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How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? - Romance - Nairaland

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How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by The5DME(m): 6:20pm On Aug 23, 2021
Let's assume you were giving this advice to your junior brother; how'd you suggest a young boy(less than 21) figure out what to do in life, or how did you figure out what to do with yours at that age range?

Cc: pansophist pls help


Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by NOGRUDGES(m): 6:23pm On Aug 23, 2021
Get a mentor, someone you want your future self to be like, chances are you might even live a more quality life.

1 Like 1 Share

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Arewalegend: 6:31pm On Aug 23, 2021
Well job isn't assurance in Nigeria... I suggest get a digital skills, content promotion, affiliate marketing,forex and crypto trading. All this skills are very promising and in school right now a final year and Insha Allahu am paying my bills coutersey crypt0 trading

1 Like

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by pansophist(m): 6:33pm On Aug 23, 2021
At 20, you have the wealth of time. To tell you how important time is, will you prefer to be a billionaire at 90 years old, or just average at 20? Well, I'm sure you'll pick average at 20. That's how important time is. If you learn a skill and start a business with it, in even five years time, if you're good, you'll be set for life. The formula of wasting your 20's studying some useless course just to be in school, measure shoulders with friends, and indulging in hedonism is a recipe for failure. Sadly most youth follow this path. Is it not proof enough that most graduates are unemployed, underemployed, and wrongly employed ? And even those with good jobs self are paid lower?

Forget about university, that's assuming you have finished secondary school. Studying in Nigeria is to prepare for the past, for sure not the present, and definitely not the future. If you must study, look for an online university from the west, and get your degree there. Also start a business. If you start a business today at 20, when you're 30, your business is 10 years old, and would have grown so much to set you for life. Then your 30's would means you're an eligible suitor, and you'll enjoy the attention women enjoy right from young.

And on business, the skills that most people look down on can give you billions. The differences between KFC and Aboki chicken is marketing, packaging, structure, expansion, modernising, and other know-how to grow a business. Also garment making, you can keep improving yourself, follow market trends about whats on reign, register your business, professionalise it, expand, and you can actually be as big as Nike. The mind is your limit, not the sky. Search for grassfield on Instagram, the two Cameroonian sisters built a multi million dollars company selling African clothes online. Same clothes that lots of talented tailors just restrict themselves to small shops. Same with Gymshark wears, "dollars having club" and many more.

your 30's would be a phase of a committed relationship, kids, and being responsible. You don't want to be in your 30's and broke, and then you're too big and egoistic to start low, and financial burden from parents begin piling up. You can be forgiving in your 20's if you can't deliver, but not your 30's. So when you voluntarily go handle life's impending responsibilities before it comes knocking, you'll be stronger and equipped to win, but if the responsibilities come knocking on your door when you're not ready (eg you're 30 feeling ashamed and start looking for a job and a wife), life would be hell.

20's are the age of trial and error, you have time, and please don't waste it partying. It goes so fast. Suffer now and enjoy layer. The truth every wealthy person know is that life is a race against time. Your opponent is not the economy, government, friends, but with time. So start running early, so by 30, it's easier to reach the goal post from the middle, instead of from the starting point. Time is the most important currency in the world. Talk to lots of old people, and they will tell you this. Don't wait until you're old to find out, use your youth and start building.

I see many of my age mate (I am in my early 30's) and feel sorry for them. Many of them wasted it doing rubbish, spending it studying some useless course, without understanding the age we are in. They operated in the template of the past, that their parent operated in without the consciousness to see that times has changed. All my 20's was spent hustling, meanwhile, at 20's, many think they are young and have time. When you're 20 years old, 30 seems far. But when you're 30, 35 seems closer, and then you'll have a bigger responsibilities in your hand, and you must deliver, or else? Hmmm.

When you're in your 20's, you can be stupid, and people won't be disgusted by you. You're a potential, you can be anything, and will easily be forgiving, but it's not the same in your 30's. In your 30's the question is, "what are you doing", not, "what do you want to be"?. Girls would also be disgusted by you if your life is not put together and you'll have a low self esteem, and for a right reason because there is nothing virtous about about an old infant. People will disrespect you and if you're not a strong person in spirit, it's just a one way road to hell from there.

You can argue that hell is an afterlife thing, but i can tell you for free that hell is also here on earth. There are people living in hell, and you'll know because they'll be so ashame to look at your eyeball, because they don't want you to see the hell they are in. And in many case, those in hell are usually older people that wasted time they can't recover, but when they learnt that lesson, it's just too late. I repeat, time is your opponent, and don't waste it. For that's the true meaning of "make hay, while the sun shine".

