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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: (6895 Views)
Trans Woman Takes A Picture EVERYDAY For 8 Mnths To Show Dramatic Transformation / Why Is The Trans Community So Hostile / Woman,26 Who Came Out As A Trans Man At Age 19 Reveals She Is Now Back To Female (2) (3) (4)
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Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Steep(m): 4:29pm On Jul 06, 2023 |
cococandy:Lol no coco, all have equally sinned. the LGBT, the fornicator, the liar all are sinful but the thing is, we should not deny our sin or try to cover it. Let me use an analogy , if when a person is sick should he or she deny it nope but rather he should see the doctor. When your car has a fault you would not deny it but would take it to the mechanic. Sin is the sickness of the soul and Jesus is the doctor, the treatment has being covered already just only for the sick person to present himself but when the sick person keeps denying his sickness then he would never want to see the doctor and ultimately die as a result. This is what it means when we give excuses, labeling sin differently in other for us not to be judgemental or look bad. Do you know what an atheist said? He said if Christians really believe that their gospel is true and refuse to share it or they keep it to themselves then Christians must be the most wicked people ever because the wages of sin in Christianity is so terrible. I am happy to meet an LGBT or another person who wants to hear and know about Jesus Christ. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Klass99(f): 4:31pm On Jul 06, 2023 |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 6:24pm On Jul 06, 2023 |
Klass99: Finished the video and it was insightful. Jesus is coming son and anyone who would be caught in the great tribulation after rapture would not be funny. I like when he talked of people who suffered for the Gospel. Really taken sin to a whole new level and some have the guts to back it up with the Bible. I don't know they are not wiling to leave the Bible out of their shenanigans. I go to share, choose copy link and paste it here. Same for Instagram videos. Don't mind the spambot jare, Seun should have upgraded this stuff since 1960. 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 6:33pm On Jul 06, 2023 |
Klass99: It is by God's grace and actually reading the Bible for myself to know what it says. I pasted the full title of the video, I have described how I post videos here in my previous post. Klass99: Or as a Pastor would say, we accept Him as our personal saviour and throw away the 'Lord' part. All these new age grace teachings is not helping matters. That's why I hammer here that peeps should read the Bible for themselves. Christianity is not a ego massaging lifestyle; while you come as you are, you are not expected to remain as you are and several passages hammer on that fact. I listened to a sermon and a part struck me: the preacher said if God did not spare His only begotten son and crucified Him, why do we think God would care about our feelings and convenience when He expects something from us? That message grew till I had the understanding that God has given us different roles and He doesn't care about your ego or self-perception or how 'belittling' the assignment is. That birthed my thread on modern feminism and red pill being anti-Christian. 😃 😀 😄 😁 🤣 😂 😃 😀 😄 at fastest fingers. Let me use that skill and win money in a competition ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by CHoccolaTE: 6:52pm On Jul 06, 2023 |
copyrites: Crime rates for biological women is already rising thanks to these deviants being lumped in with women. And yet their biggest allies are biological women. I can understand why patriarchal societies lasted for centuries. Majority of women put kindness and tolerance before self preservation. Men would never do that crap. 3 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by CHoccolaTE: 6:57pm On Jul 06, 2023 |
descarado: Apart from being forced to share a locker room with Thomas the transgender, (who was fond of walking around with his peepee on display amongst other women in said locker room), Riley Gaines actually tied with Thomas in one of their races but the winners position was given to Thomas for woke points. Everything about this movement is so anti woman, I am beyond disgusted by TRA and their antics. 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 6:59pm On Jul 06, 2023 |
