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The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: - Family (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: (6897 Views)

Trans Woman Takes A Picture EVERYDAY For 8 Mnths To Show Dramatic Transformation / Why Is The Trans Community So Hostile / Woman,26 Who Came Out As A Trans Man At Age 19 Reveals She Is Now Back To Female (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 5:55pm On Jun 30, 2023

My dear, I don't know o.
See those that follow the movement mostly can't defend what they believe in.
Females have suffered.
And u see its mostly males that's fighting this war for us while we are promoting it.

We really don't understand what's going on.


The irony of the whole movement. The irony! That a man (the supposed oppressor) would stand up and say 'No! You can't debased womanhood like that' while women in a bid to be 'open minded' are fine with it.

Truly, men build societies.

What is going on is clear to see for those who have eyes to see.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by descarado: 5:57pm On Jun 30, 2023



I have realised that there is really no position called 'live and let's live'. You are either for or against. The position of sitting on the fence is also for.

😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 @ feminists rising up to condemn the trans agenda. I think there is a group of feminists called TERFs against the trans movement.

But really, the trans movement is a graduation of feminism. We have a saying in Yoruba land: 'a child that lies will eventually steal'.

Humans do not have brakes and would always graduate in whatever they choose to do.
Fair enough if you don't label me as anti when you force me to buy a tampon you promote.
Imagine a man advertising tampon.
Telling women how to use tampon. It is well.
Or telling kids it's good to feel differently.

Gay has been around since the beginning of time. Some emperors and Kings were known gays. Society was OK.
Thailand and Japan are more gay than Yankee. We have no problem. Society assimilated them but here, they are preaching a diff story while politicians are riding on their back.
Nobody should miseducate my child. I will not spare that person


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 6:19pm On Jun 30, 2023

1. There is documented ongoing discrimination that they face in real life. Name it, it’s happened to them. Housing, healthcare, employment and so on and forth. yes in the so called liberal America. I can’t speak for Nigeria at the moment because I don’t know what the climate is surrounding access to amenities.

2. They have a whole month and parade and what not because they are celebrating what right they’ve been able to get. Anyone who doesn’t have to celebrate getting their rights is speaking from a place of privilege and their opinion doesn’t count when it comes to the said group.

3. You’re using bob-risky as example knowing very well that if he were to be a nobody out in public dressed like that he would be mobbed if not beaten to death. please be honest. That’s how they are free to exist? No one is stopping them? Okay.

4. Now, are they asking (not you specifically) to accept them aka make them part of your household and become one of them? Or are they asking for acceptance such that people just move on about their business and stop the incessant obsession with them. Always talking about them negatively with no provocation like in this thread? Riling up negativity towards them?

5. No gay person has ever shoved themselves down your throat. You see them existing and to you they shouldn’t exist and that’s what it means for them to shove themselves down your throat.

You see straight people get married, have kids, go out in public holding hands and loving each other and it’s not straight agenda. When LGBTQ folks do it, it’s an agenda and it’s being forced on you. again be honest. No one has ever approached you or any of these posters and asked you to become their member. And you know what, even if they did, you can easily say no. So I don’t get it.

7. Let’s say all trans people are the menace they are accused of being, the population of trans people in the world is so minuscule that most people don’t even know one trans person. I have a gay friend and gay family member but I don’t know any trans person up close and personal . I doubt you or any of these other posters do. Yet they are forcing themselves on you. How?

The reason why I jump on these topics and say my piece is because I’ve seen people read what happened to the Jews and wondered how the world watched and let it happen. And it usually starts like this.

History repeating itself starting from some no good propaganda aimed and demonizing a sect to the point that everyone turns a blind eye when they start to get killed and then wonder how it got so bad.

Saw a post on front page and someone said they deserve to be killed and no one person called them out on it. The desensitization and dehumanization is real.

8. After reading all the negativity being fed to you online, do you honestly think you can see an LGBTQ person and view them as the human person they are rather than the monster you’ve been mind trained to see them as?

9. I hope at the end of the day all y’all’s concerns are genuine and not based on “othering” of a different group because you can’t stand to see them thrive.

I’ve said my piece.

1. Everybody have the right of association. It is not discrimination to decide to service or not to service a group of people especially if you are a private business/ person. I can rent to who I will, employ who I will etc. If it is not propaganda, how do an employer or landlord know my sexual orientation?

2. They can celebrate their rights without forcing others to celebrate it too. Any reason why institutions are forced to fly their flags and dress in their colours? Any reason why the pride month has become mainstream?

3. Bobrisky rose from a nobody to the entity he has become today. I am sure there are other trans and cross dressers who are not popular because we don't know them. Infact, Bobrisky's popularity is enough to make him a target if people were inclined to mob him.

