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Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? - Romance (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by OloyeVIII: 1:31pm On Jun 07, 2023
I only comment first to take the ftc spot. But though I have read the story now
Hope say you make money?
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Humble432: 1:31pm On Jun 07, 2023
According to your story you didn't commit any offense.
No curse placed on you will be potent.
As a matter of fact the young lady should be the one apologizing and paying restitution.

Yes and that's one of the reasons I will like to confront her. If she can apologize then it's fine.
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Cloudflare: 1:38pm On Jun 07, 2023

The DNA will only work if he's forced to take care of the child, but in his case no one is disturbing him about the child

Nope! You're wrong!

What that girl just did is known as "malicious attempt, false accusations, lies and deceit against one Mr. Humble432"

In this case, for as long as the court has been involved, it is a criminal offence and must be punishable! You don't accuse people wrongly and get away with it. You also don't need a DNA test only when a girl has been forcing you to cater for her child. No sir! A DNA test is needed in this case to prove wether the OP is guilty or not! And if found innocent, Dude, the girl will be made to pay heavily to the op. Expect of course the OP wishes to withdraw the case! That's just the way it works! It's time Nigerian girls starts taking responsibility for their actions!
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Cloudflare: 1:41pm On Jun 07, 2023

Yes and that's one of the reasons I will like to confront her. If she can apologize then it's fine.

I know no why you no dey hear word. Bro, let the court serve her a petition, then relax and watch her running helter skelter. she'll be the one looking for you to apologize and confess everything! Dude, she's supposed to be the one looking for you and not you looking for her. You see why I called you a SIMP? 😡
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Ndubuisipaul1: 1:54pm On Jun 07, 2023

Cold indomie no sweet again
Thank you for telling us though

Everyone knew you were not the one
Your mom just use the opportunity transfer small 9ja aggression on you
Wait you think say if na you naso the matter for end?
No na

You level of wisdom is such that I have never seen. I wish we could exchange contact I swear .
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by chris51(f): 2:04pm On Jun 07, 2023
I knew this girl because her mother and my mother were friends back then. They both had shops in the same market back then thought the shops were not close to each other.

I was in SS3 and a boarding student. I was home for first term holiday & used to help my mother at her shop. This girl sometimes pass through our shop while going to their shop & stops to say hi once in a while. My home town is less than one hour drive from where we lived so my parents usually visit home most weekends for either burial, wedding, church program or for other reasons.

That particular weekend(Saturday) my parents travelled to my home town & I was alone in the shop. My two siblings were in the university and the other ones have finished and were working & living on their own, so I was home alone. The girl was going to their shop & stopped to say hi as usual. We talked for a while & told her my parents travelled home so she said she will come back later. She came back in the afternoon and we talked about many things, from life in school to family issues, I also tried to introduce her to James hardly Chase because I was already reading & enjoying it. Later in the evening she came back while I was closing & helped me to pack the goods and we both went to my house together. While at home we played, kissed, I touched her breasts few times but we DIDN'T HAVE SEX. She didn't even pull her pants and my finger didn't even touch her private part. I walked her to the road & she ran back home. The next day was Sunday and in the evening my parents returned from their journey. The following weekend school resumed & I went back to school.

I was in school & life was normal until one evening I went to the business center to call my mother. I wanted her to bring money for my extra lessons while paying next visit but she told me to come home next day immediately after school so that I can return back to school same day. My school had both DAY STUDENTS & BOARDING STUDENTS, and like 40mins drive from my house. Her voice was a bit harsh & I could sense she was sad.

