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Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started - Religion - Nairaland

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Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 8:30am On Oct 18, 2022
Prophetic warning!! Don't take this message for granted . The Lord showed me the world war 3 has already started. Please if you are living in USA , I beg you in the name of God if you lives in USA leave that country now!! This is a warning from God. This is not bluffing . The enemies has device a plan to attack that country unaware. With use of ICBM nuclear weapons and torpedo nuclear that will cause cities to fall inside ocean. And invasion of USA by enemies nations . And betrayal .God have mercy on us.. blood will flow like ocean. I am not bluffing millions will die.. Leave now! Leave now!!. Leave now!!!. God bless you .

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Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 8:31am On Oct 18, 2022
My people flee from USA now. This is message from God. God bless you.

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Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 8:40am On Oct 18, 2022
Let's start praying my beloved christains. Every sleeping christain should wake up now . For the time is hand. " You will come under the communist regime thus says the Lord God. Communist (china and Russia) shall put many into death".
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 8:45am On Oct 18, 2022
Mankind shall witness horror, death, cry shall fill the earth. Those that believe in our Christ Jesus shall escape. Things shall occur in summer 2023. Watch, pray and flew. For once they say they're at peace so shall the terror strike them unaware.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 8:56am On Oct 18, 2022
Just as Christ instructed Israelites to flee in Matthew 24:16. Don't take this message lightly , tell people to flee now there is hour of Grace. For the time is at hand.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by rtdCivilservant: 9:04am On Oct 18, 2022
This op is a very wicked somebori. Because them no give op visa to Japa him come wish make people wey don succeed japa come back to join am in his sufferness.

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Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 9:05am On Oct 18, 2022
All you backsliding christains don't you know the great tribulations has started already. Sleeping christains wake up and put your lamp up. Woe unto the people that lives in California, woe unto the people that lives in New York . For in an hour you shall receive your judgement all the east coast and west coast hear the word of God , depart away from your sins and flee for the judgement is at hand.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 10:37am On Oct 18, 2022
Let him that has ear let him hear, let him that understand pay attention. Matthew 11:23 And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades. For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by CaptMarvel(m): 4:28pm On Oct 19, 2022
All you backsliding christains don't you know the great tribulations has started already. Sleeping christains wake up and put your lamp up. Woe unto the people that lives in California, woe unto the people that lives in New York . For in an hour you shall receive your judgement all the east coast and west coast hear the word of God , depart away from your sins and flee for the judgement is at hand.
the great tribulation is not against countries, its against Christians. These are birth pangs and perilous times meant to shake up the sleeping sheep and shepherds awake. For There shall be war and rumors of wars. The great tribulations begins after the Rapture, When the Antichrist sit to unify the world.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by Kobojunkie: 4:31pm On Oct 19, 2022
Prophetic warning!! Don't take this message for granted . The Lord showed me the world war 3 has already started. Please if you are living in USA , I beg you in the name of God if you lives in USA leave that country now!! This is a warning from God. This is not bluffing . The enemies has device a plan to attack that country unaware. With use of ICBM nuclear weapons and torpedo nuclear that will cause cities to fall inside ocean. And invasion of USA by enemies nations . And betrayal .God have mercy on us.. blood will flow like ocean. I am not bluffing millions will die.. Leave now! Leave now!!. Leave now!!!. God bless you .
OP, I suggest you please run go visit a professional psychiatrist for help with what ails you instead before it is too late for you. undecided

The moment your mind starts to convince you that God cares about your World wars and your nations...please realize you are on the cliff about to fall off the deep end. undecided
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 4:55pm On Oct 19, 2022
the great tribulation is not against countries, its against Christians. These are birth pangs and perilous times meant to shake up the sleeping sheep and shepherds awake. For There shall be war and rumors of wars. The great tribulations begins after the Rapture, When the Antichrist sit to unify the world.
is obvious you don't read ur bible very well. 7 years great tribulations when anti Christ will starts his ministration . In 3yrs and half he break his Accord (fake peace)with Israel . Makingg daily sacrifice stop. Then assemble to attack the land of Israel with a great army then with a loud voice we will change . Dead will rise up ist , we that are alive will meet Jesus in the air. Armageddon war will start ending Antichrist regime and his army. Ushering in peace on Earth for 1000yrs..now bible says from Matthew, John, Ezekiel, iDaniel,etc there is going to be great war never seen on Earth , neither shall be again . This is moment we are in right . That war is world war. Tribulations means war, disasters, diseases. Bring your book of revelation let me reach you. God bless you
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 5:00pm On Oct 19, 2022
OP, I suggest you please run go visit a professional psychiatrist for help with what ails you instead before it is too late for you. undecided