But preferably, I would advice to learn a skill. Even me that went to university, I haven't seen my certificate for years, I just pack am one side. My skills business that I started in my 20's feed me, I can't be sacked. So learn a skill and start a business with it. Tailoring, shoemaking, car repair, IT etc.

89 Likes 27 Shares

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by chatinent: 6:51pm On Aug 23, 2021
1. Avoid the yahoo boys and hoes.

2. Work smart for money.

3. Value what God provides.

You'll grow ... little by little... but you'll grow.


Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Cerebellum: 6:56pm On Aug 23, 2021
At 20, you have the wealth of time. To tell you how important time is, will you prefer to be a billionaire at 90 years old, or just average at 20? Well, I'm sure you'll pick average at 20. That's how important time is. If you learn a skill and start a business with it, in even five years time, if you're good, you'll be set for life. The formula of wasting your 20's studying and indulging in hedonism is a recipe for failure. Sadly most youth follow this path.

Eweeh...See as your write up fear me shocked

You go like to dey write o
Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Gerrard59(m): 8:20pm On Aug 23, 2021
Let's assume you were giving this advice to your junior brother; how'd you suggest a young boy(less than 21) figure out what to do in life, or how did you figure out what to do with yours at that age range?

Cc: Gerra.rd59 panso.phist pls help

- To whatever you learn or currently learn earn a digital skill to ensure your earnings don't get devalued or appropriated by Emefiele when he spews those mumbo-jumbo Wednesdays during their MPC.

- Love doesn't exist in the world's poverty. Women don't "love" men because of who they are but rather what they (men) have. Let no one gaslight you on that.

- If you can flee Nigeria, do it, the earlier the better. Your children will be glad you did (to a functioning country o). If you cannot, make sure you don't born plenty children to scatter everywhere. Condoms exist ditto postinor. Vasectomy services are widely available in Nigeria.

Cc: Mbok, edit my username to something like Gerrard.59. This thread might get to the front page and the mentions will be out of this world.

6 Likes 1 Share

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by pansophist(m): 11:00pm On Aug 23, 2021

Eweeh...See as your write up fear me shocked

You go like to dey write o

As an example, If you go to the gym motivated to lift weight starting with 30kg, then in about 3 months time, you might be lifting almost double the weight you're lifting today. But if you have to lift your 30kg brother quickly to the nearest hospital but can't because you're weak, the consequence can be devastating, with a risk of loss of life. Thats why it's good to go face responsibilities before It comes knocking. So no fear abeg, regret is even worse.

And if you think it's hard now, then wait when you're 30, and even worse when you're 40, then its even harder and sorrowful. Redemption day is not fun.

14 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Cholls(m): 11:10pm On Aug 23, 2021
My brother no one knows... just keep trying things that gives you joy until you drop dead

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Nobody: 11:40pm On Aug 23, 2021
To add mine:

1. Learn to market whatever you can offer. If you like learn a skill or start a business, if you are not passionate about meeting/ talking to people to market that skill, then you would have learnt in futility.

2. Reading this in Nigeria at age 18? I would say don’t go to the University. If you had an awesome secondary education branch off to specializing/ learning one profitable thing that’ll take the next 10 years (till you’re 28) to learn.

3. Let nothing frighten you; be unafraid. I’m saddened by the sheer number of people still keeping jobs they hate. A fully grown man works a 50k job in a city like Abuja and he’s worried if he leaves he’ll die. That’s taking power from your hands! This brings me to my final point.

4. Happiness before all else!


Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by cassyrooy(m): 12:40am On Aug 24, 2021
College is very important but avoid cultism, politics and whatnots, start developing skills alongside your books. Bag that degree and dump it somewhere, e get why. Don't regret getting it but never hope on it.

There are loyal women, but you can't keep them unless you've made some change or a big breakthrough is looking imminent. Accept that you're only loved conditionally, when someone loves you unconditionally, then there's a miracle.

Man wey no get girlfriend get plenty peace of mind, know this and live longer. So, don't jump into relationships with the mindset of joining the bandwagon. Know why you need one before you get into one.

The only person(s) that can bet on you with all they've got should be you and your family members, the rests owe you nothing. Nonetheless, there are some good people outside of this cycle. Learn to spot them by being responsible and respectful to everyone and also, dump every expectations from people.

You're still young, don't prove anything to anybody, especially a woman, that's not good enough until you prove yourself to yourself that your better than you were in your past. Build confidence, stay positive because this journey might be a solitary one.

