, you're pathetic...

That's why boys should be taught that patriarchy is wrong... It back fires... They should not take advantage of young girls... That would fix the problem...

Exactly! And these boys should be educated so they don't behave like animals like their fathers... But to be gentle men...

Lol! You're sick... So men abusing women is somewhat justified because they are jealous that the world campaigs for girls to not be raped or that they should go to school? Petty much? undecided

You think it's chocolate... The girls who've undergone female genitalịa mutilation? Married off as kids?

Treat a woman with respect and there's nothing to fear... undecided
Is Nairaland the real life? Are you that stupid? In the world put there, young girls are being abused, used as sex slaves and you're here mentioning Nairaland where we all do sh** to catch cruise? Sick! You're the one making this a 'girl child vs Us' thing...

The men who made women victims... Blame them... They cause this divide that we're obligated to bridge...

Isn't it a man's world? Aren't women the fairer sex... It's sad how men shot themselves in the foot with these arguments... undecided

Accept that men and women are equal... Only then would the issue of a man being a victim make sense to the general society...

But when you dimwits carry yourselves like demi-god, don't feel bad when we say you can not bleed.
I was sexually molested by 3 different adult females btw the age 9 to 15....But No one cares because I was a boy.


Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by ukaface(f): 3:34pm On Nov 25, 2021

Say no to akwunana akwuna

Akwuna no be work
I don't understand
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by ivolt: 3:34pm On Nov 25, 2021
It's super pathetic...
I hear a lot of "protect the girl child" campaign and then I ask myself, who are they protecting the girl child from?? Boys??

I'm not say these campaigns are bad, buh they should be a balance.... Attention shouldn't just go to one gender, it's bad!!!
Can you link to one of these "protect the girl child" campaign you hear a lot?

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Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by rajiedreez: 3:35pm On Nov 25, 2021
Whats all this boy child and girl child brouhaha, what happened to sons and daughters
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by FutureIsFemale(f): 3:35pm On Nov 25, 2021
After doing alot of research online to see if UNICEF or Government really care about a boy child..... i found out nobody cares.

This a thread to let female folks understand the hate towards them now isn't something that just pop up from nowhere but more psychological which is cause by neglect from society and harsh laws toward men.

There are several millions of campaigns in every part of the world towards fighting for the girl child....infact there are millions of activist fighting everyday for this agenda but no one is talking about the boy child.

We talk about rape,molestation,child marriage etc which are very bad toward the girl child but what about child labour which is actually what most boys up north face everyday.
Does it means mothers don't love there son?? or they feel is right for a boy to be on the street survivaling on his own from tender age of 10??

Are we saying having little boys doing labour in site, boy soldiers in war zone,sleeping on the street, going through molestation in hands of there oga etc is a lesser evil compare to rape,child marriage etc.

Everyone talks about what a girl child pass through in the north but not for one day has anyone spoken about what boys are facing which is much more......a boy of 5yrs in the north is on the street already doing various things to survive infact he can even be taking money to his mother and sisters to feed.....some are taken by boko haram forced into fighting a war.

We all talk about chibok girls but no one has talked about some boys book haram kidnapped years back and force them to join the war...those who were not willing to join were executed instantly.

Am not trying to bring a gender war here am just trying to bring this to people mind...the likes of tonto dike, iyabo ojo etc who have sons should also speak up for the boy child....isn't only the girl child that needs protection.

There are several laws created everyday to protect the female gender all over the world even absurd ones (like Ronaldinho paying 13k £ to a ex gf every month as maintenance fee) which is a Brazilian law and Canada is also trying to pass the same law.....how won't this cause hate??

Even though most of this laws are created by fellow men who i think are just simply foolish but ladies need not to exploit it..

Government of the world need to create laws to protect men/boy as well.

Things need to change else this hate will keep on increasing...government and society need to start advocating the boy child rights too so this feel of ño one cares which is transforming to hate towards female gender will stop.

The same way we are condemning rape of minors and child marriages let condemn child labour, boy soldiers, let condemn why the society feel comfortable with seeing minor boys on the streets.

Let speak up for boy child aswell.
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by ivolt: 3:36pm On Nov 25, 2021
It's funny that most of the laws favouring women are made by men. Weak men who make laws in the bedroom.

Men go through a lot. If feminism wasn't hypocrisy and was practised right, it would have been embraced by men because it is supposed to ensure equality and fairness.

Unfortunately, women are generally selfish and only use feminism card when it's convenient.
Feminism was and is embraced by men.
If it isn't, no single law would ever be made to correct imbalance.
Perhaps, you need an history lesson.
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by xamuell: 3:38pm On Nov 25, 2021
Yes! Sexual abuse... One in three girls have been abused by a man... Before the age of 18... Most boys who have been abused were raped by fellow men...

Don't be stupidly sentimental... It's life balanced? Women are usually victims, hence the receive more attention...

Because they usually are... A girl child is more liable to be abused, trafficked, mistreated, denied of an education than their male counterparts... And the perpetrators of these crimes are most often men...

actually, you're pathetic...

That's why boys should be taught that patriarchy is wrong... It back fires... They should not take advantage of young girls... That would fix the problem...

Exactly! And these boys should be educated so they don't behave like animals like their fathers... But to be gentle men...

Lol! You're sick... So men abusing women is somewhat justified because they are jealous that the world campaigs for girls to not be raped or that they should go to school? Petty much? undecided

You think it's chocolate... The girls who've undergone female genitalịa mutilation? Married off as kids?

Treat a woman with respect and there's nothing to fear... undecided

Is Nairaland the real life? Are you that stupid? In the world put there, young girls are being abused, used as sex slaves and you're here mentioning Nairaland where we all do sh** to catch cruise? Sick! You're the one making this a 'girl child vs Us' thing...

The men who made women victims... Blame them... They cause this divide that we're obligated to bridge...

Isn't it a man's world? Aren't women the fairer sex... It's sad how men shot themselves in the foot with these arguments... undecided

Accept that men and women are equal... Only then would the issue of a man being a victim make sense to the general society...

But when you dimwits carry yourselves like demi-god, don't feel bad when we say you can not bleed.
Ouch! Harsh much.
Nevertheless, you've got points there especially your last statement (however harsh the presentation)
To whom much is given, much is expected. Our male predecessors set themselves on a superiority pedestal, creating one mindset toward men. Men are the epitome of strength.
A slightly wrong notion as some men have come to realise, however, indoctrination is quite hard to correct. This brings about relative nonchalance to the supposed "Invincible gender"
Re: Neglect Of The Boy Child: We Need To Speak Up by zed7: 3:38pm On Nov 25, 2021

Feminism was and is embraced by men.
If it isn't, no single law would ever be made to correct imbalance.
Perhaps, you need an history lesson.
Seems you're the one more in need of an English lesson.


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