4. Again I ask, if they do not put themselves in our face, how do we know them? Can I vouch that my neighbours aren't Homosexuals? Can I confidently say all my colleagues are heterosexuals? Nope! Because it is not my business and nobody feels compelled to shove their sexuality in my face. If there is no pride month, no flag, no propaganda, I am sure a lot of people would forget they exist. Because they constantly seek validation from the general public, they always open themselves up for discussion.

5. Luckily, I am in Nigeria and everyone as at today has the good sense to keep their sexuality to themselves. I do not concern myself with them till they pop up in the news or someone comes out of the Closet like their sexuality is the world's business. The existence or not of the LGBTQ ~ is in the hands of the Christian God who has said over and over that they are an abomination to Him.

7. A little yeast spoils the dough. If they are left to continue their propaganda, they would spread their agenda slowly and surely.

8. If I see an LGBTQ ~ person, I would see a lost human being and feel immense pity.

9. They are co-existing in other countries without making a nuisance of themselves or shoving their agenda down people's throats. And as a Christian, I do not want to see them thrive cheesy I do not want to see evil of any sort thrive.

13 Likes 5 Shares

Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 6:21pm On Jun 30, 2023

Fair enough if you don't label me as anti when you force me to buy a tampon you promote.
Imagine a man advertising tampon.
Telling women how to use tampon. It is well.
Or telling kids it's good to feel differently.

Gay has been around since the beginning of time. Some emperors and Kings were known gays. Society was OK.
Thailand and Japan are more gay than Yankee. We have no problem. Society assimilated them but here, they are preaching a diff story while politicians are riding on their back.
Nobody should miseducate my child. I will not spare that person

Women have finished na! Why wouldn't men start promoting Tampons? cheesy

@ bold: at the end of the day, that is the koko.

Any anti- label is fine by me. It is the nerve to call me transphobic and homophobic! Who is scared of caricatures?

I should be afraid of someone who doesn't know his/het own identity. cheesy


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Nobody: 6:28pm On Jun 30, 2023

I see your submissions and notice you were simply going in circles and beating around the bsh same MO as them

These trans people keeps forcing themselves on everyone to be accepted as norm, why should anyone accept you because of your sexuality and what you choose to identify as? You say they want to literally live in peace, there has been no record of murders of trans so who and what exactly is stopping them from living in peace?

LGB people have been in existence for ages, they mind their business and live like normal humans without disturbing anybody's space, TQVXWXY1234 bla bla bla came into existence and started causing havoc, their main target are females and children, they've distorted the xy chromosome as false, they say a woman can be defined as anything except being a female with vagina and real boobs, they say men can menstruate and even made an ad to prove that stupid point, they are attempting to take over women's sport claiming a man can be a woman and so much more, for you a feminist to accept these anomalies and see it as normal is beyond surprising, they are gradually erasing womanhood taking us to the dark ages, slowly taking away all we have fought for centuries ago to be where we are today, and these things are mainly done by men pretending to be women, a clear cut misogyny in progress, and you are cool with it? Their new stance now is renaming biological male and female as "cis", a coined out word from a sick fake scientist in the 60s that wanted sex between adults and children to be seen as normal, he actually experimented on children to figure out the psychological trauma and effects, and so many died, heck presently they already have a pedophile group with their flag,

They have gone as far as going to schools to catch them young, trans people want to imbibe their sickness into little children to confuse them on biology and the actual truth and fact of life and how they are born, desecration of what the rainbow stands for and calling it their own, they dont want the sex of new born babies to be named according to their gènitalia, they are still trying to figure out what to call them, you say straight men sexualises kids, but they are found out and sent to jail, now the alphabet people are normalising the sexualisation of kids, teaching them sex in school books such as masturbation with explicit disgusting pictures, queer people want to read to kids, they want to sit half naked with a clownish face and costumes being in children's spaces, dancing explicitly and seductively with kids so as to be accepted as norm, these are people that were limited to bars and always for adults above 18, yet they are being pushed by the government as the new norm

