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How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? - Business (7) - Nairaland

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Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by CartelKenneth: 6:54pm On Feb 06, 2023

Come and lecture me about this opay thing.
How do I add money to my opay account?

You are very stupid o u don’t know how to use ordinary Opay
Better go back to kindergarten

Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by Paracetamol01: 6:57pm On Feb 06, 2023
4k for 20...... portharcourt
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by CartelKenneth: 7:00pm On Feb 06, 2023
Yesterday evening. 300 for 5k. Na my wife POS o!

When u reach house beat hell out of her
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by broadman20: 7:12pm On Feb 06, 2023
you are hypocrite here cos some pple use that tag often on nairaland u don pin am for Yoruba some of d criminal atrocities reported in d South West na Only Yoruba de do am...

You are the problem of this country called Nigeria,

I identified all the crimes and area it's happening in Nigeria.

You know your people are good and dirty SKULL MININERS why are you fighting the truth?

Oya keep deceiving yourself naa.

One day you will even fight with God the day he will address you with what you are known for.

HYPOCRITES thinking the world doesn't know them.

Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by francisMKD(m): 7:41pm On Feb 06, 2023
Here POS don't have cash to dispense sef... Makurdi Benue State isn't easy.. today it was a protest for commercial buses and Keke.,we trekked or took bike at exobirant charges. On top no light!!

Shaking my head!!
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by Edipet(m): 8:11pm On Feb 06, 2023
Nigerians are too weak mentally and not intelligent at all. They allow people cheat them because they too believe they will cheat the next person by inflating the price of their goods or service & at the end of it all, they remain in circles. Why will a normal functioning citizens allow POS agents to cheat him with 10% in the guise of withdrawing your hard earned money? Majority of the POS outlets are owned by the so called greedy and selfish bankers.

The day I finally realized that nigerians love to suffer in the hands of their oppressors is this common response in local parlance "waiting we go do na. We go still buy am even though the price change from #200 to #2000 over night. We no go eat our money na. Hunger and disunity among followers are the weapons politicians uses to hook nigerians in the throat & is working well. Nigerians love food so much that you can call a few among them to disorganized an entire group. ENDSARS is an example. Resilient in Nigerian is not courage but stupidity.

I hate POS & I have never put my life in a position to use them. I still wonder till this moment how I survive in Nigeria without a single stress despite the fact that I don't even have money nor beg. I leave within my means & no faking life.
I suppose like this your comment for 20x
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by philisto: 8:39pm On Feb 06, 2023
100 per 1000
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by Pastoshizzy(m): 8:44pm On Feb 06, 2023

When u reach house beat hell out of her
GOD have mercy on you.
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by fobuah8(m): 9:22pm On Feb 06, 2023
2k for 10k
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by snoopz: 9:28pm On Feb 06, 2023
I say make I test this pos guy with 5k he say 4h for 5k I wan mad Na small remain make I deck am... I sha jejely go GT go line up collect money after lining up for 2hrs
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by SensetionalGoal(m): 10:15pm On Feb 06, 2023
I say make I test this pos guy with 5k he say 4h for 5k I wan mad Na small remain make I deck am... I sha jejely go GT go line up collect money after lining up for 2hrs

You for deck am naa! do you know how much the POS guy paid to even get the cash to service you ungrateful lots...

You guys should be thanking those POS guys they have been saving many of us here since banks has refused to pay people their money
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by odinga1of: 10:41pm On Feb 06, 2023

Trans Amadi (Port Harcourt)

Hmmmm e don red ooooo
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by OGHENAOGIE(m): 3:29am On Feb 07, 2023

You are the problem of this country called Nigeria,

I identified all the crimes and area it's happening in Nigeria.

You know your people are good and dirty SKULL MININERS why are you fighting the truth?

Oya keep deceiving yourself naa.

One day you will even fight with God the day he will address you with what you are known for.

