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President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region - Foreign Affairs (3) - Nairaland

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by AngelicBeing: 11:16pm On May 29, 2022
Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Imortal001: 11:17pm On May 29, 2022

Stop typing with emotions nobody said it's bad to defend your country, but in this scenario mr comedian is not Smart, wisdom is profitable to direct. It's not everything you use force to handle, try to pick your fight.

America destroyed iraq because they thought they have WMD but have failed to invade North Korea or Iran because they've weapon of mass Destruction in this case it means America and NATO pick their fights Mr comedian should have done the same and opt for a dialogue.
The counties that are giving you morale to fight russia are avoiding same russia at all cost.
Mr comedian is not Street smart.
Bro, you made my night reading this wise words. Only people in wise realm will understand you. I hear you loud and clear!

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by azikiweironsi(m): 11:18pm On May 29, 2022
Brave man.
Posterity will be kind to you.
President with balls, unlike the slowpoke in Aso Rock
Honestly, this is a brave man. Not like the kind of leaders that we have who only mind their pockets and not the citizens. A country where abductors are never rescued but to rescue themselves. A country where abductors are giving birth in the captivity, raped, killed and the government looking elsewhere while they are struggling to contest for position even annoiting their children to equally contest for positions not minding those that are in captive.
Nigerian it is high time we rise up to say enough is enough. Our destiny including our unborn children is at stake in the hands of these few greedy and selfish leaders of our.


Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Lugianostar(m): 11:28pm On May 29, 2022
Courageous and no African leader can do this considering the danger involved.
Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Fearme344: 11:35pm On May 29, 2022

So if you were the President of Ukraine,you would sit down doing nothing and watch another man like yourself intimidate, invade and destroy your country undecided
defending your territory as a sovereign state is something worth dying for
Why you even reason this matter like dis sef na wa for you oo undecided
you stupid tin u just open up mouth waaA and talk rubbish I no blame u I blame freedom of speech

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by UncleBone: 11:36pm On May 29, 2022

You know nothing about the "Oath" of defending the territory integrity of a country.
He is a hero and history will remember him as such, for standing against that bully you called, Putin

Hero for loosing lands his ancestros fought to keep? You must really know nothing about history.

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Fearme344: 11:37pm On May 29, 2022

Hero for loosing lands his ancestros fought to keep? You must really know nothing about history.
Ukraine belong to Russia read d history well

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by uunwanaobong3: 11:50pm On May 29, 2022
Why russia war with Ukraine was very necessary and in accordance with UN charter!

Evidence shows that Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine is a legally justified, critically necessary, and predictable response to the US’ recent escalation of its decades-long aggression against Russia in Ukraine–militarily, in the international corporate media, in cyberspace, and in the political-economic arena. The US’ hostile actions against Russia were summarized in a 2019 US-Army funded RAND Corporation blueprint for “Over Extending and Unbalancing Russia.” Underlying US actions is its aim is to dismember and asset-strip Russia–to appropriate its coveted oil, gas, and mineral resources and vast agricultural lands–and to enable US investors’ access to Russia’s economy. This is a step towards the US’ overarching goals of controlling Central Asia and achieving full spectrum dominance or global hegemony. Although the US war against Russia in Ukraine started years ago, US aggression escalated under the Biden administration and created conditions that posed an immediate existential threat to Russia and necessitated its military response.

In 2014, the US initiated a proxy war against Russia by engineering the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically-elected president. This ignited a bloody civil war on Russia’s border in which the US-installed and US-armed Kiev regime attacked the eastern provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk whose largely ethnically Russian residents opposed the US coup. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) documented the Kiev regime’s attacks that killed thousands of civilians and terrorized the populace. In 2015, the US-installed then-president, Petro Poroshenko, publicly articulated Kiev’s anti-Russia stance and its policy for the Donbass:

“We will have jobs—they will not. We will have pensions—they will not. [….] Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the basements.” Popular Ukraine pundits openly called for Donbas residents’ extermination. In 2015, Congress lifted its ban on funding Ukraine’s neo Nazi militias and placed US military trainers on the ground inside Ukraine. NATO and the CIA also began training Ukraine regime forces–effectively establishing Ukraine as a de facto US/NATO mercenary state. During the past eight years, Russia exhibited enormous restraint as the US and Ukraine violated the Minsk Protocols and rejected requests for diplomacy. In 2021, US aggression against Russia increased dramatically once Biden took office–in Ukraine and in the Black Sea. US actions and Ukraine President Zelensky’s public statements generated immediate threats to the survival of the Russian nation-state.

