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Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List - Politics - Nairaland

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Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 12:46am On Jun 11, 2022
Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels, or FPSOs, are offshore production facilities that house both processing equipment and storage for produced hydrocarbons. The basic design of most FPSOs encompasses a ship-shaped vessel, with processing equipment, or topsides, aboard the vessel’s deck and hydrocarbon storage below in the double hull. After processing, an FPSO stores oil or gas before offloading periodically to shuttle tankers or transmitting processed petroleum via pipelines.
Check out the top 10 largest in the world


This was converted from tanker vessel Prisco Alcor which was built in 2007. It is 305 meters long and 50 meters wide, the vessel is equipped with armada kraken floating facility which allows operations on the North sea near the British isles. The ship can carry 800,000 barrels of oil per day as its storage capacity is more than 60,000 barrels, the christening ceremony was held in Singapore at the Keppel shipyard on August 27, 2016.

This ship was built in South Korea by Samsung for Teekay in 2014. It length is 256 meters and width is 48 meters, this ship has been operating at the Cañar oil field since 2015 and it is scheduled to work until March 2021. Its production capacity is 63,000 barrels per day while storage capacity is 800,000 barrels. It is currently under the flag of the Bahamas

It was built in 2015 with a length of 270 meters and width of 52 meters. The vessel is capable of producing a maximum of 130,000 barrels of oil and storing up 1.6 million barrels. Anchored to the seabed at the schiehallion and Royal fields near the British Isles. The ship is also equipped with a tower weighing a total of 10,000 ton. This tower is equipped with devices for connecting 20 mooring lines. At the moment the ship is under the flag of the United Kingdom.

It was designed 30 years ago and stands at 330 meters long with a 56 meters width. The ship storage capacity is 1.5 million barrels of oil and condensate. Its daily capcity is an average of 80,000 barrels of oil. It was launched in south korea back in 1988 since then it has been flying the flag of the Bahamas.

The pics below are in order from ARMADA KRAKEN to Aseng FPSO
source http://advanxis.com/blog-news/news/largest-oil-fpso-in-the-world-nigeria-egina-makes-top-of-the-list
for more http://advanxis.com/blog-news/news

Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 12:47am On Jun 11, 2022
At 333 meters long and 58 meters wide, built in 2008 and after three years it was transformed into a floating complex for such purposes as oil injection and shipment. It is able to produce 100,000 barrels of oil daily and can store 1.6 million barrels. It operates in the oil fields of Brazil in the oil basin and currently sails under the flag of the Bahamas.

This tanker was built in 1999 and it is 355 meter long and 58 meters wide, daily oil production is 120,000 barrels and storage capacity is 1.6 million barrels at a distance of about 200 kilometers from the coast of Guyana in staybrock block in the Liza field in which this tanker produces oil. Exxon Mobil affiliate so exploration and production Guyana limited is an operator and owns a 45 stake in staybrock block. To date the ship is under the flag of the Bahamas.

4. PSVM:
With a length of 355 meters wide and width of 57 meters. The daily processing capacity is 157,000 barrels and storage capacity is 1.6 billion barrels. In April 2010 the FPSO was converted from the VLCC expergonia tanker during the conversion, The Sofik external tower mooring system was installed which consists of 12 mooring lines. The mooring of the vessel to the oil field for production and processing was carried out by 12 subsea in May 2012. It is also under the flag of the Bahamas.


It was subsequently named after the President of Ghana and built in 1988.It is 333 meters long and 60 meters wide. Its daily refining capacity is 58,000 barrels and its storage capacity each accommodates 1.7 million barrels of oil thanks to this productivity. This ship is able to operate at the Sankofa and Gyanyame fields which are 60 kilometers off the coast of Ghana under the flag of Ghana

The pics below are in order from MAERSK PEREGRINO to JOHN AGYEKUM KUFOR

Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 12:47am On Jun 11, 2022
This ship was built in 2016 by Singaporean company Keppel. It is 380 meters long and 58 meters wide according to estimates, this is the largest ship of its type. The ship’s storage capacity is 1.8 million barrels of oil. Daily output is 80,000 barrels. This vessel was rebuilt from the former Armada Super Tanker. It is engaged in oil refining at the Cabaca North and Cabaca southeast fields which are located approximately 350 kilometers north of Luanda. This tanker sails under the flag of the Marshall Islands.


