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David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster - Politics - Nairaland

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David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Risentouch(m): 12:05pm On Jun 22, 2022
This is a hilarious reply by David Hundeyin to a Twitter user ọkụkọ igbo who was dragging Segalink on Twitter.

@okuko_chenku You see your life @segalink I don't know if your truly a lawyer I swear cause this makes you look too naked. This is what you should be fighting for but no you come here on twitter and speak English. Even if it's atiku or BAT why can't you protect the judiciary

@okuko_chenku you so called uphold? Here you have a journalist speaking up on what is to be done as it's done in other climes of the world.

@davidhundeyinSegalink is not a lawyer. He's a real estate agent who pretended to be a lawyer on social media until he was outed. He's a grifter.

I just checked the meaning of grifter on Google and it means small scale swindler not even large scale


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Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Massiveglory: 12:11pm On Jun 22, 2022
Reno is learning where this david guy is.
This guy has taken Seun, Tinubu and now seglink to the cleaners in less than one week.
If you not sure of your facts, stay far away from David. That young man knows his job.

396 Likes 38 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Fahdiga(m): 12:12pm On Jun 22, 2022
We the reasonable Nigerians stands with David Hundeyin. He is a rare breed of journalist. One of the few honest and hardworking investigative journalist who speaks the truth at all times

292 Likes 21 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Natural441(m): 12:14pm On Jun 22, 2022
This guy keep exposing them

205 Likes 16 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by dollynnn(f): 12:15pm On Jun 22, 2022
David too hot!

114 Likes 7 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by alsudan: 12:16pm On Jun 22, 2022
Hundeyin has been in the habit of retiring thieves and fraudsters since 1900

218 Likes 17 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by VoteTinubu2023: 12:16pm On Jun 22, 2022
David Hundeyin knows his audience and knows how ignorant they are. They swallow up whatever he feeds them like a whọre takes a rich man coçk.

BTW.....Remember to Vote Tinubu 2023.

Vote APC in 2023 Presidential elections

God bless Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu

94 Likes 18 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by LegendHero(m): 12:17pm On Jun 22, 2022
I’ll just be here waiting for the fallout of Hundeyin and his IPOB bingos.

FFK and Reno did more than this, we all know the story now.

By the way, Segalink have contributed more in the real world than what a million David Hundeyin ever offered. He is the only guy that have been helping police brutality victims before, during, and after EndSARS.

I saw the fool went online to extract past news of AFDB financing LCC with loans and the mumu went online to feed his minions by shouting investigative journalism while they retweet.

it was stated that it will be a toll and yet you ask yourself what exactly the guy investigated. Twitter is the place that made me understand that Nigeria might probably have the largest repository of educated illiterates.

Something they can just use Google to search for is what they are asking one guy for, he searches the archive, come online and you have your investigative journalist Hundeyin right there.

439 Likes 21 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Built2last: 12:17pm On Jun 22, 2022
Do you know that in most countries Tax avoidance is not technically illegal, but tax evasion is a punishable crime. With this in mind, let me explain Peter Obi situation.

Peter Obi did not put his money in tax haven, he put his assets in Trust. This is allowed in the U.K. I have my small assets in Trust too. I don’t know if it is Panama or Jersey it is placed in though. What Trust means is that, if anything suddenly happens to you, the Trust will take care of your family first until your will is sorted out. It is only after all your loved ones have been taken care of and debt paid off that government can now get their tax.
Obi’s wealth in Panama had nothing to do with Nigeria, it was U.K. and mind you, he was already settled in the U.K. long before he went into politics. If he did wrongly, it is U.K. govt that would have hammered him. That is why he has no issue with Nigeria as his tax records with Nigeria is perfect. By the way, Lloyds Bank set it up for him. Is Lloyds in Nigeria? U.K. should be the one crying over this matter NOT you.

Shebi Dangote, and all the rich men have their assets in Trust. Even Tinubu does. Why? If you have any assets in U.K. or in the West, when you die, the government dives into it and make demands anyhow despite paying tax all your life. Even those that inherit from you are forced to pay inheritance tax. So what the government allows is for Trust to protect wealth of people for them and ensure level playing field. America call their own Foundations. It now depends on where you put it. Shebi former Chelsea owner has layers upon layers of Trusts on Chelsea Football club. That’s why the negotiations was hard and difficult. It only has to be sold rather than take it from him like they did to other Russian oligarchs. If Chelsea was never under trust, all Chelsea fans would have been mourning today.

How can he declare his asset like he claimed when his asset is in tax havens

Do you know that In 2010, more than four years after Obi became governor, he set up his first discreet company in the British Virgin Island, and named the company Gabriella Investments Limited, after his daughter.

I am not saying he isn't the best from the rest...perhaps (maybe) he hasn't have access to mega bonaza of the cake like Tinubu and Atiku.

Let's discuss on fairness

The record we saw indicates that he is not the only one that has his assets in trusts, and he has already legally declared what was expected of him. The reason, you probably reading this don’t have trust set up is that you either don’t have money yet or you don’t have investments in countries where your children could be taxed for inheritance you left for them. If EFCC has issues with Obi, why hasn’t he been picked up? What of Dangote and others. Moreover, they were not assets linked to Nigeria, and it was a family assets! If you are being fair, you will see the fairness in his transparency.

People want him to admit he goofed or lied after explaining on the TV several times what he simply did and which has not broken law but you just won’t let things be! There were 102 Nigerians on that Panama paper. Not a single one has boldly gone on air to clarify why they have money kept in trust. The only man who has boldly explained is the one Nigerians won’t let go. What exactly is the colour of our problems.