Russia’s Military Response Was Over-Determined By Four Existential Threats

The US government and the corporate media falsely characterize Russia’s special operation as entirely ‘unprovoked’ and an ‘illegal invasion’. These allegations ignore four conditions which each independently compelled President Putin and the Duma to initiate Russia’s denazification and demilitarization operation and which establish this intervention as consistent with international legal norms.

Chief among the factors necessitating Russia’s immediate military response were indications of an imminent new massacre as 125,000 Ukraine forces amassed along the border of Donbass in December of 2021. This was never reported in the US corporate press. Instead, the US government and corporate media repeatedly stated that Russian troops were gathering on Ukraine’s border (inside Russia) and predicted an impending Russian invasion. In hindsight, US intelligence could make this accurate claim because it was aware of the menacing buildup of Ukraine forces. Anticipating an imminent massacre, Russia was obligated to intervene militarily because it had a Responsibility to Protect (R2P) the citizens of Donbass. R2P is a political commitment to prevent genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; it was endorsed by the United Nations at its 2005 world summit.

Second, on February 19, 2022, Ukraine President Zelensky announced that Ukraine would seek to acquire nuclear weapons, saying, “I want to believe that the North Atlantic Treaty and Article 5 will be more effective than the Budapest Memorandum.” Zelensky’s expressed desire to acquire nuclear weapons represented a dangerous threat to Moscow and signaled that the window of opportunity for conventional military intervention was closing. It is unlikely that Zelensky operates completely autonomously; Biden publicly bragged about his control over Ukraine government policies and has remunerated Zelensky following Zelensky’s implementation of anti-Russia policies and actions.

Third, Zelensky’s repudiation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances was a reminder of Ukraine’s intent to join NATO. For years, US President Biden advocated NATO membership for Ukraine, assuring Zelensky as recently as December 11, 2021 that this was in Ukraine’s own hands. NATO membership would entail NATO nuclear missiles inside Ukraine, aimed at Moscow. Ukraine’s geographic proximity to Russia eliminates the crucial minutes in which Moscow could verify and respond to an attack and would effectively place Russia and the US at DEFCON Level Two. The US dismissed Russia’s December 17, 2021 verbal and written requests for a diplomatic response to its security concerns. Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken deliberately rejected Russia’s entreaties and ignored the predictable consequences of Ukraine’s potential NATO membership. Renowned international relations scholars, diplomats and politicians, including John Mearsheimer, Jack Matlock, George Kennan, Henry Kissinger, and William Perry warned that NATO membership for Ukraine was a dangerous provocation which would trigger Russia’s military response.

A fourth threat requiring Russia’s intervention was the presence of US Department of Defense-operated biolabs inside Ukraine. Russia’s concerns were validated on March 11, 2022 when Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitted during Congressional questioning that the Ukraine biolabs contained ‘biological materials’ which the US ‘did not want to fall into Russian hands’. While the pathogenic biological agents in these biolabs do not technically constitute bioweapons, they can become bioweapons once there is a ‘mechanism for spreading the agent.’ A delivery mechanism need not be sophisticated to be effective. Bioweapons researcher, Jeffrey Kaye, described the extreme level of US secrecy surrounding the biolabs. Kaye noted that the Director of the Pentagon’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, Robert Pope, did not reassure when he stated that, “the Ukraine biolabs currently did not have the ability to manufacture bioweapons.”

Russia’s Intervention Is Consistent with International Law

These four US-generated conditions represented urgent existential threats to the Donbas and to the Russian nation-state and contradict US claims that Russia ‘illegally invaded Ukraine’ and that Russia’s intervention was unprovoked. Russia was compelled to intervene militarily to neutralize these threats and its response is consistent with the United Nations Charter of 1945 concerning international rules governing a state’s use of military force. The United Nations allows two exceptions to its prohibition of the use of force in international law: “self-defence under Article 51, and military measures authorised by the Security Council in response to “any threat to the peace, breach of the peace or act of aggression.” In particular, the UN Charter notes, “there is no problem – and never has been – with that state, without first seeking Security Council approval, using military force ‘preemptively’.’ Both exceptions apply to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine: Russia perceived an imminent threat to the Donbas and an imminent threat to the Russian nation-state. The immediacy of these threats obviated any requirement that Russia seek prior UN Security Council approval. Seeking UN approval would be futile, in any case, because the United States, a permanent UN Security Council member, is the principal combatant generating the hostilities.

