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The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: - Family (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: (6898 Views)

Trans Woman Takes A Picture EVERYDAY For 8 Mnths To Show Dramatic Transformation / Why Is The Trans Community So Hostile / Woman,26 Who Came Out As A Trans Man At Age 19 Reveals She Is Now Back To Female (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by descarado: 10:21pm On Jun 30, 2023
This is the one for a 2 yrs old kid

Target that rolled out its lgbt products online after losing millions and backlash are pulling them off market fast.

People are now responding by boycott since talking don't do it


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 10:29pm On Jun 30, 2023

If said place is a publicly funded place, then they have a right as well as anyone else to receive service and employment there. They pay taxes and are entitled to the amenities they pay into. If such discriminations are allowed, I can say it’s against my belief to serve or associate with Muslims and then my belief has to be respected and then Muslim wants his beliefs to be respected and the Hindu wants to not associate with the Jew and his beliefs have to respected as well.

this is what I mean by propaganda. Literally no one. Not one institution, company or organization is forced to celebrate pride. What people who don’t live in America don’t realize is the hyper capitalist nature of this country. The driving factor behind every decision is money. So companies celebrate and identify with marginalized groups not out of the goodness of their heart but just to garner good will and thus attract more clients. No one will even be fined or punished for not celebrating. I can’t believe you actually believe people are forced to celebrate pride. They can chose to keep mum throughout the whole month and no one will blink in their direction. The propaganda is too much and y’all are lapping it up.

I beg to differ so let’s agree to disagree on that.

and again I ask you what does putting themselves in your face actually look like in practice? Is it that a woman mentions her husband and a man mentions his husband and suddenly that man is forcing his lifestyle on you whereas the woman who said the same thing wasn’t forcing herself? Y’all know the truth.

OMG. You know what? Same here. It’s exactly the same in America. Everyone lives their lives and minds their business. It’s only on nairaland that I come and hear how America is a land running amok with trans people. Imagine if I come online and tell you how Nigeria is depraved. full of trans people going to schools grooming children and teaching them to change their genders. Won’t you look at me like I’ve lost my marbles. That’s EXACTLY how these internet conversations are from my perspective. Because I currently live in the what has been consistently voted one of the most diverse cities in the world and not one LGBTQ person has constituted a nuisance of themselves to anyone around them. Yet on nairaland they are forcing themselves on far away individuals who have never met one in real life.

That’s your opinion. God does not create abominations.

out of curiosity what’s the solution? Not that I see a problem but since you think it is, what’s a solution in your opinion. Kill them?

they might feel the same way about you: so y’all just pity each other and pass on by. No harm no foul

Refer to my earlier paragraph where I told you comments like these from someone who doesn’t live next them and has no way of knowing except through online propaganda has me befuddled.
I’m sure they have nothing against you and won’t mind if you thrive. You’re the one overly concerned about them and claiming it’s being shoved on you..

I agree that a public funded place has to provide service to all bona-fide citizens/ tax payers. The institution can now align their workforce to cater for the population in line with their beliefs. If a trans/ gay couple wants to wed in a state registry, I am sure they can get someone who digs their shenanigans to wed them. If the alphabet people are not asking for a service against the faith of the medical personnel and need general treatment, they should surely get it etc.

If they are not shoving themselves in people's faces, the western media/podcasts would not be agog with them. In Nigeria today, every podcaster and YouTube channel is ten things to note when you get to YouKay; Canada is not what I thought it was; Japa is ruining marriages; Nigerian women/men are lonely in [insert preferred location]; Yorubas/Igbos are bigots; yada yada because those are the things trending in our society. There was no buzz about the alphabet people four years ago or even two years ago. What brought about the buzz today? Why are more capitalist corporations trying to identify with them today?

Solution: they should return to the Closet where they belong; build communities for themselves; create content for themselves. If I want to watch gay/trans content, let me seek it out. If I want to watch a Christian movie today, I would have to look for it. Kill ke? Anyone who kills anyone apart from during an official duty or self-defence is culpable of murder. All human beings including the two weeks foetus in the womb has a right to life.