Get domesticated as much as you can. It will help you stay independent from women for as long as you need to be until you're ready to settle down. If you don't, a smart woman can find her way into your life through this route, dangerously when you're not yet ready.

Read. Read. Read. Whether boring or not, develop your writing, speaking and even overhaul your own experiences. Travel too.

All these get why, but na later you go understand.

31 Likes 3 Shares

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by The5DME(m): 9:04am On Aug 24, 2021
College is very important but avoid cultism, politics and whatnots, start developing skills alongside your books. Bag that degree and dump it somewhere, e get why. Don't regret getting it but never hope on it.

There are loyal women, but you can't keep them unless you've made some change or a big breakthrough is looking imminent. Accept that you're only loved conditionally, when someone loves you unconditionally, then there's a miracle.

Man wey no get girlfriend get plenty peace of mind, know this and live longer. So, don't jump into relationships with the mindset of joining the bandwagon. Know why you need one before you get into one.

The only person(s) that can bet on you with all they've got should be you and your family members, the rests owe you nothing. Nonetheless, there are some good people outside of this cycle. Learn to spot them by being responsible and respectful to everyone and also, dump every expectations from people.

You're still young, don't prove anything to anybody, especially a woman, that's not good enough until you prove yourself to yourself that your better than you were in your past. Build confidence, stay positive because this journey might be a solitary one.

Get domesticated as much as you can. It will help you stay independent from women for as long as you need to be until you're ready to settle down. If you don't, a smart woman can find her way into your life through this route, dangerously when you're not yet ready.

Read. Read. Read. Whether boring or not, develop your writing, speaking and even overhaul your own experiences. Travel too.

All these get why, but na later you go understand.
Aptly put man. Thanks!


Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by DonroxyII: 9:25am On Aug 24, 2021
Determine what You Want to Do with Your Life ..

Find someone doing what you want to Do ...

Do Better Than that Person in order to meet Up with Contemporary time !

E.g. You wanna become President, then Pick Any of Nigerian President or Astute Politician and Model after the Person then Do Much Better!

Ever since I was a kid ... All i wanted is to be great .... I choose Newscasting, I later changed into Accountancy ...

First and foremost .... you must conclude in your life you wanna be Great ....

Then, choose an endeavour that will herald your greatness I.e. what you want to be known for : e.g.

Trading Commodities (Like Dangote)

Technologies (Gates, Zuckerberg etc)

Enterprenuership (Many things under here)

Academic/Professionalism (You wan use book chop) .... aka Bookerprenuer like Okonjo Iweala, Magnus Kpakol, Falana among many other Technocrats all around the world... LinkedIn is my best source for researching them !!

Mine is Academic and Professionalism.... "Bookprenuer" as I call myself !!!

Afterwards, look for people in such endeavour and what they have done and what they didn't do ....

Do what they have done...... add what they should have done but didn't do ........what should be done to meet present and future needs and challenges...... If economy shift away from your endeavour, you should be smart enough to be flexible in diversification...

The above is what you will continuously do all through your active life .... and lastly, be ready to market yourself I.e. convince a buying party that you are the best to be patronised .... show ur stuffs with flying colours whatever you are selling and buying .... show you are the best to be patronised ....

Communication, interpersonal and presentation skills is quite important to any endeavour....... if not, you will fail and be changing career like cloth without wayforward ....

If you don't know how to toast woman and Rich Top Women ooo not Salewa .... To market your career will be somehow challenging .... You have to be convincing without showing pride .... You have to be big without showing showing "big"..... Humility is what they call it !

Dedication, Commitment and Godliness is central to success ...... Miminise your madness, maximise your mental development!!

5 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Sonnobax15(m): 10:32am On Aug 24, 2021
This life no be beans oh...

There's certainly a time when everyman will sit his assss down and he'll thoroughly think about his life...... Personally,this kind question,I don ask myself tire....The painful part of it all is when you don't have anyone to look up to for help or advice....E go just be like say make you end your life make everything just kuku end.......But certainly there's life when there's hope cool

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Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by holuwasheyiWGP(m): 1:51pm On Aug 24, 2021
Just one thing
Discover your hobby, try your best to make it your job.

1 Like

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Frenzy01(m): 2:16pm On Aug 24, 2021
At 20, you have the wealth of time. To tell you how important time is, will you prefer to be a billionaire at 90 years old, or just average at 20? Well, I'm sure you'll pick average at 20. That's how important time is. If you learn a skill and start a business with it, in even five years time, if you're good, you'll be set for life. The formula of wasting your 20's studying some useless course just to be in school, measure shoulders with friends, and indulging in hedonism is a recipe for failure. Sadly most youth follow this path. Is it not proof enough that most graduates are unemployed, underemployed, and wrongly employed ? And even those with good jobs self are paid lower?