HYPOCRITES thinking the world doesn't know them.
the rubbish you just shared shows how foolish you are no point engaging any longer continue to live in your fools paradise...
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by broadman20: 3:52am On Feb 07, 2023
the rubbish you just shared shows how foolish you are no point engaging any longer continue to live in your fools paradise...

The truth is always painful to the one doing things wrongly.

Old African proverb.

No be me talk am......
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by WelcomeToBiafra: 4:40am On Feb 07, 2023


I guess you are talking about most of you living in Nigeria who are beclouded by emotions and sentiments.

Who are the people who will champion the new nation?

Are they from the moon?

Are they not the same people indulge in illicit activities and corruption?

I know that the Fulanis are killing people everywhere in Nigeria, but what about most of our people hiding under the pretense and doing their own bidding.

[s]What we need in Nigeria is RESTRUCTURING not all these break up you people are shouting up and down.[/s]

We will end up being worst off, just bet me.

Broda o, was it not the same restructuring that caused 1960 war that Nigeria & Britain were massacring Biafrans both children and adults?
You see as you people are attacking Biafrans that are agitating for referendum; very soon A door and windows for referendum will close, in nearest future all of you will be begging for this referendum, when Biafrans will start throwing stones at corrupt Nigerians politicians in Biafra, nobody should complain oo.

Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by Reference(m): 8:06am On Feb 07, 2023
Naira losing value against Naira.
Discovery Channel should investigate the depth of despair this government has plunged Nigeria into.

A government that has bungled every act of governance known to mankind. Nothing it has successfully undertaken, absolutely nothing.
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by Mrcritic2: 10:03am On Feb 07, 2023

And she can't transfer?
for market
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by space9880: 8:09pm On Feb 07, 2023
So I went to withdraw Transport for me and my wife today. I was pained when I was told 600 naira charges for 3k.

Deep down I was burning 🔥 but I had no option.

How much are you charged in your area
1k 300 3k 900
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by DyshApp: 8:40pm On Feb 07, 2023
3000 for 10,000
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by okooloyun1(m): 11:58pm On Feb 07, 2023
N1,250 for 5k
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by ajoyeleke(m): 6:38am On Feb 08, 2023
bro you fit conect me with pos agent me too get cash like 700k may i want selll

are u in ibadan, make I buy?
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by Stevengold(m): 7:26am On Feb 08, 2023
1k 300 3k 900

Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by space9880: 8:32am On Feb 08, 2023

Yes bro. 5000 wey I withdraw na 3500 reach my hand the rest na charge 😢
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by OvertheTop(m): 1:06pm On Feb 09, 2023
Well i operate pos and making money the chargers I give to people is not their problem as what is important to them is having cash at hand as I server as a saviour to the area because I operate a maga store that I always hav cash ,its said that Ala adighi nma bu uru ndi nze ( chaotic moment is an advantage to the elders of the village) ]now I am rationing it to make sure that it gets to everybody as I'm talking to you I don't give more than 3,000 because I don't want to give too much money to one person and others remain I am not enjoying the situation it is becoming totally unbecoming

The Question is:
How much do you charge / 1k
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by OvertheTop(m): 1:12pm On Feb 09, 2023
Where in the world would this not happen? Have you ever stepped out of your village or state to conclude other people don't hoard? Did the average Nigerian create the scarcity? I was in Europe during the Covid 19 and humans are humans everywhere. Bash the incompetent leaders and stop talking bullshit.

During Covid, People Abroad were Hoarding Nose-mask and the likes
it's a Human thing to survive while others should die if they like
Re: How Much Do POS Operators Charge In Your Vicinity? by OvertheTop(m): 1:14pm On Feb 09, 2023
Went to d mkt on Saturday to get some stuffs...told d woman selling fish if she will accept transfer..she said yes but she will charge 1k for #4500, I begged her to collect #500, she no gree...naso I waka go house empty handed without buying anything ooo
Couldn't make anything during the weekend

its her loss...

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