The next day I went home immediately after dismissal. I met her at the shop & she welcomed me but there was something different about her that day. She bought food for me and immediately after eating she asked me, "what happened between me & Ukamaka"? By then I had forgotten the small fun I had during the holidays. I told her nothing happened then she called my name and asked again, what happened. If my mother call your name in that manner before asking you anything, just tell her the truth because if she finds out you're telling lies,,,,body go tell you. I told her what happened the weekend they travelled home while I was alone. I admitted that we kissed but there was no sex. I saw the way she was looking at me, she believed me BUT NOT 100%. She thought I had sex with the girl maybe I was afraid to admit. She told me the girl was PREGNANT and told her parents I was RESPONSIBLE. At that age I remembered I didn't have sex with her but I was afraid because of the little play we had, I was even confused whether that could result to her being pregnant. My mother was mad at me, she told me none of my siblings ever brought such shame to the family. She gave me money for the extra lesson in school and also small extra cash and I went back to school same evening. I told few friends in school and they laughed at me and called me "Daddy twins". The whole thing affected me psychologically & my studies as well.

During the next holiday I was expecting my parents especially my father to ask me about it but he didn't, neither did any of my siblings. After my WAEC & NECO exams I got back home and one day my Mom started advicing me about life & mentioned that issue again. She told me the girl's father threatened to arrest me back then but because i was still a minor & also in school he didn't. She told me the girl's parents especially the father was very angry. Fear didn't let me ask if my Dad was aware, infact I was thankful my Dad didn't ask me about it so I kept my mouth.

I left home to join my elder brother where he was working and while there, I gained admission & started school. whenever I visit home & see the girl's mother, she won't respond to my greetings and would always look at me with this bitterness. She believed I was truly responsible for what happened to her daughter. I saw the girl few times but we never talked to each other again. My father passed 2015 and my mother 2021, may God bless their souls in Jesus name, Amen. February this year I was discussing with a friend about childhood and remembered this incident. I felt the need to clear myself and let her parents know I was innocent of the allegation. I called my Aunty who also do business in the same market and request the phone number of the girl and her mother, but she told me the girl's mother died even before my own mother. She sent me the phone number of the SISTER TO THE GIRL'S MOTHER who now sent me the girl's phone number.

I want to confront the girl and also make contact with the father hopefully my next visit to home state. I will like to tell the old man that I was totally innocent. I wouldn't know if the man and his wife laid some curses back then. This might open old wound though but I am planning to settle down soon so I feel the need to clear myself on that issue.
Kindly advice me whether or not to confront the girl or meet the family.

My dear, please do not look for the girl at all. If there had been any issue about the pregnancy, the parents could not have let go.
I have a feeling they must have later found out the truth.
Please let the sleeping dog lie and move on with your life.

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Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by obumsway(m): 2:06pm On Jun 07, 2023

Thanks but don't you think it will open old wound especially for the father? Though I am concerned if the man said or laid and curse back then.
its important you clear your name bro

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Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by chris51(f): 2:06pm On Jun 07, 2023

Thanks but don't you think it will open old wound especially for the father? Though I am concerned if the man said or laid and curse back then.

DON'T Confront her
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by VeeVeeMyLuv(m): 2:10pm On Jun 07, 2023

If I was you I will go and claim the child
My own or not
I dun come for my pikin
If them say no be my own then make them bring DNA results

Payback Dey sweet
Especially if intention no be to cause any human harm
Just for the fun of it
Any day you’re feeling bored or you need an adventure
Get high and with like two of your guys
Go and claim the child with seriousness
You and your guys go laugh tire that night
Them go beg una eh

grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by VeeVeeMyLuv(m): 2:13pm On Jun 07, 2023

DON'T Confront her
Abeg make him know whom the child come later resemble.

I heard that children conceived by very young people used to resemble both parties very well
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Paulnoma(m): 2:24pm On Jun 07, 2023
I only comment first to take the ftc spot. But though I have read the story now

Bro what's the gain of first ti comment spot.whays is it about
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by gaddafe(m): 2:26pm On Jun 07, 2023

My dear, please do not look for the girl at all. If there had been any issue about the pregnancy, the parents could not have let go.
I have a feeling they must have later found out the truth.
Please let the sleeping dog lie and move on with your life.