Under the Biden administration, what began in 2014 as a US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine transformed into the US’ direct war against Russia. The US’ covert and overt military actions establish it as a legal “co-belligerent.” Now, the US continues to flood Ukraine with billions of dollars of heavy weapons and provides intelligence to guide Ukraine’s attacks on Russian forces. The US blatantly states that it wants to “weaken” Russia and that Russia must be defeated. This is the US whose regime change wars in the Middle East killed 5 million; whose 1955-1975 war against Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia cost 3.4 million military and civilian lives. This is the US CIA whose coups and illegal interventions around the globe since its 1947 inception left a trail of bloodshed and chaos. Russia is legally and crucially defending the Donbas and the Russian nation-state against the US quest for global domination. The US generated four existential threats to the Donbas and to the Russian nation-state that necessitated Russia’s immediate intervention. The US—not Russia—is the illegal aggressor in Ukraine.

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Igbofam2: 11:59pm On May 29, 2022
quote author=uunwanaobong3

True definition of nonsense
Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by afbstrategies: 12:05am On May 30, 2022
Imagine how great our Country NIGERIA would have been if we had leaders like him instead of these scumbags, who are busy stealing from us. lipsrsealed
Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Fearme344: 12:08am On May 30, 2022
[color=#000099][/color] rubbish

Evidence shows that Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine is a legally justified, critically necessary, and predictable response to the US’ recent escalation of its decades-long aggression against Russia in Ukraine–militarily, in the international corporate media, in cyberspace, and in the political-economic arena. The US’ hostile actions against Russia were summarized in a 2019 US-Army funded RAND Corporation blueprint for “Over Extending and Unbalancing Russia.” Underlying US actions is its aim is to dismember and asset-strip Russia–to appropriate its coveted oil, gas, and mineral resources and vast agricultural lands–and to enable US investors’ access to Russia’s economy. This is a step towards the US’ overarching goals of controlling Central Asia and achieving full spectrum dominance or global hegemony. Although the US war against Russia in Ukraine started years ago, US aggression escalated under the Biden administration and created conditions that posed an immediate existential threat to Russia and necessitated its military response.

In 2014, the US initiated a proxy war against Russia by engineering the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically-elected president. This ignited a bloody civil war on Russia’s border in which the US-installed and US-armed Kiev regime attacked the eastern provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk whose largely ethnically Russian residents opposed the US coup. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) documented the Kiev regime’s attacks that killed thousands of civilians and terrorized the populace. In 2015, the US-installed then-president, Petro Poroshenko, publicly articulated Kiev’s anti-Russia stance and its policy for the Donbass:

“We will have jobs—they will not. We will have pensions—they will not. [….] Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the basements.” Popular Ukraine pundits openly called for Donbas residents’ extermination. In 2015, Congress lifted its ban on funding Ukraine’s neo Nazi militias and placed US military trainers on the ground inside Ukraine. NATO and the CIA also began training Ukraine regime forces–effectively establishing Ukraine as a de facto US/NATO mercenary state. During the past eight years, Russia exhibited enormous restraint as the US and Ukraine violated the Minsk Protocols and rejected requests for diplomacy. In 2021, US aggression against Russia increased dramatically once Biden took office–in Ukraine and in the Black Sea. US actions and Ukraine President Zelensky’s public statements generated immediate threats to the survival of the Russian nation-state.

Russia’s Military Response Was Over-Determined By Four Existential Threats

The US government and the corporate media falsely characterize Russia’s special operation as entirely ‘unprovoked’ and an ‘illegal invasion’. These allegations ignore four conditions which each independently compelled President Putin and the Duma to initiate Russia’s denazification and demilitarization operation and which establish this intervention as consistent with international legal norms.

Chief among the factors necessitating Russia’s immediate military response were indications of an imminent new massacre as 125,000 Ukraine forces amassed along the border of Donbass in December of 2021. This was never reported in the US corporate press. Instead, the US government and corporate media repeatedly stated that Russian troops were gathering on Ukraine’s border (inside Russia) and predicted an impending Russian invasion. In hindsight, US intelligence could make this accurate claim because it was aware of the menacing buildup of Ukraine forces. Anticipating an imminent massacre, Russia was obligated to intervene militarily because it had a Responsibility to Protect (R2P) the citizens of Donbass. R2P is a political commitment to prevent genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; it was endorsed by the United Nations at its 2005 world summit.

