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Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 9:25am On Jan 21, 2022
So what's your thoughts on the story so far? Your likes and dislikes. Any issue or concept that you think needs addressing (excluding update issues cool )

Let me know. I need your sincere critical analysis.


If u don't have money, have ideas n knowledge dat will make d money for u....
It's such a nice story


Re: . by froze6(m): 10:58am On Jan 21, 2022
Okay, it's Friday and I promised today is gonna be the day I announce The most engaging member of this thread for this month, I always keep my promise, you all know that. So let get this done over with.

The winner will be determined by his or her number of post on this thread. Below are the statistics

1.) Ihawarl1 = 3 post
2.) froze6 = 9 post
3.) Jalynn = 1 post
4.) Kdavid07 = 1 post
5.) Dybala11 = 16 post
6.) Honsky001 = 1 post
7.) jullyrosy = 47 post
8.) downo2008 = 1 post
9.) MrCork = 4 post
10.) YoungBruzzy = 5 post
11.) Plus1ne = 2 post
12.) Slimsophiediva = 4 post
13.) Vlip42 = 1 post
14.) dappydonatt = 4 post

So ladies and gents, The Most Engaging Member Of The Thread this month thus the winner of the free PDF copy of the story is jullyrosy, a standing ovation for her. Jealousies, stand up and clap grin grin grin.

But jullyrosy, you no wan hear oh, see gap. Anyways, quote me with your Email so I can send the book to you.

Okay, updates continue on Monday, and as for my buyers you guys are the best, as for my readers you guys rock.

Xavier out

Finally I can comment in peace.Thank God

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Re: . by Xavier5(m): 4:46pm On Jan 21, 2022

Thrilling and educating

Thanks bro.

Educating, on what?


Re: . by Xavier5(m): 4:49pm On Jan 21, 2022
Am speechless

But you just said something grin grin grin

You rock


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Re: . by Xavier5(m): 4:50pm On Jan 21, 2022

If u don't have money, have ideas n knowledge dat will make d money for u....
It's such a nice story

Glad you love it kiss kiss kiss

Re: . by Xavier5(m): 4:52pm On Jan 21, 2022

Finally I can comment in peace.Thank God

I don loss, find me abeg


Re: . by Xavier5(m): 5:03pm On Jan 21, 2022

Awwwwwwwww. ....
Thank you....

I've sent it, check your mail


Re: . by froze6(m): 7:51pm On Jan 21, 2022

I don loss, find me abeg

Dont worry, but we can now enjoy the story in peace.
Abi the story son finish
Re: . by Semako36: 11:18pm On Jan 21, 2022

NOTE: The "The Bridge" software mentioned and explained in this up update has been copyrighted. Beware.


"Look young man, what I, we are about to do is unconventional. It's never been done, not in this family", Fredrich said, his eyes fixed on Richard sitted in the large living room of the mansion. With him are the Oyedeles. Angela sat by Richard's side, her hands in his in a firm lock. The atmosphere reeked of tension.

"We're about to over look the class issue with regards to you. That's a huge one for us, but we have to be sure if devoid of class, you're worthy to be welcomed into this fold. This will depend on two things, one, your ideals. Two, your relationship, personal, financial and career vision and prospects. My daughter can't be with a non entity", he said and paused.

"So to start with, what are your plans for my daughter?", he asked Richard who smiled cutely. Richard stared at Angela and said,
"To be an ideal partner and father to her and our kids". Emotions took over her.

"Awwwwwwwww. Isn't that sweet", Juliet teased pouting.

"Ooooookay. Now, what are the plans for your life. Your goals, visions and prospects", Fredrich asked raising a brow.

"Three things, just three things. One, to be successful in my career, financial, personal, spiritual, societal, social, romance and family lives. Two, to fulfill my purpose and three, to make heaven at last"

"Hmmmmmm, religious indeed. Talking about purpose, elaborate on that", Fredrich demanded.

"Purpose, my purpose, that's a personal thing. It's between me and God. I'll rather keep it to myself for now. Certain things are meant to be that way. Purpose is what a person was created for, to fulfill or do. I know mine, it has been been revealed to me, I'm walking towards it. You see, everyone is created with a specific purpose to be a solution to a particular problem or problems as the case may be, Genesis 1:26-28, Jeremiah 1:5. The problems in our world are equal to the number of humans, as a matter of fact, every human has a solution to a particular problem or problems confronting mankind. The reasons they're lots of problems in our world is because, majority of humans aren't fulfilling their purpose, they're doing nothing, only few are. I choose to be among the few, not the majority. That's true success. Fulfilling my success is true success because I'm doing what I was created for in the first place. What will my generation suffer because I choose not to fulfill my purpose? That's the question we should all ask ourselves, everyone of us. How do you know your purpose. Simple, one, your Passion, positive passion. Your Passion may be your purpose or it may be connected to it. Two, your skills and resources. Your skills are connected to your purpose. Three, consult the Creator", Richard said. Silent fell all over the room. That was wisdom in another dimension. How did he come about that?

