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My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering - Family (3) - Nairaland

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Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by PrinceofAgoAre(m): 11:02pm On May 05, 2022
Consult a speech therapist.

If you need an internet user to tell you what to do in this instance, I doubt you are fit to be called a parent.
Do u knw the level of d parent exposure? ...

can u b any less dumb?

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Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Collyti19: 11:03pm On May 05, 2022
Give him kuli kuli to chop

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Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Omon605(m): 11:26pm On May 05, 2022
Hello Professional Health workers in the house, Mt two year old son who is learning to talk is stammering, please I need help on that. Moderator please post it to front page.

you can seek for medical advice if the case is serious. My little girl once had same issue at almost same age, I was very worried because I wasn't comfortable with it and she's about 5 years now, the problem now is she talk too much. I believe it will go with time.


Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Mikeeytools: 11:33pm On May 05, 2022

By your ancestors I guess?
by his mother.. some people are born to be idiots.
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by SilvanusII(m): 11:42pm On May 05, 2022
Get him to always relax. I imagine he's always excited to speak. Try getting him to understand that you will not listen to him unless he's calm.
It is important to not shut him up lest he stops talking to you altogether.
You need to try to find a balance and patience
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by PointZerom: 11:52pm On May 05, 2022
Hello Professional Health workers in the house, Mt two year old son who is learning to talk is stammering, please I need help on that. Moderator please post it to front page.

My first son did the same at tender age but I continuously prayed for him and I told God that there's no stamarrer in my lineage therefore it won't start from my house. God restored him perfectly.

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Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Sarhm: 11:52pm On May 05, 2022
Take him for deliverance abi
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Chickensoup: 12:03am On May 06, 2022
He should slow down when talking. Picking words calmly reduces stammering and as time passes, he would stop stammering. It happened to me while I was 6-10 years old.

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Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Chomsky1967958: 12:04am On May 06, 2022
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Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by happney65: 12:09am On May 06, 2022
You people worry too much. Is stammering a disease? A two year old boy just learning how to talk will definitely stammer yet you are getting worked up
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Dejavu111: 12:52am On May 06, 2022
[quote author=guru03 post=112521833]Hello Professional Health workers in the house, Mt two year old son who is learning to talk is stammering, please I need help on that. Moderator please post it to front page.

Try n get him a small calabars use in drinking palm wine let him use it to drink water every morning or whenever her wants to eat ........ It will stop gradually..
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by CoronaVirusPro: 12:55am On May 06, 2022
Hello Professional Health workers in the house, Mt two year old son who is learning to talk is stammering, please I need help on that. Moderator please post it to front page.

2 years and you already worried. grin grin grin Hello! My cousin stammered till 10 years old and speaks normally now at 15.
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by juman(m): 1:22am On May 06, 2022
Easy thing.
Its in the head.
He should talk slowly till he overcome it.
Biden, steve harvey and others overcame it.
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Fakbrown: 1:36am On May 06, 2022
My cousin was acting fine, around 2-3years he started stuttering, mom was scared, we advised her to calm down that he might just be imitating someone, but don't know he might be imitating, after awhile it faded. Don't be scared take him to the hospital also tell him not to be fast while talking
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by dawnomike(m): 2:28am On May 06, 2022

pls where can one meet a speech therapist in Nigeria?
Visit a general hospital or federal medical centers... They'll refer you to one
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Mindblowing(m): 2:34am On May 06, 2022
I was a stammerer when growing up but it has stopped and not it has actually stopped but you can only notice i stammer when i get angry, so i try to avoid getting angry. Always remind your child not to force itself to talk if he can't, learn to breathe in and out whenever he stammers. By doing that, it will overcome it in a lesser time. quote author=guru03 post=112521833]Hello Professional Health workers in the house, Mt two year old son who is learning to talk is stammering, please I need help on that. Moderator please post it to front page.[/quote]
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Blitzerz: 3:03am On May 06, 2022
Hello Professional Health workers in the house, Mt two year old son who is learning to talk is stammering, please I need help on that. Moderator please post it to front page.
Here is something u can do at home.
Go to YouTube
Download speech therapy videos.
Let him start Watching it.

Also what u may be calling stammering my be anxiety or functional mutism.
If that is the case, he just needs encouragement, patience and time, especially from his teachers at school.
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by madjune(m): 4:32am On May 06, 2022
A little bit of heads up OP..

