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Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders - Foreign Affairs (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Feggie3: 9:10am On Mar 17, 2022
It will end in disgrace and crisis for America over this Russia matter las las grin
Do you know you are silly? The rest of the world leaders till 100 years to come will remain determined to rally round USA and remain strong allies with USA than Russia!!! Do you know the singular reason?

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Jaapu: 9:11am On Mar 17, 2022
They don't want u to access their currency, so use your useless rubles to service your debt. Is not by force to use someone property

Olodo first grade.
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by VULCAN(m): 9:13am On Mar 17, 2022
Kindly learn to read posts before commenting.


cheesy grin grin
Putin is a real confused comedian, him and his team know nothing about Economics.
The sanctions chas affected their sense of reasoning
US really fucckked Russia up economically , psychologically and financially
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by NoFucksToGive: 9:14am On Mar 17, 2022

Russia's debt is actually smaller than I expected. Meanwhile USA's external debt is bigger than their entire GDP. 20.94 trillion USD to 30 trillion USD debt grin
Imagine say na USA receive these sanctions wey russia receive. There would've been no hope for their stupid asses

So you assume Russia entire debt is $130 million? That is just the amount to be paid regularly like if you owe a bank N10 million they can say every month pay 120k mumu, In 2020, the national debt of Russia amounted to around 280.12 billion U.S. dollars.
When they say go to school you guys won't listen

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by pmc01(m): 9:15am On Mar 17, 2022

It is as a result of SANCTIONS. I do hope you understand that. It is an economic war as a result of a physical war. This won't go into arbitration and the United States does not, unfortunately, need to justify why Russia's reserve was frozen, just as other allied nations do not need to give reasons why they sanctioned Russia and the sanctions impact Russia's economy.

The option is to honour the "cheque" then.
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by HitRun(m): 9:15am On Mar 17, 2022

Then it goes to arbitration and the authority who froze it have to legally justify why the accounts were frozen. Where there economic infractions/foul play or will the legal appeal be based on emotions?!

It's like the EFCC coming to court to say a firm's accounts were frozen cos Buhari doesn't like the looks of their MD.

From your submission, there are two different scenarios here. Russia can go to arbitration to challenge the freezing of their funds. But their obligations to their lenders have nothing to do with their accounts. You owe a lender, you pay. The lender is not interested in whether you are having challenges with your accounts or not. You have a problem with your account, go solve it; it is not your lender’s problem.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by goodheart01: 9:15am On Mar 17, 2022

Russia's debt is actually smaller than I expected. Meanwhile USA's external debt is bigger than their entire GDP. 20.94 trillion USD to 30 trillion USD debt grin
Imagine say na USA receive these sanctions wey russia receive. There would've been no hope for their stupid asses

Even China owes a bigger debt than the US so it’s no biggie


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by nahr(f): 9:16am On Mar 17, 2022

They are simply telling all their creditors they have more than enough money to service their debts. But US has frozen the money, so dont disturb us. Tell the US to unfreeze it

Russia is right on this one IMO. It's an artificial default.. lol

This guy's level of madness na grade 1. grin

BTW, Ukraine has accepted to be a neutral state so why prolong the war again?

It makes sense what you just said about the default. I think that the proposal has not being finalized. Ukraine is not willing to sign an agreement yet, that's why Russia is yet to withdraw. Besides the west are not clamoring for a resolution, they are hell bent on destroying Russia.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Advision: 9:22am On Mar 17, 2022

Queen to D7; Check!

Nothing to check bro... in the near future when the government goes to the market to raise funds. They will know the implication of their actions.

The private sector will also struggle to refinance or issue new bonds with very high interest rate to compensate for the risk of non-payment
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Puremaker8: 9:23am On Mar 17, 2022
It is well

Putin Days are numbered

This i have seen
everybody has a number of day to spend on this earth ogbeni.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by nedekid: 9:24am On Mar 17, 2022
this one is bigger than me I am not a financial expats
Money de repete.
Russia has issued instructions for the bond payments which is a paltry 177m compared to their foreign reserve of 300b held with thesame western system.
I de owe you small money, you de hold my big money, I tell you say make you deduct the igbese from my big money you de hold. Shikena.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by naijapower(m): 9:25am On Mar 17, 2022
Russia account was frozen for political reason and not criminal reason.
Israel bomb Gaza , US bomb iraq etc, for their own security and nobody seized their fund.

The Excutive Order use to block Russia account , can be set aside by Trump , when he become president after Biden .


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by pmc01(m): 9:26am On Mar 17, 2022

From your submission, there are two different scenarios here. Russia can go to arbitration to challenge the freezing of their funds. But their obligations to their lenders have nothing to do with their accounts. You owe a lender, you pay. The lender is not interested in whether you are having challenges with your accounts or not. You have a problem with your account, go solve it; it is not your lender’s problem.

