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Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:47pm On Jan 07, 2023 |
jaephoenix: My response to your question is not meant for only you but for interested followers of my thread so if you like don't even read through talkless meditating on the quoted scriptures, deserving ones will read, study, meditate and pray so as to grasp it for their own personal benefits! John 8:32 Promise of everlasting life! ©The dead will be called back to life ~Job 14:13-15 compare to John 5:28-29 © Paradise on a peaceful earth with no evildoers ~ Psalms 37:7-9, 29 © Wicked people will be removed for good on planet earth ~ Proverbs 2:20-22 © We will build houses of our taste and live as long as we desire ~ Isaiah 65:21-23 © Oldage will be no more and we will forever remain youthful ~ Job 33:25 © Death will be no more ~ Isaiah 25:8; Revelations 21:3-5 Do you want more? ![]() 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by jaephoenix(m): 6:34am On Jan 08, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:Allah gave his goons similar promises. Why should I believe this one and ignore Allah's ? |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:41am On Jan 08, 2023 |
jaephoenix:Good! It's not only Allah that promised it's worshipers many other Gods of the nations also promised their worshipers. So back your question: Why believe (trust) in Jehovah's promises and ignore all other Gods? You have many friends, right? If they're all making promises is it reasonable to trust (believe) in the ones who has never fulfilled any of their promises when there's one particular friend of yours who always keep to his words? Why should you doubt the only friend who has never failed in fulfilling any of his promises and most especially when there's no hope? ![]() 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: JW 010 by jaephoenix(m): 7:55am On Jan 08, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:So how many of yhwh's promises has he fulfilled? |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 8:06am On Jan 08, 2023 |
jaephoenix:All His promises except the once i listed which will be global and all those living will benefit! ![]() 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by jaephoenix(m): 8:56am On Jan 08, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:Bro Max, please be specific about the promises fulfilled |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:40am On Jan 08, 2023 |
jaephoenix: Jehovah promised the Israelites so many things and fulfilled it but all that is none of my concern because it's from what He promised faithful people from other nations that i could benefit! He promised to organize Jews who will go and teach people of other nations about Him! Zechariah 8:23 He promised that after these Jews have trained people from different races they will become preachers and teachers in their own lands and start helping honest hearted and sincere individuals also to join the one big and happy family of peace loving worshipers! Malachi 3:16 He promised that faithful people throughout the earth will be gathered together and perfect understanding will occur among them! Zephaniah 3:9 He promised that these people from different nationalities will use what they found in His words to teach themselves {Isaiah 2:2-3} and the result is they will resolve all their disparities among themselves, divert their resources into production of food and information materials, erase the making, buying, selling and usage of weapons among themselves and vow never to raise weapons against anyone again! Isaiah 2:4 He promised to continue passing timely information to His faithful and loyal ones so that while others are confused about their future and began using weapons to kill one another {Revelations 6:3-4} His own worshipers will have the same line of thought {John 17:22} and have LOVE among themselves! John 13:34-35 All these JEHOVAH is fulfilling throughout the earth today and no sincere individual can say he or she doesn't notice JWs doing this now. Please ask worshipers of any other God to tell you what is their God has promised that's happening now! ![]() |
Re: JW 010 by jaephoenix(m): 11:02am On Jan 08, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:Can you point out one verse, just one, that said the chosen people of god is JWs? |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 12:22pm On Jan 08, 2023 |
jaephoenix: Isaiah 43:10; Hebrews 12:1 WE ARE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES! ![]() |
Re: JW 010 by jaephoenix(m): 12:33pm On Jan 08, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:Lol. Max ![]() ![]() I saw witnesses. Anybody can claim to be called by yhwh and quote different parts of the Bible. Heck, I can commit murder and quote the Bible as back up |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 1:01pm On Jan 08, 2023 |
That group name was CODED! The group name "CHRISTIANS" was adopted in Antioch when observers noticed the first century followers of Christ {Act 11:26} doing the works Jesus commissioned {Matthew 28:19-20; Act 1:8} but Jesus foretold that Satan will initiate his own agents right in the midst of true believers {Matthew 13:25} so what group name will they also claim if not "Christians"? That's why JEHOVAH waited for almost 2,000 years so that after Satan's agents have polluted that group name then JEHOVAH began calling His loyal ones out from under Satan's blindfolded religionists {Revelations 18:4} the hidden name all false religions can't bear now is JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES! Isaiah 65:15 That's why Jesus is speedily separating us from them to the extent that everywhere you go all religionists on this planet keep talking about the one and only organization that's different in a unique way from all others {Matthew 5:13-16} so when you hear them maliciously saying evil things against us it's not that we claimed to be perfect but they can all see the difference between the groups of imperfect humans the one that's doing God's will and the rest that can't present any evidence of their good WORKS as a group! James 2:18-26 ![]() jaephoenix: 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by jaephoenix(m): 5:13pm On Jan 08, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:Where is evidence of the bolded? And why do you think the devil hasn't 'polluted' this group again? All we see is news of these select group mol@sting kids. I mean verified news 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:00pm On Jan 08, 2023 |
jaephoenix: You've said it all "You see NEWS" ![]() When you hear people publicizing stories from far away lands against a religion but you have members of this same religion within your own neighbourhood yet such report is rare in their midst you should know that something is wrong nah! Below are African pedophiles but how many are JWs? ![]() 1 Like
Re: JW 010 by jaephoenix(m): 9:50pm On Jan 08, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:1. So those news sources are carrying fake news, right? 2. What if I have no JWs around me? 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:28am On Jan 09, 2023 |