I've seen videos of these people bullying mostly Christians, there is one association against catholics in california where they openly mock them, they call themselves sisterhood of perpetual blablabla unfortunately sanctioned by the government in the name of inclusion, I saw a video of a white man reading his bible, trans people spat at him, confronted him to his face, tore his bible, pushed and shoved him to the ground, but this man didn't flinch, he kept on reading his bible, there is a man on twitter, billboard bill or something, this man goes to different states and countries on a lone protests with billboards on his back and front saying a man cannot be a woman, yet he gets shoved and pushed at by these people yet you say they are being victimised and want peace? They mostly attack Christians and Christianity because we are the easiest to provoke without repercussion, but they can never try it to Muslims, there was a protest by Muslims in one state that they cannot allow indoctrination of their ideology in their schools, I expected a fierce backlash or confrontation from alphabet people but there was none, instead all they could come up with was that the protest was not done by true Muslims, there is a county in detroit where they are majority Muslims, their mayor and politicians are all Muslims, they passed a law that there would be no display of any type of flags on public property, no transitioning of kids or sexualising them in schools, I expected Biden to cry blue murder yet nothing happened,

These people are the forceful ones and bullies that insult and give people names if they are not accepted, being forceful can never give the desired result, instead there will be fierce push back which is already happening, Matt Walsh what is a woman on twitter with millions of views is one, so many states have ban transitioning of kids because they've seen the light and more will definitely follow

What pains me the most is they are desperately trying to cancel womanhood and our achievements, they want to cancel our existence, how can you not see that? Their target and biological modifications are 100% on females, and these are mainly done by men, powerful misogynistic men that will go to any length to achieve their aim even if they loose money, you cannot be in support of these people, they want to destroy the world until it's too late.

11 Likes 2 Shares

Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 6:40pm On Jun 30, 2023

I see your submissions and notice you were simply going in circles and beating around the bsh same MO as them

These trans people keeps forcing themselves on everyone to be accepted as norm, why should anyone accept you because of your sexuality and what you choose to identify as? You say they want to literally live in peace, there has been no record of murders of trans so who and what exactly is stopping them from living in peace?

LGB people have been in existence for ages, they mind their business and live like normal humans without disturbing anybody's space, TQVXWXY1234 bla bla bla came into existence and started causing havoc, their main target are females and children, they've distorted the xy chromosome as false, they say a woman can be defined as anything except being a female with vagina and real boobs, they say men can menstruate and even made an ad to prove that stupid point, they are attempting to take over women's sport claiming a man can be a woman and so much more, for you a feminist to accept these anomalies and see it as normal is beyond surprising, they are gradually erasing womanhood taking us to the dark ages, slowly taking away all we have fought for centuries ago to be where we are today, and these things are mainly done by men pretending to be women, a clear cut misogyny in progress, and you are cool with it? Their new stance now is renaming biological male and female as "cis", a coined out word from a sick fake scientist in the 60s that wanted sex between adults and children to be seen as normal, he actually experimented on children to figure out the psychological trauma and effects, and so many died, heck presently they already have a pedophile group with their flag,

They have gone as far as going to schools to catch them young, trans people want to imbibe their sickness into little children to confuse them on biology and the actual truth and fact of life and how they are born, desecration of what the rainbow stands for and calling it their own, they dont want the sex of new born babies to be named according to their Instruments, they are still trying to figure out what to call them, you say straight men sexualises kids, but they are found out and sent to jail, now the alphabet people are normalising the sexualisation of kids, teaching them sex in school books such as masturbation with explicit disgusting pictures, queer people want to read to kids, they want to sit half naked with a clownish face and costumes being in children's spaces, dancing explicitly and seductively with kids so as to be accepted as norm, these are people that are limited to bars and always for adults above 18, yet they are being pushed by the government as the new norm

I've seen videos of these people bullying mostly Christians, there is one association against catholics in california where they openly mock them, they call themselves sisterhood of perpetual blablabla unfortunately sanctioned by the government in the name of inclusion, I saw a video of a white man reading his bible, trans people spat at him, confronted him to his face, tore his bible, pushed and shoved him to the ground, but this man didn't flinch, he kept on reading his bible, there is a man on twitter, billboard bill or something, this man goes to different states and countries on a lone protests with billboards on his back and front saying a man cannot be a woman, yet he gets shoved and pushed at by these people yet you say they are being victimised and want peace? They mostly attack Christians and Christianity because we are the easiest to provoke without provocation, but they can never try it to Muslims, there was a protest by Muslims in one state that they cannot allow indoctrination of their ideology in their schools, I expected a fierce backlash or confrontation from alphabet people but there was none, instead all they could come up with was that the protest was not done by true Muslims, there is a county in detroit where they are majority Muslims, their mayor and politicians are all Muslims, they passed a law that there would be no display of any type of flags on public property, no transitioning of kids or sexuising them in schools, I expected Biden to cry blue murder yet nothing happened,

These people are the forceful ones and bullies that insult and give people names if they are not accepted, being forceful can never give the desired result, instead there will be fierce push back which is already happening, Matt Walsh what is a woman on twitter with millions of views is one, so many states have ban transitioning of kids because they've seen the light and more will definitely follow

What pains me the most is they are desperately trying to cancel womanhood and our achievements, they want to cancel our existence, how can you not see that? Their target and biological modifications are 100% on females, and these are mainly done by men, powerful misogynistic men that will go to any length to achieve their aim even if they loose money, you cannot be in support of these people, they want to destroy the world until it's too late.