Second, on February 19, 2022, Ukraine President Zelensky announced that Ukraine would seek to acquire nuclear weapons, saying, “I want to believe that the North Atlantic Treaty and Article 5 will be more effective than the Budapest Memorandum.” Zelensky’s expressed desire to acquire nuclear weapons represented a dangerous threat to Moscow and signaled that the window of opportunity for conventional military intervention was closing. It is unlikely that Zelensky operates completely autonomously; Biden publicly bragged about his control over Ukraine government policies and has remunerated Zelensky following Zelensky’s implementation of anti-Russia policies and actions.

Third, Zelensky’s repudiation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances was a reminder of Ukraine’s intent to join NATO. For years, US President Biden advocated NATO membership for Ukraine, assuring Zelensky as recently as December 11, 2021 that this was in Ukraine’s own hands. NATO membership would entail NATO nuclear missiles inside Ukraine, aimed at Moscow. Ukraine’s geographic proximity to Russia eliminates the crucial minutes in which Moscow could verify and respond to an attack and would effectively place Russia and the US at DEFCON Level Two. The US dismissed Russia’s December 17, 2021 verbal and written requests for a diplomatic response to its security concerns. Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken deliberately rejected Russia’s entreaties and ignored the predictable consequences of Ukraine’s potential NATO membership. Renowned international relations scholars, diplomats and politicians, including John Mearsheimer, Jack Matlock, George Kennan, Henry Kissinger, and William Perry warned that NATO membership for Ukraine was a dangerous provocation which would trigger Russia’s military response.

A fourth threat requiring Russia’s intervention was the presence of US Department of Defense-operated biolabs inside Ukraine. Russia’s concerns were validated on March 11, 2022 when Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitted during Congressional questioning that the Ukraine biolabs contained ‘biological materials’ which the US ‘did not want to fall into Russian hands’. While the pathogenic biological agents in these biolabs do not technically constitute bioweapons, they can become bioweapons once there is a ‘mechanism for spreading the agent.’ A delivery mechanism need not be sophisticated to be effective. Bioweapons researcher, Jeffrey Kaye, described the extreme level of US secrecy surrounding the biolabs. Kaye noted that the Director of the Pentagon’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, Robert Pope, did not reassure when he stated that, “the Ukraine biolabs currently did not have the ability to manufacture bioweapons.”

Russia’s Intervention Is Consistent with International Law

These four US-generated conditions represented urgent existential threats to the Donbas and to the Russian nation-state and contradict US claims that Russia ‘illegally invaded Ukraine’ and that Russia’s intervention was unprovoked. Russia was compelled to intervene militarily to neutralize these threats and its response is consistent with the United Nations Charter of 1945 concerning international rules governing a state’s use of military force. The United Nations allows two exceptions to its prohibition of the use of force in international law: “self-defence under Article 51, and military measures authorised by the Security Council in response to “any threat to the peace, breach of the peace or act of aggression.” In particular, the UN Charter notes, “there is no problem – and never has been – with that state, without first seeking Security Council approval, using military force ‘preemptively’.’ Both exceptions apply to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine: Russia perceived an imminent threat to the Donbas and an imminent threat to the Russian nation-state. The immediacy of these threats obviated any requirement that Russia seek prior UN Security Council approval. Seeking UN approval would be futile, in any case, because the United States, a permanent UN Security Council member, is the principal combatant generating the hostilities.

Under the Biden administration, what began in 2014 as a US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine transformed into the US’ direct war against Russia. The US’ covert and overt military actions establish it as a legal “co-belligerent.” Now, the US continues to flood Ukraine with billions of dollars of heavy weapons and provides intelligence to guide Ukraine’s attacks on Russian forces. The US blatantly states that it wants to “weaken” Russia and that Russia must be defeated. This is the US whose regime change wars in the Middle East killed 5 million; whose 1955-1975 war against Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia cost 3.4 million military and civilian lives. This is the US CIA whose coups and illegal interventions around the globe since its 1947 inception left a trail of bloodshed and chaos. Russia is legally and crucially defending the Donbas and the Russian nation-state against the US quest for global domination. The US generated four existential threats to the Donbas and to the Russian nation-state that necessitated Russia’s immediate intervention. The US—not Russia—is the illegal aggressor in Ukraine.[/quote]what is all dis nonsense copy and paste

