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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: (6895 Views)
Trans Woman Takes A Picture EVERYDAY For 8 Mnths To Show Dramatic Transformation / Why Is The Trans Community So Hostile / Woman,26 Who Came Out As A Trans Man At Age 19 Reveals She Is Now Back To Female (2) (3) (4)
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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 7:32pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
kkins25:March is Women's month uncle. Agenda want to agend yet you don't know that women who also have a history of marginalisation have a month for them. If you were not bothering yourself about LGBT people you are supposed to know this ![]() In the USA June is men's health month but no na pride people when dey proud to finally have the freedom to openly show themselves and celebrate na be your problem. While ignoring these other important celebratory months of the "two-genders" ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ishilove: 7:39pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
Ladyhippolyta88:You say?? 3 Likes
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 7:39pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
Kobojunkie:In the USA June is men's health month even though they have no history of marginalisation compared to women and LGBTQ people. March is Women's month a month set aside to celebrate Women who have a history of being marginalised. Yet those concerned against LGBTQ rarely focus on these months to celebrate the "two genders" but will wait for June where men are also celebrated instead of focusing on that will use it to drag LGBTQ people. ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 7:41pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
Ishilove:It doesn't change the fact that you hardly come in contact with them in the West neither does it change the fact that some spaces are not gender specific which transpeople may be inclined to use. And if the gym owner out of concern for the safety of other women decides to ban a transwoman from using those spaces while women are there then he has every right to because he is putting the interest of the other customers and users first. This doesn't mean that every transwoman wants to be in women's spaces when they are not invited. 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by kkins25(m): 7:51pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
Ladyhippolyta88: **heard*** |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by kkins25(m): 8:03pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
cococandy: It would seem two-spirit people is not an ancient construct but a mordern one.
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 8:05pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
kkins25: The term maybe not the concept. And by the way these are natives saying it themselves as oral history handed down. I have no reason to doubt them 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by doggedfighter(f): 8:51pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
Ishilove: Ishilove,do you approve of his method ? I shudder reading this. 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by GloriousGbola: 8:56pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
doggedfighter: This is a clip from American horror story asylum. This is what conversion therapy looks like. If I recall the good doctor went the whole hog in a bid to personally push his conversion therapy 3 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ishilove: 9:07pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
doggedfighter:Oh hell no. However, he says the nacking was consensual and that he would rather have her sleep with a man than with a woman. He added no child of his will identify as anything other than their biological sex 🤷♀️ The end justifies the means? 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by doggedfighter(f): 9:15pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
Ishilove: Consensual Now I can heave a sigh of relief. |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ishilove: 9:17pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
doggedfighter:That's what i was referring to when I wrote "hooked her up with men." No sane parent will have his child sexually molested. I understand his sentiments even though I don't approve of it. I'm not a fan of premarital sex, even though it has been a way of life in most societies from time immemorial. 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by GloriousGbola: 9:19pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
doggedfighter: There is no shortage of dick in the US. Dick accompanied by nice sexy bods. With guys who are actually invested in giving women good sex. The conversion story has plenty of k leg.and I would not want to know what actually happened 3 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ishilove: 9:22pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
GloriousGbola:No it doesn't. He wanted her completely far way from the corrupting influence of a society that encourages the kind of nonsense we are witnessing in the western world. She on her own has shown no interest in returning to the states 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by GloriousGbola: 9:24pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
Ishilove: So he exchanged the corruption of casual sex for the corruption of trans agenda The issue you are missing is that conversion therapy is not rooted in any science. It is all mumbo jumbo and there is no evidence that it actually works. But it is accompanied by enough pain and misery and distress to make those subjected to it play along so it will stop. Win win I guess. 3 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ishilove: 9:30pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
GloriousGbola:May not be casual. I didn't ask for details but the impression I got was she formed relationships with these men ... At the end of the day which will cause more damage? Pretending to be the other gender and using permanent surgery, mutilation and life long medication to reenforce this self deception, or fornication? I guess he chose the lesser evil. 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by doggedfighter(f): 9:32pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
GloriousGbola: On a second thought if it doesn't have k-leg why would she voluntarily bid US goodbye maybe avoiding the father forever because of what she was 'consensually' subjected to. This is my first time of hearing about conversion story. Never knew such happens even with parental approval. Feels odd to me. 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Acidosis(m): 9:35pm On Jul 02, 2023 |
CuriousStudent: Transgenders affect the society at large because d**ks are not meant for another d*ck. When a d*ck begins to lust after another d*ck, that is clearly a deformity, not "another gender." Like I acknowledge earlier, transgenders (due to hormonal deformities) are probably here to stay forever. But I don't see the transgender thing as "another gender" that needs to be institutionalised in every aspect of society. I consider them as people with disabilities. Disability is not a threat. The real threats are those transitioning due to early life experiences or experiences in adulthood, implying that anyone can become a transgender. 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 8:29am On Jul 03, 2023 |
Cococandy, this was not done by a drag queen. 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 8:34am On Jul 03, 2023 |
eyinjuege:I agree with this entirely it's why I believe they are men. Men remain a threat to women, trans or not. 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 8:34am On Jul 03, 2023 |
