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Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine - Foreign Affairs (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by Nobody: 7:46pm On Feb 24, 2022
WWlll loading...
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by Boss469(m): 7:46pm On Feb 24, 2022
As the media aide of his Excellency gov wike (p.o.s of africa) Putin should write his death will, we are coming with our task force to destroy communist. Gov wike hates dictatorship.

Bleep Putin!!.. even his own people are against him
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by ken6488(m): 7:46pm On Feb 24, 2022
Ukraine lost the war even before it started


Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by Nobody: 7:46pm On Feb 24, 2022
The US intelligence has been sounding the alarm that Russia would invade. All of you were shouting US was the problem.

Now we know who’s right after all.

US intelligence couldn't have made a mistake because the have alot of experience in invading other people's countries. Am not surprised.


Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by uunwanaobong3: 7:47pm On Feb 24, 2022
Good will not forgive western countries and NATO for sending innocent Ukrainians to their death.... This war was a no no for the Ukrainian from the beginning, NATO knew that they will not fight along side Ukrainians and yet they were talking tough against Russia.

A simple " I CHOSE TO REMAIN NEUTRAL - I am not joining NATO, I am not joining Russia" would have solved this problem, instead Ukrainian president was listening to Biden and his NATO allies.......... This is what we called unnecessary war through wrong advise

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Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by lagdmark(m): 7:47pm On Feb 24, 2022
The countries backing Ukraine, where are they?
Don't you know how US and Nato will hail a leader into his grave and runaway. Thank God no Nigeria president want to invite US forces into Nigeria to fight Boko haram

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Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by Mooh247: 7:47pm On Feb 24, 2022

Putin be showing off
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by treatise: 7:47pm On Feb 24, 2022
Damn i really feel for this people of Ukraine, the western powers they depended on now has deserted them.
Instead of sending In troops,na sanctions wey no reach anywhere them dey sanction.

Sanctions will takes weeks and months to have effects but won't cost the blood of any citizen of the WEST.
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by iLiquidator: 7:47pm On Feb 24, 2022
Pikin wey them carry for back.....
Who can complete this proverb?

When Hitler was invading neighboring countries, some idiots were applauding him, Putin no even reach Hitler at all. Yet where is he today?

There is nothing new under the sun. There will always be a good reason to go to war, but there is still reason to opt for peace.

I just want to warn Africans to brace up for more wars. A multipolar world is a battleground for power and influence. There will be more coup and counter coup. Brace up for it

Hitler has no nukes

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Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by Nobody: 7:47pm On Feb 24, 2022
Damn i really feel for this people of Ukraine, the western powers they depended on now has deserted them.
Instead of sending In troops,na sanctions wey no reach anywhere them dey sanction.

Western powers could have sent in troops all right..and that could have led us down the road to...nuclear weapon exchanges.

Hence the softly softly..and mind the risk is still there.
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by Imstrong2(m): 7:49pm On Feb 24, 2022
Ukraine is not a member. NATO is free from this fight
But you can't rule out external intervention as the war advances
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by TheABOMINATION: 7:49pm On Feb 24, 2022
Pikin wey them carry for back.....
Who can complete this proverb?

When Hitler was invading neighboring countries, some idiots were applauding him, Putin no even reach Hitler at all. Yet where is he today?

There is nothing new under the sun. There will always be a good reason to go to war, but there is still reason to opt for peace.

I just want to warn Africans to brace up for more wars. A multipolar world is a battleground for power and influence. There will be more coup and counter coup. Brace up for it

When Ukraine (the son) insist on helping Russia's (the father) enemy, how can you blame Russia for resorting to force. Or are you another victim of western propaganda?

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Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by brandsoncharlie: 7:49pm On Feb 24, 2022
Putin has blundered so badly here it’s almost laughable.

His choices are simple:

He withdraws from the border and doesn’t invade, but that makes all his posturing look weak since he already is occupying Ukraine with his troops (Crimea, Donbass) and has issued a “red-line” statement against the West. Weakness is not a character trait Russians particularly respect.

He invades because he’s already tacitly committed himself to doing so and his country faces the wrath of pretty much the entire world. Sanctions would most certainly be extreme, and then possible loss of trade with the largest economies (U.S., E.U. U.K, Japan, Australia, etc.) How long do you think Russia can survive on its own? We wouldn’t even need to blockade Russian ports, we’d just embargo them into submission.
Yeah, Vlad got himself into a real geopolitical pickle here. He hasn’t left himself very many options that are good for himself or his shitty country.
Expert that don't know anything..
You think Russia isn't sovereign itself and independent..
Everytime sanctions, u think Russia is 2nd world or 3rd world country grin cheesy
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by winner37(m): 7:49pm On Feb 24, 2022
Why putin doing all this to ukraine
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by adefitim(m): 7:49pm On Feb 24, 2022
Shey na my mind Dey deceive me ni abi weytin? Cuz I can’t understand why I am feeling that Russia �� will win
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by israelmao(m): 7:49pm On Feb 24, 2022
May Jesus bless president PUTIN

Jesus can't back a proud man.God resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble.
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by Help2020: 7:50pm On Feb 24, 2022
And it's taking Nigerian Army over 15 years to capture sambisa.
Buhari look at your mate Putin
you non just get sense. Comparing conventional war with terrorism. Spit
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by IvarDboneless: 7:51pm On Feb 24, 2022
May Jesus bless president PUTIN
Enough from these imperialists bastards
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by linearity: 7:51pm On Feb 24, 2022
This could have been easily avoided. Don't allow people push you into a fight that's not yours. Now where's the US when Ukraine needs them? No where.
This is what happens in our everyday life. People fighting battles that's actually not their from the onset.
May God grant us wisdom to deal wisely with men.