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Proudlyomonna: 12:13am On May 30, 2022
you stupid tin u just open up mouth waaA and talk rubbish I no blame u I blame freedom of speech

You dis eternally cursed bornthroway bastard is dis all you can come up with grin grin
If you were the President of Ukraine would you sit back and surrender your Country to an oppressive egotistic man is the question?
Imagine the cursed child of doom and perdition saying him no blame me se na freedom of speech him blame ;Dabi you just learn that one new? grin
Wehrey plenty for here sha grin grin


Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Nobody: 12:16am On May 30, 2022
How may time does he want to visit this region? Fake news

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by nedekid: 12:19am On May 30, 2022
Kai, propaganda.
The truth is that Russia is making heavy but gains.
Zelensky visiting his troops close to the front line is just to ginger them.
Below is yesterdays briefing on the situation of the war as said by the telegraph.

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Equity15(m): 12:32am On May 30, 2022

Stop typing with emotions nobody said it's bad to defend your country, but in this scenario mr comedian is not Smart, wisdom is profitable to direct. It's not everything you use force to handle, try to pick your fight.

America destroyed iraq because they thought they have WMD but have failed to invade North Korea or Iran because they've weapon of mass Destruction in this case it means America and NATO pick their fights Mr comedian should have done the same and opt for a dialogue.
The counties that are giving you morale to fight russia are avoiding same russia at all cost.
Mr comedian is not Street smart.
lol..but they shot an Iranian top leader that's almost tantamount to a war declaration/invasion. Why didn't iran retaliate?

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by OyinO: 12:40am On May 30, 2022
I watched it live on Al-Jazeera. He looked confused, hopeless and helpless.
Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Funflipper: 12:43am On May 30, 2022
Comedian president grin watching your country get destroyed. Do you know Russia now controls land area the size of England in Ukraine. While Ukraine keeps winning on social media

What will they do with land? When they are tired, they will all go back home. The war is far from over.
Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by HardMirror(m): 12:44am On May 30, 2022
A comedian will always be a comedian.
This man's action should be a lesson to everyone that votes in a comedian as president .
Today like 50 % of Ukrain has been destroyed because zelensky wants to be called a hero by USA and NATO at the expense of innocent people's lives.
so what exactly do you want him to do? If you were in his shoes what would you do. I will be waiting for an intelligent and comprehensive reply please. Thank you

1 Like

Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Fearme344: 12:51am On May 30, 2022

You dis eternally cursed bornthroway bastard is dis all you can come up with grin grin
If you were the President of Ukraine would you sit back and surrender your Country to an oppressive egotistic man is the question?
Imagine the cursed child of doom and perdition saying him no blame me se na freedom of speech him blame ;Dabi you just learn that one new? grin
Wehrey plenty for here sha grin grin
mugu i can never b a comedian like dat man dat is not smart.. US and nato are using him to fight against his own people fool think before u talk

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Fearme344: 12:52am On May 30, 2022
This is why I really dislike Nigerians.. there level of stupidity is too high no degree reach am.. I have been investigating this Russian invasion in ukraine PUTIN is doing the right thing but in different directions.. he is fighting for me and you the world in fact.. do you know what would happen if USA put those missile in the Russian border do you know what will happen to Russia just the same way like Syria and palestina. PUTIN is smart and he will always be smart I love him from my heart, if Russian wanted war with Ukraine la just 2 to 3 days mission na be that. And I have friends in Ukraine they are not killing people.. lie lie lie lie lie

Russian military are feeding them and taking them into Russian the cnn, bbc, and other no dey carry am I don't even put those channels again.. please understand something before you open your mouth way bubu Don use hunga finish


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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by AfroAgroPower: 1:16am On May 30, 2022
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has visited troops in the Kharkiv region, on the country's battered eastern front line.

It was his first official trip outside the Kyiv region since the Russian invasion began on 24 February.

He was pictured in a bullet-proof vest surveying ruins in Kharkiv city.

Mr Zelensky told soldiers, "I want to thank each of you for your service." Later, he sacked the local security chief for "not defending" the city.

Russia has resumed shelling Kharkiv - Ukraine's second-largest city - in recent days after a fortnight of comparative quiet.

The city - Ukraine's second-largest - faced intense bombardment in the war's first months, with images showing tower blocks flattened to rubble.

