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How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. - Programming (3) - Nairaland

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Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by The5DME(m): 7:31pm On Feb 28, 2022

You don't need to specifically learn Gatsby or next if you know react. You can start applying to jobs and learn your DSA well.

I remember when you used to tell people here to forget about DSA grin now things don change.

1 Like

Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by tensazangetsu20(m): 7:36pm On Feb 28, 2022

I remember when you used to tell people here to forget about DSA grin now things don change.

I have learnt my lesson. I dont want others to suffer.
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by logik29(m): 5:38pm On Mar 01, 2022

I remember when you used to tell people here to forget about DSA grin now things don change.
What's DSA please?
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by Avast(m): 7:54pm On Mar 01, 2022

What's DSA please?
Data Structures and Algorithms
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by logik29(m): 1:41am On Mar 02, 2022

Data Structures and Algorithms
Thank you
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by romeo411(m): 10:29am On Mar 02, 2022
Need a private tutor on Web Development in Abuja; WhatsApp. 08063588558
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by jjparagon(m): 1:53pm On Mar 02, 2022
I'm a medical laboratory science student, I'd be graduating in a few months time.. Please in line with my career, which programming language/languages are best for me to learn. I just want to go straight to the point and learn them. Thanks sir
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by niel63(m): 8:28pm On Mar 02, 2022

Aside getting a high paying job easily as an expert in this platforms, this platforms are largely distributed and they can enable you to make money on your own as a developer. For instance , on Shopify the average Shopify theme goes for 200 USD and everyone familiar with Shopify knows how ugly the themes on the Shopify store are. Imagine building a much better looking theme and putting it up there and you even sell just 3 themes a month. That's more than what 70 percent of developers in Nigeria make. There's also the Shopify app store which you can build apps that make E commerce easy and you can charge users on an annual or on a monthly basis. You don't even need to worry about distribution as Shopify already takes care of that. The same thing with Shopify also applied to Magento and salesforce. Magento has very few themes in the marketplace. If you check envato marketplace you would find a Magento theme that has done over 1 million USD in sales. The least sales from one Magento theme there is around 20000 USD. So many people fit no see this kind money for their life for naija till them die.

My niqqur... grin

Always on point.

I remember the last time we talked about this Shopify thing.
Well I took on it using their storefront API.

I'm creating a thread to showcase it. I'll love to see you input.
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by tensazangetsu20(m): 8:50pm On Mar 02, 2022

My niqqur... grin

Always on point.

I remember the last time we talked about this Shopify thing.
Well I took on it using their storefront API.

I'm creating a thread to showcase it. I'll love to see you input.

Definitely let me know when you start your thread. I haven't done much of Shopify in two years but the agency I work with has an upcoming headless Shopify project which I am very excited about.
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by oluwaniyi66(m): 2:27pm On Mar 07, 2022

You don't need to specifically learn Gatsby or next if you know react. You can start applying to jobs and learn your DSA well.

Please sir, where do you recommend I can find onsite react developer internship?
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by inumidun2010(m): 4:53pm On Mar 10, 2022

Definitely let me know when you start your thread. I haven't done much of Shopify in two years but the agency I work with has an upcoming headless Shopify project which I am very excited about.

Hello boss, I just resigned from my stressful job like this, I am particularly interested in web development.

I wouldn't mind if you can send me links...
I saw the progression of learning you prescribed... I'll be happy if you can state a particular course that encompass each language you described at the beginning of this thread, I dislike working aimlessly. Thanks in anticipation
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by kennethfranc(m): 6:47am On Mar 11, 2022

Hello boss, I just resigned from my stressful job like this, I am particularly interested in web development.

