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Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 12:45pm On Feb 08, 2022 |
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness. Psalm 30:11 My friend, you are favored and accepted by God today because of His unmerited favor. Even if your life is a mess, He can take your mess and make it into something beautiful. Come to Him just as you are. Years ago, one of my church members suddenly stopped coming to church for a long time. I met up with him to find out how he was doing and to see if everything was alright. He was very honest with me and told me that he was going through a lot of problems in his marriage and that he was now addicted to alcohol. Then, he said this: "Let me get my life right, then I will come back to church.” I smiled and asked him, “Do you clean yourself before you take a bath?” I could tell from his expression that he was taken aback by my question, so I told him, “Come as you are to the Lord. He is the bath. He will cleanse you. He will get your life in order for you and He will cause every addiction to lose its hold on you. You don’t have to use your own efforts to clean yourself before you take a bath!” I am glad to share that this precious brother soon returned to church and Jesus turned his life around. Today, he is happily married, blessed with a beautiful family, and is one of my trusted, key leaders. That is what the Lord does when you come to Him as you are and allow Him to love you into wholeness. He will make all things beautiful in your life. There are many people today who are like this brother. They want to get their lives together by themselves before they come to Jesus. They are under the impression that they need to make themselves holy before they can step into God’s holy presence. They feel like they are being hypocrites if they don't sort out their lives first before coming to church. Nothing could be further from the truth. You will never be able to make yourself holy enough to qualify for God’s blessings. You are made holy, righteous, and clean by the blood of Jesus Christ, and it is His righteous standing that qualifies you—nothing more and nothing less. So stop trying to clean yourself before you go to the Lord. Come to Jesus with all your mess, all your addictions, all your weaknesses, and all your failures. God loves you just as you are. However, He also loves you too much to let you stay the same. My friend, when you come to Jesus, He becomes your “bath.” He will wash you clean, whiter than snow! Jump into the bath today and allow Jesus to make you perfect, righteous, and holy in God’s eyes! |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by sonmvayina(m): 3:05pm On Feb 08, 2022 |
Stop promoting idolatry .... |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 5:03pm On Feb 08, 2022 |
sonmvayina:Is Jesus an Idol? |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Nobody: 8:00pm On Feb 08, 2022 |
thesolutions: Yes, created by the Romans when they occupied Israel at that time. Hard to believe but true. 1 Like |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Nobody: 8:01pm On Feb 08, 2022 |
thesolutions: Yes, created by the Romans when they occupied Israel at that time. Hard to believe but true. Turn back to the Old Testament to be closer to GOD CAESAR'S MESSIAH: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus - OFFICIAL VERSION 1 Like |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 8:58pm On Feb 08, 2022 |
MindHacker9000:so, the idol Jesus, was it a myth as in no one called Jesus ever existed or was there someone at that time called Jesus that this myth was all about. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 10:33am On Feb 09, 2022 |
Knowledge is power. It can set you free or keep you in bondage. The old testament was for the Israelites. If you are not an Israelite, it is better you profess atheism than deny Jesus through whom you have access to this old testament God unless your idea of God is something Ridgid that heeds to a sound or enchantment, as in, a program. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Nobody: 11:40am On Feb 09, 2022 |
thesolutions: If the Europeans had not conquered your forefathers in Nigeria and brought Jesus to Nigeria about two thousand years after Jesus FAKE resurrection, how would you have had access to the New Testament and Old Testament today and be believing made up events of the New Testament you have no knowledge or records of? In this free information age where there is so much priceless free historical information on YouTube to prove that JESUS IS A MAN MADE MESSIAH then surely Ignorance Is A Choice Today 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 1:29pm On Feb 09, 2022 |
MindHacker9000:You said New testament and Old testament was brought by the Europeans that conquered my forefathers, yet you are doubtful of the New testament but held the old testament. How is that reasonable to you. It is better you do away with the two and stand an atheist than display such folly. Stop catching cruise with what you have no full knowledge about. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Nobody: 1:53pm On Feb 09, 2022 |
thesolutions: You are the one displaying such folly due to your lack of knowledge. The Old Testament talks of a true Messiah that will come once and rule the whole world and not just the Isealites alone and the FAKE New Testament Jesus you're preaching does not in any way meet the requirements of this True Messiah in the Old Testament. Jesus was a superstar and nowhere near the expected Messiah in Isaiah 53:2-3, can you compare your FAKE Jesus to the Messiah below: Isaiah 53:2-3 2. "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him." 3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.Like one from whom people hide their faceshe was despised, and we held him in low esteem. In this free information age where there is so much priceless free historical information on YouTube to prove that JESUS IS A MAN MADE MESSIAH then surely Ignorance Is A Choice Today |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 4:39pm On Feb 09, 2022 |