Forget about university, that's assuming you have finished secondary school. Studying in Nigeria is to prepare for the past, for sure not the present, and definitely not the future. If you must study, look for an online university from the west, and get your degree there. Also start a business. If you start a business today at 20, when you're 30, your business is 10 years old, and would have grown so much to set you for life. Then your 30's would means you're an eligible suitor, and you'll enjoy the attention women enjoy right from young.

And on business, the skills that most people look down on can give you billions. The differences between KFC and Aboki chicken is marketing, packaging, structure, expansion, modernising, and other know-how to grow a business. Also garment making, you can keep improving yourself, follow market trends about whats on reign, register your business, professionalise it, expand, and you can actually be as big as Nike. The mind is your limit, not the sky. Search for grassfield on Instagram, the two Cameroonian sisters built a multi million dollars company selling African clothes online. Same clothes that lots of talented tailors just restrict themselves to small shops. Same with Gymshark wears, "dollars having club" and many more.

your 30's would be a phase of a committed relationship, kids, and being responsible. You don't want to be in your 30's and broke, and then you're too big and egoistic to start low, and financial burden from parents begin piling up. You can be forgiving in your 20's if you can't deliver, but not your 30's. So when you voluntarily go handle life's impending responsibilities before it comes knocking, you'll be stronger and equipped to win, but if the responsibilities come knocking on your door when you're not ready (eg you're 30 feeling ashamed and start looking for a job and a wife), life would be hell.

20's are the age of trial and error, you have time, and please don't waste it partying. It goes so fast. Suffer now and enjoy layer. The truth every wealthy person know is that life is a race against time. Your opponent is not the economy, government, friends, but with time. So start running early, so by 30, it's easier to reach the goal post from the middle, instead of from the starting point. Time is the most important currency in the world. Talk to lots of old people, and they will tell you this. Don't wait until you're old to find out, use your youth and start building.

I see many of my age mate (I am in my early 30's) and feel sorry for them. Many of them wasted it doing rubbish, spending it studying some useless course, without understanding the age we are in. They operated in the template of the past, that their parent operated in without the consciousness to see that times has changed. All my 20's was spent hustling, meanwhile, at 20's, many think they are young and have time. When you're 20 years old, 30 seems far. But when you're 30, 35 seems closer, and then you'll have a bigger responsibilities in your hand, and you must deliver, or else? Hmmm.

When you're in your 20's, you can be stupid, and people won't be disgusted by you. You're a potential, you can be anything, and will easily be forgiving, but it's not the same in your 30's. In your 30's the question is, "what are you doing", not, "what do you want to be"?. Girls would also be disgusted by you if your life is not put together and you'll have a low self esteem, and for a right reason because there is nothing virtous about about an old infant. People will disrespect you and if you're not a strong person in spirit, it's just a one way road to hell from there.

You can argue that hell is an afterlife thing, but i can tell you for free that hell is also here on earth. There are people living in hell, and you'll know because they'll be so ashame to look at your eyeball, because they don't want you to see the hell they are in. And in many case, those in hell are usually older people that wasted time they can't recover, but when they learnt that lesson, it's just too late. I repeat, time is your opponent, and don't waste it. For that's the true meaning of "make hay, while the sun shine".

But preferably, I would advice to learn a skill. Even me that went to university, I haven't seen my certificate for years, I just pack am one side. My skills business that I started in my 20's feed me, I can't be sacked. So learn a skill and start a business with it. Tailoring, shoemaking, car repair, IT etc.
Brilliant piece


Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by bepositive11: 4:30pm On Aug 24, 2021
I would say that they should get to know themselves first. Their interests, strengths and weaknesses then figure out their way based on that.

Having an adult / adults to tell them about the possibilities based on their interests can also be very helpful or they can just do some online research

For me, where I am today is totally different from what I would've ever imagined but I'm very happy with it and I'm happy with where I'm going

Staying true to my desires based on my knowledge of my strengths and weaknesses is what has guided me and will continue to guide me. It may not work for everyone though


Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by PacAmaru: 5:54pm On Aug 24, 2021
Using myself as a case study,at 17 I was partying,fvvcking, smoking with friends, being stubborn at home,at 18 I started having sense because my parents were not giving me stipends anymore so I thought I needed a little job,damn I started having sense because I was spending more time at work and less time with the guys,I started supporting the house and becoming little relevant,later I stopped the work,at 19 I was frustrated and bored of staying at home without Working,just facing troubles and more troubles, God helped I got employed again and I started thinking of going to a military school this time so I saved up by then I was 20/21,I achieved it,paid all my fees for my nd1 and started marine Navy academy,after my nd1 I dropped out because I couldn't pay my fees anymore,dad isn't working neither is mom,just side Hussle and I didn't want to bother them about me,it's my life so I have to fix it,I don't blame them at all for being broke and not meeting up like other rich parents,so last year I came accross some life changing threads here on Nairaland,that was how my life changed and I became a man of value and everybody wants to come to me cus I have a skill now and I get money wey no go ever fit reach my last card....OP you are very young but there is no time,learn a skill,learn tailoring or barbing,just get a skill,try to be the best version of urself,do workouts,gym,you'll be good

13 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Dabronze(m): 6:30pm On Aug 24, 2021
Environment really matter alot in carreer Micheal Jackson started singing at the age of 10 rarely can you find such in Nigeria
Am sure if Mark Zuckerberg is a nigeria he would have give up his dream on Facebook

1 Like

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Newusername(m): 9:50pm On Aug 24, 2021
At 20, you have the wealth of time. To tell you how important time is, will you prefer to be a billionaire at 90 years old, or just average at 20? Well, I'm sure you'll pick average at 20. That's how important time is. If you learn a skill and start a business with it, in even five years time, if you're good, you'll be set for life. The formula of wasting your 20's studying some useless course just to be in school, measure shoulders with friends, and indulging in hedonism is a recipe for failure. Sadly most youth follow this path. Is it not proof enough that most graduates are unemployed, underemployed, and wrongly employed ? And even those with good jobs self are paid lower?

Forget about university, that's assuming you have finished secondary school. Studying in Nigeria is to prepare for the past, for sure not the present, and definitely not the future. If you must study, look for an online university from the west, and get your degree there. Also start a business. If you start a business today at 20, when you're 30, your business is 10 years old, and would have grown so much to set you for life. Then your 30's would means you're an eligible suitor, and you'll enjoy the attention women enjoy right from young.

And on business, the skills that most people look down on can give you billions. The differences between KFC and Aboki chicken is marketing, packaging, structure, expansion, modernising, and other know-how to grow a business. Also garment making, you can keep improving yourself, follow market trends about whats on reign, register your business, professionalise it, expand, and you can actually be as big as Nike. The mind is your limit, not the sky. Search for grassfield on Instagram, the two Cameroonian sisters built a multi million dollars company selling African clothes online. Same clothes that lots of talented tailors just restrict themselves to small shops. Same with Gymshark wears, "dollars having club" and many more.

your 30's would be a phase of a committed relationship, kids, and being responsible. You don't want to be in your 30's and broke, and then you're too big and egoistic to start low, and financial burden from parents begin piling up. You can be forgiving in your 20's if you can't deliver, but not your 30's. So when you voluntarily go handle life's impending responsibilities before it comes knocking, you'll be stronger and equipped to win, but if the responsibilities come knocking on your door when you're not ready (eg you're 30 feeling ashamed and start looking for a job and a wife), life would be hell.

20's are the age of trial and error, you have time, and please don't waste it partying. It goes so fast. Suffer now and enjoy layer. The truth every wealthy person know is that life is a race against time. Your opponent is not the economy, government, friends, but with time. So start running early, so by 30, it's easier to reach the goal post from the middle, instead of from the starting point. Time is the most important currency in the world. Talk to lots of old people, and they will tell you this. Don't wait until you're old to find out, use your youth and start building.

I see many of my age mate (I am in my early 30's) and feel sorry for them. Many of them wasted it doing rubbish, spending it studying some useless course, without understanding the age we are in. They operated in the template of the past, that their parent operated in without the consciousness to see that times has changed. All my 20's was spent hustling, meanwhile, at 20's, many think they are young and have time. When you're 20 years old, 30 seems far. But when you're 30, 35 seems closer, and then you'll have a bigger responsibilities in your hand, and you must deliver, or else? Hmmm.

When you're in your 20's, you can be stupid, and people won't be disgusted by you. You're a potential, you can be anything, and will easily be forgiving, but it's not the same in your 30's. In your 30's the question is, "what are you doing", not, "what do you want to be"?. Girls would also be disgusted by you if your life is not put together and you'll have a low self esteem, and for a right reason because there is nothing virtous about about an old infant. People will disrespect you and if you're not a strong person in spirit, it's just a one way road to hell from there.

