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Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders - Foreign Affairs (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Oddfinder: 12:22pm On Mar 17, 2022

Russia's external reserve is hidden away in the United States. The United States sanctioned Russia and froze its external reserve, meaning Russia's $300 billion is not theirs at the moment. In theory, Russia has $300 billion external reserve in the United States. Technically, Russia is semi broke.

The United States does not need to be the IMF or World Bank to sanction a war mongering country.
External reserves and debt are managed and regulated by international laws. Established by the world bank and IMF..anything else is tantamount to stealing by theUS

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by ayindejimmy(m): 12:24pm On Mar 17, 2022

America is not IMF or World bank
Russia have not committed any financial crime or monetary malpractice to warrant sanctions against their reserves thus making those sanctions useless..
Just watch as events unfold and learn a thing or two about how manipulative and oppressive ur masters, US are

Did you know that Putin is a war criminal and his fight an illegal war?

You are saying, you can be a rapist, armed roober and assassin, as long you did do yahoo, your bank has no right to freeze your account....Even when you've been reported to them by appropriate authorities ?
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by sapientia(m): 12:26pm On Mar 17, 2022

BMC's are better than Putin bots. These ones are mentally lazy to think for a minute. All they know or want to believe is that Russia will win against the United States. Finance, economy, sanctions, international relations and economic wars are too much for them to comprehend. It's exhausting.

This one actually think NL is world village meeting

Think what we say here matter to Anyone

Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Sanchez01: 12:29pm On Mar 17, 2022
How? This guy is just spewing rubbish. All the assets are seized already... even the one belonging to oligarchs... private citizens. What assest do you now want to seize again.? Rather it is Russia than can nationalise companies like macdonald. Already, Russia already told airlines not to return planes they leased. They should be flying it for free for now. You want to take over assets you have already taken over?
I mean, you easily take the crown in the ranks of the Putin boys but let me break it down to you.

1. Russia approached American business lenders for loans (bonds).
2. Russia chose to denominate their bond in Dollars, meaning they will also pay interests in Dollars.
3. Russia signed a contract, offering some of its assets as collateral in case it defaults totally and is unable to pay back the loans (bonds).
4. If Russia defaults, interests on the bonds will shoot through the roof.
5. When it does, Russia would be in trouble as the lenders will declare Russia a defaulter.
6. If No 5 happens, the lenders will seize Russia's assets used as collaterals in securing the bonds.
7. The assets, depending on the terms of the contract signed could be in Russia or outside of Russia.
8. Note that the lenders here are not the United States government or its close tied agencies. They are financial institutions operating in the United States and could be owned by Americans.

Just take your time, think for a minute and digest the points above. Perhaps you will understand better.

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by shogz89: 12:29pm On Mar 17, 2022

You have been claiming Russia can easily print Ruble and pay their creditors easily but that is impossible. They signed a deal and Russia decided it would pay in USD in the contract. This means anything short of the Dollar is default. It is ignorance to think Russia can print Russian Rubles (monies) and take them in million bags to their creditors. The bond is denominated in Dollars. They must pay back in Dollars, nothing more, nothing less.
you see you choose to take on the line that suits you. My statement made mention of two options,

"1) Print rubbles and the creditor accept the rubble, printing is even we assuming Russia don't have rubbles on ground to currently pay
2) The creditors wait for the sanctions to be over."

otherwise, the creditors are westerners, the sanctioned account is also in the west, let the western government payoff their citizens from the sanctioned account.

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Sanchez01: 12:33pm On Mar 17, 2022

External reserves and debt are managed and regulated by international laws. Established by the world bank and IMF..anything else is tantamount to stealing by theUS
Now you're making me come off as a genius. EXTERNAL RESERVES ARE REGULATED AND MANAGED BY Central Banks of respective countries. Please, kill this ignorance. Please!

Ordinary CBN regulates and manages external reserves and here you are saying international laws. Set by who?

Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by shogz89: 12:34pm On Mar 17, 2022

If Russia is unable to pay in Dollars, they will default without a doubt and that means their assets whether in Russia or outside of Russia will be seized on the spot and become the temporal assets of the lenders/investors.

