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Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil - Religion - Nairaland

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Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 1:15am On Jul 11, 2023
Haiti’s Pact with the Devil: The Human Sacrifice at Bois Caiman Vodou Ceremony and the Evangelical Interpretation”
April 18, 2022 Dr. Celucien Joseph Uncategorized
“Haiti’s Pact with the Devil: The Human Sacrifice at Bois Caiman Vodou Ceremony and the Evangelical Interpretation”

I believe the idea of “pact” in Haitian history has two aspects: one is spiritual; the other is non-spiritual. I believe the African slaves made a “non-spiritual but a historical pact” (they came to a consensus and made a decisive determination) with each other to end slavery and to be freed from colonialism and slavery. The spiritual pact is a complex one because it is based primarily on oral traditions (I am not saying that oral traditions are not reliable or should not be trusted), and it is not easy to verify the historical credibility of the spiritual pact.

Interestingly, the spiritual pact has been interpreted differently in Haiti’s religious communities. Haitian Vodouizan have their own interpretation, and Haitian Protestants/Evangelicals have their own. For example, I have heard from many Haitian Christians and pastors while travelling on mission trips to Haiti that the Africans made a pact with the devil at the Bois Caiman event (This is not just a Pat Robertson’s declaration!) I have a cousin of mine who is a Christian Pastor in Haiti; one day he said to me “Toutou”/”Puppy” (That is my nickname”), you do know our ancestors made a pact with the devil. He said that to me in more than one occasions while I was in Haiti visiting my family and friends. He also said that Jean-Baptiste Vixamar LeGrand was the sacrifice at the Bois Caiman event of August 1791. He also believes there was also a pig sacrifice at Bois Caiman, but Vixamar was the real, historical, and most important sacrifice to Haiti’s Vodou lwa.

I have also heard from many other Haitian Christian pastors and lay people, both in Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora, that the African slaves made a pact with the devil. In fact, in 2016, my wife and I were at a Christian service (Sunday morning) at a local church in Fort Pierce (Florida) where we live. The “guest preacher” on that Sunday was a Haitian pastor from Haiti, whom I personally know. In his sermon, he declared that the Africans made a pact with the devil, and that Haitian Christians need to take Haiti back to God. The whole church shouted Amen. My wife and I looked at each other and got very angry. I wanted to leave the service at that moment, but my wife encouraged me to stay. So, I submitted to her will. Interestingly, the incident took place at a “white church” that supports this particular pastor’s work/ministry in Haiti.

I have heard the story of the “human sacrifice” at Bois Caiman from the lips of many prominent Haitian Hougan and Mambo, and Free Maxons (i.e., BILOLO KONGO, Toussaint Lova, MALOLO KABA) that the African slave “Jean-Baptiste Vixamar LeGrand” voluntarily gave himself up to be sacrificed in other for the slaves at Saint-Domingue to be free and independent. In other words, Vixamar is the “Christ” of the Bois Caiman Event or the Haitian Revolution itself. For those who are interested in the human sacrifice at Bois Caiman,

When a people sacrifices their first born sons they will remained enslaved to demons. This is the trap that Israel fell in and this why they couldn't get out of Egypt. Even the ones who did physically leave Egypt they still remained stuck in idol worship. Those lost tribes of Israel today I know who they are and yes they remain stuck in spiritual bondage to demons. When you destroy your first born sons you give to Satan your bravest and smartest.

Read below:

A University of Edinburgh study shows first-born children have higher IQs and better thinking skills than their siblings. The study says that shows first-born kids get more mental stimulation than their brothers and sisters.

Stop blaming the Whiteman it is not the solution.

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Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by TemplarLandry: 1:23am On Jul 11, 2023
Voodoo is so prevalent in Haiti.
Haitians who migrate to The United States even import the Voodoo Religion with them, talking to the dead and all that.


Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 1:31am On Jul 11, 2023
Voodoo is so prevalent in Haiti.
Haitians who migrate to The United States even import the Voodoo Religion with them, talking to the dead and all that.

Yes they do and its destroying them. And Haitians mixed Vodou with Catholicism which makes it very abominable. Those two religions are not meant to go together.