The worlds largest oil producing floating plants, it is 330 meters long, 61 meters wide and 34 meters high. It was built by Total in 2017. it has impressive oil production with a total of 208,000 barrels per day and storage capacity of 2.3 million barrels. The ship operates 350 kilometers from the coast of Nigeria and sails under the Nigeria Flag.

The first pic is ARMADA OLOMBENDO and the second is EGINA
source http://advanxis.com/blog-news/news/largest-oil-fpso-in-the-world-nigeria-egina-makes-top-of-the-list


Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by money121(m): 12:53am On Jun 11, 2022
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by saintkeppy(m): 1:12am On Jun 11, 2022
Nigeria always have state-of-the-art FPSO Vessels.
I can remember I was still in school when this Usan Deepwater Project by TOTAL was ongoing. My friend's elder brother was this project's Well Completion Engineer.

I think Usan FPSO operated by TOTAL should rank second,
The Usan FPSO can refine 160,000-180,000 barrels of oil and 5 million cubic metres of gas daily. It has storage for 2 million barrels of oil as well.
The FPSO is 320 meters long, 61 meters wide, and 150 meters high including the flare.
Built by Hyundai Heavy Industry, Ulsan @South Korea & it took like 3months to sail to TOTAL's Usan Deepwater Project, Nigeria, about 100km Offshore Port Harcourt.

This project &Agbami operated by Chevron made me consider studying M.SC in Subsea Engineering in Australia or UK.

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Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 6:54am On Jun 11, 2022
Nigeria always have state-of-the-art FPSO Vessels.
I can remember I was still in school when this Usan Deepwater Project by TOTAL was ongoing. My friend's elder brother was this project's Well Completion Engineer.

I think Usan FPSO operated by TOTAL should rank second,
The Usan FPSO can refine 160,000-180,000 barrels of oil and 5 million cubic metres of gas daily. It has storage for 2 million barrels of oil as well.
The FPSO is 320 meters long, 61 meters wide, and 150 meters high including the flare.
Built by Hyundai Heavy Industry, Ulsan @South Korea & it took like 3months to sail to TOTAL's Usan Deepwater Project, Nigeria, about 100km Offshore Port Harcourt.

This project &Agbami operated by Chevron made me consider to study M.SC in Subsea Engineering in Australia or UK.

Hmmmmm, you really have a fair knowledge of FPSO. I think one of the main criteria for this ranking is by the volume of the vessel's hull size and not necessarily the storage capacity or daily output. Usan is currently managed by Exxon Mobil smiley. Akpo and Bonga are equally very huge Nigeria FPSOs cool

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Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by saintkeppy(m): 9:35am On Jun 11, 2022

Hmmmmm, you really have a fair knowledge of FPSO. I think one of the main criteria for this ranking is by the volume of the vessel's hull size and not necessarily the storage capacity or daily output. Usan is currently managed by Exxon Mobil smiley. Akpo and Bonga are equally very huge Nigeria FPSOs cool

Yes I do know about FPSO, It's a Technology deployed by IOCs to explore Oil&Gas in challenging ultra-deepwaters. This is where Subsea Engineers &others comes in.

I took Offshore Technology as an elective course in my 500L then cos I had already keep myself busy with Offshore magazines from 100L.
OK Usan is with ExxonMobil now. ok, never knew, cos ExxonMobil had Erha FPSO, yes Bonga should be Nigeria's first Deepwater Project operated by Shell, Offshore Bayelsa or thereabouts, it was After Akpo, Usan Deepwater Project came still operated by TOTAL.
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 11:56am On Jun 11, 2022

Yes I do know about FPSO, It's a Technology deployed by IOCs to explore Oil&Gas in challenging ultra-deepwaters. This is where Subsea Engineers &others comes in.

I took Offshore Technology as an elective course in my 500L then cos I had already keep myself busy with Offshore magazines from 100L.
OK Usan is with ExxonMobil now. ok, never knew, cos ExxonMobil had Erha FPSO, yes Bonga should be Nigeria's first Deepwater Project operated by Shell, Offshore Bayelsa or thereabouts, it was After Akpo, Usan Deepwater Project came still operated by TOTAL.

