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Why Did People Speak In Tongue In The Church When Others Can't Understand Or Hea (2) (3) (4)

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Hea by needanswer: 8:53am On Mar 19, 2022
You always

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Re: Hea by Dabaroi: 8:57am On Mar 19, 2022
6 Billion people tuned in isn't 6 Billion healed. Take it easy
Re: Hea by needanswer: 9:06am On Mar 19, 2022
6 Billion people tuned in isn't 6 Billion healed. Take it easy


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Re: Hea by Dabaroi: 9:07am On Mar 19, 2022

When you claimed more than 6 billion people tuned in to watch pastor Chris healing stream, which is more than 80% of the total world population and 95% of the world population is suffering from one sickness or ther other why can't healing stream cure 80% (that is the 6 billion people)?

At least only 15% of the people that didn't attend that will still be sick. You invited the whole world for healing stream to heal a few hundreds, if any healing even happened at all.

Even in the Bible, tons of sick people went to the pool for healing and only one got healed. Abeg i comot my hand for spiritual matter abge you
Re: Hea by needanswer: 9:09am On Mar 19, 2022

Even in the Bible, tons of sick people went to the pool for healing and only one got healed. Abeg i comot my hand for spiritual matter abge you

They went there but in truth only Jesus could heal them and jesus never invited tons of people to the pool. All those jesus invited for healing got healed. You don't even know the scriptures.
Re: Hea by Dabaroi: 9:11am On Mar 19, 2022

They went there but in truth only Jesus could heal them and jesus never invited tons of people to the pool. All those jesus invited for healing got healed. You don't even know the scriptures.

Smiles. Go and read the scriptures again. You obviously don't know what you're quoting. Good day
Re: Hea by needanswer: 9:13am On Mar 19, 2022

Smiles. Go and read the scriptures again. You obviously don't know what you're quoting. Good day

Drop the scripture, let me expose your fake healing stream if you are confident you know it. Drop it, don't run.


Re: Hea by needanswer: 9:19am On Mar 19, 2022

Smiles. Go and read the scriptures again. You obviously don't know what you're quoting. Good day

Read Luke 4:40 and Matt 15:30 -Jesus healed all the sick people brought to him. You think this is like healing stream?

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Re: Hea by AntiChristian: 10:24am On Mar 19, 2022

Read Luke 4:40 and Matt 15:30 -Jesus healed all the sick people brought to him. You think this is like healing stream?

Point of correction
Jesus healed all the Israelites brought to him. Non-Israelites will have to exhibit great faith to be healed.
Re: Hea by needanswer: 10:27am On Mar 19, 2022

Point of correction
Jesus healed all the Israelites brought to him. Non-Israelites will have to exhibit great faith to be healed.

Did jesus ever go out of the territories of Judah and Israel to preach or heal? No.

But non- Jewish people and non-Israelites were healed. Nothing like having greater faith please.
So when I said he healed all according to those verses you should have understood.

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Re: Hea by AntiChristian: 10:41am On Mar 19, 2022

Did jesus ever go out of the territories of Judah and Israel to preach or heal? No.

But if non- Jewish people and non-Israelites were healed. Nothing like having greater faith please.
So when I said he healed all according to those verses you should have understood.

Don't brag as if you have all the knowledge! Just ask for the reference I have. I may be wrong and you may be wrong too!

My ref. is the woman that came to Jesus that the disciples tried to chase away! The metaphor of the master & dog!
Re: Hea by needanswer: 10:53am On Mar 19, 2022

Don't brag as if you have all the knowledge! Just ask for the reference I have. I may be wrong and you may be wrong too!

My ref. is the woman that came to Jesus that the disciples tried to chase away! The metaphor of the master & dog!

Jesus judges intentions SOMETIMES before he heals whether for Israelites or non-Israelites but most times he doesn't.

For examples:

In the woman's case jesus judged her intentions first and viewed it worthy to grant her request.
The Roman general, jesus healed his servant without hesitation. Jesus even commended his outstanding faith.

In jesus' home town, he refused to perform as many miracles as he did outside of his home town. Their intentions wasn't pure and jesus knew.

Jesus also miraculously fed the Jews on more than one occasion and when he suspected they had gathered again for another miraculous "feeding" instead of coming to listen to his teachings, he did not give them anything.

Bottom line, all those that jesus WANTED TO PERFORM MIRACLES FOR got their miracles. He didn't perform any miracle for anyone that didn't work. Once he says you are healed, you are healed immediately whether Israelites or non-Israelites.

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Re: Hea by stopthecycle: 11:12am On Mar 19, 2022
You always hear 6 Billions plus people watched the healing stream (which is falsehood) but assuming it was true more than 80% of people in the world out of 8 billion souls would have been healed. Statistics show that 95% of the human population globally suffer from one sickness or the other, whether major or minor.

Go to the hospitals today or wait till Monday and go to any hospital in Nigeria or outside Nigeria and you will still see crowds of sick people lined up at the hospital.

So please which 6 billion plus people did pastor Chris heal in his healing stream?