MindHacker9000:I believe you must have had the idea of a beast as your messiah while reading that portion while ignoring the weightier part. At least, you accept the existence of someone who bore our sins, who was stripped for our sake. By whom we the non Israelites have access to the God of Israel. If you are not accessing this God of Israel through him, you must be accessing something else by initiation thinking it is the God of Israel you are giving reverence to. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Nobody: 1:12am On Feb 10, 2022 |
thesolutions: You are following a man made idol and not the Messiah promised in the Old Testament like David that defeated Goliath. Your man made Jesus was a creation by the Romans to try and curtail the Jewish militaristic rebellion hoping that a Messiah like David will appear that will help them to drive the Romans out of Israel and the Romans were worried that a Messiah like David might coming out from among the Jews so they had the create their own peaceful turn the other cheek messiah you are following to today. In this free information age where there is so much priceless free historical information on YouTube to prove that JESUS IS A MAN MADE MESSIAH then surely Ignorance Is A Choice Today |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Cordenify(m): 1:30am On Feb 10, 2022 |
House of Joy: Saving Faith Isn’t Easily Satisfied |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 7:49am On Feb 10, 2022 |
MindHacker9000:David wasn't promised. Opportunity presented it self and by his faith, he won the victory for the Israelites. By his faith, he became a man after God's heart such that your anticipated messiah was promised to come from his offspring. Since your anticipated messiah has not come, you probably have gotten knowledge of David's offspring that will give birth to this detasted messiah that will rise like a nobody called David to a king, not of Israel, but the ruler of the world. You also probably believe that you/Africans are the true Israel of God that you are averting the question of how you are able to access the Jewish God without the messiah being born, died and rose according to the scripture. Every one is free to know what they choose to know and believe what they choose to believe. But it doesn't make a different belief wrong and it can't mean that all beliefs are right. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Nobody: 11:00am On Feb 10, 2022 |
thesolutions: I did not call David a promised Messiah. David's defeat of Goliath made him a kind of a Messiah. But the Messiah that was promised will do more than David. We have access to the Jewish God today without the messiah being born because the Romans waged a war against Israel and the Jewish people and conquered Israel, this was how the Romans were able to take the original Old Testament Scrolls away to their palace in Rome where the Romans kept the Scrolls in their secret chambers and not allowing the public to see it. After the Romans have studied the original Old Testament Scrolls and realised that the Jews were waiting for a Messiah that will defeat them and drive the Romans out of Israel, was the reason for the creation of the FAKE Messiah called Jesus you are preaching and following today. So the truth is that it was because the Romans conquered Israel and took the original Old Testament Scrolls from the Temple in Israel to Roman is the real reason we now have access to the Jewish God in the Old Testament. Where does it say in the Old Testament that the God of the Jews will make a virgin conceive his own son who will be crucified so that none Jews will have access to the God of the Jews in the Old Testament? In this free information age where there is so much priceless free historical information on YouTube to prove that JESUS IS A MAN MADE MESSIAH then surely Ignorance Is A Choice Today 1 Like |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 11:55am On Feb 10, 2022 |
MindHacker9000:David was a messiah because he defeated Goliath? How is that reasonable to you. It was the philistines that came out for battle against the Israelites and not a Goliath. The Israelites got courage to put the philistines to flight because David defeated Goliath. On the issue at hand, the Romans took the scrolls and studied it and used it to create a fake Jesus who lived a real life from birth to death as an artist. The script of a messiah according to you was probably written by God in your accepted old testament before the Romans conquered Israel. And the Romans were able to create this actor that has not been denied by other religion. Does it now mean that the old testament is God itself since anyone that has it can create anything God has thought of. Was it that the Romans believed in the God of Israel to the extent of propagating this fake Jesus to whole earth or they were working on conquering the whole world with the fake Jesus. Did they also create Islam that seems to oppose/compete with the Christendom? Why will Israel be needing a messiah when they have not been conquered. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Nobody: 12:34pm On Feb 10, 2022 |