Interesting, you seems to be really very enthusiastic about offshore technology smiley .It is very fascinating as it is ambitious. major IOCs are devesting there investment onshore for offshore especially deep water where FPSO is inevitable. Nigeria currently have over 14 FPSO which accounts for over 70% of oil produced in Nigeria.


Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by saintkeppy(m): 12:18pm On Jun 11, 2022

Interesting, you seems to be really very enthusiastic about offshore technology smiley .It is very fascinating as it is ambitious. major IOCs are devesting there investment onshore for offshore especially deep water where FPSO is inevitable. Nigeria currently have over 14 FPSO which accounts for over 70% of oil produced in Nigeria.

Yeah, thats my focus, Offshore Tech/Subsea Engineering that's where the PetroDollar$ is wink

Shallow water is not longer profitable. I think Shell sold off their shallow water assets, same as ExxonMobil, infact i heard Exxon have left leaving Mobil, assets sold to SeplatNigeria.
Nigeria account to about 40% or more of Africa's deployments of FPSO mostly from HHI, South Korea &the other one in Singapore. I think Angola should come 2nd in Africa as the highest producer next to Nigeria.

More Deepwater field are being discovered by these IOCs. That's why you need to update yourself academically with the required skillsets to man such sophisticated FPSO in Ultra-deepwaters with unfriendly weather conditions. smiley

MSC in Offshore Tech or Subsea Engineering in foreign Universities will put you in a good position if you can afford the fees.
Attending short courses on these areas can help as well.

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Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by Randerl: 12:46pm On Jun 11, 2022
Solid topic. Way to go in future.

1 Like

Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 8:45pm On Jun 11, 2022

Yeah, thats my focus, Offshore Tech/Subsea Engineering that's where the PetroDollar$ is wink

Shallow water is not longer profitable. I think Shell sold off their shallow water assets, same as ExxonMobil, infact i heard Exxon have left leaving Mobil, assets sold to SeplatNigeria.
Nigeria account to about 40% or more of Africa's deployments of FPSO mostly from HHI, South Korea &the other one in Singapore. I think Angola should come 2nd in Africa as the highest producer next to Nigeria.

More Deepwater field are being discovered by these IOCs. That's why you need to update yourself academically with the required skillsets to man such sophisticated FPSO in Ultra-deepwaters with unfriendly weather conditions. smiley

MSC in Offshore Tech or Subsea Engineering in foreign Universities will put you in a good position if you can afford the fees.
Attending short courses on these areas can help as well.

what is scaring the IOC most in onshore field is insecurity with most of them complaining of incurring losses due to oil theft hence they have to look else where in the depth of the ocean. The initial cost of offshore deep water development is outrageous monumental (in several billions of dollars) hence its is only the IOCs that can muster that kind of investment.
I think Angola has almost catch up with Nigeria in terms of number FPSO.... the country is really doing well for themselves.
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by deepwater(f): 9:44pm On Jun 11, 2022
Happy to say I have supported in one way or the other all deepwater projects in Nigeria....

Well there is more to life than that!

Relatively speaking, FPSO work na plug and play...where deepwater gets interesting is the exploration and drilling phase. That andrinaline rush to kill a well when it takes kick and about to blow out!

Choke line and sh#t, pump man go dey misjudged PSI, drill fluid go loose viscosity, return line go flood! Nonsense crew go push everything overboard before Toolpusher and company man go show. OiM go dey write report up and down dey find whom him run-off. How many await Tuesday morning, stay 5 hours for galley still caverton go yarn dust<waiting in weather> chopper no go show, no crew change till Thursday undecided
You are out Thursday evening after a nasty flight between 3 fields, arrive NAF base, groove town small only for u to miss your rig after 7 days !!!!
U need to go back onboard....for a driller is always a driller ! As nothing for town dey interest u again .

Oh! Glory!!!
The long days of Global Santafe


Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by saintkeppy(m): 9:45pm On Jun 11, 2022

what is scaring the IOC most in onshore field is insecurity with most of them complaining of incurring losses due to oil theft hence they have to look else where in the depth of the ocean. The initial cost of offshore deep water development is outrageous monumental (in several billions of dollars) hence its is only the IOCs that can muster that kind of investment.
I think Angola has almost catch up with Nigeria in terms of number FPSO.... the country is really doing well for themselves.