"That's revealing. About your finances and career, what are your plans with regards to them?", Fredrich quizzed.

"Just three things"

"Which are?"

"One, to be the founder, owner and head of one of the world largest and wealthiest multi national conglomerate which will span various choiced industries although it will major in the tech industry. Two, to be one of the world's richest, powerful, prominent and influential men. Three, to be one of the world's prominent philanthropist with my humanitarian organisations being one of the largest if not the largest"

"That's massive, how do you intend achieving that?", Selina asked. Richard smiled. He knows where this is heading.

"I know what you're thinking. He wants to be part of the family so that he can use our resources to achieve his ambition. What a crook"

"That's bullshit. Where did such come from?", Micheal asked.

"You don't have to tell me. I know a lot about your kind. You need to know this, the Oyedeles aren't part of my plan and they won't be part of it. Even if you offer your help, I'm not going to accept it", Richard said and smiled. Damn, this is going to be obnoxious.

"That's uncalled for", Angela fired with a raised voice.

"Oh yes it is. I'm passing a message. I don't need your wealth and influence, I don't care about those. All I want from this family is your daughter's and sibling's love", he said.

"Now back to where we were. To achieve such massive goal, I've laid out plans for that which I'm gently following. One of such plans are ideas. I've conceived tons of ideas, money making ideas. Ideas, that when implemented will fetch me billions of dollars. I'm gradually implementing them. In the film industry terminology, they're at different stages of development", he said chuckling at the last statement.

"Anyways, one of such ideas is a software I'm currently building"

"Software?", Felicia asked.

"Yea. As a computer science student and programmer, I'm working on a software"

"What kind of software", Felicia asked.

"I'm working on a software which will bridge the gap between tertiary institutions. A software which will serve as a medium for one, socialization and hook up between students and staffs of tertiary institutions. Two, be a medium for the transfer and sharing of information, news, research and academic works of and between tertiary institutions. Three, provide an E-learning platform for students by their various institutions. It is an online community for students and staffs of tertiary institutions. The software will be connected to the servers of various tertiary institutions. This will enable access of the software to their database for profile information purposes. Registration as a member is in two form, student and staff. As a student, one has to provide the name of his or her institution and reg or matric number, with that done, the software will scan through the database of the inputed information to confirm if the intended member is a student and if yes, his or her student details will be displayed, with this done, he or she can proceed with the account creation. For staffs, the intended member will provide his or her name and the name of his or her tertiary institutions, with this done, the same process involve in the account creation for students will be carried out. As for the case of E-learning, there will be a platform for that, students will go to their various institution's E-learning center in the software, input their reg or matric number prompting the software to scan for certain informations concerning the student, informations like suspension, expulsion, school fees payment etc. If the student passes such screening, he or she will be given access to the platform where he or she will get access to online tutorials and classes. Same thing goes to the lecturers. The software itself will be a social network, information hub and E-learning platform. E-learning platform for learning, social network for socialisation and hook up and the information hub for the transfer and sharing of information, news, research and academic works. Once a user registers, he will be given list of students and staffs of his institution on the platform to follow. He or she can then expand his followership base by following more either by searching for them through their user names, reg or matric number or through their institutions. As for the information hub aspect, we are going to use a targeted content visibility system where contents i.e news, informations, research and academic works can only be seen by those whom the content creator wants to see. For example, if I make an information hub post, let say, a research work and I make it to be visible only to personnels of UniLag or Nigerian tertiary institutions, only those set of people will see and access such post of mine irrespective of whether they're on my followership list or not, except it's general or global where everyone gets to see and access it whether they're on my followership list or not. The details of users of the software in the software changes as their details changes in their various institution's database, for example, if a student becomes a graduate and such change is done in his or her institution's database, such change will be applied automatically on the student's profile details in the software by the software. Certain profile informations can be inputed and changed by the users while some can't, those one's that can't are automatically been done by the software in line with the user's details in his or her institution's database. As for monetisation, that has been mapped out and put in place. You know to create a software like that, I need the support and consent of tertiary institutions. I need their approval to access their servers thus their database. That's not a problem, lots of tertiary institutions across the country has given me their approval, consent and support starting with the University Of Lagos. The plan is to start from Nigeria, then extend to West Africa, then Africa and then the rest of the world. I might move from Nigeria to the World skipping the West Africa and Africa path. Now talking about selling the software, I know lots of corporations will be interested in it, I can't tell, circumstance will determine that. Note this, this low class boy possesses high class mindset and vision. You're welcome", he said and made a comic bow at his last statement. The Oyedeles were left speechless.

"And one more thing, I don't hardly talk about my ideas to avoid intellectual property theft. So to be safe guarded against that, I've copyrighted this intellectual property incase of you know someone decides to steal it, you know what that means", he said.

"Wow", Selina muttered.

"How come you never told me about this", that was Angela. Richard shrugged in response.

