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‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) - Family (11) - Nairaland

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Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by detectivejones: 6:03pm On Nov 03, 2022
The man might even be chatting with a Nigerian Yahoo boy grin grin grin
grin grin grin Imagine recieving all these gbos gbas ontop one small boy with coloured hair and oversized crocs/shirt thinking its a babe.

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Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by richie240: 6:03pm On Nov 03, 2022

Decadence is everywhere, just want a discourse on why that moral uprightness being instilled is not glaringly reflective around us in Nigeria.

That we frown upon homosexuality, does not mean we all are heterosexual wink
True that! Just as we have homosexuality in Israel and Saudi Arabia. Its everywhere, but u know d difference? Homosexuality (like very many other vices) are frowned upon in these countries mentioned (including nigeria), but it's a way of life in america/uk.

Even ur closest friend in Nigeria could be gay but since it's an anomaly, he'll bottle it up unlike in America and d likes where you get cancelled if you as much as go against LBGTQ.
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by detectivejones: 6:07pm On Nov 03, 2022
I'm not trying to justify the man's action, but what if the daughters are not his but another man's and only the woman is aware of this.
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by Nnamaka1: 6:11pm On Nov 03, 2022
Is it a crime to want the best for your family and give them a better life in the developed countries?

See the way they are addressing their biological father.

Spoilt entitled brats.

Am sure their mother put them up to this. So their mother can't caution them from disrespecting their father and her husband?

When they get to their parents age, they will understand why some people cheat on their partners.

Stupid children!

By the way I am in no way condoning what the father did

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Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by Mindlog: 6:19pm On Nov 03, 2022

True that! Just as we have homosexuality in Israel and Saudi Arabia. Its everywhere, but u know d difference? Homosexuality (like very many other vices) are frowned upon in these countries mentioned (including nigeria), but it's a way of life in america/uk.

Even ur closest friend in Nigeria could be gay but since it's an anomaly, he'll bottle it up unlike in America and d likes where you get cancelled if you as much as go against LBGTQ.

Up to the 1800s, gay sex was punishable by death in the UK and today they are so openly comfortable about it. Two of my female colleagues are both married to women, just as one of the kids who I am presently working with and is 14 years old, born a girl but is presently transiting into a boy.

Africa In the next 50 years, will become more accepting of sexual diversity as the likes of Bobrisky are doing the testing microphone. smiley

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Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by linearity: 6:34pm On Nov 03, 2022

Lets not argue based on assumptions though, as we both cannot verify the property ownership or leasehold. However you do not need to go to court to evict a child over 18 who has no rent agreement or lease even if they pay rent in kind.You only do such if they are adamant on refusal. The rules are there to verify. I stand to be corrected.

I think we are both saying the same thing.

The premises of my previous post is what you had stated bolded above.

It is not necessary to go to Court, even with Tenants when they agree to leave upon notice. But if the child refuses to leave after notice, the Dad cannot throw her out, he have to go through the Court.

Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by lanrefront1(m): 6:37pm On Nov 03, 2022

It is their fight. He is their father.

They have a right to a peaceful family they didn't ask to be born into. If they wish to fight for it, they have a right to. It's their family.

Your thought process is disgusting, damaged and bitter. That is why you're abusing girls you don't even know and will never ever meet. That is also why you are okay with a man destroying his family and your rages are at his daughters for making it known.

Arguing with you is pointless.

You don't have sense.

For the fact that you can't see what's wrong with this, you definitely without a doubt have no sense or emotional intelligence
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by GloriousGbola: 6:38pm On Nov 03, 2022
So there Was a story I read on reddit. This man and woman were divorced years ago , she had custody of the daughter. Apparently there was infidelity on the mother's side years ago. Anyway the man had moved on and remarried, but was also in his daughters life. But the mother was playing games and turning the daughter against the dad. The daughter was always being rude and disrespectful to the dad, his wife and his other kids.

So the man eventually snapped and made it clear. You are 18 now and I do not owe you child support. You are on your own from here on. Go and fund your own college.

Someone posted that these daft girls said their father is just financial support and nothing else. Let the father do the same. Cut off the daft bitches once they are 18. They are legal adults from that point on. Actions have consequences.

They want to play favourites then they can do it all the way. Only the father and mother know the reality and issues of the marriage. For all you know the wife is a shrew who the man has been quietly managing and taking shit from for the sake of the same kids who are disgracing him on SM.

These ones should have had a deadbeat dad then they can really talk shit.

Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by Codes151(m): 6:41pm On Nov 03, 2022

You may not know what the man is going through emotionally in as much as I don’t condone cheating on both sides.

Women cheat and the daughters begging Dad to forgive, but once it’s against Men, the daughters protect their Mother in both cases.

African Men in diaspora who choose not to relocate back home before retirement suffers worst humiliation when the Children ganged up against father.

Leave the grown-up kids and plan for retirement back to Africa and only visit them during family get-together.

Once you relocate abroad for better life and the family settles as Citizens, your mission is completed as a father before the table turns.

Unfortunately, you have no control as the family fully integrated abroad and loneliness is the worst thing that can happen to alpha male.

Think about these:
Will the same daughters go online to expose their Mother for the same reason

No way....for feminine sake and mothers bond.

Would a male Child humiliate his father openly on the same reason

I doubt as well.

Some of these girls may have two boyfriends at a time but they couldn’t see anything wrong in that as long as they play safe.

The man can no longer function in that hostile environment and the best way is home !!!

male kids won't.
Na the one way hold phone Dey vex me. Very insultive.
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by BRATISLAVA: 7:10pm On Nov 03, 2022

Arguing with you is pointless.

You don't have sense.

For the fact that you can't see what's wrong with this, you definitely without a doubt have no sense or emotional intelligence

I have sense. You are the senseless one for opening your useless post in that manner. But what could anyone expect from a stupid person like you? Your kind go around looking for who has sense because you're lacking in the good stuff.

With all your fantasy EQ, you are more idiotic than the foolish man in the video. Even that foolish man knows to keep quiet. But you, beating your hollow cavity devoid of sense, are making noise.

Knuckle dragger. Get back to your cave.

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Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by armyofone(m): 7:20pm On Nov 03, 2022

Unfortunately, no be Nigeria e happen. wink

Yeah, that was why he kept quiet and couldn't even sip his tea in peace grin
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by irunoko(m): 7:22pm On Nov 03, 2022

Wht is your evidence that she planted hatred in their children,why can't the father plant his own too? Didn't they give birth to them together,if he had donee his parenting well, he would have uprooted what the wife planted and replant what he wants, but as always, he was busy in his sidechicks house why his wife raise the children alone
You guys just love accusing women at every opportunity
I didn't face only the mother.i faced the entire family.all of then were wrong
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by 1Sharon(f): 7:30pm On Nov 03, 2022
Foolish kids. Is this how to resolve a family situation, by bringing it to the world?

Do you say the same thing when parents beat and discipline their children on camera?


Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by AfonjaPriest: 7:37pm On Nov 03, 2022
may we not give birth to unfortunate children..
Amen ooooooooooooh!
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by abokikhalifa: 7:37pm On Nov 03, 2022
See how a grown man reduced his own self to nothing in front of his own children. lipsrsealed

That's what happen when a man refuse to be responsible.
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by seunmsg(m): 7:38pm On Nov 03, 2022

Ministry of works indeed. So you're no more an auditor?

Lol. I can bet you’ve never heard of federal audit unit and posting from pool in the federal civil service. Go and learn how the federal civil service works and stop disgracing yourself on a public forum.

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Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by 1Sharon(f): 7:47pm On Nov 03, 2022
Is it a crime to want the best for your family and give them a better life in the developed countries?

See the way they are addressing their biological father.

Spoilt entitled brats.

Am sure their mother put them up to this. So their mother can't caution them from disrespecting their father and her husband?

When they get to their parents age, they will understand why some people cheat on their partners.

Stupid children!

By the way I am in no way condoning what the father did

Pls why do some ppl cheat on their partners?
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by 1Sharon(f): 7:47pm On Nov 03, 2022
They really don't rate their dad lol
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by CorperKola: 7:57pm On Nov 03, 2022
Pretend for a second it was a woman cheating.

We would hear how the man brought her to a foreign country, how she's an ingrate that had been sleeping with men all day everyday, while the Innocent man had been going to slave away to his death at work so that he could give her money.

We would've heard in multiple posts why one must never bring their wife to America. How once women get there they begin to manipulate the system to destroy the mans life. You'd have read all kinds of assumptions to paint women black.

But we won't see that here. Because the posters are largely male, misogynist and generally stupid.

Misogynist forum owned by a misogynist.
Honestly in your mind, turn the situation around and assume it was their mother that they caught cheating, would they have dragged her publicly like this?
Answer honestly please!

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Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by fxexperts: 7:58pm On Nov 03, 2022
may we not give birth to unfortunate children..
Amen oo.. Someone like Brastivila. God forbid.