Thankfully you know that God in the Bible doesn't create abominations. In the beginning, He made them male and female and all through the Bible stated His disgust for all the alphabet people. It is basic Christianity 101. Does it mean that if an alphabet people repents, He wouldn't forgive? Of course not. He doesn't want any sinner to perish.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 10:31pm On Jun 30, 2023

Yes, he is menstruating from his bum.
It is well.
Don't laugh o.

We have abused the word freedom so much.

From his bum ke?

Doesn't he have kind neighbours to rush him to the hospital? cheesy

There is nothing like absolute freedom.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by descarado: 10:42pm On Jun 30, 2023

cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy

I feel for you guys who are unwillingly bombarded by this insanity.

And it is funny that these trans women keep shrinking the space for women. Now they take up women's slots in adverts, sports, awards, locker rooms, prisons.

Imagine a musician who won best musician in the male category clamouring that they cancel gender based categories because he can no longer decide if he is male or female cheesy

Sam Smith, right cheesy
Can you see where this is going.

The face behind the mask is what matters.

You understood perfectly what's going on.
Majority of us women thought its all about live and let live. All romance novel writers have abandoned male female romance stories and writing only about them. You wanna sell, write any rubbish as long as its about them, you will sell.
Some YouTube content creators are forced to market them subtly for acceptance especially people from the state.
All female adverts are proudly taken over by them.
Because they don't want to identify as male anymore and assigning female to god look somehow, god is now non gender.
You see what's going on.
I rest my case.

It's been long I dwelled so much on a topic like this here.
I'm tired.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by descarado: 10:44pm On Jun 30, 2023

From his bum ke?

Doesn't he have kind neighbours to rush him to the hospital? cheesy

There is nothing like absolute freedom.
Buky, pls cheesy
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 11:09pm On Jun 30, 2023

Buky, pls cheesy

Is it bad to be my neighbours keeper.? grin


Sam Smith, right cheesy
Can you see where this is going.

The face behind the mask is what matters.

You understood perfectly what's going on.
Majority of us women thought its all about live and let live. All romance novel writers have abandoned male female romance stories and writing only about them. You wanna sell, write any rubbish as long as its about them, you will sell.
Some YouTube content creators are forced to market them subtly for acceptance especially people from the state.
All female adverts are proudly taken over by them.
Because they don't want to identify as male anymore and assigning female to god look somehow, god is now non gender.
You see what's going on.
I rest my case.

It's been long I dwelled so much on a topic like this here.
I'm tired.

I pray those of you against this abomination would stand firm, win thereby saving your children and their children.


1 Like

Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by PrimadonnaO(f): 7:38am On Jul 01, 2023

You are welcome dear 😘

kiss kiss
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by PrimadonnaO(f): 7:39am On Jul 01, 2023

You are welcome dear 😘

Lemme try something 😘😘


Nairaland now allows keyboard emojis.

Nice. 😁😁😁😁
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by zicoraads: 8:14am On Jul 01, 2023

kiss kiss

Me sef dey try the emojis.

Na true ooo😅😅

1 Like

Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by PrimadonnaO(f): 9:23am On Jul 01, 2023


Me sef dey try the emojis.

Na true ooo😅😅

Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by pussyphilia(m): 10:49am On Jul 01, 2023
If people understood that masculinity and feminity are not gender specific and that some men crave masculine females and vice versa, there won't be need for any man to want to trans. Such men would have simply found themselves masculine females as mates and live their lives.
But because the patrachial society has a stereotype of who a man/woman is, feminine men now result to transitioning bodily to females to be free to live their lives.
Solution is for the world to throw away patrachy and allow feminine men to freely live under the dominance of masculine women. More women who know deep down that they masculine and crave to dominate their men should be free to marry and control such feminine men. It'll help to solve the trans problem.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by StoicAdvisor: 11:43am On Jul 01, 2023
One angle that is not properly talked about is that these trans folks are only as powerful as the government wants them to be. In other words, they are created, supported, and perpetuated by extremely powerful political elites.