FPSO is expensive to acquire, Usan cost Total over $1B or so, my friend's elder bro was in HHI, Ulsan S.Korea procurement &naming ceremony.
Assets on shallow water are being sold to Indigenous Exploration/Producing Companies to handle, e.g ExxonMobil will soon be known as SeplatMobil, Exxon sold off its asset to Seplat Energy.

Angola is doing great.
Yes our Nigerian Engineers do go there to Angola to work, most especially experienced Drillers&Well completions Engineers.
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by deepwater(f): 9:57pm On Jun 11, 2022

FPSO is expensive to acquire, Usan cost Total over $1B or so, my friend's elder bro was in HHI, Ulsan S.Korea procurement &naming ceremony.
Assets on shallow water are being sold to Indigenous Exploration/Producing Companies to handle, e.g ExxonMobil will soon be known as SeplatMobil, Exxon sold off its asset to Seplat Energy.

Angola is doing great.
Yes our Nigerian Engineers do go there to Angola to work, most especially experienced Drillers&Well completions Engineers.

That Sh#t was cancelled last month
Aso rock no gree
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by Obagreatdatoye(m): 10:04pm On Jun 11, 2022
An interesting thread
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by deepwater(f): 10:05pm On Jun 11, 2022

Yeah, thats my focus, Offshore Tech/Subsea Engineering that's where the PetroDollar$ is wink

Shallow water is not longer profitable. I think Shell sold off their shallow water assets, same as ExxonMobil, infact i heard Exxon have left leaving Mobil, assets sold to SeplatNigeria.
Nigeria account to about 40% or more of Africa's deployments of FPSO mostly from HHI, South Korea &the other one in Singapore. I think Angola should come 2nd in Africa as the highest producer next to Nigeria.

More Deepwater field are being discovered by these IOCs. That's why you need to update yourself academically with the required skillsets to man such sophisticated FPSO in Ultra-deepwaters with unfriendly weather conditions. smiley

MSC in Offshore Tech or Subsea Engineering in foreign Universities will put you in a good position if you can afford the fees.
Attending short courses on these areas can help as well.

The bolded is just a broad term. To cash out, just go do ROV. Find employment with those oceanering people. Ur work na video game for control room, ur salary na bomb
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by treesun: 10:06pm On Jun 11, 2022
[quote author=techmatas post=113685833]Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels, or FPSOs, are offshore production facilities that house both processing equipment and storage for produced hydrocarbons. The basic design of most FPSOs encompasses a ship-shaped vessel, with processing equipment, or topsides, aboard the vessel’s deck and hydrocarbon storage below in the double hull. After processing, an FPSO stores oil or gas before offloading periodically to shuttle tankers or transmitting processed petroleum via pipelines.
Check out the top 10 largest in the world


This was converted from tanker vessel Prisco Alcor which was built in 2007. It is 305 meters long and 50 meters wide, the vessel is equipped with armada kraken floating facility which allows operations on the North sea near the British isles. The ship can carry 800,000 barrels of oil per day as its storage capacity is more than 60,000 barrels, the christening ceremony was held in Singapore at the Keppel shipyard on August 27, 2016.

This ship was built in South Korea by Samsung for Teekay in 2014. It length is 256 meters and width is 48 meters, this ship has been operating at the Cañar oil field since 2015 and it is scheduled to work until March 2021. Its production capacity is 63,000 barrels per day while storage capacity is 800,000 barrels. It is currently under the flag of the Bahamas

It was built in 2015 with a length of 270 meters and width of 52 meters. The vessel is capable of producing a maximum of 130,000 barrels of oil and storing up 1.6 million barrels. Anchored to the seabed at the schiehallion and Royal fields near the British Isles. The ship is also equipped with a tower weighing a total of 10,000 ton. This tower is equipped with devices for connecting 20 mooring lines. At the moment the ship is under the flag of the United Kingdom.

It was designed 30 years ago and stands at 330 meters long with a 56 meters width. The ship storage capacity is 1.5 million barrels of oil and condensate. Its daily capcity is an average of 80,000 barrels of oil. It was launched in south korea back in 1988 since then it has been flying the flag of the Bahamas.

