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Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by Dtruthspeaker: 4:48pm On May 27, 2023
Religion has not fallen it is rather that all the evil beasts have gathered their members and rapture has taken place.

So the evil goats and tares have been taken away while the sheep and wheat continue in their peace.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by Dtruthspeaker: 4:59pm On May 27, 2023
African Atheists are worst than Religious ones to my understanding but according to universal standards they have huge edge against christians in things of the spiritual .

Even Christ pointed out that the children of devils appear to be smarter than those who wish to follow The Light and who wrongly call themselves Christians because Christianity is a person who goes to church on Sunday.

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by Dtruthspeaker: 5:05pm On May 27, 2023
This one has been captured. She is now in the prison of darkness and confusion. God help you

It's like you are new here. She is one of the mad demons here.


Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 5:40pm On May 27, 2023

Even Christ pointed out that the children of devils appear to be smarter than those who wish to follow The Light and who wrongly call themselves Christians because Christianity is a person who goes to church on Sunday.
... I don't wanna talk to u Mr man let me be I'm talking to a JW person who still has brain upthere . You disgust me you devil .
And forgive me for talking to u first .
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 5:43pm On May 27, 2023
Religion has not fallen on nairaland, what is this here? Just 6 of us , I am a hater of Jesus and kobojunkie is confused, bubblylady visits pagan prophetess that means we have 3 Religious entities as of 5:43 pm Saturday .

Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by HellVictorinho6(m): 6:52pm On May 27, 2023

Who made you the judge here?

Abeg park one side i don't want any beggar to disturb me today! angry
even ur fada once had to beg

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:38pm On May 27, 2023
... Max max this you want us to talk about ....hmmm

Please i'm interested in that for now let's keep religious talks aside and see what we can do with our brains without religion!

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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:56pm On May 27, 2023
even ur fada once had to beg

He will never ever beg in fact he is prepared to die than beg for money.
So don't think it's everyone that's without dignity like you! cheesy
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by Dtruthspeaker: 12:02am On May 28, 2023
... I don't wanna talk to u Mr man let me be I'm talking to a JW person who still has brain upthere . You disgust me you devil .
And forgive me for talking to u first .

You are an abomination and should have been burnt since. Thus, you are just having a devil family meeting because jws are just devils hiding and claiming Christianity, so carry on.

And even they have exposed you that you are a crazed demon.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by HellVictorinho6(m): 7:07am On May 28, 2023

He will never ever beg in fact he is prepared to die than beg for money.
So don't think it's everyone that's without dignity like you! cheesy
where did i mention money? Dignity bury u there!
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:22am On May 28, 2023
where did i mention money? Dignity bury u there!
Then you're a beggar who doesn't know that begging is a profession that's demeaning.
Please get out and stop mentioning me you and i aren't on the same page! smiley
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:26am On May 28, 2023
Religion has not fallen on nairaland, what is this here? Just 6 of us , I am a hater of Jesus and kobojunkie is confused, bubblylady visits pagan prophetess that means we have 3 Religious entities as of 5:43 pm Saturday .

Check the section today by 10am you will see them come to their church: Nairaland Sunday service! wink

Please are you that beautiful lady on the other thread?
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by HellVictorinho6(m): 8:15am On May 28, 2023

Then you're a beggar who doesn't know that begging is a profession that's demeaning.
Please get out and stop mentioning me you and i aren't on the same page! smiley
this is meaningless
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by MaxInDHouse(m): 2:51pm On May 28, 2023
What do you say now?

I told you they will come to their church on Sunday, just see how many guests: 257! smiley

Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 10:54am On May 30, 2023

You are an abomination and should have been burnt since. Thus, you are just having a devil family meeting because jws are just devils hiding and claiming Christianity, so carry on.

And even they have exposed you that you are a crazed demon.

I will show you shege . Mark today , after I'm done with u ur likes will never follow ur footsteps.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by Dtruthspeaker: 10:59am On May 30, 2023
I will show you shege . Mark today , after I'm done with u ur likes will never follow ur footsteps.

See stupid demon, your horrible living has only increased for worser and all the evil you generate is for you to eat!
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:02am On May 30, 2023

See stupid demon, your horrible living has only increased for worser and all the evil you generate is for you to eat!
... U go soon know say no be by mouth " I must write mumu on ur forehead with a burning knife after dealing with u " I am about to leave earth and u are whining me okwaaya?
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by Dtruthspeaker: 11:22am On May 30, 2023
... U go soon know say no be by mouth " I must write mumu on ur forehead with a burning knife after dealing with u " I am about to leave earth and u are whining me okwaaya?

You go soon know say na yourself you dey chop. Ijeójo!
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:26am On May 30, 2023

You go soon know say na yourself you dey chop. Ijeójo!
ijeojo kk
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by achorladey: 12:54pm On Nov 23, 2023

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, it seems you're new here.
Ask all their professors on Nairaland they will tell you about me.
I'm the lecturer they fear mostly when it comes to the matter of faith in God, you may test your IQ with me but before we kick off try not to be abusive because i'm not just one of those misinformed churchgoers that atheists get away with easily. In fact they're scared of me.

I am Maximus one of Jehovah's Witnesses! smiley

see the lecturer they feared most that run away to hide his madness and insanities peddling brains against the ex members of the religious organisation he belongs. The same person looking for block button nairaland in order to silence us. Looool!