They can attack Christians because most of us are sitting on the fence in a bid to be woke and 'open minded'

Fortunately, God has clearly condemned all the alphabet people in the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because of LGB people.

Jesus has also said He would spit out anyone who is neither hot nor cold. You are either for Him (aligning 100% with the Bible) or against Him.

Muslims speak their truth Irrespective of their surroundings. You cannot bully or modify their religion. Their holy book says A is wrong or B is right; it stays that way noni.

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 6:50pm On Jun 30, 2023

1. Everybody have the right of association. It is not discrimination to decide to service or not to service a group of people especially if you are a private business/ person. I can rent to who I will, employ who I will etc. If it is not propaganda, how do an employer or landlord know my sexual orientation?
If said place is a publicly funded place, then they have a right as well as anyone else to receive service and employment there. They pay taxes and are entitled to the amenities they pay into. If such discriminations are allowed, I can say it’s against my belief to serve or associate with Muslims and then my belief has to be respected and then Muslim wants his beliefs to be respected and the Hindu wants to not associate with the Jew and his beliefs have to respected as well.

2. They can celebrate their rights without forcing others to celebrate it too. Any reason why institutions are forced to fly their flags and dress in their colours? Any reason why the pride month has become mainstream?
this is what I mean by propaganda. Literally no one. Not one institution, company or organization is forced to celebrate pride. What people who don’t live in America don’t realize is the hyper capitalist nature of this country. The driving factor behind every decision is money. So companies celebrate and identify with marginalized groups not out of the goodness of their heart but just to garner good will and thus attract more clients. No one will even be fined or punished for not celebrating. I can’t believe you actually believe people are forced to celebrate pride. They can chose to keep mum throughout the whole month and no one will blink in their direction. The propaganda is too much and y’all are lapping it up.

3. Bobrisky rose from a nobody to the entity he has become today. I am sure there are other trans and cross dressers who are not popular because we don't know them. Infact, Bobrisky's popularity is enough to make him a target if people were inclined to mob him.
I beg to differ so let’s agree to disagree on that.

4. Again I ask, if they do not put themselves in our face, how do we know them? Can I vouch that my neighbours aren't Homosexuals? Can I confidently say all my colleagues are heterosexuals? Nope! Because it is not my business and nobody feels compelled to shove their sexuality in my face. If there is no pride month, no flag, no propaganda, I am sure a lot of people would forget they exist. Because they constantly seek validation from the general public, they always open themselves up for discussion.
and again I ask you what does putting themselves in your face actually look like in practice? Is it that a woman mentions her husband and a man mentions his husband and suddenly that man is forcing his lifestyle on you whereas the woman who said the same thing wasn’t forcing herself? Y’all know the truth.

5. Luckily, I am in Nigeria and everyone as at today has the good sense to keep their sexuality to themselves. I do not concern myself with them till they pop up in the news or someone comes out of the Closet like their sexuality is the world's business.
OMG. You know what? Same here. It’s exactly the same in America. Everyone lives their lives and minds their business. It’s only on nairaland that I come and hear how America is a land running amok with trans people. Imagine if I come online and tell you how Nigeria is depraved. full of trans people going to schools grooming children and teaching them to change their genders. Won’t you look at me like I’ve lost my marbles. That’s EXACTLY how these internet conversations are from my perspective. Because I currently live in the what has been consistently voted one of the most diverse cities in the world and not one LGBTQ person has constituted a nuisance of themselves to anyone around them. Yet on nairaland they are forcing themselves on far away individuals who have never met one in real life.

The existence or not of the LGBTQ ~ is in the hands of the Christian God who has said over and over that they are an abomination to Him.

That’s your opinion. God does not create abominations.

7. A little yeast spoils the dough. If they are left to continue their propaganda, they would spread their agenda slowly and surely.
out of curiosity what’s the solution? Not that I see a problem but since you think it is, what’s a solution in your opinion. Kill them?

8. If I see an LGBTQ ~ person, I would see a lost human being and feel immense pity.
they might feel the same way about you: so y’all just pity each other and pass on by. No harm no foul

9. They are co-existing in other countries without making a nuisance of themselves or shoving their agenda down people's throats. And as a Christian, I do not want to see them thrive cheesy I do not want to see evil of any sort thrive.

