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My experience in Bahrain - Travel (4) - Nairaland

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by Bahrainguy: 1:51pm On Oct 15, 2022
Person will save millions of naira only to go some Arab country to slave.

These are stuff Nigerians do say and I’ll be like I’m slave in my home country already.

Have you ever live in a place without bothering of charging devices (uninterrupted power supply)

Have you …. Imagine a life where you can go out at anytime and you can even travel miles without thinking of Fulani or bandits?

Have you ever live in a place whereby their unlimited data is unlimited data?

Back home I’ve got epilepsy light, I’ve been robbed twice on Eko bridge they broke my car windows, I’ve submitted applications to several company yet me and you know if you don’t have anyone you’re on your own. I’m a graduate but my certificate is so useless because I can’t even get a job that’ll fit in my level. I can’t dare to walk alone at night around areas like okoko, mile 2 or mile 12, otedola bridge at night. Even day self I have to be guiding my gadgets.

Have spent many years back home yet to achieve single land you’ve got to struggle. I love home I love Nigeria but Nigeria isn’t for me because our selfish leaders have sabotage the future for their kids.

Their kids are here enjoying while we are their working. To be honest with you I prefer here 1million times than home.

With my I’d I can use latest iPhone on credit I can rent or have a car on loan and spread repayment for years simple life without having issues.

I rest here think about all these brother and watch YouTube don’t sit on tv watching CNN or BCC these countries are one of the safest

62 Likes 9 Shares

Re: My experience in Bahrain by Evilblackman(m): 1:52pm On Oct 15, 2022
But make we talk true true. This Bahrain no worth aaam. Nigeria is not as hard like that.

Thank you
Nigerians are the problem
Not the country


Re: My experience in Bahrain by OMOJOHN001: 1:52pm On Oct 15, 2022

Bro the chances of surviving with digital skill here is 10% unless you and your employer knows each other way back from home.

Also without skill many Africans are surviving but the chances are very low now.

Cleaner helper kitchen attendant etc which their salary is usually very low. And their working conditions is demeaning. I’ll advice to learn any good technical skill before facing any country

Can you kindly help to at least list like 10 Technical skills that are valuable?
Re: My experience in Bahrain by goodyvin02(m): 1:54pm On Oct 15, 2022

Car painter, car denter same as panel beater, crane driver, mechanic, wheel balancing and alignment, auto tech same as Rewire, car polisher, car vinyl wrappers, welder, gadget repairer, car ac specialist, home ac specialist, masons, carpentry, cctv installation and repairs, truck drivers (but have money to do their license here).

NOTE: all the job listed is just from my on views and getting a job is not 100% guarantee but definitely with prayer God can do wonders.

Also it’ll be better to chat prospective employers online and secure valid employment visa Before coming. Check linkin olx expatriates

I am a cinematographer, can I get a job there?

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by Evilblackman(m): 1:55pm On Oct 15, 2022

NOTE: all the job listed is just from my on views and getting a job is not 100% guarantee [/b]but definitely with prayer God can do wonders. [b]

Its 100% so why do i need to pray
Watin sure , sure
I don’t even like the country
Re: My experience in Bahrain by Johnn74: 1:56pm On Oct 15, 2022
Autotechnician. Nice one
Re: My experience in Bahrain by ajerimitan: 1:57pm On Oct 15, 2022
All clean luxurious cars. That country must have managed their wealth well.
1. A. If the rent for an apartment is 20bhd at 2k making 60k per month in NGN how much is the monthly income like?
2. B. and how much for an average eat out per plate?.
3. Can you say the same thing for some one with R&A certificate and skill holder?
4. refrigerator and air-conditioning both automobile cooling system and home cooling system how lucrative is this line of skill over there?. Thanks

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by ajerimitan: 1:57pm On Oct 15, 2022
All clean luxurious cars. That country must have managed their wealth well.
1. A. If the rent for an apartment is 20bhd at 2k making 60k per month in NGN how much is the monthly income like?
2. B. and how much for an average eat out per plate?.
3. Can you say the same thing for some one with R&A certificate and skill holder?
4. refrigerator and air-conditioning both automobile cooling system and home cooling system how lucrative is this line of skill over there?. Thanks.

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by Evilblackman(m): 1:57pm On Oct 15, 2022

These are stuff Nigerians do say and I’ll be like I’m slave in my home country already.

Have you ever live in a place without bothering of charging devices (uninterrupted power supply)

Have you …. Imagine a life where you can go out at anytime and you can even travel miles without thinking of Fulani or bandits?

Have you ever live in a place whereby their unlimited data is unlimited data?