I initially wanted to say you are very stupid for saying this. But after seeing you are a female, I understood why you said that. That guy had suffered from a serious emotional trauma and you are saying he should let sleeping dogs lie. What is sleeping here? If it was a girl that suffered such amount of emotional trauma when she was a kid, would you advise the girl to let sleeping dogs lie? Why is it that most of you female find it difficult to have even the least Compassion on someone when he is a male? That guy had suffered a serious emotional trauma and the least he needs is to clear his name. He should confront the girl's father. There is no where in the write up where the OP mentioned anything about a child being involved. Why are people talking of DNA?

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Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Humble432: 3:10pm On Jun 07, 2023

I initially wanted to say you are very stupid for saying this. But after seeing you are a female, I understood why you said that. That guy had suffered from a serious emotional trauma and you are saying he should let sleeping dogs lie. What is sleeping here? If it was a girl that suffered such amount of emotional trauma when she was a kid, would you advise the girl to let sleeping dogs lie? Why is it that most of you female find it difficult to have even the least Compassion on someone when he is a male? That guy had suffered a serious emotional trauma and the least he needs is to clear his name. He should confront the girl's father. There is no where in the write up where the OP mentioned anything about a child being involved. Why are people talking of DNA?

Honestly I suffered emotional trauma.
This issue happened late 2005 and my Mom died 2021. I had a female coursemate in the Uni who is also from my home town. Actually her Mom is from my kindred but married in another village. During my matriculation my Mom called her by the side and told her in case if I ask her for sex she should resist because we are related by blood. This my course mate didn't tell me until after my mother's burial. I was shocked the day she told me. That means my Mom was always worried if I would get another girl pregnant.

So I will confront the girl that accused me, I will.
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Exceed15: 3:11pm On Jun 07, 2023
Too long. Learn to write short.
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Realguyman1(m): 3:23pm On Jun 07, 2023

Bro what's the gain of first ti comment spot.whays is it about
Na so we see nairaland o

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Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Realguyman1(m): 3:23pm On Jun 07, 2023

Hope say you make money?
Why asking me, is it the first time u are witnessing such in nairaland?
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by OloyeVIII: 3:42pm On Jun 07, 2023
Why asking me, is it the first time u are witnessing such in nairaland?
You no be guyman?
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Karlman: 3:54pm On Jun 07, 2023

this dude dig in deep probably too young to understand how it works grin
You sure have a dirty mind.
Get yourself some hypo and wash your heart
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by frozen70(f): 4:35pm On Jun 07, 2023

OP, avoid this kind of emotional manipulating advice. This will make the girl even end up manipulating you the more.

Dude, sue that girl, take her to court and demand for 10million Naira compensation for damages. These olsohos needs to be taught a bitter lesson. It's time they start taking action for their responsibilities

I know you are not intelligent so no need to argue with you

10million for aborted child or living child with no prove
You are a Gold digger

Go back and read his response to my suggestion
Ode first class
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by frozen70(f): 4:35pm On Jun 07, 2023

Thank you so much!!!!!

You are most welcome dear
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Duchessree(f): 4:40pm On Jun 07, 2023
Op, if you confront her and you find out the truth and also clear your name , please update us, I really want to know how this story ends, did she give birth , who is really responsible, did your parents find out the truth? E.t.c .
Anyway abeg drop update o, I'm curious
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Oyerinde16(m): 5:04pm On Jun 07, 2023
Obviously your name was only mentioned among boys that did, hence your mom called you to order... If na u get the pikin and she born am, my bro this matter una for still de settle am...
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Eyanbahose: 5:25pm On Jun 07, 2023
I knew this girl because her mother and my mother were friends back then. They both had shops in the same market back then thought the shops were not close to each other.

I was in SS3 and a boarding student. I was home for first term holiday & used to help my mother at her shop. This girl sometimes pass through our shop while going to their shop & stops to say hi once in a while. My home town is less than one hour drive from where we lived so my parents usually visit home most weekends for either burial, wedding, church program or for other reasons.