Refer to my earlier paragraph where I told you comments like these from someone who doesn’t live next them and has no way of knowing except through online propaganda has me befuddled.
I’m sure they have nothing against you and won’t mind if you thrive. You’re the one overly concerned about them and claiming it’s being shoved on you..

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 7:01pm On Jun 30, 2023
@jovialjune1 Let’s not be disingenuous
You don’t have to like them but don’t say they don’t get killed and attacked and discriminated for being LGBTQ. It renders the whole conversation pointless because now I feel you’re in it without any intention of being candid.

The rhetoric on this thread directly leads to these acts of violence because people go online and fill their heads with hate and when they leave to the real world, they can’t comprehend that the gay person they are seeing is just existing and not a direct source of harm to them

I see your submissions and notice you were simply going in circles and beating around the bsh same MO as them

These trans people keeps forcing themselves on everyone to be accepted as norm, why should anyone accept you because of your sexuality and what you choose to identify as? You say they want to literally live in peace, there has been no record of murders of trans so who and what exactly is stopping them from living in peace?




Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Klass99(f): 7:03pm On Jun 30, 2023


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 7:09pm On Jun 30, 2023

LGB people have been in existence for ages, they mind their business and live like normal humans without disturbing anybody's space, TQVXWXY1234 bla bla bla came into existence and started causing havoc, their main target are females and children, they've distorted the xy chromosome as false, they say a woman can be defined as anything except being a female with vagina and real boobs, they say men can menstruate and even made an ad to prove that stupid point, they are attempting to take over women's sport claiming a man can be a woman and so much more, for you a feminist to accept these anomalies and see it as normal is beyond surprising, they are gradually erasing womanhood taking us to the dark ages, slowly taking away all we have fought for centuries ago to be where we are today, and these things are mainly done by men pretending to be women, a clear cut misogyny in progress, and you are cool with it? Their new stance now is renaming biological male and female as "cis", a coined out word from a sick fake scientist in the 60s that wanted sex between adults and children to be seen as normal, he actually experimented on children to figure out the psychological trauma and effects, and so many died, heck presently they already have a pedophile group with their flag

They sure do know how to rile y’all up.
For one the person who made the inflammatory comment about being more feminine than women was one person and they called out for it but I guess that doesn’t suit the narrative so we’ll say that’s all trans people

And it’s been debunked as soon as the propaganda machine started rolling that the person who coined the term cis is actually a female researcher who is pretty much still alive.
Anyone can get you to believe anything if they say it against someone you’re already biased against.

When I see clear cut misogyny by individual men or trans women who are hiding under the umbrella of transgender, I can recognize it as that one individual and trust me misogyny doesn’t escape me. What I refuse to do is to use that individual as a brush to paint everyone under that umbrella because that’s exactly what they want.

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by copyrites: 7:13pm On Jun 30, 2023
I'm curious. Can cococandy entertain this?


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 7:21pm On Jun 30, 2023

@ Paragraph one - so was the invasion of Iraq for weapons of mass destruction that were never recovered and the world never saw till date.

yea that’s a very problematic side of America. It would surprise you to know that the “woke mob” actually dislikes this. It’s the conservatives who are always war hungry because their leaders are puppets for billionaires who gain from worldwide acrimony and destruction of lives in other parts of the world to pad their pockets. But they have managed to convince their followers that trans people are the enemy so that they can stay busy fighting meaningless wars on the internet while they physically destroy the world for more oil and resources.

@ Paragraph two - truthfully, it is a yes and no answer for me. Yes, a part of me thinks it won't be bad if they are served breakfast a second time. Since they don't know when to stop or mind their business, let someone help them refocus their time and energy as a country.

No, because I am not a blood thirsty individual who enjoys wanton destruction of lives and properties. That was my emotions talking as someone who is frankly sick and tired of the US and its shenanigans. Is it so hard to stay in your lane, mind your business and respect the wishes or policies of other nations?

Again truth be told when 9/11 happened I had mixed feelings. On one hand I felt sad and bothered by the destruction of lives without justification. On the other hand I thought to myself it's not a bad thing that they were shown that they are not as powerful as they love to think.
Those were thousands of innocent people some of whom even share similar beliefs as you against and for the trans community. Nothing they believe makes a difference in the foreign policy of USA.

I want to make one post only as I need to charge my battery so permit me to tackle the other issues you quoted me on. Candance makes sense to me in the videos I've come across, I don't know her well enough but I know I like what I've heard her say about the LGBTQ community.