"But I told you I was working on a software and even showed it to you"

"Since when does showing equate to explaining. How do you expect me to understand what you were doing or what it's all about. I'm a mathematician, not a computer programmer, even if I was a computer programmer, showing me wouldn't have been enough, it would have required explanations", she replied.

"Okay okay, my bad. I'm sorry", he apologized.

"This software of yours, any name for it?", Felicia asked.

"The Bridge"

"The Bridge, why the Bridge", she asked.

"Because just as the bridge of love that links two worlds together", he said and winked at Angela who smiled in response, "The software links the tertiary institutions together in one big digital community. Funny thing, I thought of that name of recent"

"Phenomenal", Steven uttered, "Now I see what Angela saw in you"

"That's pleasant to hear son. I wish you well in your endeavours. So, your ideals, let's talk about them", Fredrich said as the discussion continued.

They were all thrilled, pleased and awed by Richard. Angela was super pleased and joyed. Now, her family knows the kind of man she's dating, a being of capacity, not a riff raff. At the end of the meeting, the opposers became supporters, the supporters became more supporters. The RichGela relationship was consented to. Things went back to normal for Richard and Angela, super normal.


Ideas! Ideas! Ideas!�

Love this

1 Like

Re: . by Semako36: 11:21pm On Jan 21, 2022
Different lessons to be learnt in this story. Learnt one already today. Kudos to the writer

1 Like

Re: . by Semako36: 11:26pm On Jan 21, 2022
But isn't it too early for things to start going smoothly between this 2? Well na the writer go make us know wetin dey sup

1 Like

Re: . by Semako36: 11:28pm On Jan 21, 2022
Jullyrosy baby I no go mind small expo o grin grin

1 Like

Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 6:27am On Jan 22, 2022

Finally I can comment in peace.Thank God

Na who get peace dey comment on peace na. ...
U need peace in ur life first

1 Like

Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 6:27am On Jan 22, 2022
But isn't it too early for things to start going smoothly between this 2? Well na the writer go make us know wetin dey sup

Lol. ..

1 Like

Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 6:28am On Jan 22, 2022
Jullyrosy baby I no go mind small expo o grin grin

Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 6:29am On Jan 22, 2022

I've sent it, check your mail


Thanks dear
I will still be here with my comments....
U sabi dis work...
Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 6:30am On Jan 22, 2022

I don loss, find me abeg

Leave dat mumu we dey act like woman..

1 Like

Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 6:32am On Jan 22, 2022
Where's Dybala11. ...
Hope he's ok?

Carter don japa

1 Like

Re: . by Dybala11(m): 6:38am On Jan 22, 2022
Where's Dybala11. ...
Hope he's ok?

Carter don japa
I'm fine o. I'm often quite busy all through the week jor, only available during weekends.
Re: . by Eqsmart(m): 6:58am On Jan 22, 2022
Wow! This piece is so captivating.. kudos

1 Like

Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 8:12am On Jan 22, 2022

I'm fine o. I'm often quite busy all through the week jor, only available during weekends.

Ok dear...
Was just checking up on u

1 Like

Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 8:12am On Jan 22, 2022
Wow! This piece is so captivating.. kudos

U can say dat again

1 Like

Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 8:13am On Jan 22, 2022
Xavier5 u can drop links of ur other released stories ooo. .or is dis d only one here in nairaland ?

1 Like

Re: . by YoungBruzzy(m): 9:03am On Jan 22, 2022
Omo I dey feel this Richard fr smiley I just pray that all his plan come to fruition.

Thank you my wonderful OP.
You are the best smiley wink

1 Like

Re: . by Xavier5(m): 9:40am On Jan 22, 2022
Dont worry, but we can now enjoy the story in peace.
Abi the story son finish

More to come bro, more to come


1 Like

Re: . by Xavier5(m): 9:42am On Jan 22, 2022
Xavier5 u can drop links of ur other released stories ooo. .or is dis d only one here in nairaland ?

One after the other, after The Bridge, Classic comes next immediately and so on and on


Re: . by Xavier5(m): 9:43am On Jan 22, 2022
Omo I dey feel this Richard fr smiley I just pray that all his plan come to fruition.

Thank you my wonderful OP.
You are the best smiley wink

Re: . by Xavier5(m): 9:44am On Jan 22, 2022

Ideas! Ideas! Ideas!�

Love this

Re: . by Xavier5(m): 9:48am On Jan 22, 2022
Different lessons to be learnt in this story. Learnt one already today. Kudos to the writer

Thanks bro. I appreciate cool cool cool

But isn't it too early for things to start going smoothly between this 2? Well na the writer go make us know wetin dey sup

More drama to come bro, #Anticipate cool cool cool


Re: . by froze6(m): 9:59am On Jan 22, 2022

Na who get peace dey comment on peace na. ...
U need peace in ur life first
why are u concerned about me, you should be concerned about your self.

And why are abusing ur "gender" it is too early on a Saturday.
Re: . by jullyrosy(f): 6:26pm On Jan 22, 2022

Thanks bro. I appreciate cool cool cool

More drama to come bro, #Anticipate cool cool cool


U finish work for the story....

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