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Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Gospelpreacher1: 9:22pm On Feb 08, 2022
NUCLEAR DEAL : Biden REMOVES some Iran sanctions imposed by Trump - including unfreezing $29B in bank accounts overseas

The US State Department is waiving sanctions on Iran's civilian nuclear program in the hope that Tehran will return to the 2015 nuclear agreement, a senior official said Friday.

As U.S. negotiators head back to Vienna for what could be a make-or-break session, Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed several sanctions waivers related to Iran's civilian nuclear activities. The move reverses the Trump administration's decision to rescind them.

The waivers are intended to entice Iran to return to compliance with the 2015 deal that it has been violating since former President Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement in 2018 and re-imposed U.S. sanctions.

The removal of sanctions would see the release of Iran's frozen funds held abroad, estimated at some $29 billion about a one third of what's held abroad by the country.

Iran would once against be allowed to trade with the rest of the world use global banking systems such as SWIFT to wire money.

Sanctions against exports of Iranian oil would also be removed. Foreign firms would once again be allowed to invest in Iran's commodities of oil and gas, automobiles, hotels and other sectors.

So far, three negotiators on the U.S. team have resigned. In January Richard Nephew stepped down as deputy special envoy for Iran and left the U.S. team negotiating Iran's return to the 2015 nuclear deal because he believed the there was no future for the agreement.

Two other officials have also left the negotiating team in recent months, including Ariane Tabatabai, a senior adviser in the State Department arms control bureau.

Iran says it is not respecting the terms of the deal because the U.S. pulled out of it first. Iran has demanded the restoration of all sanctions relief it was promised under the deal to return to compliance.

Earlier this week it was revealed how Iran's nuclear program was on the verge of producing enough fuel for a nuclear bomb in just a matter of weeks and could have a device built in less than a year, according to an estimate by US officials.

Iran's 'breakout time' - the time it would take to produce enough weapons-grade uranium for one nuclear weapon - is believed to have advanced greatly after Donald Trump withdrew the US from a deal with the country in 2018, officials claim.

The breakout time is different from the time it would take Iran to build a nuclear weapon. Western officials believe Iran hasn't quite figured out how to build the core of a bomb and attach a warhead to a missile.

But the reduced breakout time is significantly lower than the 12-month period that formed the basis of the nuclear deal signed by President Barack Obama in 2015.

The length of Iran's breakout time depends on the steps Iran agrees to take to dismantle, ship abroad, destroy or seal its stockpile of enriched uranium, along with its machines for producing nuclear fuel and its centrifuge manufacturing capacity.

US officials believe a breakout period shorter than six months wouldn't give the US enough time to respond if Iran decided to ramp up its nuclear program.

The State Department have so far declined to comment ​on the breakout assessments.

The Trump administration ended the so-called 'civ-nuke' waivers in May 2020 as part of its 'maximum pressure' campaign against Iran that began when Trump withdrew the U.S. from the deal in 2018, complaining that it was the worst diplomatic agreement ever negotiated and gave Iran a pathway to developing a nuclear bomb.

President Joe Biden made a U.S. return to the nuclear deal a priority, and his administration has pursued that goal but there has been little progress toward that end since he took office a year ago. Administration officials said the waivers were being restored to help push the Vienna negotiations forward.

The waiver allows other countries and companies to participate in Iran's civilian nuclear program without triggering US sanctions on them, in the name of promoting safety and on-proliferation.

The civilian program includes the country's increasing stockpiles of enriched uranium.

'Absent this sanctions waiver, detailed technical discussions with third parties regarding disposition of stockpiles and other activities of nonproliferation value cannot take place,' the official said, insisting on anonymity.

The step came as talks to restore the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, which former president Trump unilaterally withdrew from in 2018, were at an advanced stage.

The Vienna talks, which include Iran, the United States, Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia, are at a key stage where the parties have to make 'critical political decisions,' a senior US official said last week.


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Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Gospelpreacher1: 9:24pm On Feb 08, 2022

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Machinegun91(m): 9:24pm On Feb 08, 2022
Biden is afraid of Russia and Arabic concubines

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Nobody: 9:25pm On Feb 08, 2022
and most people on Nairaland will not be happy with this

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Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by SmellingAnus(m): 9:25pm On Feb 08, 2022

1 Like

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Righteousness2(m): 9:26pm On Feb 08, 2022
All the puzzles are falling in Place.

Biden was specifically elected to weaken Nomerica aka Mystery Babylon and Ensure her Collaspe. The Covenant says "
I will Bless them that Bless you and Curse them that Curse you"
USA leadership of today is a leadership that is more anti-Israel than pro-Isreal.