Candace is a grifter who pitches her tent in whatever conversation she thinks will make republicans like her so that she can stay on the talk show and make more money. Someone that complained about a company making products for disabled people using disabled models. Because “the inclusivity is too much now and that’s too woke”. Talking fast doesn’t mean she’s making sense. Most of the time she’s talking outta her behind. When you see her saying something and you want to know if she’s speaking the truth, go find whatever situation she was responding to and you’d be surprised to see how she’s twisted it into what it wasn’t.

You say the LGBTQ community is not in our faces or shoving this thing down our throats? They are doing so through art like music, movies, cartoons, schools and in sports like when they generated a controversy over Qatar hosting the world cup. In fact Buka & Desca accurately articulated my thoughts on this matter in their responses to you, so make I no over flog the issue.

People create threads to talk about them only because they will not let us hear word or rest. Once upon a time people hid their sexual immorality and it wasn't a thing to broadcast up and down. I think some fornicators and adulterers still do, but you see this LGBTQ folks ehn, they want to choke us with public advertisement of themselves and lifestyles. Like what the hell? Na only them waka come? Or na only USA waka come this world? With their ITK and oversabi? Let them tackle gun violence and leave other countries alone on this matter.
Refer to the response I gave buka earlier about the shoving thing. Same thing

And I still love you too, but you see on this issue we cannot be on the same page because we see things differently and that is okay with me.

Fine. 🫶🏽

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 7:24pm On Jun 30, 2023

I'm curious. Can cococandy entertain this?

No I can’t. I bath alone in private. Another woman can’t join me. Not even my family members can


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 7:27pm On Jun 30, 2023

I've seen videos of these people bullying mostly Christians, there is one association against catholics in california where they openly mock them, they call themselves sisterhood of perpetual blablabla unfortunately sanctioned by the government in the name of inclusion, I saw a video of a white man reading his bible, trans people spat at him, confronted him to his face, tore his bible, pushed and shoved him to the ground, but this man didn't flinch, he kept on reading his bible, there is a man on twitter, billboard bill or something, this man goes to different states and countries on a lone protests with billboards on his back and front saying a man cannot be a woman, yet he gets shoved and pushed at by these people yet you say they are being victimised and want peace

This is literally illegal and they most likely were punished for it. Again the asshole that spat at someone if they were caught won’t go free. Does that mean this person speaks for all trans people?
You definitely have to know deep down that because one person did something hence all people in their group can’t be automatically liable for it?

Jovialjune1 I’m still responding to your post but it was long hence I had to cut into bits.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by copyrites: 7:32pm On Jun 30, 2023

No I can’t. I bath alone in private. Another woman can’t join me. Not even my family members can

Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 7:38pm On Jun 30, 2023

What pains me the most is they are desperately trying to cancel womanhood and our achievements, they want to cancel our existence, how can you not see that? Their target and biological modifications are 100% on females, and these are mainly done by men, powerful misogynistic men that will go to any length to achieve their aim even if they loose money, you cannot be in support of these people, they want to destroy the world until it's too late

The people who are the natural predators of women are men so definitely misogyny is going to show in some of these trans women who were socialized as men during their formative years. If anything it says more about maleness than the trans community itself. But that’s topic for another day.

Why are the modifications more towards the feminine, I’m not sure but it makes more sense seeing as it’s easier to remove something than to add something. So trans men are just left with taking testosterone and outwardly appearing masculine but can’t get a member (if you know what I mean). Whereas their female counterpart can go all the way. But it’s most likely not because of any conspiracy. The easiest explanation is usually the truth.

Now, I’m curious what achievements of women can they cancel? I’ve heard this before and I can’t say specifically what it relates to. Does it refer to if women invent stuff or create new ideas or make political strides then women won’t be given credit for it?
From what I’ve seen, if the woman is a trans woman, then they’ll say maybe so and so was the first trans woman to do this or that. I don’t even see the achievements they are taking.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 7:44pm On Jun 30, 2023


But to give you a perspective because I feel where you were going with that.
Most bathrooms have 3 or even 4 categories here. All public places usually have

1)Men’s: obviously

2)Women’s: obviously

3)All gender: for anyone uncomfortable in A or B above

4)Family: for ppl with small kids

Bathroom issues have never existed except on the internet where again republicans have tried to convince y’all that LGBTQ folks are hiding in bathrooms waiting to molest your kids. These issues simply are not what they are made out to be. Only designed to distract us from who the real problem is.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by copyrites: 8:03pm On Jun 30, 2023

But to give you a perspective because I feel where you were going with that.
Most bathrooms have 3 or even 4 categories here. All public places usually have

1)Men’s: obviously

2)Women’s: obviously

3)All gender: for anyone uncomfortable in A or B above

4)Family: for ppl with small kids

Bathroom issues have never existed except on the internet where again republicans have tried to convince y’all that LGBTQ folks are hiding in bathrooms waiting to molest your kids. These issues simply are not what they are made out to be. Only designed to distract us from who the real problem is.

