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I've Been Learning Ruby On Rails For The Past 5 Monthsany Ruby On Rails Dev Here - Programming - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Programming / I've Been Learning Ruby On Rails For The Past 5 Monthsany Ruby On Rails Dev Here (377 Views)

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I've Been Learning Ruby On Rails For The Past 5 Monthsany Ruby On Rails Dev Here by melexchi(m): 9:51pm On Jan 28, 2023
I've been learning Ruby on Rails for the past 5months now and it's kind of hard for me cos it's hard finding projects, tho I know most of the syntax but building projects is my problem because I don't know how to fix logics due to lack of materials on YouTube

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Re: I've Been Learning Ruby On Rails For The Past 5 Monthsany Ruby On Rails Dev Here by LikeAking: 10:02pm On Jan 28, 2023
I've been learning Ruby on Rails for the past 5months now and it's kind of hard for me cos it's hard finding projects, tho I know most of the syntax but building projects is my problem because I don't know how to fix logics due to lack of materials on YouTube

Na small small
Re: I've Been Learning Ruby On Rails For The Past 5 Monthsany Ruby On Rails Dev Here by demmyhandsome(m): 3:43pm On Feb 01, 2023
Check odin project website, they have ruby on rails course and project to build after taking the course

All for free!
Re: I've Been Learning Ruby On Rails For The Past 5 Monthsany Ruby On Rails Dev Here by Jahzrockballer(m): 4:54pm On Feb 01, 2023
I've been learning Ruby on Rails for the past 5months now and it's kind of hard for me cos it's hard finding projects, tho I know most of the syntax but building projects is my problem because I don't know how to fix logics due to lack of materials on YouTube
Hello bro, I'm a Ruby on rails developer.

Check these out:

theodinproject.com(i used this)

you can hit me up on WhatsApp[09130109142] let's connect, I'd be willing to help any way i can

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