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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! (4706387 Views)
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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Nobody: 3:46pm On May 15, 2023 |
eben97:Good Afternoon. Try to establish a routine before sleep time for,example a warm bath plus baby massage then story time and a cuddle.Baby will get used to it but if you do different things each time they tend to get confused. Also after the meal do you burb till you hear gas escape?.I only ask as you said he eats plenty it can be quite uncomfortable and then he cannot sleep. I do not know how normal human beings sleep but i can advise that you do not give your baby honey till they turn one year old. 1 Like |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Florblu(f): 2:03pm On May 16, 2023 |
Good afternoon everyone, Please when can a baby start using a walker? |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by eben97: 6:00pm On May 16, 2023 |
Tutu82:thank you ma'am.first paragraph well understood.will try lecture madam over that .quite surprised that the kids too understand patterns and time table !!. On 2nd paragraph,we notice he eats very little at a time and this can suck intermittently.He hardly sucks for long,(I also noticed the father too does same ,my eating habit hmm..I can't sit down to eat a load at once no matter how hungry I am, I would have to stop by a little and return back to meals again). Thirdly ,his sleep is quite short , say 25-30mins max, and bro wakes up to meal.For days now he doesn't take afternoon naps, he stays wide alert , disturbing the mum to the extent she can't even have time to cook or wash(if there are no helps at home ). I lend helping hands in babysiting as I am a bit good in that area whenever I am at home and sometimes do some men's kinda cooking before going to work,He is just very active and his sleep is quite short ,these are my areas of concern.How can the mum solve this puzzles ? |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Nobody: 6:36pm On May 16, 2023 |
eben97:Yep kids understand patterns and time table and the sooner you start the sooner you can rest. Be happy he is active that is a good thing. Well done daddy,and you are co parenting too not “helping” as the child belongs to you both. There really is no magic formula and the puzzle does not have a solution just a bit of tips here and there to help. 2 Likes |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by eben97: 7:05pm On May 16, 2023 |
Tutu82:okay ma'am, it's not been easy sha , carrying your baby and singing all the church songs I know for him to sleep or even take the pap from the feeding bottle !!hmmm... Good experience and funny at the same time(considering my office )but Sha na we two do the job so I see this as an opportunity to bond, be a better husband and father too.Boy is just too hyper active ...his parents lineage are military so I am not surprised.Thank you for the response.mungode dayewa . 2 Likes |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Nobody: 7:11pm On May 16, 2023 |
eben97: You have said it all. When you sing all the church songs and run out add your tribal songs plus nursery rhymes from when you were in School. Raising a child is no joke and am proud of you,mum must be too. Is there a relative to help besides yourself?.You sound a tad stressed especially when you said considering my office. 1 Like |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by eben97: 7:23pm On May 16, 2023 |
Tutu82:we. Are strangers here ,work transfer things ,the culture of the people sef no too match ours ,big daughter goes to school to return back eve hrs but by the time she's back. Mama is already very stressed up.i really pity my love o, I really respect women with what she's going Tru under the stables of this small general !! The boy strength too much, so we both just run shifts ,I just have to join hands with her before the small general makes his mum my hard earned wife runs mad !! I can't be running around to go look for another wife oo, I know what I went through to get this fine one. 4 Likes |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by eben97: 7:25pm On May 16, 2023 |
I have also told her, with the way he is been monitored like this at 7montjs , that means by the time he starts crawling, WE WOULD BE NEEDING TWO MOBILE POLIVW MWN (MOPOL)TO ALWAYS BE AT ALERT OVER HIM 😆 1 Like |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Bennytwin: 8:02am On May 17, 2023 |
Hauwi: PEP is a store,mostly for children's clothes. I think I have seen one along Allen avenue in Ikeja last time I was there. There is also one in Enugu ShopRite. I think there are many PEP stores. Just ask around. You can also try online jumia,you can see some unique stuffs for your girl. If you are using jumia,always check the size chart,it will show you how they grade the sizes based on weight,then you can compare with the size of the cloth available at the moment,then you can step up a bit on the size so your little one can wear it for longer. |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Bennytwin: 8:08am On May 17, 2023 |
eben97: Kudos to you. Keep helping your darling wife. Try this, whenever he seems sleepy,keep him flat on his tummy. Babies sleep a little longer on their tummy than their back. Also,stop using a bottle to feed him pap,try and switch to a cup and spoon; measure his normal milk volume,add milk or whatever you want him to drink the pap with,then add little pap to the made mixture so that the pap is flowing,not very thick,give him with spoon. After 30mins,give him water. Allow him to play or rest,then rock him to sleep. Babies tend to sleep more on very full stomach. I hope this helps. 3 Likes |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by eben97: 9:38am On May 17, 2023 |
Bennytwin:good morning and thank you so much.i shall try some of this techniques ,sure they will do. |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Mzwealthy: 9:48pm On May 17, 2023 |