Ladyhippolyta88:There are hundreds even thousands like this man. No one has tried to cancel straightness tho. Lol. It’s just bigotry and they know it. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 8:36am On Jul 03, 2023 |
cococandy:Gbam ![]() ![]() When it's LGBTQ folks let's cancel them all. When it's straight people, not all straight folks. Got it. ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Nobody: 8:48am On Jul 03, 2023 |
Acidosis:You failed to answer my question. What are these threat we are talking about? Death to society? Disease or what to society? Like Some negative thing that may occur to us and we should be wary of. 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Acidosis(m): 9:21am On Jul 03, 2023 |
CuriousStudent: How does teenage pregnancy affects you as a person? Why are teenagers banned/discouraged from getting pregnant considering the FACT that pregnancy in older women poses more threats than teenage pregnancy? The answer you provide to the above will inform my answer to your question. 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 9:55am On Jul 03, 2023 |
Just stumbled on this and in the Sprirt of the thread decided to bring it here. Apparently, there is a Sparkle Creed for the LGBTQ~ community in the progressive 'Church' to counter the Apostle's Creed ![]() I follow the YouTuber (a Nigerian) and his sarcasm on issues are so on point. He said 'you either follow God who created you in His image or create another God in your image'. ![]() @Klass99 @Acidosis @Ishilove 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Belafonte(m): 10:41am On Jul 03, 2023 |
cococandy: Lol. You're ridiculous. It's okay to admit that your fellow lgbt cotravellers are unhinged and you have ignorant of their endgame. You don't have to go down with the ship. BTW, straight men do not have an agenda to molest and groom children. Yes, straight men do but they don't have a campaign to further such ideals only the lgbt crew does 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Belafonte(m): 10:43am On Jul 03, 2023 |
cococandy: Where do you see straight men going to schools to officially groom children? Lol. You're ridiculous |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Nobody: 10:47am On Jul 03, 2023 |
Acidosis:I expected a precise answer like "they turn out to be criminals", or do this and that etc. As to your question,it doesn't affect me as a person. Or what tangible reason does society have against them except that it is outside the norm? They will tolerate 14 year old giving birth in wedlock to a child in poverty even if she develops uterus prolapse but a 28 year old banker who is financially, emotionally and physically ready to have a child will be opposed because its out of wedlock. I can only advise that a teenager waits till she is financialy,emotionally and physically well stable. Not that I will grimace angrily because it affects me. She owes her self and her child(Ren) the best life. I will not truculently harass or defame a teenage parent but advise them or sensitize on the risks (yes they are risks to the child and parent, unlike transgender whose risk or threat is that they look unnatural) Own it,accept your prejudice masked as societal values. It is because it seems on unnatural to you. That is their offence. That is the mark of a savage or a cave man,what I can't fathom I will attack. If you can't fathom it,it's fine,let it remain mysterious and ignored instead of being the extra mouth for "society" under whose banner you propagate your prejudice. Don't get me wrong I believe they are threats they pose ( transmen taking over transwomen sport,and the rest which should be addressed sternly) but simply because your society hates it or it seems Unnatural is not a wise to me. I don't even want to talk about the prejudice of homophobes towards LGBTQIA. It's always gay's not lesbians . Ask any homophobe and they will tell you that two women making out is tolerable but two men kissing is disgusting.. Needless to say LGBTQ as with every form of sexuality should be monitored for potential risk to the society (as we have seen heterosexual unions are not better or immune from risks like rape, Gender based violence, divorce,single parenting,child marriage, births of children that ended up becoming nuisance to the society etc), not just what seems Unnatural or because it's not in our culture. We borrow the white man God,his books,his technology,but scorn them for what we believe they tolerate. The standard of what to accept as right or wrong should be evaluated-for those with an enlightened mind ready to think for themselves and not just be pawns of a society. Alot of us live in the traditions of dead men. The worst that could happen to a human is unadaptation,it broods resentment in an ever evolving life. Whether we like it or not but things have come to change,and will continue to change,we can only be angry or go about our usual lives minding out business 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Nobody: 10:51am On Jul 03, 2023 |
Fuel is going to 770/ liter, panic about it . Forget trans are yet to know where you next meal will come from. The mark of arrogance is self obsession with others that you forget your own growth and needs. Get a life. Agenda towards you? Who are you? A poor struggling Nigerian with less than $1000 salaries is who they should shove their agenda at? People impress the great,or high value,not some black man inhaling generator fumes. Later you will complain of racism. No wonder the white men kept some of you in zoos to entertain others. Don't go and hustle,be dissecting women and LGBTQ issues. 3 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 10:54am On Jul 03, 2023 |
Belafonte: It’s because the thing y’all refer to as grooming when gay people do it is already taken for granted and accepted when straight people do it. I don’t expect you to understand that though. Kids are not sheltered from heterosexual sex acts. They are taught that in social and biology classes. It’s normal and acceptable. Which is great because they do need to learn about those things anyway. But people are different which is why not everyone is going to end up in a heterosexual relationship hence the mention of differences in gender and sexual orientation. Now in some twisted way it’s grooming. Why isn’t it grooming when straight relationships are talked about? If LGBTQ people wanted to give you guys the same energy you give them, they would label everything related to heterosexual relationships as grooming. I know everyone would lose their minds because you can fathom a world where you receive the same energy you give. 3 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by cococandy(f): 11:01am On Jul 03, 2023 |
Belafonte: There’s a whole underground network of straight males who do nothing but target children for exploitation. Every single day hundreds of them get caught. To you that’s not an agenda. You only speak when you see LGBTQ people. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it. Some of you don’t care as much as you claim to. If you did, you would have been making noise about protecting these kids long long ago. 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Belafonte(m): 11:07am On Jul 03, 2023 |
cococandy: Underground in ypur first sentence means it's not societal and legally acceptable nor accepted. So why are transgender groomers being endorsed? What is so special about transgender groomers and molesters tht their own form of child molestation is endorsed and even supported by every power structure in the world? ![]() ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
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