Israel would strike at anything Nuclear from Iran as they will not let her get a Nuke.

Isaiah 17 Damascus Prophecy is also at Hand as Israel continues to strike at any Iranian shipment to its Proxies, Hezebollah, etc.

If Israel strikes Iran's Nuclear or Damascus vanishes as the prophet Isaiah Prophecies! Russia headed by Putin ( Gog) and Magog Collation of Turkey , Iran and the many others will come and try to Overshadow Israel.

Listen Folks! Bible Prophecies are starring us in the Face.
Make Haste and come into the Ship before the doors are shut!

55 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Kosoco(m): 9:35pm On Feb 08, 2022
Biden easy on
Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by slawormiir: 10:01pm On Feb 08, 2022
Damnnn niggar
Nobody be super man
Negotiations still remain the best way of achieving peace

Biden was specifically elected to weaken Nomerica aka Mystery Babylon and Ensure her Collaspe. The Covenant says "
Listen Folks! Bible Prophecies are starring is in the Face.
Make Haste and come into the Ship before the doors are shut!
Na wa for bros Righteousness2

i just dey pray make something push you come Benin city....then i go meet you one on one....we go hang out together
na weed you go smoke till day break.....or i go use weed cook indomie or beans make you eat and sleep for two days....after you wake up... i go book hotel... buy enough beer and arrange two slim runs babe for you make them bang you all night.....i bet my balls after all these ....all these your end time and prophesy go stop

79 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Artbydris(m): 10:02pm On Feb 08, 2022
Cool. Let's see how things go.
Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Benitoh: 10:02pm On Feb 08, 2022
Biden is too soft for my liking

10 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by NOETHNICITY(m): 10:03pm On Feb 08, 2022
USA withdrawal from the nuclear deal has proven to be the most foolish and senseless foreign policy decision in 50yrs or since vietnam.

Now retracing it's step is not as easy as it should be. At the same time Iranian nuclear program has taken a leap in advancement to heights it never reached before the JCPOA.

Even the dumb Trump has admitted that the decision to pulled out of deal was simply to please Isreal. It was never about any sound idea or rationality.

52 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by TheABOMINATION: 10:03pm On Feb 08, 2022
I really don't understand all these fuss about a nation trying to build a nuclear weapon. If there are dozens of nations that already possess nuclear weapons, why act as if one or two more nations building a nuclear weapon will lead to the end of the world.

Why did the nations that currently has nuclear weapons build them in the first place, was it not for self protection. Then why not allow other nations build their own nuclear weapons for self protection.

68 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by thatsleepboy1: 10:03pm On Feb 08, 2022
Throughout time, there have been only two significant forces in the entire universe: Sovereign God who created all things and Satan who’s been trying to seize control of everything ever since, man included. Every departure from the will of God, every false doctrine, every lie, every theft, every homicide, terrorist act or war is just an earthly manifestation of that heavenly conflict. Though we can’t see it, that ongoing battle in the spiritual world is real and it’s one of the Bible’s central themes. Most of Scripture is history, recorded in prose and poetry, but almost one third is predictive prophecy – God telling His people about events future to when the prophecy was given. Ever since then, theologians without number have been trying to decipher those prophecies, theorizing a zillion or so “views” of exactly how this . . .

Christian era should end: Preterism, Historicism or the ever-so-popular Futurism (seven-year-tribulation, pre-trib rapture and all), each with its own intrepid battalion of fire-breathing defenders. But the very existence of so many end-time “positions” shows that the theologians themselves aren’t sure anybody’s got it right. So lets set aside our traditions for a while and take a look at a couple of events that took place in the Holy Land within the last few years. They just might change the way we ought to look at Bible prophecy.

In 1948, the few precious Jews who survived the Nazi Holocaust fled Europe and established a new nation in the Holy Land. They named it Israel.
In 1967, Jerusalem was freed of Gentile control for the first time in 2573 years. Those two events fulfill more Bible prophecy than anything else that’s happened in the world since the Cross! They also open two verses in Daniel that are key to understanding the rest of Bible prophecy . . .

Daniel 12:4 “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end.”
Daniel 12:9 “And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.”

The freeing of Jerusalem from Gentile control in 1967 ended the “time of the Gentiles,” Luke 21:24, and began Daniel’s “time of the end!” Since Daniel was sealed until the “time of the end,” all prophetic views devised out of Daniel prior to 1967 are at best incomplete, or at worst, false doctrine. Now that’s scary! We could be basing the last few decisions we’ll make on this planet on imaginary events that will never happen.