I hope if it is the mother that cheated and they're bashing her like this, all those people rilled up there will still be supporting her.

Cheating is not normal, and should not be encouraged from both genders. The fact we take it in Nigeria does not make it a norm, in many places you lose your job and friends for Cheating.
As for the dad, if you want respect, respect yourself. It is not rocket science.
They will never do that. i just pity the simp of a man, such height of disrespect.
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by fxexperts: 8:00pm On Nov 03, 2022

Wht is your evidence that she planted hatred in their children,why can't the father plant his own too? Didn't they give birth to them together,if he had donee his parenting well, he would have uprooted what the wife planted and replant what he wants, but as always, he was busy in his sidechicks house why his wife raise the children alone
You guys just love accusing women at every opportunity
She has definitely plnated hatred in the children already.. cant you see from their expression already.


Are we better at raising "morally upright" children in Nigeria? wink
Definely yes.
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by hahn(m): 8:05pm On Nov 03, 2022
They are only saying that because their father is not really rich and they are in the US.

In Uganda their father would have married another wife by now and they won't be able to say sheet

Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by Impostor: 8:18pm On Nov 03, 2022
UnAfrican, disgusting, ridiculous. Totally unacceptable. The danger of raising a family abroad. Japa, Japa....but we forget that children over there are beyond discipline.

Their mother is happy, she's turning the children against him.
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by Ibime(m): 8:39pm On Nov 03, 2022

Do you say the same thing when parents beat and discipline their children on camera?

Parents in that case would be foolish too

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Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by lanrefront1(m): 8:51pm On Nov 03, 2022

I have sense. You are the senseless one for opening your useless post in that manner. But what could anyone expect from a stupid person like you? Your kind go around looking for who has sense because you're lacking in the good stuff.

With all your fantasy EQ, you are more idiotic than the foolish man in the video. Even that foolish man knows to keep quiet. But you, beating your hollow cavity devoid of sense, are making noise.

Knuckle dragger. Get back to your cave.

I'll repeat myself again. If you believe what the daughters did to their dad is okay, you don't have sense.

I pity the man that marries or has married you

So children, even those at 15 years or so have the authority to discipline their father? You're dumber than dumb. Disastrous women waiting to happen to an unlucky man.
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by lanrefront1(m): 8:58pm On Nov 03, 2022

Pls why do some ppl cheat on their partners?

So because a man cheated on his wife, that gives his daughters the right to ridicule, abuse, curse and humiliate him like he's their junior.

God helps the man that marry some of u ladies
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by Nnamaka1: 9:01pm On Nov 03, 2022

Pls why do some ppl cheat on their partners?

Let me tell you a short story. Maybe you might get my point.
I am not condoning cheating, but sometimes that could be the only way of escape to get temporary happiness

When I was a kid in the early 80s, I use to tell on my big brother whenever he brings female friends to the house and my parents weren't home. And one day after my parents have scolded him because I have done amebo as usual, he came to my room and said to me don't worry you will soon get to my age and we shall see how you behave too.

And fast forward to the 90s I got to his age and I now know why he keeps female friends.

The point I am trying to make is that until you live in someone's circumstances you might not be able to understand why they do what they do.

I have a sister that I thought was a virgin and a SU , honestly I could have vouch with my life for her purity until her childhood best friend came to announce to us that my sister was sleeping with her husband. I almost died from shock.

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Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by Mindlog: 9:22pm On Nov 03, 2022
She has definitely plnated hatred in the children already.. cant you see from their expression already.

Definely yes.

cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by Kobojunkie: 9:25pm On Nov 03, 2022
Definely yes.
That is a bloody lie! undecided
A glance at the responses on this thread alone reveals where the moral compass of the average Nigerian, the majority raised in Nigeria too. lies and it is not pointing towards "upright" at all. undecided


Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by brutustech: 9:28pm On Nov 03, 2022
Unfortunate children
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by Thazard(m): 10:01pm On Nov 03, 2022
Rubbish kids if I m the father I will throw you to trenches and marry the side chick. You tfhinks it's easy out there! When you test the trenches you will come and apologize
Re: ‘I Want To Kill You Dad’: Kid Says After Catching Him Cheating On Her Mum(video) by WillyCassey: 10:04pm On Nov 03, 2022
Amen oo.. Someone like Brastivila. God forbid.

They will never do that. i just pity the simp of a man, such height of disrespect.

He should have respected himself first. Respect is earned.

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