thesolutions: Check the meaning of messiah: 1. the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible. ----------Jesus regarded by Christians as the Messiah of the Hebrew prophecies and the saviour of humankind. 2. a leader regarded as the saviour of a particular country, group, or cause. The fact God promised a Messiah when Israel had not yet been conquered by the Romans was because the Messiah will bring peace to the world so that there will be no more wars against Israel and other countries. There have always been wars with Israel from other nations before the Romans too came and waged war with them and to stop this God has promised a Messiah that will bring peace to the whole world and not your superstar Messiah created by the Romans. In this free information age where there is so much priceless free historical information on YouTube to prove that JESUS IS A MAN MADE MESSIAH then surely Ignorance Is A Choice Today 1 Like |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Steep(m): 1:02pm On Feb 10, 2022 |
thesolutions:beautiful! Many people make the mistake of bettering themselves before coming to Jesus forgetting Jesus came for the sinners, the unrighteous those who are poor and has no one to help them, those who are confused about life, those the world has rejected, beaten, disqualified and written off etc Jesus came for such people, give them life and that life is eternal. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Steep(m): 1:05pm On Feb 10, 2022 |
thesolutions:stop replying those people focus on your thread. The old testament was to lead the jews to Jesus christ. The old testament where symbols of what is to come. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by sonmvayina(m): 11:43pm On Feb 11, 2022 |
thesolutions: Yes, he is an idol. God's commandment is " Do not make the image or likeness of anything in heaven or on earth or under the waters below the earth, do not bow down to them or serve them. Jesus is supposed to be a man something that is found on earth... 1 Like |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by sonmvayina(m): 11:45pm On Feb 11, 2022 |
thesolutions: It was based on different mythological figures... 1 Like |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by sonmvayina(m): 11:54pm On Feb 11, 2022 |
Steep: Explain with two examples so it becomes clear. The jews don't have a new covenant. The supposed new covenant was a renewal of the same old... 1 Like |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by sonmvayina(m): 11:56pm On Feb 11, 2022 |
The jews don't have God mating with humans as part of their belief system Those belongs to romnn/Greek mythology. For the problem of sin, god already gave a solution to it. Confess and forsake..he will forgive. No mention of human or God sacrifice. It is an abomination in Judaism.. 1 Like |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 6:41am On Feb 12, 2022 |
sonmvayina:so you are saying there were two different mythological fake Jesus or the Romans saw the existence of a fake Jesus and then used him to create the Jewish Jesus to keep the Jews waiting for a messiah. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by sonmvayina(m): 10:31pm On Feb 12, 2022 |
thesolutions: No..there was never any Jesus at all. He was written into existence by the romans/Greeks. They drew inspiration from the different tales or mythology of different characters to create their super hero. .. They are many words of budha that where put in Jesus mouth.. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 6:42am On Feb 13, 2022 |
sonmvayina:It is no longer the Romans but the Romans/Greek So they also fabricated the sites in Israel of Jesus journey. They also fabricated Islam that believe the non existent fake Jesus would come back. The Romans also conquered India and took the book Buddha wrote, studied it and use his philosophies to build the words of Jesus. They must have being the originator of Oduduwa, Sango and Amadioha myth too. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by EnemyofGod22(m): 7:25am On Feb 13, 2022 |
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Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by sonmvayina(m): 12:46pm On Feb 15, 2022 |
thesolutions: Your case is beyond redemption... Just believe whatever you want.. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by Nobody: 1:24pm On Feb 15, 2022 |
Better to come to GOD in the Old Testament and keep HIS Commandments without the stoning for silly stuff like picking sticks on a sabbath than to come to the man made Jesus in the New Testament. Jesus promised He would rise up in three days, and in less than 3 days He did, He did not wait for 3000 years. But for Him to come back for the elect immediately after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD as he promised, no He did not show up, is that not a betrayal of the elect that trusted Him, ate with Him, walked with Him and preached with Him? Jesus said this will happen immediately after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD. “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. Matthew 24:22 29 "Immediately after the distress of those days" “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Matthew 24:30-31 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened..Matthew 24:34 |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 1:48pm On Feb 15, 2022 |
sonmvayina:This frustration is what you get when you send yourself. If you believe in God, allow Him to send you with this message. Unfortunately, you can't claim being sent by God but by the ego of what you think you know. Cultist way. |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by sonmvayina(m): 2:37pm On Feb 15, 2022 |
thesolutions: Which God? 5he creator of heaven and earth or the man that was nailed to a cross?.. So I will be clear ? |
Re: Come As You Are To Jesus by thesolutions(m): 2:51pm On Feb 15, 2022 |
sonmvayina:The God you believe in. Did he send you? How are you communicating with him? Hope it is no by chanting psalms. |
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