jaephoenix: It's about exaggeration nah! JWs are people like you and i who have been in one shameful habit or another before they heard what convinced them about an organization of God's people so if they decide to join that isn't a guarantee that their former habits will vanish instantly, NO! Each will have to start fighting within himself or herself {Romans 7:15-25} how to leave it behind so as to fit in to the personality they're trying to build! Ephesians 4:22-24 But when churchgoers who were taught that it's automatic transformation as soon as they become Christians now see any JW fall back to his or her sinful flesh they will start to carry the story even add to it as if that's what the organization approves. If you don't have JWs around you then you can't conclude yet remember as an atheist you don't believe in the existence of God because you never seen any but you have been HEARING people talking about God all around you! ![]() 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by jaephoenix(m): 11:29pm On Jan 09, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:How can the only true organization of god have members that are rapists? Aren't they supposed to be 'christ-like'? 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:37am On Jan 10, 2023 |
jaephoenix: They weren't born Christlike from birth they're normal humans from different races and background with sinful traits like everyone else so when they choose to follow Christ's way of life their Old personality doesn't vanish instantly NO! They continue fighting against it like someone washing his dirty clothes until it's made clean. One more thing you need to know, Christlike doesn't mean perfect rather it means readiness to make amendments in all that isn't born according to the will of God. 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by SeniorMan715(m): 10:50am On Feb 09, 2023 |
The way you explain and answer questions, sometimes i wonder if truly you are a human or an angel. You know everything. MaxInDHouse: |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:39am On Feb 09, 2023 |
SeniorMan715: Wow! You really flatter me SeniorMan! I was taught just like everyone else {1Corinthians 4:7} so i'm in no way special you can become better than me if only you listen to JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES with strong faith that God surely has an organization of faithful worshipers! John 17:20-23 Whenever i'm responding to atheists i always try not to look into their sinful traits but the inner person they are because i can bear them witness that most of them got fed up with lies and frustration in false religions! ![]() |
Re: JW 010 by jaephoenix(m): 2:15pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
SeniorMan715:More like an ignorant bot 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 3:16pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
jaephoenix: Ọmọ wisdom is justified by her children, i know you're seriously disturbed that a religionist could prove to be smarter and much more intelligent than you. Well i will love it if you don't feel offended by our wisdom because that will make you a terrorist in disguise. If someone doesn't agree with you that shouldn't make you attack him it's a free world where people live with different mindsets so my guy live and let live! ![]() |
Re: JW 010 by terrezo2002(m): 3:56pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
Truvelisback:He is not a Christian. He is a JW. They don't regard themselves as one of you. They are on their own. Masters of twisters of the scriptures 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:05pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
terrezo2002:If those claiming Christians fail to agree on the terms and conditions of worship among themselves please count us out we are Jehovah's Witnesses! John 17:22 ![]() |
Re: JW 010 by terrezo2002(m): 4:11pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:Exactly what JW does. Disagreeing on biblical terms. 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:20pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
terrezo2002:That's exactly what all the rival sects in the first century said about Jesus and his disciples but funny enough none of them agree with the other on terms and conditions of worship despite meeting in the same temple with Jesus. The only evidence Jesus had back then was the unity among his own disciples and their works as preachers and teachers of God's word among the Jews. The Pharisees also claim that their disciples are performing miracles in the name of the God of Moses. But at pentecost 33 ce God chose just one group and baptized them with His Holy Spirit all the Jews then realized that the only approved group are those practicing what Jesus laid down. Present a group that agrees to work for God and what they're able to achieve as evidence that God's Holy Spirit is working with them. You and i have our copies of the Bible so we can confirm what Jesus said about his disciples during the endtime. Thanks in advance! ![]() |
Re: JW 010 by terrezo2002(m): 4:42pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:Your testimony is that you guys are multiplying. Islam too multiplies. Cult groups multiply. Christians share real testimonies of the works of the Holy spirit in them. 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by TenQ: 5:02pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
Truvelisback:I don't blame him, 1. He has never been used by God for anything, therefore he doesn't believe in miracles 2. Some of the charlatans parading themselves as pastors have with their lifestyles make unbelievers and especially JW skeptical of every true miracle 3. Even amongst true believers, miracles is not meant for personal consumption even though it happens. The more we are outdoors preaching the Word, the more Gods miracles get given through ALL his Children and especially through those that have received the grace. For the JW: If the foundation DOESN'T exist, nothing feasible can be built on it. They don't even know Jesus, it's not surprising that Christ never work through them 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:18pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
terrezo2002: Ọmọ we are JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES present your organization and what you are doing as foretold by Christ Jesus jàre! ![]() |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:29pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
Ọmọ humble yourself and learn! Read what another observer typed about me after reading how i calmly defended the truth of God's word: SeniorMan715: Ọmọ tears ran down my cheeks as i felt so flattered. Me "Maximus" an insolent and violent man in the past now typed what is bringing hope and joy to faithful people to the extent that a lady once professed her love for me publicly on this same forum now somebody said about Maximus: "i wonder if truly you are a human or an angel. You know everything" Please go and find your kind Max is here making disciples for my Master Lord and King Christ Jesus hoping to see them become better Bible scholars than me. Jehovah's Witnesses, my God will continue to bless you guys for locating me! ![]() TenQ:
Re: JW 010 by terrezo2002(m): 6:26pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. My organisation is the church of Jesus Christ. I don't know what organisation you guys are forming outside the church of Christ 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by TenQ: 6:38pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse:I dont expect you to understand anything spiritual What is PRAYER of Supplication? If God will not listen to you, why complain like Cain? Those of us that God uses in the miraculous give thanks to Him, for we are mere Servants and most importantly we have our names written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Stop complaining and Please go get your own Oil! 1 Like |
Re: JW 010 by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:04pm On Feb 09, 2023 |
I am Maximus one of Jehovah's Witnesses! ![]() terrezo2002: TenQ: 1 Like |
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