You still don't understand why Russia is running helter skelter over this and it's strange that you don't understand what a sovereign default is capable of unleashing on any nation.
They have Siezed most if not all Russia asset outside of Russia, even those owned by citizens. They cant currently seize Russia's asset that is currently sitting in Russia, Rather it is Russia that will seize western asset currently in Russia. Russia is currently about to seize hundreds of leased commercial Aircraft.
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Sanchez01: 12:35pm On Mar 17, 2022

This one actually think NL is world village meeting

Think what we say here matter to Anyone
grin grin grin

On a more serious note, I worry about Nigerian youths. It is one thing not to know, it's fine. Politics and international politics doesn't excite everyone but ours is on a whole new level.

We don't know, we are totally ignorant but then we still confidently rub our ignorance almost everywhere and worse, we are dogmatic while at it.

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by helpee(m): 12:37pm On Mar 17, 2022

I mean, you easily take the crown in the ranks of the Putin boys but let me break it down to you.

1. Russia approached American business lenders for loans (bonds).
2. Russia chose to denominate their bond in Dollars, meaning they will also pay interests in Dollars.
3. Russia signed a contract, offering some of its assets as collateral in case it defaults totally and is unable to pay back the loans (bonds).
4. If Russia defaults, interests on the bonds will shoot through the roof.
5. When it does, Russia would be in trouble as the lenders will declare Russia a defaulter.
6. If No 5 happens, the lenders will seize Russia's assets used as collaterals in securing the bonds.
7. The assets, depending on the terms of the contract signed could be in Russia or outside of Russia.
8. Note that the lenders here are not the United States government or its close tied agencies. They are financial institutions operating in the United States and could be owned by Americans.

Just take your time, think for a minute and digest the points above. Perhaps you will understand better.
You have said nothing.. Just assumptions.. It is not American business... it is sovereign bond. Read about it first. Nigeria issues it regularly. We also issue euro bond. Even Nigerian citizens can buy Nigerian sovereign bonds so that bond is held by millions of people and institutions worldwide. The bond is backed by nothing. It is not collateralized. It is usually based on the good faith that a country will pay back because it is a country. So they didn't approach American business for any loans. Stop your ignorance. Now, many of the external bonds are usually denominised in dollars or euro.... that is normal since dollar was adopted as international currency... which will soon change based on emerging trends. Russia can only pay in dollars. Russia is banned from transacting in dollars and they default... everyone knows why they default. It is not because they don't have, it is because they are banned. That is part of the risk associated with investment. Sovereign bonds are relatively safe but it still has some risks like this. The only detriment is that once you default as a country, no one will invest in your next bond issue at least outside your country. However, everyone understands the reason for the default and if they issue a new bond, china will buy it. Chinese holds most of the USA bonds. If they dump it in the market, dollar will tank but america will keep printing artificial money. Anyway, I am talking in too technical details for you to comprehend. So Mr Efcc, there is no asset backing bond. It is backed by good faith that a country will pay back

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Sanchez01: 12:38pm On Mar 17, 2022

They have Siezed most if not all Russia asset outside of Russia, even those owned by citizens. They cant currently seize Russia's asset that is currently sitting in Russia, Rather it is Russia that will seize western asset currently in Russia. Russia is currently about to seize hundreds of leased commercial Aircraft.
This man!

You can't brag about what you don't know! If the contract of Russia's loans, for example state that Russia would give up its oil refineries and its products for 15 years if it is unable to pay off the loans (bonds) and their interests, then it means Russia would lose its refineries to lenders, whether or not Russian assets outside the shores of Russia are seized.

However, Russia is most likely to suffer higher interests than the above happening and their sovereign credit rating impacted. This means nations will be unwilling to lend Russia money. Russia has been agitated about their repayment today and have even claimed to have made payment to CITIbank already.

Please, enough. Haba!

Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by mrvitalis(m): 12:41pm On Mar 17, 2022

Just stick to PDP/APC bants. This is beyond your thought process.
Nairaland would make rats to challenge lions in fights

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Frankiss44(m): 12:45pm On Mar 17, 2022
There is nothing greener about hypocrisy. It shows we love USA. Only Friends criticises objectively. Fake friends like you are the real enemies. You see the truth but you are so scared of saying it because of what you will eat

Tah.. There is nothing objective about a hate filled criticism..
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by KingOfAmebo(m): 12:52pm On Mar 17, 2022

Experts also say that given Russia’s ratio of GDP ($1.65 trillion) to external debt ($478.2 billion), which does not exceed 25%, the country is financially stable, which supports Siluanov’s earlier statement that the West is trying to drag Russia into an “artificial default.”