The pics below are in order from ARMADA KRAKEN to Aseng FPSO
source http://advanxis.com/blog-news/news/largest-oil-fpso-in-the-world-nigeria-egina-makes-top-of-the-list
for more http://advanxis.com/blog-news/news[/quote

Thanks to GEJ for allowing this part of this project to be done in Nigeria!
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by saintkeppy(m): 10:50pm On Jun 11, 2022

The bolded is just a broad term. To cash out, just go do ROV. Find employment with those oceanering people. Ur work na video game for control room, ur salary na bomb

Yeah, u gat it
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is an area of Specialty in Subsea Engineering.
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by saintkeppy(m): 10:51pm On Jun 11, 2022

That Sh#t was cancelled last month
Aso rock no gree

Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by plaindealer: 11:05pm On Jun 11, 2022
Beautiful pic with Eko Atlantic..

Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 9:01am On Jun 12, 2022
Happy to say I have supported in one way or the other all deepwater projects in Nigeria....

Well there is more to life than that!

Relatively speaking, FPSO work na plug and play...where deepwater gets interesting is the exploration and drilling phase. That andrinaline rush to kill a well when it takes kick and about to blow out!

Choke line and sh#t, pump man go dey misjudged PSI, drill fluid go loose viscosity, return line go flood! Nonsense crew go push everything overboard before Toolpusher and company man go show. OiM go dey write report up and down dey find whom him run-off. How many await Tuesday morning, stay 5 hours for galley still caverton go yarn dust<waiting in weather> chopper no go show, no crew change till Thursday undecided
You are out Thursday evening after a nasty flight between 3 fields, arrive NAF base, groove town small only for u to miss your rig after 7 days !!!!
U need to go back onboard....for a driller is always a driller ! As nothing for town dey interest u again .

Oh! Glory!!!
The long days of Global Santafe

Woooow! did'nt know that we have some experienced deepWaterians in the building. Am really enjoying the quality discussion and I think it is high time we have more Nigerian professionals and indigenous companies get involved in the deep water business because that is the way to go. Thanks though to local content that is encouraging local participation in the deep water projects and activities.
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 11:37am On Jun 12, 2022

FPSO is expensive to acquire, Usan cost Total over $1B or so, my friend's elder bro was in HHI, Ulsan S.Korea procurement &naming ceremony.
Assets on shallow water are being sold to Indigenous Exploration/Producing Companies to handle, e.g ExxonMobil will soon be known as SeplatMobil, Exxon sold off its asset to Seplat Energy.

Angola is doing great.
Yes our Nigerian Engineers do go there to Angola to work, most especially experienced Drillers&Well completions Engineers.

yeah FPSOs are actually for the big boys in the game of oil and gas production. In fact the cost of the vessel itself (FPSO) is change compare to the field development which can be more than five times the vessel's cost....The indigenous oil operators may not have the necessary will withal and experience to attract investors into FPSO and Deepwater field development.

Korea has taken over the Business of FPSO building in recent time Both SHI and HHI seems to dominate the industry. I wish Nigeria industries will wake so that we will no just be extraction base cheesy for crying out loud, we have been in the oil and gas business for over 60yrs lets begin to tap from all the value chains the oil and gas industry has to provide
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by saintkeppy(m): 1:23pm On Jun 12, 2022

yeah FPSOs are actually for the big boys in the game of oil and gas production. In fact the cost of the vessel itself (FPSO) is change compare to the field development which can be more than five times the vessel's cost....The indigenous oil operators may not have the necessary will withal and experience to attract investors into FPSO and Deepwater field development.

Korea has taken over the Business of FPSO building in recent time Both SHI and HHI seems to dominate the industry. I wish Nigeria industries will wake so that we will no just be extraction base cheesy for crying out loud, we have been in the oil and gas business for over 60yrs lets begin to tap from all the value chains the oil and gas industry has to provide


We should be like Norway or Singapore atleast, we have about the longest coastline in West Africa where Maritime activities like Ship building should be initiated, or is it not wise we bring in either of SHI&HHI or some of those Norwaygian Companies to Nigeria and see how we can synergize? What's your take on this?