I understand your points quite well. I've never really been interested in the LGBTQ community. Not condemning their movements doesn't mean I agree with them. My concern has always been the end goal. Really, is there a limit to these things? Last time I checked, more letters are being added to the typical "LGBTQ."

If, tomorrow, a new movement comes up to call for sex between man/woman and pets or sex between humans and dead bodies (after all, these things exist, maybe not on a large scale). Would you say that someone who wants sex with a dead body is well within his/her rights? Is there a limit to these things or are humans just going "in.sa.ne" on a daily basis?? The idea of using "human rights" as a basis to justify anything and everything obviously doesn't seem right.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 8:10pm On Jun 30, 2023

I understand your points quite well. I've never really been interested in the LGBTQ community. Not condemning their movements doesn't mean I agree with them. My concern has always been the end goal. Really, is there a limit to these things? Last time I checked, more letters are being added to the typical "LGBTQ."

There’s no end goal. As with any movement, there’s no conspiracy of a few people sitting somewhere hoping to achieve something clandestine. It just doesn’t stand to reason. There will be errant members of the group and there will be maybe….extremists? If you can use that term in this situation. But by and large it is just a group of people who are hoping nobody will come to their club and shoot 49 people dead just because they don’t like them

Today, is there a limit to these things? If, tomorrow, a new movement pops up to call for sex between man/woman and pets/animals or sex between humans and dead bodies (after all, these things exist, maybe not on a large scale). Would you say that someone who wants sex with a dead body is well within his/her rights? Is there a limit to these things or are humans just going "in.sa.ne" on a daily basis??

Non-adult humans, pets, dead animals, dead people, dead pets, inanimate objects etc cannot give consent.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by copyrites: 8:23pm On Jun 30, 2023

There’s no end goal. As with any movement, there’s no conspiracy of a few people sitting somewhere hoping to achieve something clandestine. It just doesn’t stand to reason. There will be errant members of the group and there will be maybe….extremists? If you can use that term in this situation. But by and large it is just a group of people who are hoping nobody will come to their club and shoot 49 people dead just because they don’t like them

Non-adult humans, pets, dead animals, dead people, dead pets, inanimate objects etc cannot give consent.

Well, you can't be too sure what animal rights activists are cooking up presently. Remember, you didn't know enough or care about LGBTQ say 15-20 years ago?? Correct??

People may rise tomorrow to call for a review of the meaning and definition of "consent" the same way they're reconstructing the meaning of "gender."


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 8:27pm On Jun 30, 2023
Until then

Well, you can't be too sure what animal rights activists are cooking up presently. Remember, you didn't know enough or care about LGBTQ say 15-20 years ago?? Correct??

People may rise tomorrow to call for a review of the meaning and definition of "consent" the same way they're reconstructing the meaning of "gender."

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by copyrites: 8:32pm On Jun 30, 2023
Until then

Okay smiley

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by descarado: 9:36pm On Jun 30, 2023
See the one that recently modelled female bikini.
Chei, we have suffered


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by PrimadonnaO(f): 9:36pm On Jun 30, 2023

I stumbled on a YouTube short video on trans regret, then followed the channel out of interest. Some transgendered folks are in pain, misery and full of regrets over their choice to transition from one gender to another. I suspect many others will get to that point soon.

You literally feel their pain/regrets through those videos, that you can't even criticise or judge them. You mourn with them over this trans nonsense, one said this was a mistake that never should have happened. Her body is so mutilated and scarred from multiple surgeries that she dresses in clothing to cover herself from the neck downwards.

It is madness from the pit of hell.

From the bottomless pit of hell.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by descarado: 9:39pm On Jun 30, 2023
This one advertised Tampons and how to use it.
We will conquer
After undergoing gender reassignment and going viral on tiktok, he is now the face of trans.
Women font have identity anymore.
Nothing like woman.

Cos anybody, thing can be a woman.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by PrimadonnaO(f): 9:52pm On Jun 30, 2023

1. Everybody have the right of association. It is not discrimination to decide to service or not to service a group of people especially if you are a private business/ person. I can rent to who I will, employ who I will etc. If it is not propaganda, how do an employer or landlord know my sexual orientation?

2. They can celebrate their rights without forcing others to celebrate it too. Any reason why institutions are forced to fly their flags and dress in their colours? Any reason why the pride month has become mainstream?