The only problem he will be having is how to manage his anger as time goes on...

When he gets provoked, he will fight dirty..his strength will be in his hands because talking will fall him...

When asked to explain what happened, he will cry instead of explaining what happened.. because people might not have the patient to listen to him.. even though he beats the sh!t out of the opponent...

Take him to a speech therapist if possible but please don't treat it like it was a disease.. he will be fine..

This is a chronic, bland and ignorant stereotype that colored the perception towards people who stammer.

Wrong. Thing is, stuttering in the infant stage is actually a phase through the speech development process. Most children actually outgrow it and adapt to each's respective speech pattern.

In the adult stage, once it becomes consistent and noticeable; that's when it could be a bother to the sufferer
But hey, this is not really a problem nor can it not be minimized.

Full, pronounced stuttering in the adult stage can be a symptom of lingering neurological disorder...and it mostly manifests from the brain.

To minimize this, don't let the child become conscious of his unusual speech pattern.
When stutter heals on its own, the child will ultimately develop his or her own unique way of speaking.

It could be a rare sort of drawl. Or fast talking or slow, monotony sort of delivery.

Whichever. Stuttering or not, the biggest problem is not being heard or understood.

The listener only needs more patience around the one who stutters
They usually have important things to say when they actually want to talk

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Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by BeardGangJnr1(m): 4:52am On May 06, 2022
Caution and correct him, I think with time he will stop.
U re right...as a child I use to stammer like mad....but now..I talk freely except on few occasions...infact u will hardly notice it.. except wen I'm super angry or overexcited
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by phemmyfour: 5:13am On May 06, 2022
Hello Professional Health workers in the house, Mt two year old son who is learning to talk is stammering, please I need help on that. Moderator please post it to front page.
Tell him to talk slowly, he is just 2yrs, he LL get better with time
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by AntiWailer: 5:20am On May 06, 2022
Look for am assuring word to let him know u are not in a hurry to hear what he wants to say.

Like “slow down baby, eaaazy”

If he slows down, he will stop over time.

Best of luck with ur Prince
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Allisgud: 6:00am On May 06, 2022
Omor men

Nothing bad if you born stammerer na wink
what are u saying,imagine ur president is a stamerer
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Awesometo: 6:03am On May 06, 2022
Thank God
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Jaysleeves(m): 6:06am On May 06, 2022
I am a chronic stammerer and my 4 kids all stutters and nothing has been wrong with us..

I have already controlled mine now as an adult.. So for your kid, allow him to express himself without making him or let anyone feel less because na that thing dey pain us
As a chronic stammerer how have you been able to control this ? Mine is mild and am having some self esteem issue sometimes about this, especially when presiding over board meetings..
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by emecheboy2(m): 6:16am On May 06, 2022
Hello Professional Health workers in the house, Mt two year old son who is learning to talk is stammering, please I need help on that. Moderator please post it to front page.
If you child attends any daycare, creche or school, check very well someone is stammering in that environment that he is copying or in your own house.
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by HITsquad: 6:20am On May 06, 2022

What kind of mumu assumption is this?
Stop the vile words abeg.
What kind of moniker be that?
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by FireUpNow(m): 6:34am On May 06, 2022
Hello Professional Health workers in the house, Mt two year old son who is learning to talk is stammering, please I need help on that. Moderator please post it to front page.

I am not a health worker but a parent. My daughter did same when she was that age and learning how to talk, so don't be afraid because as time goes on the child's speech will get smooth. My daughter is now 13 yrs old, she talks more than a parot. Speak normal to your child and please don't every try to shout her down when the child is talking and never you or anyone in your household beat the child because of slow in speech. Nothing is wrong with the child please
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Nobody: 6:39am On May 06, 2022
Hello Professional Health workers in the house, Mt two year old son who is learning to talk is stammering, please I need help on that. Moderator please post it to front page.

If he is in sch, go there and check his teacher or even friends. Kids tend to learn from people around them. Good luck
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by Elidrisy20: 6:41am On May 06, 2022
Nothing to worry,he will improve,my neighbors son of 3year old he is not even trying to talk
Re: My Two Year Old Boy Is Stammering by miteolu(m): 6:44am On May 06, 2022
Take him to a crowdy place like face me face house where he will be hearing lots of people's voices. Voices of busy parents will not help.

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