1 Like

Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by deepwater(f): 6:00pm On Jun 12, 2022

Korea has taken over the Business of FPSO building in recent time Both SHI and HHI seems to dominate the industry.

The reason this is so is because apart from the technology-know-how, shipyards struggle with soaring steel prices. When compared, the ralative cheaper cost of Grade A steel ( Per ASTM Grading System ) in Asia makes the market more viable for the ASIA market.

some few years ago after the fall of the deepwater market in Nigeria, when the whole driil ships and semi left, I moved into shipbuilding, worked with an European shipbuilding giant. Guess what? while all the techology were complete european however, we worked from an asia yard in vietnam! just to reduce labour and steel cost. even sister projects in romania were being transferred to asian yard. That was about the time the Nigeria FG was building some vessels for the NPA and Nigeria Navy.

Years later, i moved to ULSAN under (Hyundai Mipo Dockyard) HMD not HHI. Still on the same case, while it is the biggest shipyard in the world it boils down to their ability to access cheaper still (not less value though) and their engineering diversity.

Engineering dieversity in the sense that more than half of the critical equipment and machinery on board these assets are built and designed by them. i would have love to showcase what we call owners furnished equipment (OFE) list but cant for obvious reasons. There in you would see clearly the need for Nigeria to have integrated engineering companies to stay afloat in the ship construction business. For it is more than just having shipyards on coastlines which we already have enough!

Our local content in Nigeria is all talk, no blames seriously (dont get me wrong)! Truth is u cant guve what u dont have, our interpretation of local content is all about human resources and not local technology. I have worked entensively with the west atlantic shipyard at Onne, yes we have local resourced personnel trained to handle the machines and read/interprete engineering designs but the day u dont get that spare from overseas, the workers would have to seat and wait for it! if cummis, NIGATA, siemens, RollsRoyce or CAT aint supplying you that engine bro u cant do nothing about it! you cant even rebuild an engine without spares from overseas, so what is the noise about local content. I know some fellow in the hood who worked on the topside for Egina project, those guys have been abandoned since egina left lagos, some don enter street dey press because Nigeria does not have the local technology to keep them engaged. no be to operate sand blasting or chipping abi na to do pipefitting be ship construction o! local content is more to that! a simple example, virtually all the dynamic positioned vessels in Nigeria is working with Konsberg technology. That is what is called local content for the Norwegian people, u cant run a DP vessel in Nigeria without them.

an advise to Nigeria, leave FPSO construction. start now and actively to master dry-docking.... let me ask this stupi.d question:- where would all these FPSO in Nigeria go for their dry docking exercise when due for their mandatory class special renewal Namibia, cape town or back to Ulsan?

I knew what i saw at durign the last symp leg repair at the Sea Eagle, same thing about to happen for the BONGA TAM coming up this year ending circa Oct 2022. I would be participating in BONGA again, buy not in the capacity i honestly would have wished for.

Lastly, its all about business for NIgeria and not about sustainability, otherwise we would have siezed the Bull itself and not just taking it by the horn

Presently in Ulsan for my second tour....


Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 10:41pm On Jun 12, 2022

The reason this is so is because apart from the technology-know-how, shipyards struggle with soaring steel prices. When compared, the ralative cheaper cost of Grade A steel ( Per ASTM Grading System ) in Asia makes the market more viable for the ASIA market.

some few years ago after the fall of the deepwater market in Nigeria, when the whole driil ships and semi left, I moved into shipbuilding, worked with an European shipbuilding giant. Guess what? while all the techology were complete european however, we worked from an asia yard in vietnam! just to reduce labour and steel cost. even sister projects in romania were being transferred to asian yard. That was about the time the Nigeria FG was building some vessels for the NPA and Nigeria Navy.

Years later, i moved to ULSAN under (Hyundai Mipo Dockyard) HMD not HHI. Still on the same case, while it is the biggest shipyard in the world it boils down to their ability to access cheaper still (not less value though) and their engineering diversity.

Engineering dieversity in the sense that more than half of the critical equipment and machinery on board these assets are built and designed by them. i would have love to showcase what we call owners furnished equipment (OFE) list but cant for obvious reasons. There in you would see clearly the need for Nigeria to have integrated engineering companies to stay afloat in the ship construction business. For it is more than just having shipyards on coastlines which we already have enough!