Back home I’ve got epilepsy light, I’ve been robbed twice on Eko bridge they broke my car windows, I’ve submitted applications to several company yet me and you know if you don’t have anyone you’re on your own. I’m a graduate but my certificate is so useless because I can’t even get a job that’ll fit in my level. I can’t dare to walk alone at night around areas like okoko, mile 2 or mile 12, otedola bridge at night. Even day self I have to be guiding my gadgets.

Have spent many years back home yet to achieve single land you’ve got to struggle. I love home I love Nigeria but Nigeria isn’t for me because our selfish leaders have sabotage the future for their kids.

Their kids are here enjoying while we are their working. To be honest with you I prefer here 1million times than home.

With my I’d I can use latest iPhone on credit I can rent or have a car on loan and spread repayment for years simple life without having issues.

I rest here think about all these brother and watch YouTube don’t sit on tv watching CNN or BCC these countries are one of the safest

I wonder why Nigerians till complain when they start maltreating them in those countries

You signed up for it so don’t complain
Re: My experience in Bahrain by GeneralPula: 1:57pm On Oct 15, 2022
Be careful of scammers..

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by mmsen: 1:58pm On Oct 15, 2022
On the flights, I met lot of Nigerians some were sent back at the port of entry in Bahrain due to some blacklisted sponsors, bta/pta issues, unverifiable hotels and addresses.

I landed and called my sponsor which we already agreed on bed space of 30Bd per month.

He came to pick me up he’s an Indian Local Agent because I hate doing anything with African we cant be trusted in anything.

I told him fact that’ I came here to look for job he asked what’s my skill I let him know I’m an auto technician right from there he told me I’ve gotten a job which I know it’s easy for any skill immigrant to get job.

I rest and second day I went to submit my cv which I was interviewed same day and promised to get back to me .

3rd day I couldn’t even enjoyed the country the manager called to arrange for my accommodation and salary was very awesome free accommodation free transportation I resume work 8am I close 6pm Friday is off including public holidays.

The company produced employment visa for agreements of 2 years which came with my resident cpr of 5years validity

Currently 6months going in this country and I’m feeling sad for my Nigerian brothers.


Because majority left home sold everything Nigeria agents are sick to tell them that without having a skill to survive in GCC is hell even any country.

Most of them have been arrested some of them have been deported with no hope again.

I’m using this moment to beg anyone trying to japa kindly learn a skill it’ll help you and make sure you do research yourself it’s so sad for Nigeria brothers suffering

You don't trust Africans but you trust Indians?

Mumu logic.

Ask your Indian friends about their treatment in the GCC nations at the hands of other Indians. See if they repeat the nonsense that you wrote.


Re: My experience in Bahrain by emerged01(m): 1:59pm On Oct 15, 2022
Only God knows werrin u dey rant!
Re: My experience in Bahrain by AgentGoat: 2:00pm On Oct 15, 2022
uk, usa, saudi dey there for those jobs na

If the pay is reasonable without much travel hasle. It will be a good start.
Re: My experience in Bahrain by Microwhy: 2:01pm On Oct 15, 2022

What are saying exactly? Are trying to start encouraging Nigerians going to those dead end or what?
So Bahrain is dead-end?
1 Bahrain Dinar is #1,154 in fvcking local currency. Car AC technician is getting upto 700k monthly in your asshole local currency with free accommodation. In those country they consider it a taboo for you to go hungry due to no food. Hence, if you know how, you will not go hungry.

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by Sunnyja: 2:02pm On Oct 15, 2022

No country worth going if our home country is good. But believe me no company in my country can pay me over 70k for my skill not to talk of over 700k

So brother what works for A might not work for B.

Have a skill and live your life….. no place like home but when our home can’t guarantee safety, electricity, good life, good healthcare we have to find our way now.
How about teaching in pryimary and their secondary Schools

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by Starz825(m): 2:03pm On Oct 15, 2022
Is Bahrain suffering from inefficient power supply?
grin guy I tire oo

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by Evilblackman(m): 2:04pm On Oct 15, 2022
Even Bahrain women no dey gree make you bleep them no be suffer be that
Na only Nigerian hookup girl go give you
And my sure they’ll drain your bahrain savings grin
I rather go to ghana
Re: My experience in Bahrain by Nobody: 2:04pm On Oct 15, 2022
Everything about you is wrong!!

Na sapa dey worry you so oh. Kpele. Try look for 40k to 50k job make you take manage.


Re: My experience in Bahrain by Litmus: 2:04pm On Oct 15, 2022
I’m using this moment to beg anyone trying to japa kindly learn a skill it’ll help you and make sure you do research yourself it’s so sad for Nigeria brothers suffering.

You see this here (lack of skills) is part of many people's problem, which they wont admit and which those forces bent on pressuring the masses to view everything related to Nigeria negatively, including yourselves, wont say. A great deal of those people indoctrinated by the Jappanese have no actual skills - or transferable skills still weighty enough to these foreign nations after subtracting thire measure of prejudices. If these Nigerians possessed adequate skills for Abroad (skills more valuable than prejudices can detract from) many would be using those skills in Nigeria.