Good evening mama's. Pls what is d remedy for a picky toddler. My baby is 19months old and she doesnot eat a lot of things for her age. She has teeth,can say some little words. .my tired is tired I ve tried almost everything she is hardly eat anytin aside rice. So we tend to give her rice round d clock. But am really worried as one of our family friend child of 2years also had high sugar. And am also concerned dat with just her eating majorly rice she would not be getting are required nutrient. Ps. I give her appetite booster but with dat sef she hardly eats. Pls any suggestion would be appreciated. |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by he2nuh(f): 1:24am On May 18, 2023 |
Hello mom's My baby is a year old,she has been running temperature for days now,I started with drugs to relieve all in the name that it's teething but it didn't suppress, i later went to the hospital she has been treated too but its still same..I dnt really know what to think cause all I know is teething might cause it but Please I need suggestions and help as to what might be the cause and what to use Please and please |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by DoveofPeace(m): 11:50am On May 18, 2023 |
Good morning Dear Dads & Mums, pls my little Son will be 5months by God's grace on May 26. So, do will still have to continue his Nan one by then or will should switch to Nan 2, he's been taking Nan one together with breastfeeding as at two months old or thereabout? |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by sugarcoatted(f): 12:05pm On May 18, 2023 |
DoveofPeace: Nan2 is from 6months. That is june 26 |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by DoveofPeace(m): 2:43pm On May 18, 2023 |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 10:46pm On May 19, 2023 |
Bennytwin: Thanks for this ma’am I’ll try jumia It’s the easier option for me now |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Oluwasemiloba(f): 12:48pm On May 25, 2023 |
Please what can I do to lactate more? I think my baby is not getting enough milk. Suggestions please. .. |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Nobody: 10:18am On May 26, 2023 |
Hauwi:The issue with Jumia and most online stores is what you see is not always what you get especially garment textures. Whereabouts are you based and how old is your little girl now?. Maybe go into your local market and have a walk around,you are bound to find something. 1 Like |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 12:34pm On May 26, 2023 |
Hello mamas. So my baby has this rash on her back and legs. This was initially rashes on her skin and after using sudocream the rash turned to this white patches. What can I use to fade this please |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 12:36pm On May 26, 2023 |
Tutu82: Yeah you are right.. I’ve had to return some items I got from jumia before. I’ll go to the market myself then. Thank you ma’am 1 Like |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by fabulousfay(f): 9:31pm On May 26, 2023 |
Please where in Delta state Cibel59: |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by fabulousfay(f): 9:41pm On May 26, 2023 |
Hope you have taken him to the hospital? Senioreddy: |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Cibel59(f): 7:15pm On May 29, 2023 |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Omobithousand(f): 3:09pm On May 30, 2023 |
Hello mamas..... please can I add Aptamil to my baby's pap cos I think only the formula is not enough for her anymore .. |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Nobody: 8:37pm On May 30, 2023 |
Omobithousand:Yes you can.Perhaps baby is ready to start weaning too you can try mashed potatoes mixed with the milk like a pudding which is more filling. |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by StarryV(f): 9:44am On May 31, 2023 |
Good Morning Mamas and Papas. Please at what age can we start brushing our baby's teeth. My baby started teething at 4 months. He's currently 9 months old and has about 8 and half teeth. We've gradually started introducing solid foods. When can we start brushing those teeth abeg ![]() |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Nobody: 5:17pm On May 31, 2023 |
StarryV: Hi Mum you should start by 6months. I use Johnson,s baby oral cleaner for ages 0-3 but with warm water not toothpaste as most start from ages 1year old. There are other baby brushes and silicon finger soft brush like the ones Dr brown and chicco make. If you cannot find buy some gauze at your pharmacy and wrap round your finger and dip in warm water,then gently rub babies gums and teeth. 1 Like |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Babateey7018: 10:59am On Jun 01, 2023 |
Anelogix is a distribution company that deals with all consumer package goods / household product. Such as: Baby Diapers , Tissue paper roll , Detergents , Toothpaste etc. Location: Havana estate Arepo Ogun state Nigeria. Contact: 09056035840 , 07039322453
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Brooke60(f): 11:37am On Jun 01, 2023 |
Oluwasemiloba:I don't know if it is late but I suggest you take TIGERNUT in any form! Make milk out of it, eat it raw like that or the powereded form. Just take enough Tigernut, you will see massive difference 2 Likes |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iamfertile(f): 9:39am On Jun 02, 2023 |
Good morning ma, my baby (she'll be in months old on 3th) has not poop since 4days ago. I dip Rob in her anus 3days ago so she later poop at night. Since then till now she hasn't poop again. She's feeding exclusively & actively sucking. Pls is it normal? Have anyone experienced it? Thanks |
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by sugarcoatted(f): 10:05am On Jun 02, 2023 |
iamfertile: Rob kwa!!!. Sorry ma if i might sound offensive but some of the things you have been posting that you administered to your child seems very odd. I hope you dont end up harming that innocent baby. Exclusively breastfed babies can go several days without pooping. Its totally normal 5 Likes |
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