cococandy: When you read your Bible, you would understand what the Pharisees did and how it doesn't qualify in this case. You are just going on and on exposing yourself. Can you quote a post I condemned relating with the LGBTQ~ community with the intent to convert them? Have you in any of your posts indicated that you even think them wrong talk more of converting them? You think God 'loving and blessing' the LGBTQ community means He approves of their lifestyle? You have not read in the Bible that God makes rain fall on the wicked (sinners) and righteous? You have not read David talking that he refused to be enticed by sinners because they were prospering till God punished them? You have not read that God loved the world that He gave us Jesus that anyone who believed in Him would not perish but have everlasting life? Did you not also read that anyone who doesn’t receive that provision of salvation is condemned? All these things are Bible 101 please. It is God you are calling 'upper management' and 'CEO God'? Toor ![]() I don't hate the LGBTQ community, I hate their actions/ their sin. Two totally different things. I never asked you to justify yourself to Me or prove your faith. That would have applied if I said 'you don't pray enough'; 'you don't have enough faith' bla bla. I am telling you that you are not a Christian because you support abortion, modern feminism and the LGBTQ~ community. There is no faith yet to talk about in your case. You could be a church goer, a pastor, a worker in church or an elder sef. Doesn't make you a Christian. The Bible is clear: by their fruits you shall know them. cococandy: 😃 😀 😄 😁 🤣 😂 😃 😀 😄 😁 @ His commandment is do not judge. Remember that same Jesus threw the merchants out of the temple, cursed the fig tree and condemned the Pharisees. The Apostles in His footsteps 'judged' people and told us to judge one another so we would not be judged. Again stop using words you don't know. Judging the LGBTQ community and its supporters would be saying 'you are going to hell because you are irredeemable' which is different from saying 'you will go to hell if you do not repent from your ways and receive the Lord Jesus as your Lord as personal saviour'. I am sure the Bible also saying 'wages of sin is death' is judgemental. I should stop harassing your community members when they are the ones who keep pushing their narrative through the media? If you tell me to stop harassing you with the Bible because you are not interested in Christianity, it would make more sense than the post you put up there. You will be done with this conversation when you leave the Biblical Jesus out of your discussions. This is not about you, it is the same way I 'discuss' with other posters who try to use the Bible to support their evil stances of adultery and other things that come to their mind. Leave the Bible out of it and there would be no need for a 'discussion' in the first place. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Klass99(f): 9:27pm On Jul 06, 2023 |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Klass99(f): 9:41pm On Jul 06, 2023 |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Hohenheim(m): 10:16pm On Jul 06, 2023 |
There is no trans agenda 3 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Kobojunkie: 5:24am On Jul 07, 2023 |
cococandy: ![]() |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Hathor5(f): 6:35am On Jul 07, 2023 |
Bukatyne This here is for you. 9 He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt: 10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed[a] thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ 13 But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 18:9-14 There are those who are clean in their own eyes but are not washed of their filth. Proverbs 30:12 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Hathor5(f): 6:37am On Jul 07, 2023 |
Also Bukatyne There is no resting in the feminine in the Bible but a Christian wife works from dusk till dawn. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Treadway: 8:41am On Jul 07, 2023 |
Hathor5:the bolded is all there is to see and learn.. And to those hell-bent on confusing these kids, be you male, female, or MENT, you have been warned. Matthew 18:6 New International Version (NIV) “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. ✌️ 4 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 9:33am On Jul 07, 2023 |
Hathor5: When I say don't include the Bible in your nonsense, I seem harsh. If you really understand the verses you quoted, you will not have made the mistake of doing so. 1. That passage talk about two people: the Pharisee who said he was not like certain sinners. Some passages say he wasn't a sinner etc. Can you point anywhere on this thread I spoke about my righteousness? ![]() 2. The Tax Collector prayed 'God be merciful to me a sinner' and he went home justified. Buttressing on the Tax Collector, did you read that he repented of his sin in sorrow? Have the LGBTQ~ community repented of their sin & I claimed they would not be forgiven? I remember clearly stating that God would forgive them if they repent some pages back. How does the Tax Collector's actions tie in to your actions on this thread? A. He acknowledged he was a sinner; do you and others think LGBTQ~ is a sin? If yes, why are you supporting them to carry on and talking about their 'rights' to exist publicly in the society when your concern as a Christian should be showing them they are sinners? B. He acknowledged only God can save him: Do you believe in God? Do you believe in a God that has condemned the LGBTQ~ community? Do you believe the LGBTQ community need salvation from their evil ways from God? C. He prayed to God for forgiveness: Has the LGBTQ~ community & their fans prayed for forgiveness? If yes, has anyone stated they would not be forgiven? Have you spotted anyone ready to repent and prayed with them or led them to Christ? Has anyone of you the LGBTQ~ community fans on this thread taken steps A - C outlined? Or you just copied and pasted the passage without understanding to say 'got ya Bukatyne'? ![]() Just steer clear of the Bible when supporting your shenanigans, it is not hard. Once the Bible is out of the way, you can support anything easily. Hathor5: Even God who created heaven and earth rested in the 7th day which is the Sabbath. Do you realize that actually working day in day out without rest is a curse and an undesirable state in the Bible? I am sure you don't ![]() 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 9:35am On Jul 07, 2023 |