It was mentioned they have an ultimate resort to handle the payment in the interim.

Still, the custodian of the funds have to answer to why they are sitting on the funds.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by GerogeI(m): 9:32am On Mar 17, 2022
You can't supposedly make a payment from a frozen asset. It's like owing and then the bank, CBN or EFCC had already frozen your account but then you tell your debtor "I have the money but can't touch it because it is frozen. However, I have written a cheque, now it is up to the CBN or EFCC (to unfreeze my account in order for my debt to be made) and they should be held responsible if my debt is not cleared."

I don't understand how these Russians think or do things.

You do not understand because you are one of the minions who think somebody somewhere in the Americas owns the whole world and can sanction you.

Your analysis are wack because as a citizen you are subject to a government, so your account can be frozen as the government is superior to you.

Russia is a sovereign government, US is an equal colleague. US cannot punish or pass judgement on an equal government. So Russia is simply saying for all our debtors who are in the US, or Europe, we have made available your money, hold your home government responsible if they block the funds from flowing into your accounts.

This way, the US and allies will be shooting them selves in the foot by their sanctions, just like they did with oil. Since they will only be punishing their own citizens only. So Russia will hence forth be using the so called frozen funds to be paying their debtors from western countries.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by mmsen: 9:36am On Mar 17, 2022
They should stop, no any amount of problem facing Ukraine and Russia can be compared with the hardship in Africa.

There's war here on daily basis from our leaders.

The war is getting boring to me, even Namdi kanu and Sunday igboo was more interested than this noise maker Putin and Biden.

African hardship is caused by wilful African stupidity, combined with pure evil.

Imagine 2 people struggling to feed themselves who decide to have not just one but 5 children. That is Africa.

Then, when those children are grown the stupid parents tell the children to run to 'greener pastures', so that they can send money.

Factor in all the superstitious nonsense that Africans believe, all the time wasted on prayer and inaction, why would you expect anything but hardship for the majority?


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by edogu(m): 9:37am On Mar 17, 2022

Russia's debt is actually smaller than I expected. Meanwhile USA's external debt is bigger than their entire GDP. 20.94 trillion USD to 30 trillion USD debt grin
Imagine say na USA receive these sanctions wey russia receive. There would've been no hope for their stupid asses
Their debt is in billions. What you saw there was the interest.

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by GerogeI(m): 9:37am On Mar 17, 2022

Nothing to check bro... in the near future when the government goes to the market to raise funds. They will know the implication of their actions.

The private sector will also struggle to refinance or issue new bonds with very high interest rate to compensate for the risk of non-payment

Yes, this is a big possibility, but the real truth is that there ain't so many countries rich in oil and gas, and capable in technology, and with a stable government able to prevent war from Russian territories. So investors will readily lend to Russia, again and again as long as they issue that directive for Payment and the funds exist. Who is more risky to lend to, Russia or Nigeria?

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by edosignature(m): 9:40am On Mar 17, 2022
Russians are brave, calculative & their intuitive knowledge is top notch.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Sanchez01: 9:40am On Mar 17, 2022

The option is to honour the "cheque" then.
No. The US has no obligation to honour the cheque. Russia is the debtor and it must pay. It is due today and it might get worse for them here one out. We talking about $150 billion default nightmare for Russia.

The United States anticipated this and carefully waited for this to happen.

What's worse is the sharp rise interest on the default, foreign assets seizure (already seized via sanctions), political pressure from its own domestic bondholders and being cut off from future bonds. We are talking almost instant chaos in Russia and its economy.

All the US needs to drive the last nail in is to announce that Russia has defaulted.

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by frugal(m): 9:41am On Mar 17, 2022

They are simply telling all their creditors they have more than enough money to service their debts. But US has frozen the money, so dont disturb us. Tell the US to unfreeze it

Russia is right on this one IMO. It's an artificial default.. lol

This guy's level of madness na grade 1. grin

BTW, Ukraine has accepted to be a neutral state so why prolong the war again?
Yes, why hasn't Putin pulled out of Ukraine yet? Because it's not about NATO or neutrality.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Biafraaa: 9:42am On Mar 17, 2022
Before you all start wailing. i want to remind you all that even with all the war going on in ukrain, there are still 24 hours electricity in that country undecided undecided


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by sosanova: 9:45am On Mar 17, 2022
Before you all start wailing. i want to remind you all that even with all the war going on in ukrain, there are still 24 hours electricity in that country undecided undecided

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by shogz89: 9:45am On Mar 17, 2022

And where will they pull the Ruble from if I may ask? Print more money? Their reserves isn't theirs to control because it has been frozen and currently unavailable for use.
US have been printing more dollars for years.. grin


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by naturallysimple(m): 9:46am On Mar 17, 2022

cheesy grin grin
Putin is a real confused comedian, him and his team know nothing about Economics.
The sanctions has affected their sense of reasoning.
US really fucckked Russia up economically , psychologically and financially