3. Bobrisky rose from a nobody to the entity he has become today. I am sure there are other trans and cross dressers who are not popular because we don't know them. Infact, Bobrisky's popularity is enough to make him a target if people were inclined to mob him.

4. Again I ask, if they do not put themselves in our face, how do we know them? Can I vouch that my neighbours aren't Homosexuals? Can I confidently say all my colleagues are heterosexuals? Nope! Because it is not my business and nobody feels compelled to shove their sexuality in my face. If there is no pride month, no flag, no propaganda, I am sure a lot of people would forget they exist. Because they constantly seek validation from the general public, they always open themselves up for discussion.

5. Luckily, I am in Nigeria and everyone as at today has the good sense to keep their sexuality to themselves. I do not concern myself with them till they pop up in the news or someone comes out of the Closet like their sexuality is the world's business. The existence or not of the LGBTQ ~ is in the hands of the Christian God who has said over and over that they are an abomination to Him.

7. A little yeast spoils the dough. If they are left to continue their propaganda, they would spread their agenda slowly and surely.

8. If I see an LGBTQ ~ person, I would see a lost human being and feel immense pity.

9. They are co-existing in other countries without making a nuisance of themselves or shoving their agenda down people's throats. And as a Christian, I do not want to see them thrive cheesy I do not want to see evil of any sort thrive.

The clarity and truth is this makes me happy.

God bless you for the umpteenth time. kiss


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by descarado: 9:54pm On Jun 30, 2023

I'm curious. Can cococandy entertain this?
They beat the hell out of one who entered a female locker room.
These females know that they should not wait on the authorities anymore and descended on the guy.
You have your balls and third leg and have the gut to call yourself a lady.

Many have been raping women.

In a female sports in Australia, a transgender joined and won.
The females don't compete equally and fair anymore. They have to compete against a man in a female dominated sports.

In wrestling, I saw a trans beat the hell out of one lady that dare to fight him in boxing.
I cried. Blood was oozing out from her mouth while the idiot was smiling away saying it has been his long time desire. Desire to beat up a woman in a competitive sport?
Commentators were praising him.

And we are here justifying this insanity?

Let trans compete against trans.

Their agenda is to overpower women and relegate them to incubators that they were in the olden days.
Yep, this is well orchestrated move by some group of people.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 10:00pm On Jun 30, 2023
See the one that recently modelled female bikini.
Chei, we have suffered

cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy

I feel for you guys who are unwillingly bombarded by this insanity.

And it is funny that these trans women keep shrinking the space for women. Now they take up women's slots in adverts, sports, awards, locker rooms, prisons.

Imagine a musician who won best musician in the male category clamouring that they cancel gender based categories because he can no longer decide if he is male or female cheesy


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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 10:03pm On Jun 30, 2023

They beat the hell out of one who entered a female locker room.
These females know that they should not wait on the authorities anymore and descended on the guy.
You have your balls and third leg and have the gut to call yourself a lady.

Many have been raping women.

In a female sports in Australia, a transgender joined and won.
The females don't compete equally and fair anymore. They have to compete against a man in a female dominated sports.

In wrestling, I saw a trans beat the hell out of one lady that dare to fight him in boxing.
I cried. Blood was oozing out from her mouth while the idiot was smiling away saying it has been his long time desire. Desire to beat up a woman in a competitive sport?
Commentators were praising him.

And we are here justifying this insanity?

Let trans compete against trans.

Their agenda is to overpower women and relegate them to incubators that they were in the olden days.
Yep, this is well orchestrated move by some group of people.


I think these women should start walking away. I know there is the publicised case of a swimmer who competed with a trans woman and came second.

She dragged them to thine kingdom come.

Like you said, they can create a category for trans sports. Their fans and supporters would watch them.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 10:06pm On Jun 30, 2023

The clarity and truth is this makes me happy.

God bless you for the umpteenth time. kiss

You are welcome dear 😘


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 10:09pm On Jun 30, 2023
This one advertised Tampons and how to use it.
We will conquer
After undergoing gender reassignment and going viral on tiktok, he is now the face of trans.
Women font have identity anymore.
Nothing like woman.

Cos anybody, thing can be a woman.

Is he menstruating?

Or he put tomato sauce in the hole that his surgeon created for him (which he needs to inflate regularly so it doesn't close up) to stimulate periods? cheesy


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by descarado: 10:13pm On Jun 30, 2023

Is he menstruating?

Or he put tomato sauce in the hole that his surgeon created for him (which he needs to inflate regularly so it doesn't close up) to stimulate periods? cheesy

Yes, he is menstruating from his bum.
It is well.
Don't laugh o.

We have abused the word freedom so much.


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