Russian troops were gradually pushed back from its surrounding towns during April and May, prompting some who had fled Kharkiv to return, and the metro to reopen for the first time since the invasion.

But the city remains within range of Russian artillery. Several loud explosions were heard in the city after Mr Zelensky's visit.

Russia pushed back from Kharkiv - front line

President Zelensky's office posted a video on Telegram with the caption: "2,229 buildings have been destroyed in Kharkiv and the region. We will restore, rebuild and bring back life. In Kharkiv and all other towns and villages where evil came."

The president also visited the city of Kharkiv, which was bombarded day and night in the war's early months

The footage featured Ukrainian soldiers giving Mr Zelensky a tour of the damage wrought by the war, including broken down trucks by the side of a road.

"In this war, the occupiers are trying to squeeze out at least some result," Mr Zelensky posted later.

"But they should have understood long ago that we will defend our land to the last man. They have no chance. We will fight and we will definitely win."

The president said he had fired Roman Dudin, the chief of the Security Service of Ukraine for the Kharkiv region "for the fact that he did not work on the defence of the city from the first days of the full-scale war, but thought only about himself".

"On which motives? The law enforcement officers will figure it out," he added.

A morale boost for Kharkiv, but risk remains

Today's visit to Kharkiv is the first time President Zelensky has left the Kyiv region since the start of Russia's invasion.

He met the troops who have not just defended Kharkiv, but repelled the Russians, almost pushing them back to the international border.

The fact that he was able to visit shows just how much the tide has turned in Ukraine's second city. A few weeks ago, this morale-boosting visit would never have been possible.

But, do not be mistaken, Kharkiv is only safe for now. Elsewhere, Ukraine very much appears on the back foot, with Russian artillery barrages forcing troops to retreat in the Donbas.

With its charismatic president, Ukraine has very much won the informational war. Unfortunately for Ukrainians, that is not where this conflict will ultimately be decided.

The president met Kharkiv's mayor and the regional governor to discuss reconstruction plans, reportedly urging them to "find cool projects" to help rehabilitate the ravaged city.

"This is a chance for such districts to have a new face," Mr Zelensky said.

His chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, said 31% of the Kharkiv region's territory was currently occupied by Russia, while 5% had been re-taken by Ukraine after being occupied earlier.

Russia is presently concentrating its offensive on the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine, which it has vowed to seize as a key war aim.

Russian forces are trying to encircle the cities of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. On Saturday Russia's defence ministry said it had taken the nearby town of Lyman, in Donetsk - part of the overall Donbas region.

"The situation is very difficult, especially in those areas in the Donbas and Kharkiv regions," Mr Zelensky said on Saturday in his daily address to the nation.

An estimated 15,000 civilians are still in Severodonetsk, where a local official said "constant shelling" made it hard to get in or out. The water supply is increasingly precarious.

Oleksandr Stryuk, head of the city's military and civil administration, said evacuation is "very unsafe", noting "it's isolated cases when we manage to get people out".

"Now the priority is for the wounded and people who need serious medical assistance."


For The Sake of Love; All of these should end.
The Media should stop propagating these people.

These people do what they do to buy cheap attention as they play the game of wasting people's life.

If no news agency got their time, they wouldn't be promoted.

However; the media themselves are sponsored by these sets of people - SADLY.


To Your Learning Pleasure;

Financial Sensitization Thread:

"The Best Investment is On Yourself oooo" - Timaya


Peace unto everyone.

Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Spandau: 1:23am On May 30, 2022
Oh God we pray please may we never have a president that will sacrifice the life's of his people for USA and nato.

You need a lot to learn about life, nation building and leadership.

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Fearme344: 1:24am On May 30, 2022

You need a lot to learn about life, nation building and leadership.
common shut up b like sleep dey catch u

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Bigchristo: 1:42am On May 30, 2022
Now this is a true leader. He leads from the front. Boldly visiting a region still under Russian missile attacks.