Our local content in Nigeria is all talk, no blames seriously (dont get me wrong)! Truth is u cant guve what u dont have, our interpretation of local content is all about human resources and not local technology. I have worked entensively with the west atlantic shipyard at Onne, yes we have local resourced personnel trained to handle the machines and read/interprete engineering designs but the day u dont get that spare from overseas, the workers would have to seat and wait for it! if cummis, NIGATA, siemens, RollsRoyce or CAT aint supplying you that engine bro u cant do nothing about it! you cant even rebuild an engine without spares from overseas, so what is the noise about local content. I know some fellow in the hood who worked on the topside for Egina project, those guys have been abandoned since egina left lagos, some don enter street dey press because Nigeria does not have the local technology to keep them engaged. no be to operate sand blasting or chipping abi na to do pipefitting be ship construction o! local content is more to that! a simple example, virtually all the dynamic positioned vessels in Nigeria is working with Konsberg technology. That is what is called local content for the Norwegian people, u cant run a DP vessel in Nigeria without them.

an advise to Nigeria, leave FPSO construction. start now and actively to master dry-docking.... let me ask this stupi.d question:- where would all these FPSO in Nigeria go for their dry docking exercise when due for their mandatory class special renewal Namibia, cape town or back to Ulsan?

I knew what i saw at durign the last symp leg repair at the Sea Eagle, same thing about to happen for the BONGA TAM coming up this year ending circa Oct 2022. I would be participating in BONGA again, buy not in the capacity i honestly would have wished for.

Lastly, its all about business for Nigeria and not about sustainability, otherwise we would have sized the Bull itself and not just taking it by the horn

Presently in Ulsan for my second tour....

quite an insightful expose you've made. just as you pointed out the availability of cheap steel, we may start by addressing the fundamental issue of providing steel for the local shipbuilder. We have the raw material and relatively cheap labour to make available the cheap steel. Sadly, our steel industry is a not really coming by and I don't really know why that industry is not attractive to investors both local and foreign. Steel is a common denominator for massive Industrialization.

Talking about local content, it does not necessarily means local technology because a profit oriented investor may not like to experiment unproven technology with his money. local content provide a means of allowing the indigenous companies and local to participate in a project where they can learn and acquire experience and competency with the hope of building capacity and independence. Though there are still a lot of areas need to be strengthen in the local content policy in other to make it more effective.

Also note, you need to build industrial base before you can keep engaging people after each project. those Koreans in SHI, HHI, etc., before the end of a project they will be telling you that they are gearing up for another project whereas the Nigerian counterpart does not know where he would head to after the present project. the difference is that they already have the base and advantage. It is not late we can start building the base by encouraging investors in the steel industry, encouraging and having some level of confidence to our indigenous technology.

As you rightly pointed out we just need to start from somewhere and the earlier we did the better
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 10:54pm On Jun 12, 2022

We should be like Norway or Singapore atleast, we have about the longest coastline in West Africa where Maritime activities like Ship building should be initiated, or is it not wise we bring in either of SHI&HHI or some of those Norwaygian Companies to Nigeria and see how we can synergize? What's your take on this?

Deepwater has thrown some light on this and I think I agree with here in a lot areas. modern Shipbuilding involves a lot of technology and requires some time to get it rights. fixing our steel industry will also provide an economic of scale to the shipbuilding industry and propel it faster.
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by updatechange(m): 11:31pm On Jun 12, 2022
I was part of the team in 2018 ladol.... Shi company.

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Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by techmatas: 8:03am On Jun 13, 2022

Yeah, u gat it
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is an area of Specialty in Subsea Engineering.

That is an aspect of subsea controls.

Though subsea is a multi-skilled environment where different professional and non professional work. Certifications and training/experience are some of your surest rout to securing an offshore job
Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by Techdude101: 1:46pm On Jun 13, 2022


Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by chiefzebulu(m): 2:40pm On Jun 13, 2022
vry catchy names

5 Likes 1 Share

Re: Largest Oil FPSO In The World; Nigeria Egina, Makes Top Of The List by Dominiondom: 3:11pm On Jun 13, 2022
this is a very interesting read.


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