Can we bring something more serious please on Obi!

Has Obi broken any law? Did he break any law? Looking at current political climate, if he broke law, since 2014 he left govt, wouldn’t the law and enforcement agency have picked him up? Do you want to tell me that both ICPC or EFCC, none of them is smart enough to pick a hole in the Panama report to indict Obi. Let your law follow its course on Obi if not, forever respect your generation and keep quiet.

He is not part of the problem, and he stands on a different level compared to any other candidate we have thrown up in this election.
My stand still remains on the fact that Lloyds Bank wouldn’t have set it up for him if it was illegal. Lloyds did it for him. U.K. should be the one lamenting if he did wrong. And what he has already declared partly under a joint asset should not be declared separately again. Can we close our eyes for once on him ‘hiding’ his own assets before coming to politics, did he acquire any in Nigeria that he didn’t declare?
Did he break law pertaining to U.K. or Nigeria? Finally, is he a good man that can be trusted based on the records of what he has done in the past? If at least one of the questions I asked you here is a green or amber for Obi, then, Obi is still miles ahead of any of the candidate we have on board.

Take note, Obi has been talking to Nigerians on media houses, sharing his plans. All other candidates are being reached by Media houses. They decline or send their spokesman. Reason is simple. They don’t want you asking them questions about Panama or how they made their money.

According to @NGLabourPartyUK on twitter

''APC want to retain power by all means.

PDP want to take over power by all means

Labour party wants to retire those who have kept us in this mess and fix Nigeria''.

At least they are talking to us. Shine your eyes. Remember, your children will ask you in the future what did you do to fix Nigeria. Your civic duty to Nigeria and your children is to vote a competent candidate regardless of tribe or religion.

100 Likes 17 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by NaijaRoyalty(m): 12:19pm On Jun 22, 2022
David hundeyin is the greatest Yoruba man alive no doubt

He's doing well

38 Likes 4 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Throwback: 12:21pm On Jun 22, 2022
Reno is learning where this david guy is.
This guy has taken Seun, Tinubu and now seglink to the cleaners in less than one week.

He has to build his own support base like Reno, Deji and FFK did.

The format never change if there are still people who need an accuser to look up to.

Reno do Buhari tormentor for long without getting any reply from Buhari, leading to Reno's self inflicted frustration and decision to stop tormenting his own self.

As for Hundeyin, he has already inadvertently disclosed his personal beef with Tinubu.

For those that talk too much like Hundeyin in a bid to serve their support base with red meat, he will soon put himself in a position where he would have to pay billions that he doesn't have when he loses a libel suit at the supreme court level a la Dakuku Peterside vs Peter Odili.

It is only a matter of time before cho cho cho based on emotion would lead to a ye ye ye incarceration.

434 Likes 14 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Mayhem1: 12:23pm On Jun 22, 2022
David Hundeyin knows his audience and knows how ignorant they are. They swallow up whatever he feeds them like a whọre takes a rich man coçk.

BTW.....Remember to Vote Tinubu 2023.

Vote APC in 2023 Presidential elections

God bless Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu

14 Likes 2 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Throwback: 12:23pm On Jun 22, 2022
David hundeyin is the greatest Yoruba man alive no doubt

He's doing well

The same way FFK and Reno were doing well until they started to do those hailing them.

399 Likes 8 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Treasure17(m): 12:23pm On Jun 22, 2022
You must collect from David Hundeyin if your ways are not straight especially when the person involved has at some point dined with the devil (Nigerian politicians). Anticipating interesting 2022/2023.

9 Likes 2 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Dboyisnoturmate: 12:25pm On Jun 22, 2022
David Hundeyin minster of vawalunce affairs

19 Likes 4 Shares

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Pakute: 12:25pm On Jun 22, 2022
New god of ipob pigs.

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by NotKnown: 12:30pm On Jun 22, 2022
This table go really break very soon.

That short Sega abi na multilink guy no go ever reply David cos he knows they'll naked him on the streets.

10 Likes 1 Share

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by victons(m): 12:30pm On Jun 22, 2022
I knew all the while.

1 Like 1 Share

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by tillaman(m): 12:30pm On Jun 22, 2022
Yes he is a fraud

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Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by ArewaNightmare: 12:30pm On Jun 22, 2022
grin see their lord and personal Fraudlords

15 Likes 1 Share

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by iCauseTrouble: 12:30pm On Jun 22, 2022
Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Mopolchi: 12:30pm On Jun 22, 2022
Na true

1 Like

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by OluwafuntoAK(f): 12:31pm On Jun 22, 2022
The American Lady who regained her senses 3 days later in Nigeria. (THE TRUTH)

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by makapella(m): 12:31pm On Jun 22, 2022
I laugh in ibibio..Abasi nsaka sak oo
David ooo!!

How many times did I call you??
You heard of your predecessors, Reno and co abi?? Don't rush it, your time is coming pretty soon you hear? You will hide when nobody is looking for you.


Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Donvictor2015: 12:31pm On Jun 22, 2022
Yes, that's exactly what he is

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by Tecnophone: 12:32pm On Jun 22, 2022
everybody na thief
Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by dagnop: 12:32pm On Jun 22, 2022
Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by iLoveYouToo(m): 12:32pm On Jun 22, 2022
Man’s feeling himself lately


Re: David Hundeyin Calls Segalink A Fraudster by omoredia: 12:32pm On Jun 22, 2022
Many agents of APC and PDP are being paid to be online posing as Peter Obi supporters to be spreading lies and misinformation to derail the movement. We Obidients should be watchful of and neutralize their evil antics

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