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Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) by Igbofam2: 5:37pm On May 20, 2022
Today the Ukrainian Army destroyed a large convoy of Russian military vehicles on its way to supply Russian/LPR forces in Luhansk Oblast with weapons and more troops.

The Russian supply convoy was destroyed near Komyshuvakha village, Luhansk Oblast. It was a massacre.

The battle is raging over Donbas with the Ukrainian forces making strategic hits as they push to recapture their land from the Russians.

Video below


Mynd44 Lalasticlala Seun

Re: Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) by Urheadmaster(m): 5:39pm On May 20, 2022
Putin manhood should also be destroyed undecided

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Re: Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) by Toktee(m): 5:44pm On May 20, 2022
Waiting for Putin Robots to come shout propaganda. grin

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Re: Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) by Aonkuuse(m): 5:46pm On May 20, 2022
Good, I think invading Ukraine is one of Putin's worst decision, infact an end for him

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Re: Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) by railone(m): 5:57pm On May 20, 2022
The ones that get me laughing the most are those ones that will tell you any news favoring Ukraine is propaganda but will believe something posted allegedly by someone on Telegram....

that's like believing BC messages on WhatsApp and be typing Amen and forwarding to 10 people to receive audio blessing

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Re: Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) by Nobody: 7:57pm On May 20, 2022
Ukraine destroyed this, destroyed that, and yet, they keep losing ground and territory. Their navy and air force are nonexistent and the army depends on foreign loans under the guise of aid to keep fighting and prevent an imminent collapse. Keep deceiving yourselves.

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Re: Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) by Igbofam2: 8:04pm On May 20, 2022
Ukraine destroyed this, destroyed that, and yet, they keep losing ground and territory. Their navy and air force are nonexistent and the army depends on foreign loans under the guise of aid to keep fighting and prevent an imminent collapse. Keep deceiving yourselves.

Their Navy and Airforce are non existent as you say but I guess your college Svlla claimed in my other post that the Ukrainian paratroopers parachuted into the place of battle near Izyum so which plane did they parachute from if their Airforce is now non existent? cheesy

grin you guys should make up your mind on the area your lies would come from na cheesy

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Re: Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) by Nobody: 8:10pm On May 20, 2022

Their Navy and Airforce are non existent as you say but I guess your college Svlla claimed in my other post that the Ukrainian paratroopers parachuted into the place of battle near Izyum so which plane did they parachute from if their Airforce is now non existent? cheesy

grin you guys should make up your mind on the area your lies would come from na cheesy

Here's what he said:

Do you know what it means for Ukrainian forces to land in the place indicated on your map?

That means they've landed on hard ground

Do you the implications of landing somewhere in the middle of your enemy occupied territories. With over 20 Russian battalion tactical groups operating in kharkiv alone.

The place you indication in your map is where 4th Guards Tank Brigade, 47th Guard Tank Division, 1st Guards Motorized Riffle Regiment, and 2nd Gaurds Motorized rifle division is having their operational base. With all their Air defence and Artillery support regiment are.

So you want us to assume that all the air defence stopped working and all over 20 BTG stood still for Ukrainians to land paratroopers with Artillery( this one really cracked me grin grin grin ) and began bombing away their operation base

Igbofam who do you this thing

He mocked you for saying they landed in the middle of enemy territory with artillery and never mentioned anything about they performing the landing. As I said, you always twist things to suit your narrative. Artillery paratrooper, or do we say para-artillery?

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Re: Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) by Opolopoopolonio: 9:51pm On May 20, 2022
I keep telling pro-Putin luuunatics that Russia cannot successfully occupy anywhere in Ukraine for long.
As soon as the Ukrainians get NATO weapons, they will obliterate the Russians quickly and reclaim their land. grin

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Re: Ukrainian Forces Destroy A Large Russian Convoy In Luhansk. (VIDEO) by Svlla: 1:20am On May 21, 2022

Here's what he said:

He mocked you for saying they landed in the middle of enemy territory with artillery and never mentioned anything about they performing the landing. As I said, you always twist things to suit your narrative. Artillery paratrooper, or do we say para-artillery?

The guy na correct mumu grin

Just ignore him

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