Treadway: I don't understand the attraction to Christianity and using the Bible to support themselves. I really don't. I imagine I am against polygamy and keep dragging the Quran that endorses polygamy into it. 4 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by bukatyne(f): 9:43am On Jul 07, 2023 |
Klass99: Thanks a lot, like someone opined, it is good we don't depend on e-Bibles and possess the hard copies that cannot be changed. God really has a wonderful sense of humour. Even Jesus's comebacks to the Pharisees sometimes has me chuckling. When they think they have a 'got ya' moment and He asks another question ![]() Klass99: We would carry a 'free Klass99' placard ![]() God help us to stand firm and apart from the world till the end. Fear fear @ last paragraph. 2 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Kajaard: 9:47am On Jul 07, 2023 |
cococandy: Lol, Coco you never disappoint ![]() |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Klass99(f): 11:08am On Jul 07, 2023 |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Hathor5(f): 12:42pm On Jul 07, 2023 |
bukatyne: Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Matt.7 Verses 3 to 5 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Klass99(f): 9:31am On Jul 08, 2023 |
4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by descarado: 9:53am On Jul 08, 2023 |
Klass99:When you keep seeing most of these videos, you will just wanna poke. A mother was sued by her daughter's school board cos she want to see the curriculum. She was told to go through some hazzles to get it. And when she got it, she found out there is nothing like he or she anymore in the curriculum. And her child is a toddler. A 2 yrs old! This is how indoctrination starts. Catch them young. The woman was brave and fought back 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Nobody: 12:29pm On Jul 08, 2023 |
We must never tolerate them in this country... It is important to preserve our cultures & traditions before the white man turns us into an immoral nation/continent. The future of the black race is at stake & we must guard it. 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by kkins25(m): 12:36pm On Jul 08, 2023 |
Klass99:and that is all people have been complaining about.. The logic is flawed. I don't know where they get their science from honestly, yo even think there's such a thing as gender studies 😂😂.. How are they going to quantify their findings... 😂 ridiculous! If u want to be trans, fine... but don't dare tell us thaf man and woman don't exist 3 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by descarado: 12:51pm On Jul 08, 2023 |
This is the origin of gender reassignment. Google Dr John Miney of John Hopkins University. If you can, watch this. They allowed one man to misled the health and science community for yrs. Small explanation for those who can't watch. One parents gave birth to twin boys and later noticed that one of the boys penis wasn't OK. Let me put it that way. They went to hospital to correct it and the penis was burned completely in the process. That was 8 months after birth. So one day, they were watching the telly and saw the Dr talking about reassignment at a young age. That biology doesn't define a girl or boy. They went to the Dr and the rest was history. Infact, if you can't watch, read the comment section and hear people that had a first hand experience with him speak. Nature is nature. You try with it, it will mess you up. 3 Likes |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Klass99(f): 12:49pm On Jul 10, 2023 |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Treadway: 9:08am On Jul 12, 2023 |
Klass99:make dem no waste their money. Canada, US, same difference! 1 Like |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by seguno2: 3:56am On Jul 17, 2023 |
Ishilove: Can this be done with a boy who is gay or transgender ![]() |
Re: The Trans Agenda And What It’s About: by Philosopher1979: 1:39pm On Jan 27, 2024 |
cococandy: YOur logic of Marriage is nonsense. Men can go into women spaces and vice cersa ONLY BY PERMITION. you cannot suddenly go into the space of the opposite gender without some preagreement. There are also male and female strippers but the people watching them are permited and even pay for it. I mean in marriage there is a relationship and a contractual agreement. A trans man or woman using the toilet of the opposite gender is a rapist or up to something bad. Such a person did not ask for any permition before going there. You are very illogical |
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