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Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by TemplarLandry: 1:44am On Jul 11, 2023
Very true. I've seen Haitian gangsters in America doing Voodoo with rosaries in their hands, kneeling before their Voodoo altars, praying with rosaries in their hands. Creepy. It's also practised in South America, they call it Santeria in Cuba.


Yes they do and its destroying them. And Haitians mixed Vodou with Catholicism which makes it very abominable. Those two religions are not meant to go together.

Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 2:10am On Jul 11, 2023
Very true. I've seen Haitian gangsters in America doing Voodoo with rosaries in their hands, kneeling before their Voodoo altars, praying with rosaries in their hands. Creepy. It's also practised in South America, they call it Santeria in Cuba.

It's like playing with water and electricity. No matter what religion or tradition you must respect it. Jesus and paganism can be toxic to the psyche. God is not to be mocked.

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Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by defcon4: 2:58am On Jul 11, 2023
They are more alike than than you probably know.


Yes they do and its destroying them. And Haitians mixed Vodou with Catholicism which makes it very abominable. Those two religions are not meant to go together.

Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 3:19am On Jul 11, 2023
They are more alike than than you probably know.

You must separate Catholicism from the Jesuits. I keep instructing you to the historical fact the Jesuits origins is with the violent religion of Islam. The Jesuits have the exact same initiation as the Moors Secret Brotherhood. The Jesuits were formed in Spain just after the Moors were expelled. Spain was not under the rule of my ancestors the Franks who created Catholicism which is different from Orthodox Christianity of the Roman Empire. We did not allow paganism it only began to appear in the 1500s after the Jesuits began to gain power in the church. That's when all those white statues began to appear of Jesus, David, Mary and other Biblical figures that we know
historically were people of color. The Jesuits are Khazars Askenasks Jews they began to cater to white people's psyche and created an angry mob out of poor white peasants. You can see this in the French Revolution that occured in the 1700s it had been brewing for a long time ignited by the Jesuits. The French kingdom was surrounded by a large uprising of newly white controlled classes. In 1578 the Queen of England formed a secret alliance with the Moors. They together overthrew the Brown Skin Stuarts Scotts, Irish and English In 1646. Alot of French blacks fled Europe and came to America. We are not African slaves. The British and the Moors control Nigeria and all the information is decievtful.

Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 3:23am On Jul 11, 2023
Whenever parts of your community are doing human sacrifice it empowers evil spirits to become stronger in their suggestions, therefore murder rates increase. Nothing happens without it happening in the spiritual world first. Where ever you have sodomites it means devil worship is going on they are doing sex rituals. God knows its the priesthood which is Freemasonry but he punishes the people as a whole for allowing it.

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Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by KillMNKnow(f): 6:38am On Jul 11, 2023
Is Christianity really rooted in paganistic sun worship?
Yes it is, or not necessary but deffinetly from pagan traditions.

Christian holydays like eastern and christmas all come from pagan traditions.

Christianity wasn't ment to be what it is today it's been corrupted by the chruch.

The chruch ( vatican) deleted chapters and altered chapters from the bible, not to mention the gruelsome things they did in history. And a lot more.

There are manny examples and a lot of evidence if you are willing to do research, but eventually everybody will believe what they want to believe.

But i'll give you one about sunworship since that what you ask.

Every religion has it's holy day

Jews have the sabbath on saturday.

Muslims have this on friday.

And Christians? Yup sunday : Sunday comes from Old English “Sunnandæg," which is derived from a Germanic interpretation of the Latin dies solis, "sun's day." Germanic and Norse mythology personify the sun as a goddess named Sunna or Sól.

It is evident that Christianity, regardless of your own faith, takes influence from many myths before the time of Jesus. Upon my recent reading of the history of Christianity, it came to my attention that early Christianity had placed a lot of significance to the worship of the sun, thanks to Emperor Constantine, the pagan Christian.

Constantine ruled between AD 306 and 337, his predecessor being his father, Constantius I. Constantine is often referred to as the first Christian Roman Emperor, and though he did convert on his deathbed, dying on Pentecost in 337, and baptised by Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea, the evidence would suggest otherwise. Further on that note, Eusebius was an Arian, and Constantine seems to have veered towards Arianism later on in his life. Arianism was a non-trinitarian belief, believing that the Son is distinct from God, being subordinate to him, yet also being God. Some hardcore Arians believed the Son to be unlike the Father while some believed he was merely like the Father, but not the Father. The Council condemned Arianism as heresy in AD 325 when Constantine was in power, but it did survive. Constantine put the ongoing persecution of Christians to a halt, built many churches, he issued the Edict of Milan in AD 313 alongside Emperor Licinius (Licinius being Emperor of the East, Constantine being West) which granted religious toleration and in AD 315, Constantine abolished crucifixion.