By their fruit, you shall know them. From their actions, you can infer their motivations. All this trans, LGTBQ stuff is just an attempt to destroy the family system, there is no other way it can be explained. And they are successful at it.

This is the danger of ideology. The foundation of all these is rooted in ideology, and if you subscribe to it, then you are expected to accept whatever direction it takes without questioning it. If they can tell you what to think, then they can control your actions.

Feminism has done its own damage to the gender relationship, now trans will destroy women. Because I don't understand how a man who couldn't compete fairly with another man should be allowed to literally kill a woman because he is now a trans woman.

And what shocked me the most is that lots of women in their bid to virtue signal and come off as accepting/inclusive, can't see the danger of seeing trans women as women. Especially since you can be a trans woman just by identification, without any physical surgery.

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by armyofone(m): 8:18pm On Jul 01, 2023
See the one that recently modelled female bikini.
Chei, we have suffered

Lol grin

I enjoy watching RuPaul.
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 8:59pm On Jul 01, 2023
If people understood that masculinity and feminity are not gender specific and that some men crave masculine females and vice versa, there won't be need for any man to want to trans. Such men would have simply found themselves masculine females as mates and live their lives.
But because the patrachial society has a stereotype of who a man/woman is, feminine men now result to transitioning bodily to females to be free to live their lives.
Solution is for the world to throw away patrachy and allow feminine men to freely live under the dominance of masculine women. More women who know deep down that they masculine and crave to dominate their men should be free to marry and control such feminine men. It'll help to solve the trans problem.
You have a point.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 9:00pm On Jul 01, 2023
One angle that is not properly talked about is that these trans folks are only as powerful as the government wants them to be. In other words, they are created, supported, and perpetuated by extremely powerful political elites.

By their fruit, you shall know them. From their actions, you can infer their motivations. All this trans, LGTBQ stuff is just an attempt to destroy the family system, there is no other way it can be explained. And they are successful at it.

This is the danger of ideology. The foundation of all these is rooted in ideology, and if you subscribe to it, then you are expected to accept whatever direction it takes without questioning it. If they can tell you what to think, then they can control your actions.

Feminism has done its own damage to the gender relationship, now trans will destroy women. Because I don't understand how a man who couldn't compete fairly with another man should be allowed to literally kill a woman because he is now a trans woman.

And what shocked me the most is that lots of women in their bid to virtue signal and come off as accepting/inclusive, can't see the danger of seeing trans women as women. Especially since you can be a trans woman just by identification, without any physical surgery.
So what should be done to trans people and feminist?

1 Like

Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 9:04pm On Jul 01, 2023
The transcommunity are a minute population globally. The world has bigger problems. If someone who isn't in the real world base their views on transpeople from this thread one would think they are terrorist that threaten your humanity.
Cococandy, you tried.

I have my reservations about transpeople but I do not that they are not a threat to anybody.
Should they be in women's spaces? No it even rarely happens but sure let the propaganda tell you that their existence threaten women.
But the patriarchy that breeds misogyny and sexism that have had disastrous consequences on women must be nothing compared to what a very minute population of people want. So transpeople are your problem.
I understand the argument against them in terms of biology any other thing is mere propaganda meant to bring hatred and scare people.

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 9:21pm On Jul 01, 2023

My dear, I don't know o.
See those that follow the movement mostly can't defend what they believe in.
Females have suffered.
And u see its mostly males that's fighting this war for us while we are promoting it.

We really don't understand what's going on.
Men are not fighting for you, they are angry that there are men who want to be women, a class they consider inferior to them and hence and insult to their manliness and toxicity.
The so-called men "fighting" for you will not lift a finger when women are harrassed, violated or abused and oppressed but you think men who are hiding their bigotry attacking other men for not thinking like them in toxic masculinity are allies fighting for women.
LMAO grin

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 9:29pm On Jul 01, 2023

Matt Walsh is God sent.