You can argue that hell is an afterlife thing, but i can tell you for free that hell is also here on earth. There are people living in hell, and you'll know because they'll be so ashame to look at your eyeball, because they don't want you to see the hell they are in. And in many case, those in hell are usually older people that wasted time they can't recover, but when they learnt that lesson, it's just too late. I repeat, time is your opponent, and don't waste it. For that's the true meaning of "make hay, while the sun shine".

But preferably, I would advice to learn a skill. Even me that went to university, I haven't seen my certificate for years, I just pack am one side. My skills business that I started in my 20's feed me, I can't be sacked. So learn a skill and start a business with it. Tailoring, shoemaking, car repair, IT etc.

Thanks for this sir and to other inputs I really appreciate this. The5DME, thanks for topic, just want I needed now.


Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by CrownOfClay724: 7:19pm On Jul 16, 2022
At 20, you have the wealth of time.

I felt your words in my bones.

It read like you addressed it to me in person.

Thanks for this comment.

Mind if I pm you?

1 Like

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by pansophist(m): 7:47pm On Jul 16, 2022

I felt your words in my bones.

It read like you addressed it to me in person.

Thanks for this comment.

Mind if I pm you?

Sure go ahead.


Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by CrownOfClay724: 7:50pm On Jul 16, 2022

Sure go ahead.

Thank you.

Pushed the message button already.
But that back and forth can be tiring.

Is there a mail I can send a proper message to?
Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by pansophist(m): 7:53pm On Jul 16, 2022

Thank you.

Pushed the message button already.
But that back and forth can be tiring.

Is there a mail I can send a proper message to?

It's on my profile bro
Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by CrownOfClay724: 8:26pm On Jul 16, 2022

It's on my profile bro

How I didn't see it.

Shot you a mail!
Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by pansophist(m): 8:32pm On Jul 16, 2022

How I didn't see it.

Shot you a mail!


1 Like

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by CaveAdullam: 8:48pm On Jul 16, 2022
1. How far you will go in life is dependent on a melange of factors y'all don't seem to consider, take note of or blatantly choose to be oblivious.

2. Everyone just wants to think and grow rich, become a richer dad, and think big with some power of positive thinking. Alongside, determination, endurance, persistency, consistency, zealouness, and medium to long-term insomnia in the pursuit of your big dreams.
Wait. All these are vital in the race to success, they must be included in your toolbox. But some factors are the true determinant of success, and if these factors don't play in your favor, you may not win in the race of life - many don't win, and it is not their fault.

3. We have been blinded and romance by the survivorship bias: we see the few successful people and don't care about the majority that tried and failed. We always see the exceptions and do think we are the exceptions - those majority had the same thought too.

4. The most important factors:

A. Your country of birth.

B. Your genetics.

C. Your biology.

D. Your family background.

E. Your place of residence.

F. State of politics in your place of residence.

G. State of economics in your place of residence.

H. The information you are allowed to access.

I. The information you are not allowed to access.

J. The zeitgeist of your place of residence.

K. The legislature of your place of residence.

L. Your place of residence and foreign politics.

M. The existing religions circulating your place of residence.

O. Time and chance.

P. actions and behaviors of people.

Q. State of affair in your place of residence. Are there infrastructures? What about basic human necessities?

R. Luck (the most underrated of all).

5. As a teenager, where do you find yourself in reference to 4 above? Are you at an advantage or disadvantage? You must ask yourself these questions because suffering is imminent regardless of the path you choose to follow. And if any or all don't fall in your favor, you will struggle hard. I mean "extremely" hard and difficult.

Take for example: by birth, princes and princesses born into a Saudi monarchy family already have a sweet position in the affairs of life. Same with those born with golden and silver spoons.

6. Possibly there is hope. And that hope is that we don't want to be classified among the majority at the bottom. We must thrive. Refer to the 3 above.

7. The teenager must:

A. Learn how to think in order, read, write and speak.

B. Be able to express himself calmly and confidently.

C. Must see his name as a brand and must build it to have a reputation.

D. Must show respect for people. But first, must learn how to understand human behaviors and actions.

E. Must be humble but deadly. He must not allow himself to consistently fall prey to predators and manipulators.

F. Must be conservative even in hedonism. Pleasure is good for the body but will destroy the soul. (Not in the religious sense though).

G. He must learn how to calibrate his time based on his productive activities.

H. He must subject himself to learning. And must be willing to learn from all corners: light, dark, big, small, joyful, and sorrowful.

I. Learn sales and marketing.

J. If chance, and has the IQ and or patience to study in a higher academic institution, he must only consider the STEM field. Other courses of interest can be studied in the library. No need to waste time and money.