These are many of the reasons why Constantine is considered Christian. However, his ongoing worship of the Sun would suggest otherwise. We all know that Jesus was certainly not truly born on the 25th of December. Christian leaders chose this date in AD 336, following Constantine’s interfaith approach to Christianity, as the 25th of December was the Roman feast of the birth of Sol Invictus, or in other words, the feast of the Unconquered Sun. Prior to this, in AD 321, Constantine declared Sunday as the legal Sabbath, Sunday, of course, being the day of the Sun. Furthermore, if you take a glance at the coin of Constantine

These Roman coins never carried Christian symbols, but images of the sun, for one, but also Mars and the God of War. Here we have the coin of Constantine depicting the Sol Invictus. In the Roman Empire, coins were practically state propaganda, and so it explains a lot about Constantine considering these coins never carried Christian imagery.

Also, take a glance at the original Column of Constantine:

Constantine set up this statue in AD 330 which depicts himself in the likeness of Apollo, wearing a sun crown. The column had pagan images covering it, also with some Christian symbolism.

What is more interesting is the likeness of Jesus to that of the Sun God. Firstly, his twelve apostles are seen by some to resemble the twelve zodiac constellations. Secondly, many of the photos of Jesus in which he has a halo as seen below has similarities to a parhelion or a ‘mock sun’ or ‘sun dog’, which consists of bright spots appearing on either side of the sun, also seen below.

I found it extremely interesting that there are so many parallels between the two and felt the need to share this. If you read my poetry, you will notice I allude to many different religions as this is a topic I thoroughly enjoy, I hope to do more articles like this in the future.


Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by Exmilitant(m): 7:04am On Jul 11, 2023
Is Christianity really rooted in paganistic sun worship?
Yes it is, or not necessary but deffinetly from pagan traditions.

Christian holydays like eastern and christmas all come from pagan traditions.

Christianity wasn't ment to be what it is today it's been corrupted by the chruch.

The chruch ( vatican) deleted chapters and altered chapters from the bible, not to mention the gruelsome things they did in history. And a lot more.

There are manny examples and a lot of evidence if you are willing to do research, but eventually everybody will believe what they want to believe.

But i'll give you one about sunworship since that what you ask.

Every religion has it's holy day

Jews have the sabbath on saturday.

Muslims have this on friday.

And Christians? Yup sunday : Sunday comes from Old English “Sunnandæg," which is derived from a Germanic interpretation of the Latin dies solis, "sun's day." Germanic and Norse mythology personify the sun as a goddess named Sunna or Sól.

It is evident that Christianity, regardless of your own faith, takes influence from many myths before the time of Jesus. Upon my recent reading of the history of Christianity, it came to my attention that early Christianity had placed a lot of significance to the worship of the sun, thanks to Emperor Constantine, the pagan Christian.

Constantine ruled between AD 306 and 337, his predecessor being his father, Constantius I. Constantine is often referred to as the first Christian Roman Emperor, and though he did convert on his deathbed, dying on Pentecost in 337, and baptised by Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea, the evidence would suggest otherwise. Further on that note, Eusebius was an Arian, and Constantine seems to have veered towards Arianism later on in his life. Arianism was a non-trinitarian belief, believing that the Son is distinct from God, being subordinate to him, yet also being God. Some hardcore Arians believed the Son to be unlike the Father while some believed he was merely like the Father, but not the Father. The Council condemned Arianism as heresy in AD 325 when Constantine was in power, but it did survive. Constantine put the ongoing persecution of Christians to a halt, built many churches, he issued the Edict of Milan in AD 313 alongside Emperor Licinius (Licinius being Emperor of the East, Constantine being West) which granted religious toleration and in AD 315, Constantine abolished crucifixion.