I always chuckle whenever I listen to his shorts on 'who is a woman'?

How did we get to this point that we cannot define who a woman is anymore?
Matt Walsh that has no problem with teenage pregnancy and advocating for abuse of minors cannot be "God sent".



Truly bigotry does have allies. If you want to critically call out transpeople do it the way JK. Rowling does not by thinking men who are hateful like Matt Walsh are "God sent".
The joke writes itself. LMAO.

Everybody knows what a woman is
The famous line is using came from the confirmation hearing of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court who ignored the question a Republican senator asked her on what a woman was because it was a political question that had no basis in law that she was questioned hence the reply she gave because she didn't want to be caught up in the bigotry, the question "What is a Woman?" was actually aimed at poking to the Republican base.
Everyone knows what a woman is. The definition has not changed.

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 11:05pm On Jul 01, 2023
Thank you very much. I did try but I gave up and in future do not plan to have such conversations again. You sef try.
The transcommunity are a minute population globally. The world has bigger problems. If someone who isn't in the real world base their views on transpeople from this thread one would think they are terrorist that threaten your humanity.
Cococandy, you tried.

I have my reservations about transpeople but I do not that they are not a threat to anybody.
Should they be in women's spaces? No it even rarely happens but sure let the propaganda tell you that their existence threaten women.
But the patriarchy that breeds misogyny and sexism that have had disastrous consequences on women must be nothing compared to what a very minute population of people want. So transpeople are your problem.
I understand the argument against them in terms of biology any other thing is mere propaganda meant to bring hatred and scare people.

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 11:28pm On Jul 01, 2023
I don’t know how people like him (Matt) and his cohorts started to get celebrated on NL. I want to believe it’s truly an accidental belief that they are good sensible people based on short clips of their commentary. Cos no way



Matt Walsh that has no problem with teenage pregnancy and advocating for abuse of minors cannot be "God sent".



Truly bigotry does have allies. If you want to critically call out transpeople do it the way JK. Rowling does not by thinking men who are hateful like Matt Walsh are "God sent".
The joke writes itself. LMAO.

Everybody knows what a woman is
The famous line is using came from the confirmation hearing of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court who ignored the question a Republican senator asked her on what a woman was because it was a political question that had no basis in law that she was questioned hence the reply she gave because she didn't want to be caught up in the bigotry, the question "What is a Woman?" was actually aimed at poking to the Republican base.
Everyone knows what a woman is. The definition has not changed.

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Eunoiaa(f): 12:31am On Jul 02, 2023
And u see its mostly males that's fighting this war for us while we are promoting it.

I was reading this as a guest, but I had to log in to make this comment.

This is literally revisionism right here, and it shouldn't stand.

Is radical feminism a joke to you (rhetorical question; don't answer)?

Ever since transgenderism became a wide-spread phenomenon in the West, it is women, RADFEMS, who have spoken against it, and are still doing so.

I used to be active in a lot of gender critical groups and you see women doing ACTUAL work of legislation and protests and grassroots mobilisation speaking up against transgenderism.

From Genevieve Gluck to Radfem Black to Julie Bindel to Nordic Model Now, to ReSisters United, to Women's Liberation Front (WoLF).

There's Maya Fortaster (who sued her employer*) and Keira Bell (who sued the NHS*) and Allison Bailey (who sued Stonewall) and hundreds of women out there in the world right now, who are fighting legal battles and setting up precedents for gender cases and the "what is a woman" question.

Meghan Murphy has been permanently banned from Twitter for her "transphobic" views. (Modified: Elon unbanned her last year November).

Even Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie put her neck in the line of fire to speak up for women.

And there's J.K. Rowling who literally put her legacy and integrity to test, not to talk of her multi-million-dollar career, just to defend women.