The leading light in terms of abuse and insults. The liar and manipulator with no modicum of self respect. Bragging and boasting about madness and insanities packed into his brains by GODS of men housed in USA.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by achorladey: 12:56pm On Nov 23, 2023
Jehovah witness? Those ones about to turn to Unitarian universalists , you will be left behind African man.

I will give u some challenges starting from this afternoon and no insults.

see as MaxINDHouse religious organisation is placed in their category. Sharp sharp. Unitarian universalist. Looool!
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by achorladey: 1:00pm On Nov 23, 2023

I will be glad if you're able to keep your own words, one thing i observed in athiests is trying to set standards for others but refusing to live by it.
So let's leave all religious books and their quotations out of our discussion then rely solely on how much our brains can assimilate and resolve issues without applying force or weapons! smiley

going by your years of actions and activities here, the fear should be in you blinking first in terms of insults and abuses.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by achorladey: 1:09pm On Nov 23, 2023
... Now this is wat mods surprisingly don't want us to discuss when I wanna talk of the real spirituality outside what Satan aka Yahweh and færalkirin aka Jesus Christ pushed down ur foolish forefathers .
Religion is a mind control or artificial soul programming
What is spirit ? Spirit is soul
What is soul ? Soul is the earthly name of universal super batteries in which reality realm costumes are covered with .
Why was it named soul by ur creators ? because it shines like the sol( solar is sun ) when seen with the pineal gland eye( the third eye ) .though animals called black humans in Nigeria are shining like the lowest nepa current ever.
What is the costume ? Costume is wat earthly tiny beings calls body
70ft Super battery blazing with light can be covered by 4ft costumes( that's for those with real spirituality )
Religion kills the pineal gland because a Religious soul has to do exactly wat is written in the bible ,which is mostly wat Satan wants ie worshipping him till u die instead of wat ur pineal gland wants which is making findings , gathering knowledges and seeking truths ! What is pineal gland?
PinealGland is an organ in our super battery that enhances unrealistic situations in a reality realm ,
Religion kills the main brain system, when it frozes it out to ursher in netherrealm brain system on reality realm, what is netherrealm? Hellfire of Yahweh , place of scorpions of shivå ,pitch dark of Allah etc
What is netherrealm system? Fear of hellfire and fear of death .
What is the main brain ? Main brain it's the 80% of a creatures soul system knowledges, wisdom and goodwill attributes are stored in it which grows like an electricity bulb and it gives the pineal gland a good environment to connect with the universal elements manipulating the reality realm.
What is spiritual according to universal standards ? State of unrealistic things done on a reality realm by super batteries who controls their own soul.
Now African Atheists don't believe their is god ( though hunger made them believe so ,give them plate of egusi soup or job and see them kill for Jesus Christ) they hate Jesus and things about heaven and bible( some part of the idiots main brain still wants to make heaven , just scare them with witchcraft they shall shout Jesus come n save me eg hellvictorinho6 somvayina when I talk about African atheists his name always comes disturbing my mind ) , these sets can't be trapped by those who go after Religious ones without the soul of their own.
A strong christian will never dream of OBE, but African Atheists in their shallow brains can witness such , why ? because Religion is against the nature and universal elements manipulating reality realm ,
I don't want to go further.

what is OBE?
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by HellVictorinho6(m): 1:31pm On Nov 23, 2023

what is OBE?

U asking that thing?
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by achorladey: 1:42pm On Nov 23, 2023
... Spiritually intact means has control over your soul or someone else's soul.

Does the above look similar with the below!

"The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all
things, but such a person is not subject to merely
human judgments."
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by achorladey: 1:45pm On Nov 23, 2023

U asking that thing?

I read that comment made by the moniker and I am curious about what that combination of letters that look like an acronym means.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by achorladey: 1:52pm On Nov 23, 2023

Even Christ pointed out that the children of devils appear to be smarter than those who wish to follow The Light and who wrongly call themselves Christians because Christianity is a person who goes to church on Sunday.

looool or go to a place on certain days, certain time and in a particular building.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by achorladey: 1:55pm On Nov 23, 2023
...My bad again! But I involved them because they made humanity believe Anti-spiritual is spiritual which is mind control mechanisms.
... Oh yeah I believe in it , and it's the righteous way to save humanity . I treasure such moments were humans gather to show love to each other (without being shamed of his/her status like 98% of churches do)to also whisper in each other's ear " being human is a mountain task with love we shall succeed " that's wat i mingled myself with in midst of gifteds and non religious, that's wat Jehovah witness does in a christian manner and they were persecuted greatly by the Vatican and the government . I recorded all persecutions of Jehovah witness , I know if they weren't showing love no one would have persecuted them...now Jehovah witness is now going Unitary ,I wish them luck.

the ties that binds that I see in all of what you typed is LOVE.
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by achorladey: 2:17pm On Nov 23, 2023
What do you say now?

I told you they will come to their church on Sunday, just see how many guests: 257! smiley

And you follow come witness their presence in church as you join them grin grin grin grin
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by HellVictorinho6(m): 2:49pm On Nov 23, 2023

I read that comment made by the moniker and I am curious about what that combination of letters that look like an acronym means.

Out of Body Experience

but life is crazy and has no purpose
Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by Dtruthspeaker: 2:57pm On Nov 23, 2023

looool or go to a place on certain days, certain time and in a particular building.


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Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by achorladey: 3:15pm On Nov 23, 2023

Out of Body Experience

but life is crazy and has no purpose

now I know what OBE means.

Crazy things can indeed be done and made out of the life just as people can make a purpose out of their own lives influenced by one thing or the other.

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