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Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by chameleon98: 4:02am On Mar 05, 2022
Russian troops are raping women as they rampage across Ukraine, the country’s foreign minister claimed today.

Dmytro Kuleba accused Vladimir Putin ’s forces of committing sex attacks as they invaded cities.

He said there were “numerous” cases of women being targeted.

Speaking to the Chatham House foreign affairs think-tank via a video link, he said: "When bombs fall on your cities, when soldiers rape women in the occupied cities - and we have numerous cases of, unfortunately, when Russian soldiers rape women in Ukrainian cities - it's difficult of course to speak about the efficiency of international law.

“But this is the only tool of civilisation that is available to us, to make sure that in the end, eventually, all those who made this war possible will be brought to justice, and the Russian Federation, as a country that committed an act of aggression, will be held accountable for its deeds.”

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie teamed up with then Foreign Secretary William Hague in 2014 to raise awareness of how rape was used as weapon of war.

The pair hosted aN End Sexual Violence in Conflict global summit in London, bringing together officials from more than 100 countries.

Mr Hague said at the time: “This is a subject that the world did not want to talk about for a long time.

"We have moved a long way in the last two years in getting the world to talk about what was a taboo subject, and now we have to follow it with action.”

Gordon Brown, who spoke at the same event, called for Vladimir Putin to face a Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunal.

The former Prime Minister said the Russian premier should be held to account for atrocities committed as his forces invade Ukraine.

Writing exclusively for the Mirror, he said: “I call on all European countries who believe that aggression must never pay to support the creation of this tribunal so that justice is done by the embattled people of Ukraine and justice can be seen to be done by them.

The ex-Labour leader also addressed the Chatham House think-tank panel, where he insisted putting Putin in the dock was “a realistic option”.

He added: “This act of aggression by Russia, deplored in the strongest terms this week by the UN General Assembly, cannot go uninvestigated, unprosecuted and unpunished.

“But there is a serious gap in international law. Since Russia is not party to the statute of the International Criminal Court, this crime of aggression cannot, as things stands, be investigated by the prosecutor.”

Moscow pulled out of the ICC in 2016.

Charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide can be brought against Russia even though it is not a signatory.

However, the crime of aggression cannot be prosecuted against people from a non-ICC state - unless the UN Security Council makes a referral.

That cannot happen because Russia is one of the Council’s five permanent members and has a veto.

Even if Putin was charged, he would need to be arrested by a state that is signed up to the ICC - so if he never left Russia he would be highly unlikely to be arrested.

But Mr Brown said that trying Putin was “a realistic option”.

International human rights QC Philippe Sands todl Chatham House: “When Charles de Gaulle an dothers met in London in january 1942 it must have been unimaginable that ever Nazi leaders like Hermon Goerring and others would find themselves in the dock, and yet three years later that is what happened.”

He added: “Who knows? But it’s not impossible.”

Speaking to the think-tank via video link from what appeared to be a vehicle in Kyiv, Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba said that while Ukraine was “fighting against an enemy much stronger than us, we have international law on our side”.

Backing the tribunal, he added: “This is the only tool of civilisation that is available to us, to make sure that in the end, eventually, all those who made this war possible will be brought to justice, and the Russian Federation, as a country that committed an act of aggression, will be held accountable for its deeds.”

Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said Putin risked ending up in prison.

Asked whether he saw the conflict ending with the Russian president "imprisoned for war crimes", he said: "I think it is a very real risk that he must now contemplate.

"Beyond his personal situation, every commander operating in Ukraine, or indeed Moscow, when they are faced with illegal orders, whether it is to target civilians or otherwise, attack illegal or unlawful sites, they now know the ICC is investigating and the chief prosecutor Karim Khan is, I believe, travelling to Ukraine.

"They must now know that they face the very real risk of ending up in the dock of a court and, ultimately, in a prison if they follow through on those illegal, unlawful orders."


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Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Soulspeace(f): 4:05am On Mar 05, 2022
That is just too evil.

102 Likes 10 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by todaynewsreview: 4:09am On Mar 05, 2022
That may just be their end then. That's evil.


Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by foryourmindlol: 4:14am On Mar 05, 2022
Just as Russia/Britain/Nigeria did to Igbos in 1967.

235 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by tit(f): 4:27am On Mar 05, 2022
So ukraine never kill 4 million rossian soldiers?
Abi na because they are busy raping, na him ukraine soldier they kill them and their generals and their tanks and motor?

144 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Totilopussylick(m): 4:41am On Mar 05, 2022
Another fake news pedlar undecided

278 Likes 19 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by franchasng: 4:43am On Mar 05, 2022
Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by NGpatriot: 4:52am On Mar 05, 2022
Putin go soon land for Hague for war crimes...


275 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by funshint(m): 4:54am On Mar 05, 2022
This western media and fake news

212 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by chameleon98: 5:06am On Mar 05, 2022
It's actually true, here is another source warning Ukraine girls to stay indoor...


Another fake news pedlar undecided

13 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by SarkinYarki: 5:11am On Mar 05, 2022
Silly propaganda

111 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Zooposki(f): 5:16am On Mar 05, 2022
Lol. Only a fool will believe this rubbish news.