The moment your mind starts to convince you that God cares about your World wars and your nations...please realize you are on the cliff about to fall off the deep end. undecided
God's grace is sufficient for me. But I tell you today many are going to turn to Christ when this things starts happening
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by descarado: 5:02pm On Oct 19, 2022
Prophetic warning!! Don't take this message for granted . The Lord showed me the world war 3 has already started. Please if you are living in USA , I beg you in the name of God if you lives in USA leave that country now!! This is a warning from God. This is not bluffing . The enemies has device a plan to attack that country unaware. With use of ICBM nuclear weapons and torpedo nuclear that will cause cities to fall inside ocean. And invasion of USA by enemies nations . And betrayal .God have mercy on us.. blood will flow like ocean. I am not bluffing millions will die.. Leave now! Leave now!!. Leave now!!!. God bless you .
When your shadow is pursuing you cheesy cheesy
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by Kobojunkie: 5:03pm On Oct 19, 2022
God's grace is sufficient for me. But I tell you today many are going to turn to Christ when this things starts happening
And according to that very same Jesus Christ you pretend to quote, many will flood in to the Kingdom of God through the Broad Gate that leads to destruction as a result of the lies fed them by false teachers and prophets such as your person. undecided

The same grace .I.e. eternal life opens both Gates into the Kingdom of God - the broad gate and the narrow gate. So what can save isn't grace but Truth. So holding on to grace means nothing. undecided
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 5:03pm On Oct 19, 2022
Another warning : I see a conflict/ war coming in Taiwan vs china.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by Kobojunkie: 5:06pm On Oct 19, 2022
Another warning : I see a conflict/ war coming in Taiwan vs china.
Keep seeing the very same things that Pagan seers see... undecided

Just be sure to get help before it is too late. undecided
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 5:07pm On Oct 19, 2022
And according to that very same Jesus Christ you pretend to quote, many will flood in to the Kingdom of God through the Broad Gate that leads to destruction as a result of the lies fed them by false teachers and prophets such as your person. undecided

The same grace .I.e. eternal life opens both Gates into the Kingdom of God - the broad gate and the narrow gate. So what can save isn't grace but Truth. So holding on to grace means nothing. undecided
if my words comes out correctly at last . May God bless me . Amen .
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 5:08pm On Oct 19, 2022
Keep seeing the very same things that Pagan seers see... undecided

Just be sure to get help before it is too late. undecided
nothing is given to man except it's reveal by God almighty.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by Kobojunkie: 5:10pm On Oct 19, 2022
if my words comes out correctly at last . May God bless me . Amen .
Even a baby born today knows that wars are eminent in this here world so long as humans exist. So your words coming out correctly tomorrow is meaningless since the man off the street already knows what you claim. What is sad is you pretend your knowledge is from God, this in contradiction to that taught by God Himself. undecided
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by Kobojunkie: 5:11pm On Oct 19, 2022
nothing is given to man except it's reveal by God almighty.
All knowledge of good and of evil belongs to God does not mean God condones evil, does it? undecided
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 5:15pm On Oct 19, 2022
Even a baby born today knows that wars are eminent in this here world so long as humans exist. So your words coming out correctly tomorrow is meaningless since the man off the street already knows what you claim. What is sad is you pretend your knowledge is from God, this in contradiction to that taught by God Himself. undecided
just as in the days of Noah so shall it be at this time. People like you said the same thing . Woe unto you if you can't discern season we are in now. I preach to save life not to destroy it.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 5:17pm On Oct 19, 2022
All knowledge of good and of evil belongs to God does not mean God condones evil, does it? undecided
Its desire of God for us not to perish the reason he gives us teachers, prophets. Our words is to save life not to take life.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by Kobojunkie: 5:18pm On Oct 19, 2022
just as in the days of Noah so shall it be at this time. People like you said the same thing . Woe unto you if you can't discern season we are in now. I preach to save life not to destroy it.
Rubbish! undecided

You preach that which is antiChrist in other to save lives in an antiChrist way? undecided
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 5:19pm On Oct 19, 2022
Rubbish! undecided

You preach that which is antiChrist in other to save lives in an antiChrist way? undecided
God have mercy on you.