Russia also has special drawing rights (SDRs) in the International Monetary Fund, which are not subject to sanctions, and analysts say these could also be used to pay its national debt if other measures fail.


"I hope the Western ignoramus on Nairaland can read and understand the above quote... Russia is not a tiny island the West can just bully, The West is even shameful to admit their idiotic sanctions are eating deep back at them...they are too proud to admit it openly". Village People Spokesperson.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Kelvin3476: 1:06pm On Mar 17, 2022

Russia's debt is actually smaller than I expected. Meanwhile USA's external debt is bigger than their entire GDP. 20.94 trillion USD to 30 trillion USD debt grin
Imagine say na USA receive these sanctions wey russia receive. There would've been no hope for their stupid asses
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by shogz89: 1:06pm On Mar 17, 2022

This man!

You can't brag about what you don't know! If the contract of Russia's loans, for example state that Russia would give up its oil refineries and its products for 15 years if it is unable to pay off the loans (bonds) and their interests, then it means Russia would lose its refineries to lenders, whether or not Russian assets outside the shores of Russia are seized.

However, Russia is most likely to suffer higher interests than the above happening and their sovereign credit rating impacted. This means nations will be unwilling to lend Russia money. Russia has been agitated about their repayment today and have even claimed to have made payment to CITIbank already.

Please, enough. Haba!
Bro this will only happen in an ideal situation. Russia is at war physically with Ukraine, and Economically with the West. No western company currently will dare say they will come down to Russia to Seize there asset over loan default no matter the contract that was signed. All is fair in war. Nobody obeys contract in war. I repeat, they can only sieze asset outside of Russia, same way UK can only sieze Chelsea in England and Russia will do nothing. Pls Enough. Haba

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Dpharisee: 1:06pm On Mar 17, 2022

This is different as this is about countries and not individuals.

The bondholders are Americans etc whose countries froze the accounts. These countries also froze accounts of people who are not even linked to the war atlethes etc.

Now Russia is doing the same. The West imposed sanctions so the people cann pressure Putin. Putin has also held these funds there so the bondholders can pressure US and co to lift the sanctions

US poorly prepared for this conflict, now inflation is hitting them them with rising oil prices

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by KingOfAmebo(m): 1:07pm On Mar 17, 2022

cheesy grin grin
Putin is a real confused comedian, him and his team know nothing about Economics.
The sanctions has affected their sense of reasoning.
US really fucckked Russia up economically , psychologically and financially

"You must be high on cheap drugs to think Putin and his team know nothing about Economy... Sadly, this is coming from a poor dude from a country ravaged by extreme poverty...Tell Biden to send US troops to defend Ukraine like they did to Iraq instead of barking like dogs, Putin wan tell am something...

Read the below quote and stop being senseless". Village People Spokesperson.

Experts also say that given Russia’s ratio of GDP ($1.65 trillion) to external debt ($478.2 billion), which does not exceed 25%, the country is financially stable, which supports Siluanov’s earlier statement that the West is trying to drag Russia into an “artificial default.”

Russia also has special drawing rights (SDRs) in the International Monetary Fund, which are not subject to sanctions, and analysts say these could also be used to pay its national debt if other measures fail.


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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Nobody: 1:34pm On Mar 17, 2022
Despite the war, the Russians are still meeting up to there obligations....

But wait n soon you will be hearing Nigerian leaders blaming the war btw Ukraine/Russia as the cause of rising food prices, power blackout, bad road, even the reason why tinubu wants to run for presidency. .lol

Nigerian leaders are the most incompetent and clueless individuals on the earth.
Nigeria is a case study.

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by jcross19: 1:52pm On Mar 17, 2022

Just walk to any Nigerian bank right now and study the downward slop of the Russian Ruble compared to that of the US dolls and tell us who is facing terrible inflation right now... If your phone is smart enough, you can save yourself the stress of going to the bank sha
America facing the worst economy traumatic condition in their history...