I followed so many gatherings and movements too, and one of them was #WomenWon'tWeesht (women will not be silenced).

There's Kathleen Stock, there's Abigail Dines, there's Jessica Taylor, and one lawmaker in NZ/Australia (I'm not sure) who've all faced public threats and slurs for simply saying nobody who says they are a woman is one.

While anyone can be gender-critical, the bulk of the work is on women's back. Silently doing the work, as they've been doing for all ages and getting laws changed. I was deeply involved in it online, so I know. So many death and rape threats and arrests these women came to share on Facebook and Twitter communities. Men are not doing shit except riding on the clout to cosplay knights-in-shining-armor.

You attributing the pushback against TRAs to men is just like how people praise and hail a man and give him a platform for something thousands of women have been saying for all ages, but nobody pays attention to. And the funniest thing is, those rabid TRAs never vilify or cancel men like Richard Dawkins and Matt Walsh the way they have done to the women who say the same thing.

So it is very very unfair for you to say "we" aren't doing anything.

Even Jess de Wahls, a textile artist, had a row with the Royal Academy of Arts over some "transphobic" comments she made. The TRAs wanted her art taken down, but the Academy later apologized to her (after they've pulled her art down). Her works went back on display.

I can give you numerous examples; it'll only take time and (as) I've long stopped following the issue and new developments (because as Ladyhippolyta said, and I add, it is a minute case, really). What you get from the mainstream media isn't the true picture of things. There are also groups like Get the L out of UK, LGB Alliance, Gays Against Groomers.

Also, on the contrary, it is "bros in bras", those males you refer to, the 'autogynephiliacs' and kink-loving fetishistic sissies, who are pushing the whole thing (I have nothing against transsexuals and dysphoric people, like Buck Angel, who really just want to live their lives). You can obviously see how "loud" and "in your face" the trans-rights activists have been. It's clearly male in nature.

You saying men are fighting for us is just like when men tell you that they are protectors of women against predator men, that is the same way they are trying to project themselves as the critics of men who identify as women. They are all MEN and it is a misogynistic problem, and as usual, as most women have done for ages, they are the nice and accommodating ones being gaslighted into accepting men as women. Including the liberal feminists. Perhaps you should look to them for the "we" that are promoting it.

It is not all of us (women). It is not the radfems or gender-critical feminists or radical-leaning feminists and we are a lot. Right from day one.

Oh, yeah. Special mention to Sugabelly of Twitter too. She's another vocal anti-trans Nigerian feminist.

Again, I follow some (Nigerian) feminists on Twitter and I know there is a rift between them along pro- and anti-trans matter (like there's been amongst feminists since time past). I think Vashti (Vash Offo) is gender-critical too. Why am I mentioning these people? They are popular on there, and are speaking up against the trans ideology, in contrast to your quoted claim. You may not know all these and that may have informed your opinion.

Maky Debbie is another GC feminist I know.

So ... there.

P.S.: I took my time to type this, and to come across as chill as possible, so if any part feels off somehow or rub you in some way, I really really do not mean to be offensive or rude. 💙💜

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Eunoiaa(f): 1:06am On Jul 02, 2023
Men are not fighting for you, they are angry that there are men who want to be women, a class they consider inferior to them and hence and insult to their manliness and toxicity.
The so-called men "fighting" for you will not lift a finger when women are harrassed, violated or abused and oppressed but you think men who are hiding their bigotry attacking other men for not thinking like them in toxic masculinity are allies fighting for women.
LMAO grin

Why do you have so much oyel in your head? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Because the same men who will not stop or save a woman from being r-ped (shout out to the very few who do), now wants to defend womanhood?

As per? Overnight lovers of femininity?

Same men that will gaslight any woman who comes out to share her story of abuse now love women so much to want to speak for us?