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Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by Kobojunkie: 5:20pm On Oct 19, 2022
Its desire of God for us not to preach, the reason he gives us teachers, prophets. Our words is to save life not to take life.
Stop lying! undecided

You mean the same God who decreed that we cannot serve any other Masters(Teachers, Prophets, leaders, authorities, Heads, Shepherds, etc.)in the Kingdom of God? undecided
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by Kobojunkie: 5:21pm On Oct 19, 2022
God have mercy on you.
Worry more about the lies you spew using His name. undecided
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 5:23pm On Oct 19, 2022
Stop lying! undecided

You mean the same God who decreed that we cannot serve any other Masters(Teachers, Prophets, leaders, authorities, Heads, Shepherds, etc.)in the Kingdom of God? undecided
I am not a Master. I'm just a servant. Christ is my Master. I don't have any other God except him. I pray you give your life to Jesus.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by Kobojunkie: 5:24pm On Oct 19, 2022
I am not a Master. I'm just a servant. Christ is my Master. I don't have any other God except. I pray you give your life to Jesus.
Jesus Christ said that He alone is Teacher, Prophet, Shepherd, Helper, Head, Leader - Master over those in the Kingdom of God. Yet only moments ago, you asserted that God made you a Teacher and Prophet, to take the seat which belongs only to Jesus Christ....why? undecided
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 5:25pm On Oct 19, 2022
Worry more about the lies you spew using His name. undecided
no more vein talk with you. Goodbye
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by Kobojunkie: 5:27pm On Oct 19, 2022
no more vein talk with you. Goodbye
Please get your self checked if resorting to spreading what are rumors of wars and is what you think being of God is about. undecided
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by CaptMarvel(m): 5:41pm On Oct 19, 2022
is obvious you don't read ur bible very well. 7 years great tribulations when anti Christ will starts his ministration . In 3yrs and half he break his Accord (fake peace)with Israel . Makingg daily sacrifice stop. Then assemble to attack the land of Israel with a great army then with a loud voice we will change . Dead will rise up ist , we that are alive will meet Jesus in the air. Armageddon war will start ending Antichrist regime and his army. Ushering in peace on Earth for 1000yrs..now bible says from Matthew, John, Ezekiel, iDaniel,etc there is going to be great war never seen on Earth , neither shall be again . This is moment we are in right . That war is world war. Tribulations means war, disasters, diseases. Bring your book of revelation let me reach you. God bless you
Its obvious you don't understand simple English nor the bible you're reading, neither do you understand the revelation God is even showing you. I didn't correct you so you can attack me. But since you are arrogant, and unready to learn bring it on.

Like I said again and I reiterate, Great Tribulation is for the elimination of Christians, anyone that named the name of Christ, since the Antichrist will be seated Daniel 7:23-25 not the elimination of countries and world population through Wars, famine and pestilences Revelation 6:1-8.

Don't rush to read the scripture, some of the things written from one verse to the next, will take years interval before they happen.

So don't get yourself high on certain revelations you have no understanding of.
Re: Prophetic Warning: The World War Has Started by okeysoninv: 5:44pm On Oct 19, 2022
Its obvious you don't understand simple English nor the bible you're reading, neither do you understand the revelation God is even showing you. I didn't correct you so you can attack me. But since you are arrogant, and unready to learn bring it on.

Like I said again and I reiterate, Great Tribulation is for the elimination of Christians, anyone that named the name of Christ, since the Antichrist will be seated Daniel 7:23-25 not the elimination of countries and world population through Wars, famine and pestilences Revelation 6:1-8.

Don't rush to read the scripture, some of the things written from one verse to the next, will take years interval before they happen.

So don't get yourself high on certain revelations you have no understanding of.
ok brethren, whatever you think.

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