How did the West or US pushed Ukraine?

US have stated many weeks ago that they will not send in an American soldiers to help Ukraine.

It is the Ukrainians that are fighting for the sovereignty of their country, they love their freedom dearly that, they are willing to die for it instead of surrendering to Putin’s demands.


Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by tamdun: 7:52pm On Feb 24, 2022

The plant is dormant
Check ur facts

Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by Sebastine1994(m): 7:52pm On Feb 24, 2022
Hitler has no nukes

Is Russia the only country with nukes,
Putin is digging himself into a hole, at least it would show the world that Putin is the bad guy, watch what would happen next.

Nobody wants a threat as an Ally. Putin lied to the whole world, it makes America the good guy for predicting this thing when we thought it was propaganda

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Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by drakeli: 7:52pm On Feb 24, 2022
But you can't rule out external intervention as the war advances
The US already send millions of dollars worth of military equipment aides to Ukraine a month ago. That’s the best they can do. They are not going to fight for a non NATO country

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Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by ShaqFu: 7:52pm On Feb 24, 2022
Yet Ukraine is busy parading Russian soldiers they caught. Who is deceiving who?
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by pansophist(m): 7:53pm On Feb 24, 2022
My opinion on the war.

1. Against what the USA is doing.
2. I understand the grievances of the Russians.
3. I sympathise with Ukraine
4. In support of no one.

In the light of the above, the US should stop spreading imperialism, using Ukraine as a puppet state to contain Russia. Putin sees the game clearly, and to him, its better Ukraine go down instead. Because no matter how much the World scream usual democratic buzzwords such as territorial integrity, Invasion, human rights etc, we live in the real world and its not democratic, it's a world of strength vs weakness.

None of these screaming country will come and save Russia if the US attacks it. Where were they during the invasion of Syria, Libya, Serbia, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran? It was graveyard silence. We live in a eurocentric world, a world where might is right, and the west are immuned from the same rule they expect others to follow. The outcome of this war will establish to the westerners that the world is no longer a unilateral one with the US at the highest chamber.

Ukraine should have implemented the Minsk agreement, opt for neutrality like Finland and Sweden who shares borders with Russia, and enjoy relationship with the east and the west. But greed and corruption have eaten deep into the politics elites of Ukraine, that they are basically political prostitute of the west. But Russia is the worse enemy you can ever have.

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Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by IvarDboneless: 7:54pm On Feb 24, 2022
He no go better for Putin. Ukrainians in our prayers.
Shut up if you don't know anytin
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by BelieveThat: 7:54pm On Feb 24, 2022

You live in Ukraine?
No baba, just feeling for those there cry
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by Great0ne1: 7:54pm On Feb 24, 2022

Where is that Donkey that was screaming Ukraine is wining the war on the other thread ?.

It’s a Pity Zelenskyy allowed Sleepy Joe to deceive him. He didn’t learn from the 2008 Russia/Georgia war where George Bush a Republican who loved war couldn’t confront Russia after pushing Georgia to war with Russia. I have said this and will keep seeing it. The West won’t go to war with Russia over Ukraine. These Nuclear Powers honors MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction ). They know it would be disastrous to go to war with themselves. A Third World War is equivalent to a full scale nuclear war. Stop comparing what happened in 1939 that caused the Second World War when Hitler Invaded Poland to current happenings now. Ukraine will just suffer the brunt and nothing will happen. We the student of history knew what happened during the 1962 missile crisis in Cuba. US shouldn’t allow what they won’t take. US won’t allow Russia to site a military base around any country close to them. Russia is a big name in the league too. Putin is only fighting for the future security of his Nation.
You are a true student of history

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Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by CoronaVirusPro: 7:54pm On Feb 24, 2022
May Jesus bless president PUTIN

Same Jesus will bless him when he aids Iran to destroy Israel

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Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by drake99: 7:55pm On Feb 24, 2022
make this thing no cause world War 3
Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by jikins(m): 7:55pm On Feb 24, 2022
This could have been easily avoided. Don't allow people push you into a fight that's not yours. Now where's the US when Ukraine needs them? No where.
This is what happens in our everyday life. People fighting battles that's actually not their from the onset.
May God grant us wisdom to deal wisely with men.

True but then again did they really have a choice? What was the alternative? Stay neutral in the face of Russia continued aggression. Russia annexed Crimea, supported the rebel groups in the east of Ukraine. Russia already had an aggressive posture against Ukraine. It didn't just start now that they want to join NATO. It was this aggressive posture that made them want to join NATO so has to stop the circle of endless bullying by the Russians. So everyone is to be blamed really. And they all had reasons for sticking to their guns.


Re: Russian Forces Take Over Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant In Ukraine by MyVILLAGEpeople(m): 7:56pm On Feb 24, 2022

You are a true student of history

Thanks sir smiley

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