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Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Invitationn: 1:54pm On Mar 17, 2022

The condition of their bond is to pay in USD. They chose that. They will automatically default if they move to pay in Ruble.
There's no USD on ground. grin
It still beats me how seizing a sovereign states' asset is not an act of war in international law.

Personally, I no dey joke with my property. For me, that's the ultimate act of war.


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Adjovi: 1:56pm On Mar 17, 2022
Wow impressive. Russia truly prepared well for this. USA think say dem dey wise. You have no right to freeze their foreign reserve in the first place because they didn't break any economic law. If they broke economic laws then, their foreign reserve can be frozen. In this case they are said to have broken war laws so it's left to the international law court who doesn't have the right to freeze foreign reserves. So either way grin grin grin NATO will be shooting themselves in the foot..... Well played Russia, will played


Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by afroxyz: 1:57pm On Mar 17, 2022
I'm sure they paid in Rubles, as America think say dem get sense
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by pmc01(m): 1:59pm On Mar 17, 2022

No. The US has no obligation to honour the cheque. Russia is the debtor and it must pay. It is due today and it might get worse for them here one out. We talking about $150 billion default nightmare for Russia.

The United States anticipated this and carefully waited for this to happen.

What's worse is the sharp rise interest on the default, foreign assets seizure (already seized via sanctions), political pressure from its own domestic bondholders and being cut off from future bonds. We are talking almost instant chaos in Russia and its economy.

All the US needs to drive the last nail in is to announce that Russia has defaulted.

We'll see how it unfolds
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by DerrickzB: 2:02pm On Mar 17, 2022


cheesy grin grin
Putin is a real confused comedian, him and his team know nothing about Economics.
The sanctions has affected their sense of reasoning.
US really fucckked Russia up economically , psychologically and financially


Honestly, I was expecting you to economically break down what this all entails and how it would either favor or disfavor Russia. Na wa
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 2:17pm On Mar 17, 2022

Honestly, I was expecting you to economically break down what this all entails and how it would either favor or disfavor Russia. Na wa

I wish nairaland has voice note, I'll break it down easily.
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Contekbbc: 2:25pm On Mar 17, 2022


There's no USD on ground. grin
It still beats me how seizing a sovereign states' asset is not an act of war in international law.

Personally, I no dey joke with my property. For me, that's the ultimate act of war.
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Eagba(m): 2:58pm On Mar 17, 2022

They are simply telling all their creditors they have more than enough money to service their debts. But US has frozen the money, so dont disturb us. Tell the US to unfreeze it

Russia is right on this one IMO. It's an artificial default.. lol

This guy's level of madness na grade 1. grin

BTW, Ukraine has accepted to be a neutral state so why prolong the war again?
in default, if after some years the fund is unfrozen, will the creditors still get their money with interest accrued?
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Eagba(m): 3:01pm On Mar 17, 2022
My love for Putin! They have the money in their foreign account which is in US and they want to use that money to pay, they are not spending shi shi from Russia paying for those bonds. Since the bond had matured, US should unfreeze the account so that creditors can get their money back simple. Russia had messed up US.. The ball had been shifted to the court of US; let's hear their reasons and defence on why they will not unfreeze the account so that creditors can their their money back. Russia not owing anybody. US is becoming useless day by day! Holding US in the scrotum!
you just confidently tell people say you no get sense
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Eagba(m): 3:18pm On Mar 17, 2022
let play a game to see if these putinoids will bite;

since America have the audacity to seize russian foreign reserve, why can't the Russian bomb American to de- economify them?
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by gambojimeta: 3:27pm On Mar 17, 2022
Defaulting on the debt would be devastating for the Russian already weaken economy.

The debtor does not care if your account was frozen by the police or your money got stolen on the way to the bank.
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by tonididdy(m): 3:40pm On Mar 17, 2022

Yes na anything you see, you take.
Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by Parachoko: 3:53pm On Mar 17, 2022

No currency is actually useless, we all agree the world over to make dollar the only currency of international trade. This has always been a potent weapon in the hands of the US against any perceived enemy in the world.

Its about time the world decentralize the finance system by adopting other currencies to make it 3 or 5 currencies for International trade. USD, EURO, YUAN and AFRICAN Shillings. This will reduce the total dependency on USD and increase ease of doing business.
Which country is using Africa shillings in Africa?

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