The funny one I saw on Twitter was one where Pastor Chris prayed for a woman that had a tumour on her face that she had been healed but the tumour was still there after the healing shocked


My friend's mother who was diagnosed with HIV and given few months to live, who was bedridden and couldn't do anything for herself was healed at the healing school by Pastor Chris. She is alive and strong today and has had some more children over the years.

An animal like you stands up to insult generals who have given their lives to bring salvation even when you know this is real, you choose to believe a lie. You will NEVER have a voice strong enough to stand against the Church of Jesus Christ. The numbers are real and the miracles are real. But demon possessed animals like you will always want to do the work of your father satan and hinder those who believe. You have failed...more people will be healed today and more testimonies will arise. You can do nothing to stop it. You and your father the devil have failed! And will always fail!

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Re: Hea by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:24am On Mar 19, 2022

Don't brag as if you have all the knowledge! Just ask for the reference I have. I may be wrong and you may be wrong too!
My ref. is the woman that came to Jesus that the disciples tried to chase away! The metaphor of the master & dog!

Jesus Christ wasn't sent primarily to people of other nations but only to the Jews. WHY?
Because after the death of Solomon (Israelite's third king) the nation splitted to two ten out of the northern tribes agreed to choose another king over them leaving the remaining two tribes and Levites in the south. That's why we later have the Jews (two tribes with Levites in the south) and Samaritans (ten northern tribes of Israel)
Jesus is from the southern part where the Jews continued to worship with Levites the tribe God assigned to the temple arrangement.
That's why Jesus could tell the Samaritan woman who asked him a question regarding worship that "salvation begins with the Jews" {John 4:22} God has foretold through prophet Zechariah that people of all nations must get connected to the Jews before they can be saved! Zechariah 8:23

So for the Jews to work with Jesus they must first see the fulfilment of God's promises in their midst, that's why Jesus told his disciples not to go to any other nations (not even Samaria) but Jews first! Matthew 10:6 smiley

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Re: Hea by needanswer: 11:25am On Mar 19, 2022

My friend's mother who was diagnosed with HIV and given few months to live, who was bedridden and couldn't do anything for herself was healed at the healing school by Pastor Chris. She is alive and strong today and has had some more children over the years.

An animal like you stands up to insult generals who have given their lives to bring salvation even when you know this is real, you choose to believe a lie. You will NEVER have a voice strong enough to stand against the Church of Jesus Christ. The numbers are real and the miracles are real. But demon possessed animals like you will always want to do the work of your father satan and hinder those who believe. You have failed...more people will be healed today and more testimonies will arise. You can do nothing to stop it. You and your father the devil have failed! And will always fail!

Are you done ranting or you are just warming up?

With your lack of information you think HIV is a death sentence, it is not. AIDS is the death sentence. And the story of your friends whatever been healed from HIV at the healing stream is also false.

Healing stream that falsely claims it broadcast to more than 6.5 billion people but can't still heal those amount of people in the live stream. Doctors and hospitals should be out of work after the annual healing streams, yet sicknesses are rampant everywhere.
Re: Hea by AntiChristian: 11:32am On Mar 19, 2022

Jesus Christ wasn't sent primarily to people of other nations but only to the Jews. WHY?
Because after the death of Solomon (Israelite's third king) the nation splitted to two ten out of the northern tribes agreed to choose another king over them leaving the remaining two tribes and Levites in the south. That's why we later have the Jews (two tribes with Levites in the south) and Samaritans (ten northern tribes of Israel)
Jesus is from the southern part where the Jews continued to worship with Levites the tribe God assigned to the temple arrangement.
That's why Jesus could tell the Samaritan woman who asked him a question regarding worship that "salvation begins with the Jews" {John 4:22} God has foretold through prophet Zechariah that people of all nations must get connected to the Jews before they can be saved! Zechariah 8:23

So for the Jews to work with Jesus they must first see the fulfilment of God's promises in their midst, that's why Jesus told his disciples not to go to any other nations (not even Samaria) but Jews first! Matthew 10:6 smiley

Abeg how is this epistle related to what i said above now?
Re: Hea by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:44am On Mar 19, 2022

Abeg how is this epistle related to what i said above now?

Don't cry little Muslim boy, you talked about Jesus' expression about miracles for people of other nations. So i have to shed the light on that. You and i know that our Muhammad has nothing to do with miracles nah! cheesy

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Re: Hea by AntiChristian: 12:20pm On Mar 19, 2022

Don't cry little Muslim boy, you talked about Jesus' expression about miracles for people of other nations. So i have to shed the light on that. You and i know that our Muhammad has nothing to do with miracles nah! cheesy

Muhammad had many things to do about miracles!
But Muslims don't worship miracle! But ignorance/arrogance will not let you learn!

Christians peddle miracles!
Re: Hea by MaxInDHouse(m): 12:38pm On Mar 19, 2022

Muhammad had many things to do about miracles!
But Muslims don't worship miracle! But ignorance/arrogance will not let you learn!
Christians peddle miracles!