K. Surround himself with people better than him. Or in the spirit - the library.

L. Must sought for truth and information in all corners.

M. Must be willing to embrace suffering and gain from all his experiences and interactions.

N. Must endeavor to work and earn for himself no matter how little or demeaning. It is a process.

O. Must not be overwhelmed by ego. He must protect it but not let it ruin him.

P. Must be flexible and versatile especially towards the right direction.

8. If he can get a mentor, that's fine. If not, he must hold himself accountable and put all that he has learned into practice.

With his toolbox complete and with the hope that time and chance will favor him, that he will be lucky before he breaths his last, he will come out successful at the finish line.


31 Likes 12 Shares

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Kayouzka(m): 11:35pm On Jul 16, 2022
1. How far you will go in life is dependent on a melange of factors y'all don't seem to consider, take note of or blatantly choose to be oblivious.

2. Everyone just wants to think and grow rich, become a richer dad, and think big with some power of positive thinking. Alongside, determination, endurance, persistency, consistency, zealouness, and medium to long-term insomnia in the pursuit of your big dreams.
Wait. All these are vital in the race to success, they must be included in your toolbox. But some factors are the true determinant of success, and if these factors don't play in your favor, you may not win in the race of life - many don't win, and it is not their fault.

3. We have been blinded and romance by the survivorship bias: we see the few successful people and don't care about the majority that tried and failed. We always see the exceptions and do think we are the exceptions - those majority had the same thought too.

4. The most important factors:

A. Your country of birth.

B. Your genetics.

C. Your biology.

D. Your family background.

E. Your place of residence.

F. State of politics in your place of residence.

G. State of economics in your place of residence.

H. The information you are allowed to access.

I. The information you are not allowed to access.

J. The zeitgeist of your place of residence.

K. The legislature of your place of residence.

L. Your place of residence and foreign politics.

M. The existing religions circulating your place of residence.

O. Time and chance.

P. actions and behaviors of people.

Q. State of affair in your place of residence. Are there infrastructures? What about basic human necessities?

R. Luck (the most underrated of all).

5. As a teenager, where do you find yourself in reference to 4 above? Are you at an advantage or disadvantage? You must ask yourself these questions because suffering is imminent regardless of the path you choose to follow. And if any or all don't fall in your favor, you will struggle hard.

Take for example: by birth, princes and princesses born into a Saudi monarchy family already have a sweet position in the affairs of life. Same with those born with golden and silver spoons.

6. Possibly there is hope. And that hope is that we don't want to be classified among the majority at the bottom. We must thrive. Refer to the 3 above.

7. The teenager must:

A. Learn how to think in order, read, write and speak.

B. Be able to express himself calmly and confidently.

C. Must see his name as a brand and must build it to have a reputation.

D. Must show respect for people. But first, must learn how to understand human behaviors and actions.

E. Must be humble but deadly. He must not allow himself to consistently fall prey to predators and manipulators.

F. Must be conservative even in hedonism. Pleasure is good for the body but will destroy the soul. (Not in the religious sense though).

G. He must learn how to calibrate his time based on his productive activities.

H. He must subject himself to learning. And must be willing to learn from all corners: light, dark, big, small, joyful, and sorrowful.

I. Learn sales and marketing.

J. If chance, and has the IQ and or patience to study in a higher academic institution, he must only consider the STEM field. Other courses of interest can be studied in the library. No need to waste time.

K. Surround himself with people better than him. Or in the spirit - the library.

L. Must sought for truth and information in all corners.

M. Must be willing to embrace suffering and not gain from all his experiences and interactions.

N. Must endeavor to work and earn for himself no matter how little or demeaning. It is a process.

O. Must not be overwhelmed by ego. He must protect it but not let it ruin him.

P. Must be flexible and versatile especially towards the right direction.

8. If he can get a mentor, that's fine. If not, he must hold himself accountable and put all that he has learned into practice.

With his toolbox complete and with the hope that time and chance will favor him, that he will be lucky before he breaths his last, he will come out successful at the finish line.


Meticulously said. My own opinion of life; is that try to escape the rat race, try to have the necessities of life and just focus on doing more of what makes you happy irrespective of whatever people say remember a short life doing what you enjoy is better than a long life doing what you hate.

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Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by CaveAdullam: 5:20am On Jul 17, 2022

Meticulously said. My own opinion of life; is that try to escape the rat race, try to have the necessities of life, and just focus on doing more of what makes you happy irrespective of whatever people say remember a short life doing what you enjoy is better than a long life doing what you hate.