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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Eunoiaa(f): 1:20am On Jul 02, 2023
This is what happens when men with crazy fetishes finally have the means to portray their fetishes in public. This movement has only garnered strength because many men have joined it.

I call it misogyny 2.0.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Eunoiaa(f): 1:35am On Jul 02, 2023
I’ve lived in quite a few states in America. West coast to east coast and everyone lives in their lane. I’m not seeing the devil’s playground that’s being publicized on the internet to rile up these exact feelings you’re expressing in these posts.

Maybe their propaganda is working too well?

To be very honest, I am now "scared" of America, especially with the upsurge in mass shootings and in my head, I'm like, "why's anybody still living there? Why are people still traveling to the USA??"

And then I considered that exactly the same way I've associated mass shooting to the US is the way people over there would have associated Boko Haram to Nigeria.

Because, just think about it. grin

How do you think Americans see Nigeria with all the ISIS-related bombings, kidnappings, police brutality and jungle justice/lynching over blasphemous claims?

Meanwhile, I feel "safe" over here and my life is normal. I have only ever encountered terroristic killings in the news, that you'll feel Borno is almost in another country.

Infact sef, we in the South and West have otherized the North so much so that we never think those people are living normal lives like the rest of us.

Davido's psycho (and alleged) baby momma said the Nigerian culture sacrifice babies the other day, and everyone went gun-blazing at her. I was irate, too, of course.

But seeing some comments on here now calling the US 'a devil's playground' and all sort of names made me pause and thought, "how is that different from what Anita said?" Like really, how do you think people from other places see Nigerians? But we're justified in our own rights and we believe that no foreigner who says we live in huts and ride camels is sensible.

We are stereotyping each other based on fringe events and extremities. We are doing the same things to each other lol.

P.S.: I use "we" and "you" as generic terms here.

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 1:38am On Jul 02, 2023
Absolutely. Spot on

To be very honest, I am now "scared" of America, especially with the upsurge in Mass shooting and in my head, I'm like, "why's anybody still going there? Why are people still traveling to the USA??

And then I considered that exactly the same way I've associated mass shooting to the US is the way people over there would have associated Boko Haram and public lynchings to Nigeria.

Because, just think about it. grin

How do you think Americans see Nigeria with all the ISIS-related bombings, kidnappings, police brutality and jungle justice over blasphemous claims?

Meanwhile, I feel "safe" over here and my life is normal. I have only ever encountered terroristic killings in the news, that you'll feel Borno is almost in another country.

Infacr sef, we in the South and West have otherized the North so much so that we never think those people are living normal lives like us.

Davido's alleged and psycho baby mom, the other day, said the Nigerian culture sacrifice babies the other day, and everyone went gun-blazing at her. I was irate, too, of course.

But seeing some comments on here now calling the US 'a devil's playground' and all sort of names made me pause and thought, "how is that different from what Anita said?" Like really, how do you think people from other places see Nigerians? But we're justified in our own rights and we believe that no foreigner who says we live in huts and ride camels is sensible.

We are stereotyping each other based on fringe events and extremities. We are doing the same things to each other lol.

P.S.: I use "we" and "you" as generic terms here.
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by somehow: 7:19am On Jul 02, 2023
Not to mention 9:11 was such a brutal and cruel waste of innocent lives. Thousands died for some stupid reason that’s best known to the attackers.

Are you seriously saying America is due for another unbridled wanton waste of lives so that gay people in other countries can keep being oppressed?

9/11 was arranged by the same American Elites.
it was a sacrifice that was worth going to Iraq for.

So they used that to earn trillions of dollars through weapons and crude oil (Iraq unjustified war).