Look around the world today. Do we see the supposed Seven-year trib anywhere? How about the Antichrist? Preterism? Historicism or any of the other popular endtime scenarios? None seem to fit reality, do they. We see instead, ever increasing natural disasters, earthquakes, huge fish and wildlife die-offs, honeybees disappearing, floods, famines, terrorists, anarchy, genocides, financial collapses, wars, all getting worse until what? It can now be proven beyond reasonable doubt that most of Revelation is not in our future. The False Prophet and the Two Witnesses have already been here. Six of the Seven Trumpets, six of the Seven Seals and all three of Revelation’s “beasts” have already been here, too! All have been fulfilled during the Christian era. In fact, all prophecy that needed to be fulfilled before the Lord’s return has already been fulfilled and we face the appalling collapse of Western civilization, followed soon after by King Jesus appearing in the sky! Not what you were expecting to hear, was it. Please set your end-time traditions aside for a while and open your Bibles, because . . . “If any man wills to do His will, he will know of the doctrine, whether it is of God or whether I speak of myself.”


Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by joyandfaith: 10:04pm On Feb 08, 2022
Biden is afraid of Russia and islamic concubines
Iranians are not arabs


Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by edmaraja: 10:04pm On Feb 08, 2022
Biden is an idiot


Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by FirstSon01: 10:04pm On Feb 08, 2022
All the puzzles are falling in Place.

Biden was specifically elected to weaken Nomerica aka Mystery Babylon and Ensure her Collaspe. The Covenant says "
I will Bless them that Bless you and Curse them that Curse you"
USA leadership of today is a leadership that is more anti-Israel than pro-Isreal.

Israel would strike at anything Nuclear from Iran as they will not let her get a Nuke.

Isaiah 17 Damascus Prophecy is also at Hand as Israel continues to strike at any Iranian shipment to its Proxies, Hezebollah, etc.

If Israel strikes Iran's Nuclear or Damascus vanishes as the prophet Isaiah Prophecies! Russia headed by Putin ( Gog) and Magog Collation of Turkey , Iran and the many others will come and try to Overshadow Israel.

Listen Folks! Bible Prophecies are starring is in the Face.
Make Haste and come into the Ship before the doors are shut!

Just talking nonsense!

55 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Sundaypaul12345: 10:05pm On Feb 08, 2022
Nice one
Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Nobody: 10:05pm On Feb 08, 2022

He understand that the politics of threatening others is now not in favour of USA.

USA should focus on its Econmy and stop being any Police. World was there before USA and will continue to be,even after USA.

It claim democracy but keep practicing authoritarianism upon other countries.

Any way,this is good for them.

13 Likes 1 Share

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by DropsMic(m): 10:05pm On Feb 08, 2022
Death to all terrorists


Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by vibre: 10:06pm On Feb 08, 2022
Foolish biden, he will regret this in future
Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by fredoooooo: 10:07pm On Feb 08, 2022
America wan compromise something again grin


Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by SultanOfPuna: 10:07pm On Feb 08, 2022
Biden has turned America into a ForBIDEN Kingdom


Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by todaynewsreview: 10:08pm On Feb 08, 2022
Definitely, that's been the Democrat plan for ages
Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Brownshoe: 10:08pm On Feb 08, 2022
Let me settle this matter for them, them no gree
Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by jcross19: 10:09pm On Feb 08, 2022
Biden is a buhari pro max!!!.


Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Buboli: 10:09pm On Feb 08, 2022
Wow... This is serious
Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Juventus4life: 10:09pm On Feb 08, 2022

1 Like

Re: Biden Removes Some Sanctions On Iran Over Nuclear Program (Pics) by Dmeji4444(m): 10:11pm On Feb 08, 2022
All the puzzles are falling in Place.

Biden was specifically elected to weaken Nomerica aka Mystery Babylon and Ensure her Collaspe. The Covenant says "
I will Bless them that Bless you and Curse them that Curse you"
USA leadership of today is a leadership that is more anti-Israel than pro-Isreal.

Israel would strike at anything Nuclear from Iran as they will not let her get a Nuke.

Isaiah 17 Damascus Prophecy is also at Hand as Israel continues to strike at any Iranian shipment to its Proxies, Hezebollah, etc.

If Israel strikes Iran's Nuclear or Damascus vanishes as the prophet Isaiah Prophecies! Russia headed by Putin ( Gog) and Magog Collation of Turkey , Iran and the many others will come and try to Overshadow Israel.

Listen Folks! Bible Prophecies are starring is in the Face.
Make Haste and come into the Ship before the doors are shut!


You must sha relate everything to end time, wahala wa oo

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