So if our Muhammad has nothing to do with miracles (topic of discussion) and you don't want to learn why Jesus said certain things regarding miracles what exactly are you doing here? cheesy


Re: Hea by Blue86(m): 2:42pm On Mar 19, 2022
My God is alive.
And healing people.
Many have been healed and will still be healed in the name of Jesus

Jesus, the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Blessed be the Lord Jesus [the ] Christ [ Man's messiah]
Re: Hea by needanswer: 3:36pm On Mar 19, 2022
My God is alive.
And healing people.
Many have been healed and will still be healed in the name of Jesus

Jesus, the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Blessed be the Lord Jesus [the ] Christ [ Man's messiah]

The stats say contrary. 6 billion plus people attends annually online according to BLW, yet 95% of the human population still battles with illnesses.
Re: Hea by Valkrie: 6:13pm On Mar 19, 2022
There is a reason why all these charlatans don't ever go to hospital to go and do their fake miracle healing...they know fully well that, that's where you find real sick people..those you see on their stage are all actors and actress...!!!
Re: Hea by petra1(m): 6:58pm On Mar 19, 2022

but assuming it was true more than 80% of people in the world out of 8 billion souls would have been healed.

That's an assumption. The church never said so .By Data Billion were reached . it is quiet different from saying Billions got healed or saved

Go to the hospitals today or wait till Monday and go to any hospital in Nigeria or outside Nigeria and you will still see crowds of sick people lined up at the hospital.

you're correct
Re: Hea by needanswer: 7:10pm On Mar 19, 2022

That's an assumption. The church never said so .By Data Billion were reached . it is quiet different from saying Billions got healed or saved

you're correct

Yes according to BLW, billions were reached for a healing stream. But I can't see the billions of people getting healed annually from this annual healing stream. Health practitioners worldwide should have been out of jobs by now.

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Re: Hea by Blue86(m): 7:24pm On Mar 19, 2022
6 Billion viewers.
Not 6 billion invalids.

The stats say contrary. 6 billion plus people attends annually online according to BLW, yet 95% of the human population still battles with illnesses.
Re: Hea by needanswer: 7:34pm On Mar 19, 2022
6 Billion viewers.
Not 6 billion invalids.

Didn't you read where I said 95% of the world's population have some form of illness, whether major or minor.

Those 6 billion people make more than 80% of the worlds population and billions there would have some form of illness, whether major or minor yet they arent healed annually from attending the healing streams.

If this healing streams were potent, health practitioners would be out of work globally already but the reverse is the case.

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Re: Hea by petra1(m): 8:37pm On Mar 19, 2022

Yes according to BLW, billions were reached for a healing stream.

based on facts and data

But I can't see the billions of people getting healed annually from this annual healing stream.

doesn't matter

Health practitioners worldwide should have been out of jobs by now.

Thank God they still have jobs .

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Re: Hea by needanswer: 9:02pm On Mar 19, 2022

based on facts and data

doesn't matter

Thank God they still have jobs .

The facts and data is a discussion for another day.

It does matter. The facts matter. The truth also matters.

I don't care if health practitioners have their work or not, they can always learn another skill. People getting healed in their billions matters more to me than a few million people keeping their jobs and profiting from the ill health of others.

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Re: Hea by Blue86(m): 10:47am On Mar 20, 2022
6 Billion viewers, not 6 billion invalids.
Critics included in viewing list.
Congregants involved
People learning involved.
And invalids included.

Didn't you read where I said 95% of the world's population have some form of illness, whether major or minor.

Those 6 billion people make more than 80% of the worlds population and billions there would have some form of illness, whether major or minor yet they arent healed annually from attending the healing streams.

If this healing streams were potent, health practitioners would be out of work globally already but the reverse is the case.

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Re: Hea by needanswer: 11:49am On Mar 20, 2022
6 Billion viewers, not 6 billion invalids.
Critics included in viewing list.
Congregants involved
People learning involved.
And invalids included.

6 billion plus are supposedly in attendance and you think the invalids are not in the billions? With an attendance of more than 80% of the worlds population?

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Re: Hea by Blue86(m): 1:01pm On Mar 20, 2022
"And invalids included"
Last bottom statementquote author=needanswer post=111198197]

6 billion plus are supposedly in attendance and you think the invalids are not in the billions? With an attendance of more than 80% of the worlds population?

Re: Hea by Maestro21: 5:03am On Mar 28, 2022
You always hear 6 Billions plus people watched the healing stream (which is falsehood) but assuming it was true more than 80% of people in the world out of 8 billion souls would have been healed. Statistics show that 95% of the human population globally suffer from one sickness or the other, whether major or minor.
How can you verify that the first highlighted part is false? Where is your reference for this "stat"?

Go to the hospitals today or wait till Monday and go to any hospital in Nigeria or outside Nigeria and you will still see crowds of sick people lined up at the hospital.

So please which 6 billion plus people did pastor Chris heal in his healing stream?
This is a silly question.

The funny one I saw on Twitter was one where Pastor Chris prayed for a woman that had a tumour on her face that she had been healed but the tumour was still there after the healing shocked
when is a tumor healed and how do you know that a tumor is healed the instant it is?

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