His Soldiers remain ever loyal

The real people's President. Unlike that other one who keeps hiding inside one bunker and sitting behind long tables away from his people
Russia president can never hide inside bunker because there’s no shelling in his region, Vladimir Putin is a world class president that long table you see is as a results of keeping his distance in case of any kind of poisoning from anybody, you need to know how protective Russians are to their president

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Fearme344: 1:48am On May 30, 2022
Russia president can never hide inside bunker because there’s no shelling in his region, Vladimir Putin is a world class president that long table you see is as a results of keeping his distance in case of any kind of poisoning from anybody, you need to know how protective Russians are to their president
anybody supporting Ukraine needs slap of sense and deliverance

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Bigchristo: 1:59am On May 30, 2022
[color=#000099][/color] rubbish

Evidence shows that Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine is a legally justified, critically necessary, and predictable response to the US’ recent escalation of its decades-long aggression against Russia in Ukraine–militarily, in the international corporate media, in cyberspace, and in the political-economic arena. The US’ hostile actions against Russia were summarized in a 2019 US-Army funded RAND Corporation blueprint for “Over Extending and Unbalancing Russia.” Underlying US actions is its aim is to dismember and asset-strip Russia–to appropriate its coveted oil, gas, and mineral resources and vast agricultural lands–and to enable US investors’ access to Russia’s economy. This is a step towards the US’ overarching goals of controlling Central Asia and achieving full spectrum dominance or global hegemony. Although the US war against Russia in Ukraine started years ago, US aggression escalated under the Biden administration and created conditions that posed an immediate existential threat to Russia and necessitated its military response.

In 2014, the US initiated a proxy war against Russia by engineering the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically-elected president. This ignited a bloody civil war on Russia’s border in which the US-installed and US-armed Kiev regime attacked the eastern provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk whose largely ethnically Russian residents opposed the US coup. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) documented the Kiev regime’s attacks that killed thousands of civilians and terrorized the populace. In 2015, the US-installed then-president, Petro Poroshenko, publicly articulated Kiev’s anti-Russia stance and its policy for the Donbass:

“We will have jobs—they will not. We will have pensions—they will not. [….] Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the basements.” Popular Ukraine pundits openly called for Donbas residents’ extermination. In 2015, Congress lifted its ban on funding Ukraine’s neo Nazi militias and placed US military trainers on the ground inside Ukraine. NATO and the CIA also began training Ukraine regime forces–effectively establishing Ukraine as a de facto US/NATO mercenary state. During the past eight years, Russia exhibited enormous restraint as the US and Ukraine violated the Minsk Protocols and rejected requests for diplomacy. In 2021, US aggression against Russia increased dramatically once Biden took office–in Ukraine and in the Black Sea. US actions and Ukraine President Zelensky’s public statements generated immediate threats to the survival of the Russian nation-state.

Russia’s Military Response Was Over-Determined By Four Existential Threats

The US government and the corporate media falsely characterize Russia’s special operation as entirely ‘unprovoked’ and an ‘illegal invasion’. These allegations ignore four conditions which each independently compelled President Putin and the Duma to initiate Russia’s denazification and demilitarization operation and which establish this intervention as consistent with international legal norms.

Chief among the factors necessitating Russia’s immediate military response were indications of an imminent new massacre as 125,000 Ukraine forces amassed along the border of Donbass in December of 2021. This was never reported in the US corporate press. Instead, the US government and corporate media repeatedly stated that Russian troops were gathering on Ukraine’s border (inside Russia) and predicted an impending Russian invasion. In hindsight, US intelligence could make this accurate claim because it was aware of the menacing buildup of Ukraine forces. Anticipating an imminent massacre, Russia was obligated to intervene militarily because it had a Responsibility to Protect (R2P) the citizens of Donbass. R2P is a political commitment to prevent genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; it was endorsed by the United Nations at its 2005 world summit.

Second, on February 19, 2022, Ukraine President Zelensky announced that Ukraine would seek to acquire nuclear weapons, saying, “I want to believe that the North Atlantic Treaty and Article 5 will be more effective than the Budapest Memorandum.” Zelensky’s expressed desire to acquire nuclear weapons represented a dangerous threat to Moscow and signaled that the window of opportunity for conventional military intervention was closing. It is unlikely that Zelensky operates completely autonomously; Biden publicly bragged about his control over Ukraine government policies and has remunerated Zelensky following Zelensky’s implementation of anti-Russia policies and actions.

Third, Zelensky’s repudiation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances was a reminder of Ukraine’s intent to join NATO. For years, US President Biden advocated NATO membership for Ukraine, assuring Zelensky as recently as December 11, 2021 that this was in Ukraine’s own hands. NATO membership would entail NATO nuclear missiles inside Ukraine, aimed at Moscow. Ukraine’s geographic proximity to Russia eliminates the crucial minutes in which Moscow could verify and respond to an attack and would effectively place Russia and the US at DEFCON Level Two. The US dismissed Russia’s December 17, 2021 verbal and written requests for a diplomatic response to its security concerns. Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken deliberately rejected Russia’s entreaties and ignored the predictable consequences of Ukraine’s potential NATO membership. Renowned international relations scholars, diplomats and politicians, including John Mearsheimer, Jack Matlock, George Kennan, Henry Kissinger, and William Perry warned that NATO membership for Ukraine was a dangerous provocation which would trigger Russia’s military response.