I wouldn't mind if you can send me links...
I saw the progression of learning you prescribed... I'll be happy if you can state a particular course that encompass each language you described at the beginning of this thread, I dislike working aimlessly. Thanks in anticipation
Go through the main post again. Your ans is there
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by Tobedated(m): 3:50pm On Jul 31, 2022
Hi boss tensazangetsu20,

I'm thinking on focusing on frontend alone would you advice this
or should i have at least some knowledge of the backend

And please how does agencies work since you work in one is it harder to get into it than getting a junior role job and does it accept junior developer or you have to have some experience
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by jakeschafer: 7:30am On Jan 22, 2024
For newcomers diving into web development, I recommend starting with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Utilize online platforms like Codecademy and freeCodeCamp for hands-on practice. Explore projects on GitHub to enhance skills. Additionally, reading insightful blogs, such as this one about aerospace innovation data security, can provide valuable insights into real-world applications and industry best practices. Always stay curious, practice consistently, and engage with the supportive web development community for guidance and feedback.
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by derayodhapz: 10:01am On Jan 22, 2024
please i desperately need an advice.....

I am thinking of learning a tech skill as one of the investment in myself for this year . However, i do not have any prior knowledge of IT courses/ programmes . i am a complete novice but would really love to take on this challenge .so her are the questions?

1. what course or option of courses is advisable to go for? (please have in mind that i do not want the highly technical ones like coding )
2. what are the best options of schools i could learn from in lagos? (preferably anywhere on the mainland)

Your opinion(s) would be highly appreciated as i need to make this decision as fast as possible .

Thanks .
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by fixzycode: 4:59pm On Jan 23, 2024
This is the one article every beginner of programming need to see to avoid the mistake of many others who have gone before you.

And make your learning journey faster and easier. Just visit codefixzy.com

Alternatively you can check out this article: https://www.codefixzy.com/the-frontend-developer-roadmap-navigating-the-ever-evolving-landscape/

Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by 9wkgb: 7:29pm On Mar 31, 2024
Hi tensazangetsu20, been a huge fan of your diary on the Chile move. I'm a total tech noob and have a few questions as regards the essence of this thread and would be highly honored if you can find time to reply out of your busy schedule;

a) Being 2024, would you still advise one sticks to same roadmap as you've outlined in the first page? If No, what is the new route you'll apply? If yes, any slight changes or improvements will be appreciated.

b) I plan on using Freecodecamp for video tutorials and w3s for reading/text materials. Any + or - on your end as regards that?

It would be nice to start looking for dev jobs but honestly, I'm in no rush at all and would take my time to practice and get really good at it.

Thanks, chief.
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by tensazangetsu20(m): 7:48pm On Mar 31, 2024
Hi tensazangetsu20, been a huge fan of your diary on the Chile move. I'm a total tech noob and have a few questions as regards the essence of this thread and would be highly honored if you can find time to reply out of your busy schedule;

a) Being 2024, would you still advise one sticks to same roadmap as you've outlined in the first page? If No, what is the new route you'll apply? If yes, any slight changes or improvements will be appreciated.

b) I plan on using Freecodecamp for video tutorials and w3s for reading/text materials. Any + or - on your end as regards that?

It would be nice to start looking for dev jobs but honestly, I'm in no rush at all and would take my time to practice and get really good at it.

Thanks, chief.

I have no advise for newbies in 2024. The market is completely different.


Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by 9wkgb: 10:57pm On Mar 31, 2024

I have no advise for newbies in 2024. The market is completely different.

lol ok. Thanks.
Re: How I Recommend A Newbie Goes About Learning Web Development. by donbrowser(m): 8:12am On Apr 01, 2024
Hi tensazangetsu20, been a huge fan of your diary on the Chile move. I'm a total tech noob and have a few questions as regards the essence of this thread and would be highly honored if you can find time to reply out of your busy schedule;

a) Being 2024, would you still advise one sticks to same roadmap as you've outlined in the first page? If No, what is the new route you'll apply? If yes, any slight changes or improvements will be appreciated.

b) I plan on using Freecodecamp for video tutorials and w3s for reading/text materials. Any + or - on your end as regards that?

It would be nice to start looking for dev jobs but honestly, I'm in no rush at all and would take my time to practice and get really good at it.

Thanks, chief.

It is never too late to get into tech

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