That particular weekend(Saturday) my parents travelled to my home town & I was alone in the shop. My two siblings were in the university and the other ones have finished and were working & living on their own, so I was home alone. The girl was going to their shop & stopped to say hi as usual. We talked for a while & told her my parents travelled home so she said she will come back later. She came back in the afternoon and we talked about many things, from life in school to family issues, I also tried to introduce her to James hardly Chase because I was already reading & enjoying it. Later in the evening she came back while I was closing & helped me to pack the goods and we both went to my house together. While at home we played, kissed, I touched her breasts few times but we DIDN'T HAVE SEX. She didn't even pull her pants and my finger didn't even touch her private part. I walked her to the road & she ran back home. The next day was Sunday and in the evening my parents returned from their journey. The following weekend school resumed & I went back to school.

I was in school & life was normal until one evening I went to the business center to call my mother. I wanted her to bring money for my extra lessons while paying next visit but she told me to come home next day immediately after school so that I can return back to school same day. My school had both DAY STUDENTS & BOARDING STUDENTS, and like 40mins drive from my house. Her voice was a bit harsh & I could sense she was sad.

The next day I went home immediately after dismissal. I met her at the shop & she welcomed me but there was something different about her that day. She bought food for me and immediately after eating she asked me, "what happened between me & Ukamaka"? By then I had forgotten the small fun I had during the holidays. I told her nothing happened then she called my name and asked again, what happened. If my mother call your name in that manner before asking you anything, just tell her the truth because if she finds out you're telling lies,,,,body go tell you. I told her what happened the weekend they travelled home while I was alone. I admitted that we kissed but there was no sex. I saw the way she was looking at me, she believed me BUT NOT 100%. She thought I had sex with the girl maybe I was afraid to admit. She told me the girl was PREGNANT and told her parents I was RESPONSIBLE. At that age I remembered I didn't have sex with her but I was afraid because of the little play we had, I was even confused whether that could result to her being pregnant. My mother was mad at me, she told me none of my siblings ever brought such shame to the family. She gave me money for the extra lesson in school and also small extra cash and I went back to school same evening. I told few friends in school and they laughed at me and called me "Daddy twins". The whole thing affected me psychologically & my studies as well.

During the next holiday I was expecting my parents especially my father to ask me about it but he didn't, neither did any of my siblings. After my WAEC & NECO exams I got back home and one day my Mom started advicing me about life & mentioned that issue again. She told me the girl's father threatened to arrest me back then but because i was still a minor & also in school he didn't. She told me the girl's parents especially the father was very angry. Fear didn't let me ask if my Dad was aware, infact I was thankful my Dad didn't ask me about it so I kept my mouth.

I left home to join my elder brother where he was working and while there, I gained admission & started school. whenever I visit home & see the girl's mother, she won't respond to my greetings and would always look at me with this bitterness. She believed I was truly responsible for what happened to her daughter. I saw the girl few times but we never talked to each other again. My father passed 2015 and my mother 2021, may God bless their souls in Jesus name, Amen. February this year I was discussing with a friend about childhood and remembered this incident. I felt the need to clear myself and let her parents know I was innocent of the allegation. I called my Aunty who also do business in the same market and request the phone number of the girl and her mother, but she told me the girl's mother died even before my own mother. She sent me the phone number of the SISTER TO THE GIRL'S MOTHER who now sent me the girl's phone number.

I want to confront the girl and also make contact with the father hopefully my next visit to home state. I will like to tell the old man that I was totally innocent. I wouldn't know if the man and his wife laid some curses back then. This might open old wound though but I am planning to settle down soon so I feel the need to clear myself on that issue.
Kindly advice me whether or not to confront the girl or meet the family.

my point is why did it take you so long to lay this matter to rest? You had to wait till everyone died before you revisited this matter?