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 7:37am On Jul 02, 2023
I don’t know how people like him (Matt) and his cohorts started to get celebrated on NL. I want to believe it’s truly an accidental belief that they are good sensible people based on short clips of their commentary. Cos no way


Lol, same "God sent" Matt Walsh has no problem with sexism and misogyny. He does love women indeed.
Same man that has a traditional and outdated view of women is who I should take as an ally for women. cheesy cheesy
The joke writes itself. The man is just an hateful being. You can be against transpeople without wishing them violence and hate. The stupid man claims that they are groomers and paedophiles which is not true in anyway except for a very small percentage if we want to even believe him. The groomers and paedophiles are mostly straight men or the men who openly condemn gay people. It is why I understand JK Rowlings views on women needing safe spaces without transwomen being involved and I see her point. But I cannot see Matt Walsh's point.

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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 7:39am On Jul 02, 2023

Why do you have so much oyel in your head? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Because the same men who will not stop or save a woman from being r-ped (shout out to the very few who do), now wants to defend womanhood?

As per? Overnight lovers of femininity?

Same men that will gaslight any woman who comes out to share her story of abuse now love women so much to want to speak for us?

My dear grin grin
The matter shock me oo. I prefer TERF's to speak for us against transwomen and not men like Matt Walsh grin
Men don't love women overnight neither are they our allies in anything particularly not against transwomen who are a minute percentage of abusers compared to straight or heterosexual men.


Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 8:28am On Jul 02, 2023

9/11 was arranged by the same American Elites.
it was a sacrifice that was worth going to Iraq for.

So they used that to earn trillions of dollars through weapons and crude oil (Iraq unjustified war).

That’s definitely a school of thought. even my former political history teacher believes it to be the fact.
Be that as it may, we don’t need another one.
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 8:29am On Jul 02, 2023

Matt Walsh that has no problem with teenage pregnancy and advocating for abuse of minors cannot be "God sent".



Truly bigotry does have allies. If you want to critically call out transpeople do it the way JK. Rowling does not by thinking men who are hateful like Matt Walsh are "God sent".
The joke writes itself. LMAO.

Everybody knows what a woman is
The famous line is using came from the confirmation hearing of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court who ignored the question a Republican senator asked her on what a woman was because it was a political question that had no basis in law that she was questioned hence the reply she gave because she didn't want to be caught up in the bigotry, the question "What is a Woman?" was actually aimed at poking to the Republican base.
Everyone knows what a woman is. The definition has not changed.

I wanted to be disappointed that this is not a left propaganda and read the article & the twitter video.

I know that anyone who is against the LGBTQ~ community from a Christian POV would be labelled all sorts, not surprising.

For anyone to watch the Twitter video & call Matt Walsh a pedophile must be a clown. cheesy Even the thumbnail of the video doesn't correlate with he said and I am sure that video was carefully curated to prove their point.

First the article:
1. Matt Walsh was quoted to equate drag Queens as pedophiles and should be treated as such. He was alleged to be against the LGBTQ~ community (as he should) and asks for their arrests. This makes Matt Walsh anti-LGBTQ~ and not a pedophile (except the meaning has changed).

Secondly the video:
1. I assume the discussion was around teenage pregnancy.
2. Matt Walsh brought facts to the table that:
a. Teenage girls have always been getting pregnant and cited the apex as 1957. Hence, teenage pregnancy is not a new phenomenon because peeps married much younger in older times. This occurred everywhere.
b. According to science, 17 - 24 yr old women are the most fertile for childbirth
c. About 30 years ago, society decided that teens are too young to get married.

The problem with teenage pregnancy is that the pregnancy is not in a marriage which is a fact. If an 17yr old girl marries a 19yr old guy and gives birth at 18, have the right resources to support them. What is the problem? Perhaps they are not done with school, perhaps we think if they are older, they would have chosen better yada yada but what is the problem and how is this pedophilia? Our dear Omotola married and had her first kid at 18yrs; I don't see anyone screaming pedophilia.

In that short clip, he did not even prescribe teenage marriage; he stated the facts on ground and rightly started that teenage pregnancy became an issue when it was outside wedlock.

I have not seen any hate from Matt Walsh although I understand that anyone who makes his/her Christian stance known especially against the LGBTQ~ is automatically labelled.

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