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Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant - Agriculture - Nairaland

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Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Chabigeorges: 11:44pm On Jan 04, 2023

Please can you help me for my project of 20 hectares of egusi plant?

My problem is weed management. How do you control it? Does it exist any selective herbicid for egusi plant?
.thank you

Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Riverville(m): 11:52pm On Jan 04, 2023
Dont really know. After brushing, before you plant. Allow the weed to grow a bit. Then mis glysphote and 24D, spray properly then plant. I don't think weed will bother it till harvest
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Nigerfine3: 3:56am On Jan 06, 2023
Please where are your location, I want to plant Egusi too. What month do you plant
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Tohsynetita1: 4:35am On Jan 06, 2023
Use Fusilade forte or force uron or you mulch it.
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by OluchiDelly: 9:03am On Jan 06, 2023
Use Fusilade forte or force uron or you mulch it.

This is misleading.
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Nigerfine3: 5:15pm On Jan 06, 2023

This is misleading.
Do you have good suggestions please
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Tohsynetita1: 7:41pm On Jan 06, 2023

This is misleading.
you mean mulching can't avoid weed?
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by OluchiDelly: 10:56pm On Jan 06, 2023

you mean mulching can't avoid weed?

1. Well, i dont know the type of of mulching u are talking about. Whether mulchinng film or dry grasses, none is even applicable here as the OP is talking about 50 acres(not 5) of melon farm(not cucumber, tomatoes and the likes).

2. Be careful with the chemicals you recommend on line, wrong prescription can ruin multi milion naira project. To the 2 herbicides you recommended above, Fulsilade is only applicable if the weed on his farm is >90% grasses. It does not kill broadleaves. i used to buy a bottle around 10k which can serves one acre. imagine the OP has more of broadleaf weeds on his farm and he ignorantly takes your advice and buys 50 bottles for the 50 acres...almost N500K fruitless venture...after spraying, the weeds will still be smiling. To the 2nd herbicide you mentioned, it is more applicable for root crops: cassava, yam, ginger, etc. I have used diff brands of it...forceuron, royaluron, etc. none of these manufacturers mentioned melon. Let's be guided, peace.

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Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Chabigeorges: 1:24am On Jan 07, 2023
Thank you for your recommendation.
My project is 20 hectares i cannot mulch it. I was expecting a product that can help me in the weed management.


1. Well, i dont know the type of of mulching u are talking about. Whether mulchinng film or dry grasses, none is even applicable here as the OP is talking about 50 acres(not 5) of melon farm(not cucumber, tomatoes and the likes).

2. Be careful with the chemicals you recommend on line, wrong prescription can ruin multi milion naira project. To the 2 herbicides you recommended above, Fulsilade is only applicable if the weed on his farm is >90% grasses. It does not kill broadleaves. i used to buy a bottle around 10k which can serves one acre. imagine the OP has more of broadleaf weeds on his farm and he ignorantly takes your advice and buys 50 bottles for the 50 acres...almost N500K fruitless venture...after spraying, the weeds will still be smiling. To the 2nd herbicide you mentioned, it is more applicable for root crops: cassava, yam, ginger, etc. I have used diff brands of it...forceuron, royaluron, etc. none of these manufacturers mentioned melon. Let's be guided, peace.
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Chabigeorges: 1:26am On Jan 07, 2023
Egusi plant can be profitable if you manage to control the weeds. But it can be messy because sometims you won't find enough manpower to get rid of the grasses.
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Nigerfine3: 6:14am On Jan 07, 2023
Egusi plant can be profitable if you manage to control the weeds. But it can be messy because sometims you won't find enough manpower to get rid of the grasses.
Please where is your location, when did you planted? What is the best time to plant? I’m interested in this just as much as you did
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by wapo: 8:58pm On Jan 07, 2023
Use Fusilade forte or force uron or you mulch it.
Any chemical that contains diuron and atrazine is not good for melon, pepper and tomato,it can even kill the melon, melon belongs to broadleaf categories,using diuron and atrazine as pre emergency and post emergency can kill themelon
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by wapo: 8:59pm On Jan 07, 2023
Use Fusilade forte or force uron or you mulch it.
Any chemical that contains diuron and atrazine is not good for melon, pepper and tomato,it can even kill the melon, melon belongs to broadleaf categories,using diuron and atrazine as pre emergency and post emergency can kill the melon
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Chabigeorges: 2:53pm On Jan 20, 2023
Any chemical that contains diuron and atrazine is not good for melon, pepper and tomato,it can even kill the melon, melon belongs to broadleaf categories,using diuron and atrazine as pre emergency and post emergency can kill the melon

.so no solution for selective herbicide for melon if i understand.?
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by Hatesin: 3:26pm On Jan 20, 2023
Please where are your location, I want to plant Egusi too. What month do you plant

Op please respond to this!!!
Re: Selective Herbicid For Egusi Plant by yomie040(m): 5:56pm On Jan 20, 2023
There is no formulated or tank mixture selective post-emergence herbicide for melon. All the above recommended herbicides will sure ruin your investment for reasons few guys here had stated.

However, after land preparation (plough or ridging as the case maybe - that is your choice), allow the first flush of weed to emerge, thereafter do a tank mixture of Paraquat and metolachlor, and spray the field before or 2-3days after planting the melon.

This will take care of the field, making it weed free for the next 7 weeks.

Ensure to plant your 20 Hectares of field in succession, that will keep you on top of weed management.


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