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Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) - Romance - Nairaland

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Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Znation(m): 8:07am On May 12, 2022
Hello nairalanders'

The most hardest word to say in a relationship is: It's over.
This two words have sent so many souls to Jupita, Mars or Mecury.

Let me tell you, If you are not strong enough as a partner, it will send you into depression. A lot of people today are still depressed because of this words.

There are just two ways to doing this; either by text message, or by eye to eye (for the wicked ones).

As for me, i don't like doing the text message, i will just look straight into your eye and tell you it's the end of road for us.

Assuming your current partner just walk up to you and drop this few word; it's over between us, how would you respond or react using your current relationship as an example.
Will you cry, plead for more chance, or rather let go?

For me; i can't let go of my current relationship, i'll just cry and roll on the ground.

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Ladymogana(f): 8:12am On May 12, 2022
. . .

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Maryjane11: 8:15am On May 12, 2022
You are going no where, you must finish what you started.. That will be my response.

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by cenaman(m): 8:19am On May 12, 2022
I will be like, ok no problems but, come let's do dey do one last time before u go. grin grin grin

116 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by slawormiir: 8:22am On May 12, 2022
Damnnn niggarrrr

Only pussy asss niggarrrz say such words to a baby girl
And only a pussy ass niggarr will also allow a baby girl to say such words to him

103 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Blaqroman0000: 8:29am On May 12, 2022
My answer always remains "OKAY" and move on.
Na mumu dey fall inlove this kind period

133 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by gibsontrevor13: 8:35am On May 12, 2022
If the relationship isn't over yet, there's always a way to get it back. But if you or your lover no longer has feelings, or does not want to continue, even holding back is useless. My first love ended when we knew we wouldn't be able to get married. I'm not sad, I'm happy because of the time we have together, the times we play basketball stars, the times we listen to music, and the times we watch our favorite movies. It's not sadness, it's memory.

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by chatinent: 8:41am On May 12, 2022
I don't respond. There's a huge relieve that's dying to scream when you leave.

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Radionigeria: 8:41am On May 12, 2022
Do i need to beg her? i need your advice on this for future use. grin

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Nonexisting: 8:42am On May 12, 2022
Those of us who have no one to tell us it's over don't know how much we are loved by God. I sleep on my bed with one leg in Jos and the other in Owerri with no vaginarian to tell me baby shift, baby hold me, baby I need this and that. I wish this peace on people that keep girlfriends, they have really suffered.

105 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by PerfectStranger(m): 8:56am On May 12, 2022
Do i need to beg her?
i need your advice on this for future use. grin
Yes beg her. Potential simp.


Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by virginprincess(f): 9:06am On May 12, 2022
That means we were never met to be together,i would have to let you go then, even though it painful.


Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Wizywiz(m): 9:15am On May 12, 2022
Well I believe it hurts .... I personally I ve told my ladies ITS OVER IN THE PAST and I know how shattered they were when I told them, one even asked me then " so you have to say it to my face you want to kill me" but now as an advocateand ambassador of TRP I just lock up and move on while she dates herself when she gets tired she will advise herself grin ...no time to check time....TRP is DIAMOND

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Thestormisover: 9:16am On May 12, 2022
Me will be like: how did you know what i wanted to say, it's like you're reading my mind. I've been try to tell you this all long, but you just said it at the very moment i was about to say it too.. I think i have a meeting to attend now, bye forever! grin grin grin

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Divoc19(f): 9:21am On May 12, 2022
Okay, have a nice life without me.

I'll feel bad for some days and later move on.

But a younger version of me would go

What did I do wrong?
Please let's work on this and bla bla bla


Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Wizywiz(m): 9:22am On May 12, 2022
Moreover no lady has ever told me ITS OVER BTW US, the lady will have no reason to even think of that... moreover once I notice any unwanted behavior from any lady.....I move. grin


Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by DryMouth: 9:24am On May 12, 2022
I always respond with "OK"

I always expect breakup in a relationship so I don't love anybody. Plus I always see any girl am dating like a sex mate nothing more.

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Abc125: 9:28am On May 12, 2022
This is how it goes.

look into my eye and tell me you are not sure about this. You know i love you, right?
you told me we're meant for each other, have you forgotten so soon? Baby, how do you think i will be without you? Do you know how it will hurt to live without you? Would you want to see me in such situation? C'mmon baby' i know you don't. You have to think twice before you let go..


Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Lionking4321: 9:37am On May 12, 2022
This is how it goes.

look into my eye and tell me you are not sure about this. You know i love you, right?
you told me we're meant for each other, have you forgotten so soon? Baby, how do you think i will be without you? Do you know how it will hurt to live without you? Would you want to see me in such situation? C'mmon baby' i know you don't. You have to think twice before you let go..
You are the leader of SIMP Association. smh..

54 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Lionking4321: 9:38am On May 12, 2022
You are going no where, you must finish what you started.. That will be my response.
is it by force to do again? cheesy cheesy


Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Bamzyriches451: 3:45pm On May 12, 2022
No lady will ever say such word to me cos I'll notice it from your attitude when you're tired of the relationship and I'll quietly walk out of the relationship before you'll think of saying it.


Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Sabadon(m): 5:07pm On May 12, 2022
As you please
Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by inoki247: 5:07pm On May 12, 2022
I go to chicken republic buy full chicken with 1 coke nd 2 Kolaq afta dat I will goan sleep...

When I wake up I move to another day....


Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Authoreety: 5:07pm On May 12, 2022
Neva xperienced that before...

Meanwhile, In cultists voice....

She go collect wotowoto...
Dem no dey tell cultist, "it's over"

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Amspecial: 5:07pm On May 12, 2022
Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by starbuck(f): 5:07pm On May 12, 2022


Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Itzteewhy(m): 5:08pm On May 12, 2022
That's why we say you guys should run from anything relationship so you can avoid all this unnecessary drama.

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Kizzygentle: 5:08pm On May 12, 2022
This op eh, which one is *the most hardest kwa*.. Anyway I don't care because i don't put emotional energy into relationships, I rather focus the energy in making more more money so it's me that would do the it's over..
Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Freerhyme1(m): 5:08pm On May 12, 2022
Abeg where una dey see love
Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by Pascopele: 5:08pm On May 12, 2022
With a cheesy
Meet other singles in your state, join this Telegram channel SafeHavenJoint

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Re: Being In A Relationship, How Would You Respond To; It's Over Btw Us? (game Over) by tnerro1(m): 5:08pm On May 12, 2022
Fvck yeah and then invite two oloshos for a three.some

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