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by siofra(f): 2:05pm On Oct 15, 2022

Bahrain is more safe than UK and American combined. Forget the media bro and stay awake. UAE considered safe and best country to live in before our brothers and sister started cult war and Olosho.

That’s why they take best rule in curbing and arresting anybody with expired visa before they turn here to UAE.

Below is the crime committed by Africans check well if they arrested them it’ll be our brothers.

I would Rather live here save money in 2 years I go back and come back again than looking for some Europe where I’ll spend 10years looking for passport or legal documents that I may never even get in 15years

Na wa o!

Why are some Africans like this

Crime everywhere they go. Something is seriously wrong.


Re: My experience in Bahrain by ugodson(m): 2:07pm On Oct 15, 2022

With all the information I dropped here how can you sickly asking me if I’m agent? What can make me agent upon all these better grow up

Nice one bro, for giving us this update. I have a cousin who will be traveling there by month end. I will let him know about all you have written at least let him have some insight on where his going to.
Please if u read rubbish wey person write on this trend kindly dont reply them. I take God beg you cos they are not worth it


Re: My experience in Bahrain by Jemex003: 2:08pm On Oct 15, 2022
Good day everyone I’ll first apologize for my English.

How did you come up with the country:- I know most GCC countries because I’ve work in UAE before covid spoilt everything.

How did you get across to apply your visa:- due to my experiences, any country that gives Nigeria citizens evisas, you can message the local agent for help. But one must be very careful because so many fake agents lurk around.

How did you mean by Evisas and agent:- I mean countries like Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar etc are countries that provides evisa even I heard South Africa have started issuing evisas too.

How can we know the local agent that’s real;- Well the clue I usually use is for example, I’ll search travel agency in Kuwait on google and google will provide many contacts and email lists of travel agencies I look for the one with good review and ask them for guidelines and prices of visas.

Ok so how much did you do your visa after you’ve gotten your agent:- visit visa to any country is a gamble and to get direct employment visas to GCC countries now is very rare I did mine for 1 month 150BD which I paid deposit of only 20BD that was equivalent to 285k at the rate of 1,900naira black market.

Oh how much is BD to Naira:- on website it’s above 1k but on local exchange it’s 1,900-1980

How did you know the valid of the visa;- well one thing about Bahrain is that you can track everything online for yourself no need stress.

How did you book ticket and boarding; I book Ethiopia at 351k and I hold my BTA for 1,500$

Your ranting sound scam sef. If you’re real sha be careful there before they harvest your organ. Arab countries are not trusted.

We sha don warn you now.

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by just4fun(m): 2:08pm On Oct 15, 2022
Good thread...

Well done..
Re: My experience in Bahrain by Odward(m): 2:09pm On Oct 15, 2022
Nice thread really but nothing dey carry me go Bahrain at all lmao.

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by illuminutty: 2:12pm On Oct 15, 2022

No it’s wasn’t me I fly with Ethiopia as at that time, many people came to Bahrain.

I’m not driving yet because they regard our drivers license in Nigeria as waste so I’m considering starting my application for driver license here soon. Which usually cost 220BD like 418k in conversion to naira.

Thank you God will be with us all

Are you saying that 1BD = 1,900 naira?

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Re: My experience in Bahrain by Ray07(m): 2:15pm On Oct 15, 2022

No it’s wasn’t me I fly with Ethiopia as at that time, many people came to Bahrain.

I’m not driving yet because they regard our drivers license in Nigeria as waste so I’m considering starting my application for driver license here soon. Which usually cost 220BD like 418k in conversion to naira.

Thank you God will be with us all
naso naira just the useless the go angry


Re: My experience in Bahrain by Bahrainguy: 2:16pm On Oct 15, 2022

Are you saying that 1BD = 1,900 naira?

Black market is 1BD = 1,970 or 1,950
Re: My experience in Bahrain by generalwo(m): 2:17pm On Oct 15, 2022
Bros abeg wen u dey come back

. I. Need to follow you commot go back.. Abeg

9ja don taya me


Re: My experience in Bahrain by Bahrainguy: 2:19pm On Oct 15, 2022

Nice one bro, for giving us this update. I have a cousin who will be traveling there by month end. I will let him know about all you have written at least let him have some insight on where his going to.
Please if u read rubbish wey person write on this trend kindly dont reply them. I take God beg you cos they are not worth it

Boss tell your cousin to start looking for job online before coming. Tell him to search OLX Bahrain and Expatriate Bahrain to search for job before embarking Nigeria’s have created lot of problem here already by fighting gang wars and all sort of cultism.

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