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What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories - Family (7) - Nairaland

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Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by erico2k2(m): 2:12pm On Nov 11, 2022
Oh, that was you challenging me? undecided
How does science solve the problem that is baby factories in Nigeria? undecided
Improving IVF awareness and enlightening people as to what options there out there when it comes to having a baby. You spread this information through social media and mass campaign. Benightment is done through social engineering which in turn is social science.
NEXT wink
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by Kobojunkie: 2:58pm On Nov 11, 2022

Improving IVF awareness and enlightening people as to what options there out there when it comes to having a baby. You spread this information through social media and mass campaign. Benightment is done through social engineering which in turn is social science.
NEXT wink
We have already been through how IVF is not what is referred to as baby factories in Nigeria, and already delved a bit into how IVF cannot be a replacement. So try again! undecided
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by erico2k2(m): 3:45pm On Nov 11, 2022
We have already been through how IVF is not what is referred to as baby factories in Nigeria, and already delved a bit into how IVF cannot be a replacement. So try again! undecided
you are degreasing read what I wrote again, I'm saying if Govt enlighten people more on IVF surrogacy, donor eggs, eggs freezing etc no one will go to baby factories as IVF and surrogacy gives a better and more legitimate outcome. How is this hard to understand?
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by Kobojunkie: 3:51pm On Nov 11, 2022
▪︎you are degreasing read what I wrote again, I'm saying
▪︎ if Govt enlighten people more on IVF surrogacy, donor eggs, eggs freezing etc no one will go to baby factories as IVF and surrogacy gives a better and more legitimate outcome.
▪︎How is this hard to understand?
▪︎ You can't conveniently ignore the core reasons for why people seek out baby factories in order that you can assert your solution as the one for all. Please go back through and carefully consider some of the reasons already noted for why baby factories continue to thrive and tailor your scientific solutions to those. . undecided

For instance, a) how does science provide babies needed by the ritualists in their many rituals? undecided
b)How does science solve the issue that our "barren" wife who is about to be kicked out of her husband's house under false claims? undecided
c) how does science stop the kidnapping and raping of girls in those baby factories? .....and so on. undecided

▪︎ Don't drag government into this as though by doing so all problem automagically dissolves away. You stated that science has solutions for all so I am looking forward to reading exactly how you have science solving this here issue. undecided
▪︎ it's not my understanding that is the problem here but yours. You claimed science solves 99% so let's see science resolve 99% of this. undecided
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by erico2k2(m): 4:55pm On Nov 11, 2022
▪︎ You can't conveniently ignore the core reasons for why people seek out baby factories in order that you can assert your solution as the one for all. Please go back through and carefully consider some of the reasons already noted for why baby factories continue to thrive and tailor your scientific solutions to those. . undecided

For instance, a) how does science provide babies needed by the ritualists in their many rituals? undecided
b)How does science solve the issue that our "barren" wife who is about to be kicked out of her husband's house under false claims? undecided
c) how does science stop the kidnapping and raping of girls in those baby factories? .....and so on. undecided

▪︎ Don't drag government into this as though by doing so all problem automagically dissolves away. You stated that science has solutions for all so I am looking forward to reading exactly how you have science solving this here issue. undecided
▪︎ it's not my understanding that is the problem here but yours. You claimed science solves 99% so let's see science resolve 99% of this. undecided
How does ritualise amount to a personal problem if not lebbeled as greed?
All them problems can be solved by benightment.
If we have good technology ransom money will be traced, your cell phone used in demanding for ransom will be traced less than an hour#
Society Ills are usually solved by enlightens; how do you expect to enlighten people when any form of science is not involved.
Let me give U a simple example back in the old days a woman kept giving birth to kids who die b4 they get to 14, she labelled a witch and driven out of the community, banished. Out of 9 kids she got, only two survived.it was later in life and due to awareness both kids realized they are AA and Mum and Dad where AX, sickle cell carrier. This misery was solved by science, this story is very close to home for me.
BAck to your question How does science provide babies used for ritualist? Who want to solve that kinda problem when its due to pure greed and evil?
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by Kobojunkie: 5:12pm On Nov 11, 2022

How does ritualise amount to a personal problem if not lebbeled as greed?
All them problems can be solved by benightment.
If we have good technology ransom money will be traced, your cell phone used in demanding for ransom will be traced less than an hour#
Society Ills are usually solved by enlightens; how do you expect to enlighten people when any form of science is not involved.

Let me give U a simple example back in the old days a woman kept giving birth to kids who die b4 they get to 14, she labelled a witch and driven out of the community, banished. Out of 9 kids she got, only two survived.it was later in life and due to awareness both kids realized they are AA and Mum and Dad where AX, sickle cell carrier. This misery was solved by science, this story is very close to home for me.
BAck to your question How does science provide babies used for ritualist? Who want to solve that kinda problem when its due to pure greed and evil?
You said science could solve 99% of the problem that is Nigeria, so I am looking forward to reading how you solve the problem that is baby factories(their ritualist clients as well) in Nigeria using science. undecided
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by erico2k2(m): 11:28pm On Nov 11, 2022
You said science could solve 99% of the problem that is Nigeria, so I am looking forward to reading how you solve the problem that is baby factories(their ritualist clients as well) in Nigeria using science. undecided
Well that's hearsay, I don't know anyone who has that problem, or do you know anyone who has a problem of getting babies to do rituals?
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by Kobojunkie: 12:26am On Nov 12, 2022

Well that's hearsay, I don't know anyone who has that problem, or do you know anyone who has a problem of getting babies to do rituals?
Heresay? In Nigeria? You really have no real clue about anything Nigeria, do you? undecided
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by erico2k2(m): 12:30am On Nov 12, 2022
Heresay? In Nigeria? You really have no real clue about anything Nigeria, do you? undecided
Well prove me wrong, do you know one personally?
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by Kobojunkie: 12:32am On Nov 12, 2022
Well prove me wrong, do you know one personally?
Do I need to know one personally before we accept it is a real problem in Nigeria? undecided
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by erico2k2(m): 1:19am On Nov 12, 2022
Do I need to know one personally before we accept it is a real problem in Nigeria? undecided
yes, if not its hearsay, hearsay is 2nd hand news
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by Kobojunkie: 1:28am On Nov 12, 2022

yes, if not its hearsay, hearsay is 2nd hand news
Abeg please! Use Google to search stories about the use of babies in rituals and put 2 and 2 together in figuring out where those babies could have been sourced. undecided
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by erico2k2(m): 1:39am On Nov 12, 2022
Abeg please! Use Google to search stories about the use of babies in rituals and put 2 and 2 together in figuring out where those babies could have been sourced. undecided
Nah since u do not have 1st hand info, it can pass, I don't have 1st hand info apart from hearsay
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by Kobojunkie: 1:41am On Nov 12, 2022
Nah since u do not have 1st hand info, it can pass, I don't have 1st hand info apart from hearsay
LOL.... just say you have no answer and stop wasting both of our times abeg! undecided
Re: What Happens To The Babies Born In Baby Factories by erico2k2(m): 1:43am On Nov 12, 2022
LOL.... just say you have no answer and stop wasting both of our times abeg! undecided
waste time lol O got time

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