149 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by joyandfaith: 5:24am On Mar 05, 2022
Of course, rogue soldiers usually rape women. Other soldiers engage in gay practise, patronize prostitutes or brfriend local girls for sex.

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Timoleon(m): 6:02am On Mar 05, 2022
The same Russian soldiers dying in their thousands? How did they have that time in a war they are losing? If they were winning the war, it’d be understandable but they are losing and dying in their thousands where do they get the time and space to go on a raping spree?

Also is it the same Russian soldiers that has been reported to be giving Ukrainians citizens safe passage to evacuate cities?

These stories don’t add up. NATO, EU should act. Go to where the war is. We on the internet won’t defeat Russia with whatever emotional sentiments they are always trying to whip up with sensationalized articles like these.

140 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by MrSensor(m): 6:05am On Mar 05, 2022
sexily starved evil personnel. undecided

1 Like 2 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Nobody: 6:07am On Mar 05, 2022
Putin should end this meaningless war for crying out loud..

5 Likes 1 Share

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by wiseoneking: 6:19am On Mar 05, 2022
Just as Russia/Britain/Nigeria did to Igbos in 1967.

But the igbos survived the evil trio

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by TeeGentle(m): 7:09am On Mar 05, 2022
Ashawo people

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by KingdomlessKing: 9:33am On Mar 05, 2022
Shove ii in dem mama orifice
Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Hanibbal(m): 9:43am On Mar 05, 2022
I knew this sort of lie would come up undecided
It's just paining the west that they can't intervene all they can do is manufacture lies upon lies.

60 Likes 1 Share

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by History555: 9:50am On Mar 05, 2022
If Russian soldiers are dying left, right and centre, how come they hav time to rape women

81 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by mysticwarrior(m): 10:05am On Mar 05, 2022
If Russian soldiers are dying left, right and centre, how come they hav time to rape women
my brother if you ask me na who I go ask?


Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by seunny4lif(m): 12:23pm On Mar 05, 2022
If Russian soldiers are dying left, right and centre, how come they hav time to rape women
I swear
I don’t even understand this propaganda again because they said Ukraine troops are winning against Russia troops yet same Russia troops will have time for Rape cheesy
These people propaganda is too much grin


BREAKING: Ukraine has turned on NATO.

Its Foreign Minister says #NATO is "weak and indecisive," that it "cannot do anything."

He even issued a vague threat: "This is a weakness for which the alliance, unfortunately, will pay."

52 Likes 1 Share

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by ThisisIkemefuna(m): 12:35pm On Mar 05, 2022
If Russian soldiers are dying left, right and centre, how come they hav time to rape women

The thing confuse me too
My brother cheesy


Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Mossadd: 12:39pm On Mar 05, 2022
Another propaganda putin no even care about your fake news if anybody do anyhow them go collect


Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Dopecrew: 12:49pm On Mar 05, 2022
Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by NwaNimo1(m): 12:49pm On Mar 05, 2022

....provide medical proof and pishure.

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Stevenson20: 12:50pm On Mar 05, 2022
That's too bad. Is that part of their rule of engagement
Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by chikason22(m): 12:50pm On Mar 05, 2022
Very bad.
No wonder Putin has a lot of rapist fans and high pervert individual supporting and chanting his name. Birds of a feather.
Now I know it's mostly rapist, simps, terrorists that are supporting Putin here.
I almost forget to mention the Allahu kaboom terrorist head slammers.

Those are the people in support of Russian invasion of Ukraine.
They wants to see innocent blood shed, they want to see people beheaded, they want to see women raped to shred. And you call them humans No, they're simply ANIMALS

Evil has expiry date.
Know this and know PEACE.
Putin will pay for his son's against humanity.

Ask Hitler. You'll understand what I mean.


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Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Kingpele(m): 12:50pm On Mar 05, 2022
Wow,anyone supporting Russia invasion of Ukraine ,a sovereign state is a very foolish human being, the fact that they are even justifying it ,with war crimes of western states in the past, in this 21st century is rather unfortunate and absurd..two wrongs does not make a right ,if a state or a person kills a human being or human beings unjustly in the past, it doesn't justify another state doing same presently. putin is a mad man, full of demons of death and pride and his end will be unfortunate.because if u can't create a human being, u don't have any right to kill a human being,no matter what.if putin is strong as he want the world to think ,he will be able to secure his state and border,even if he is surrounded by his perceived enemies.again if Russia is as powerful as putin is trying to show ,the western powers will never be able to contemplate attacking him because every one is afraid of the mighty and powerful. Putin had no real reason for invading Ukraine...even if a sovereign state like Ukraine decide to join EU,NATO,AU etc what is the business of Russia, by attacking Ukraine ,sane people have seen the reason Ukraine ought to joined this groups in other to protect their country from bullying mad man like putin.

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Re: Russian Troops Are Raping Women In Ukraine - Dmytro Kuleba (Foreign Minister) by Babalolagarba: 12:50pm On Mar 05, 2022
Hmmm this is getting serious

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