I don see people fo this life shaaa
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Pootle: 6:00pm On Jun 07, 2023

You sure have a dirty mind.
Get yourself some hypo and wash your heart

really home alone, jus kiss and boobs pressing what you telling me bro cool

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Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Karlman: 6:39pm On Jun 07, 2023

really home alone, jus kiss and boobs pressing what you telling me bro cool
I understand your point but you know we were not there when it all went down?
And something tells me he might be telling the truth for him to bring up the matter after many years.
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Realguyman1(m): 7:51pm On Jun 07, 2023

I don't know because I left town after WAEC to join my elder brother, from there I enter school so it took me over one year before paying a visit to family house.

My mother would have been in the best position to tell me exactly what happened but I was afraid to ask her back then and now she is no more. I don't have any close contact to her who could tell me if she actually gave birth back then.

Maybe if I meet the father I will find out.
Bro the whole thing is somehow to me o. A girl accused u of getting her pregnant, ur mother told u about it and never mentioned it to u again and ur dad kept mute as well. Even the parent of the girl also kept mute and were keeping malice with u. Something definitely went wrong somewhere then.

U were the one who should have codedly dig deep then to know what really transpired with the girl afterward. But since u weren't man enough then, u can look for her now and as her with a polite manner what really happened then

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Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Igbokwechika101(m): 8:27pm On Jun 07, 2023
Bro just Free the matter.mae the matter die like that.
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by MrFly(m): 9:23pm On Jun 07, 2023
DNA will exonerate u, go 4 it
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Carthaporo: 10:55pm On Jun 07, 2023
Cold indomie no sweet again Thank you for telling us though

Everyone knew you were not the one Your mom just use the opportunity transfer small 9ja aggression on you Wait you think say if na you naso the matter for end? No na
ah swear na for slap she go give am first
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by stanliwise(m): 11:00pm On Jun 07, 2023

Thanks but don't you think it will open old wound especially for the father? Though I am concerned if the man said or laid and curse back then.
forget about any curse bro. If curse dey catch innocent people like that na so everybody go don die finish.

The lady may still be using your name to cover up that child till date. It’s time to turn up from the wind and haunt her now. Atleast you could be helping the child to know the truth earlier but be sure to go with pals too o. Don’t go alone, and when you go let it be short and precise. If the child wasn’t ever born then disembarking.

Hell knows no fury like a woman scorned

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Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by Cloudflare: 9:00am On Jun 08, 2023

I know you are not intelligent so no need to argue with you

10million for aborted child or living child with no prove
You are a Gold digger

Go back and read his response to my suggestion
Ode first class

Where did the OP stated that the girl aborted the child? Or you just wan talk?

10million is even too small. If the OP takes her court, she'll be punish for "malicious attempt, false accusations, lies and deceit against the OP". . You cannot lie on a guy's head and go free. In court, it is known as criminal offence and you must be punish.

Of course, the court will ask the girl to go conduct a DNA test and report back to the court, that is the proof!!!! And you'll be fined too, the court will order the girl to pay the OP 15million for damages. It's high time you Nigerian girls starts taking responsibility for your actions.
Re: Should I Confront The Girl That purposely Accused Me of getting her pregnant? by frozen70(f): 9:36am On Jun 08, 2023

Where did the OP stated that the girl aborted the child? Or you just wan talk?

10million is even too small. If the OP takes her court, she'll be punish for "malicious attempt, false accusations, lies and deceit against the OP". . You cannot lie on a guy's head and go free. In court, it is known as criminal offence and you must be punish.

Of course, the court will ask the girl to go conduct a DNA test and report back to the court, that is the proof!!!! And you'll be fined too, the court will order the girl to pay the OP 15million for damages. It's high time you Nigerian girls starts taking responsibility for your actions.

So your court ask a girl to do DNA test

What do you understand about DNA test

Is it a man or a woman that is needed for a child DNA test ?

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