A fourth threat requiring Russia’s intervention was the presence of US Department of Defense-operated biolabs inside Ukraine. Russia’s concerns were validated on March 11, 2022 when Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitted during Congressional questioning that the Ukraine biolabs contained ‘biological materials’ which the US ‘did not want to fall into Russian hands’. While the pathogenic biological agents in these biolabs do not technically constitute bioweapons, they can become bioweapons once there is a ‘mechanism for spreading the agent.’ A delivery mechanism need not be sophisticated to be effective. Bioweapons researcher, Jeffrey Kaye, described the extreme level of US secrecy surrounding the biolabs. Kaye noted that the Director of the Pentagon’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, Robert Pope, did not reassure when he stated that, “the Ukraine biolabs currently did not have the ability to manufacture bioweapons.”

Russia’s Intervention Is Consistent with International Law

These four US-generated conditions represented urgent existential threats to the Donbas and to the Russian nation-state and contradict US claims that Russia ‘illegally invaded Ukraine’ and that Russia’s intervention was unprovoked. Russia was compelled to intervene militarily to neutralize these threats and its response is consistent with the United Nations Charter of 1945 concerning international rules governing a state’s use of military force. The United Nations allows two exceptions to its prohibition of the use of force in international law: “self-defence under Article 51, and military measures authorised by the Security Council in response to “any threat to the peace, breach of the peace or act of aggression.” In particular, the UN Charter notes, “there is no problem – and never has been – with that state, without first seeking Security Council approval, using military force ‘preemptively’.’ Both exceptions apply to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine: Russia perceived an imminent threat to the Donbas and an imminent threat to the Russian nation-state. The immediacy of these threats obviated any requirement that Russia seek prior UN Security Council approval. Seeking UN approval would be futile, in any case, because the United States, a permanent UN Security Council member, is the principal combatant generating the hostilities.

Under the Biden administration, what began in 2014 as a US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine transformed into the US’ direct war against Russia. The US’ covert and overt military actions establish it as a legal “co-belligerent.” Now, the US continues to flood Ukraine with billions of dollars of heavy weapons and provides intelligence to guide Ukraine’s attacks on Russian forces. The US blatantly states that it wants to “weaken” Russia and that Russia must be defeated. This is the US whose regime change wars in the Middle East killed 5 million; whose 1955-1975 war against Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia cost 3.4 million military and civilian lives. This is the US CIA whose coups and illegal interventions around the globe since its 1947 inception left a trail of bloodshed and chaos. Russia is legally and crucially defending the Donbas and the Russian nation-state against the US quest for global domination. The US generated four existential threats to the Donbas and to the Russian nation-state that necessitated Russia’s immediate intervention. The US—not Russia—is the illegal aggressor in Ukraine.what is all dis nonsense copy and paste
US uses Ukraine to fight proxy war against Russia because they can not engage Russia directly they know it’s too dangerous for them, US is really afraid of civilians casualties but supply arms to Ukraine and the foolish president endanger the life of his citizens

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by Trentee4eva: 2:06am On May 30, 2022

You know nothing about the "Oath" of defending the territory integrity of a country.
He is a hero and history will remember him as such, for standing against that bully you called, Putin
Territorial integrity that he also lost. The Dombass have been lost with thousands of Ukrainian troops and civilians. Millions of Ukrainians have become refugees. Infrastructures and the Ukrainian economy has been decimated. That's foolish heroism. Leaders should be pragmatic. If he had given autonomy to the Dombass region and declined to join NATO, Ukraine would not have been in this situation.

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Re: President Zelensky Visits Kharkiv In First Trip Outside Kyiv Region by qtguru(m): 2:16am On May 30, 2022

You know nothing about the "Oath" of defending the territory integrity of a country.
He is a hero and history will remember him as such, for standing against that bully you called, Putin

How ? He allowed an unnecessary war. Why attempt to join NATO when he knows that's a legitimate threat for Russia. Personally I see it as him having bloods on his hands.

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