Well said. I concur.

1. To try to escape the rat race is a rat race itself. Even if you escape the marathon rat race run by everyone, you'll still enter a race run by elites. Or a race that involves maintaining peace of mind. Life is an unending race. The only true escape or rest is death.

2. Humans have an insatiable void that must constantly be fed. You are hungry, you run the race to get food; and when you eventually get the food you want to store plenty of it so that you won't race for food again. Once you have gathered plenty you want to secure it. Once you have secured it you want to search for people you'll love to share with...the hole is infinite.

Contentment is a temporal phase. True contentment is only achievable through death.

3. Though I concur with your submission, I AM NOT A FAN OF DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Happiness is subjective, it is based on bias, sentiments, and feelings. With that line of thought, it will be hypocritical to condemn evildoers, because doing evil makes them happy.

Corruption makes some people happy. Oppression makes some people happy. Murder makes some people happy. Stealing makes some people happy. Evil in whatever style, font, and color makes some people happy.

4. You can't condemn the people above for their crimes because it is what makes them happy. And since happiness is subjective, you can't compel anyone to love what you love or to follow what makes you happy.

5. Communal strength grows when individuals forsake their sentiments and pursue a common long-lasting goal. This is how civilization grows. If the military arm and security arm of government should choose what makes them happy, we all would have been dead by now.

6. Civilization is built by the hands of men who see a better future that they will not participate in, but still, break their backs through sweat and blood to make that future attainable for generations unborn.

If great icons like Michael Faraday, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, etc. decided to do what makes them happy, probably, we wouldn't have reached this stage.

But you may say the actions of these people made them happy as they were passionate about their professions. But you must also consider that these actions or professions served the whole population. It is not even easy demonstrating their feats. That's why they are few compared to the general population.

7. Individuals desire some specific things for themselves, everyone doesn't want the same thing and it is fine. But in our pursuit of individual gratification, we must not forget the communal bond we share and civilization growth. Because once we fail to, we bounce back to chaos again.


Once you submit yourself to truth, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, you can then know what happiness and peace of mind entail. It is a transcendent life that's void of useless guilt, calculating, and boldness. It is built to understand human nature, actions, and behaviors and how to counter it. Because truth be told evil can't be eradicated. But everyone must be built to fight it in whatever manner they appear - oppressors, manipulators, predators, and dictators.

This is how you will enjoy your life even though it is short.

9. But if we continue to find enjoyment in what makes us happy and hedonism, we shouldn't complain about the evils of others because that's what makes them happy too.


24 Likes 5 Shares

Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Blue86(m): 5:39am On Jul 17, 2022
Jesus is the way

Tell him to seek the Lord.
Seek His face.

And He will find his destiny.
Re: How Does A Young Teenager Figure Out What To Do In Life? by Goldbw122(m): 6:29am On Jul 17, 2022
Ever since I was a kid ... All i wanted is to be great .... I choose Newscasting, I later changed into Accountancy ...

First and foremost .... you must conclude in your life you wanna be Great ....

Then, choose an endeavour that will herald your greatness I.e. what you want to be known for : e.g.

Trading Commodities (Like Dangote)

Technologies (Gates, Zuckerberg etc)

Enterprenuership (Many things under here)

Academic/Professionalism (You wan use book chop) .... aka Bookerprenuer like Okonjo Iweala, Magnus Kpakol, Falana among many other Technocrats all around the world... LinkedIn is my best source for researching them !!

Mine is Academic and Professionalism.... "Bookprenuer" as I call myself !!!

Afterwards, look for people in such endeavour and what they have done and what they didn't do ....

Do what they have done...... add what they should have done but didn't do ........what should be done to meet present and future needs and challenges...... If economy shift away from your endeavour, you should be smart enough to be flexible in diversification...

The above is what you will continuously do all through your active life .... and lastly, be ready to market yourself I.e. convince a buying party that you are the best to be patronised .... show ur stuffs with flying colours whatever you are selling and buying .... show you are the best to be patronised ....

Communication, interpersonal and presentation skills is quite important to any endeavour....... if not, you will fail and be changing career like cloth without wayforward ....

If you don't know how to toast woman and Rich Top Women ooo not Salewa .... To market your career will be somehow challenging .... You have to be convincing without showing pride .... You have to be big without showing showing "big"..... Humility is what they call it !

Dedication, Commitment and Godliness is central to success ...... Miminise your madness, maximise your mental development!!
AS long as I live no skill is useless, along the line you will need them for self or for money, so learn as many skill as you can before learning no more, it always comes handy someday.

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