You are the real confuse one, the sanction is unilateral not united nation, so the sanction is illegal only united nation according to united nation charter can sanction any country though you can decide not to trade with any country. Russia is giving that instruction because the sanction is not backed by UN. Why did you think Abrahamovic is allow to sell chelseafc under sanction and transfer the money to prople suffering in Ukraine. You need to get things right before believing every thing your Colonia master told u.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by babalafenwa(m): 9:46am On Mar 17, 2022

Money de repete.
Russia has issued instructions for the bond payments which is a paltry 177m compared to their foreign reserve of 300b held with thesame western system.
I de owe you small money, you de hold my big money, I tell you say make you deduct the igbese from my big money you de hold. Shikena.

igbese grin

Money de repete.
Russia has issued instructions for the bond payments which is a paltry 177m compared to their foreign reserve of 300b held with thesame western system.
I de owe you small money, you de hold my big money, I tell you say make you deduct the igbese from my big money you de hold. Shikena.



Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Sanchez01: 9:47am On Mar 17, 2022

You do not understand because you are one of the minions who think somebody somewhere in the Americas owns the whole world and can sanction you.

Your analysis are wack because as a citizen you are subject to a government, so your account can be frozen as the government is superior to you.

Russia is a sovereign government, US is an equal colleague. US cannot punish or pass judgement on an equal government. So Russia is simply saying for all our debtors who are in the US, or Europe, we have made available your money, hold your home government responsible if they block the funds from flowing into your accounts.

This way, the US and allies will be shooting them selves in the foot by their sanctions, just like they did with oil. Since they will only be punishing their own citizens only. So Russia will hence forth be using the so called frozen funds to be paying their debtors from western countries.
You just need to look for your economics teacher and hunt him/her down.

This frozen asset is as a result of a sanction. I'm sure you know what that means? Just as a sovereign government can stroll into another and start wreaking havoc is the same way another can sit on your resources/treasury in their land.

Re-read what you've written, take your time, go online and read more materials on nations, sanctions, debts and assets. Then come back for a sound argument and not this that looks like one cooked up fantasy in game house.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by buJu234: 9:48am On Mar 17, 2022
When u have nuclear weapons u can really do anything and say anything..

Can a non nuclear power nation say this??

Without the creditor nations going after them via seizing their foreign assets like they did to Argentina, India Airways etc


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by AngelicBeing: 9:49am On Mar 17, 2022
You can't supposedly make a payment from a frozen asset. It's like owing and then the bank, CBN or EFCC had already frozen your account but then you tell your debtor "I have the money but can't touch it because it is frozen. However, I have written a cheque, now it is up to the CBN or EFCC (to unfreeze my account in order for my debt to be made) and they should be held responsible if my debt is not cleared."

I don't understand how these Russians think or do things.
Gbamsulotely cheesy

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Dmacqh(m): 9:52am On Mar 17, 2022
This is a thread you can’t find those clown chasers and tribal bigots .
Thread for the brainy not for selfie addicts .

It’s a power game .
The lender does not need to know why you can’t service your debt . All he cares is for you to pay your debt at the right time .
It’s left for you to source it and repay your debt as at when due .
In this case , Russia wants to play smart . The lenders has no business with the sanctions or US . They need their money from the borrower ( Russia ) .
Whatsoever way , Russia get fund to pay them isn’t their concern .

Asking US and the West to unfreeze their external reserve of $300b so they can honor the bond of $177m they have drawn from it , knowing their external reserve is banned from their use isn’t smart but stupidity.

Bank freezes your account on the order of EFCC , now you gave out a Cheque to your creditor with same account , telling him or her to meet EFCC so they can allow him/her access the fund in your account .. wtf .

And to those shouting US have debt more than Russia ..lol .
As I am , I owe my caretaker #20,000 , but GTB are owing Innoson about $2.2b , doesn’t it mean I’m richer than GTCo or GTB ?


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Ofiadiegwu: 9:54am On Mar 17, 2022
this one is bigger than me I am not a financial expats

Boss, it isn't financial expert here.

The matter is of international Law jurisprudence.

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Sanchez01: 9:54am On Mar 17, 2022
US have been printing more dollars for years.. grin
True and they printed snout $3 trillion or more just last year. That said, printed monies were pumped into the economy by buying bonds from financial institutions.

The idea behind putting money into the economy as in the case of the United States was to drive down interest rates and hope that people and businesses borrow and spend more, and in the process revive the American economy. More importantly, the demand for the USD will always make them print more as it is almost a global currency.

Not in case of Russia and its Ruble. If that happens, the currency's value would plunged the moment the new monies are released and would create a pin sharp inflation instantly. An African country tried this, thinking it would solve their financial problems economically. We all know what is happening to their economy now.

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