These are many of the reasons why Constantine is considered Christian. However, his ongoing worship of the Sun would suggest otherwise. We all know that Jesus was certainly not truly born on the 25th of December. Christian leaders chose this date in AD 336, following Constantine’s interfaith approach to Christianity, as the 25th of December was the Roman feast of the birth of Sol Invictus, or in other words, the feast of the Unconquered Sun. Prior to this, in AD 321, Constantine declared Sunday as the legal Sabbath, Sunday, of course, being the day of the Sun. Furthermore, if you take a glance at the coin of Constantine

These Roman coins never carried Christian symbols, but images of the sun, for one, but also Mars and the God of War. Here we have the coin of Constantine depicting the Sol Invictus. In the Roman Empire, coins were practically state propaganda, and so it explains a lot about Constantine considering these coins never carried Christian imagery.

Also, take a glance at the original Column of Constantine:

Constantine set up this statue in AD 330 which depicts himself in the likeness of Apollo, wearing a sun crown. The column had pagan images covering it, also with some Christian symbolism.

What is more interesting is the likeness of Jesus to that of the Sun God. Firstly, his twelve apostles are seen by some to resemble the twelve zodiac constellations. Secondly, many of the photos of Jesus in which he has a halo as seen below has similarities to a parhelion or a ‘mock sun’ or ‘sun dog’, which consists of bright spots appearing on either side of the sun, also seen below.

I found it extremely interesting that there are so many parallels between the two and felt the need to share this. If you read my poetry, you will notice I allude to many different religions as this is a topic I thoroughly enjoy, I hope to do more articles like this in the future.
Christianity is all syncretism.
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by Exmilitant(m): 7:15am On Jul 11, 2023
I don't know what the OP meant by Devil, the black man would claim he is mentally delivered from white imposed beliefs and religion, same black man still believes Devil is evil. grin

Talk about half knowledge.

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Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by Nobody: 10:12am On Jul 11, 2023
Is Christianity really rooted in paganistic sun worship?
Yes it is, or not necessary but deffinetly from pagan traditions.

Christian holydays like eastern and christmas all come from pagan traditions.

Christianity wasn't ment to be what it is today it's been corrupted by the chruch.

The chruch ( vatican) deleted chapters and altered chapters from the bible, not to mention the gruelsome things they did in history. And a lot more.

There are manny examples and a lot of evidence if you are willing to do research, but eventually everybody will believe what they want to believe.

But i'll give you one about sunworship since that what you ask.

Every religion has it's holy day

Jews have the sabbath on saturday.

Muslims have this on friday.

And Christians? Yup sunday : Sunday comes from Old English “Sunnandæg," which is derived from a Germanic interpretation of the Latin dies solis, "sun's day." Germanic and Norse mythology personify the sun as a goddess named Sunna or Sól.

It is evident that Christianity, regardless of your own faith, takes influence from many myths before the time of Jesus. Upon my recent reading of the history of Christianity, it came to my attention that early Christianity had placed a lot of significance to the worship of the sun, thanks to Emperor Constantine, the pagan Christian.

Constantine ruled between AD 306 and 337, his predecessor being his father, Constantius I. Constantine is often referred to as the first Christian Roman Emperor, and though he did convert on his deathbed, dying on Pentecost in 337, and baptised by Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea, the evidence would suggest otherwise. Further on that note, Eusebius was an Arian, and Constantine seems to have veered towards Arianism later on in his life. Arianism was a non-trinitarian belief, believing that the Son is distinct from God, being subordinate to him, yet also being God. Some hardcore Arians believed the Son to be unlike the Father while some believed he was merely like the Father, but not the Father. The Council condemned Arianism as heresy in AD 325 when Constantine was in power, but it did survive. Constantine put the ongoing persecution of Christians to a halt, built many churches, he issued the Edict of Milan in AD 313 alongside Emperor Licinius (Licinius being Emperor of the East, Constantine being West) which granted religious toleration and in AD 315, Constantine abolished crucifixion.

These are many of the reasons why Constantine is considered Christian. However, his ongoing worship of the Sun would suggest otherwise. We all know that Jesus was certainly not truly born on the 25th of December. Christian leaders chose this date in AD 336, following Constantine’s interfaith approach to Christianity, as the 25th of December was the Roman feast of the birth of Sol Invictus, or in other words, the feast of the Unconquered Sun. Prior to this, in AD 321, Constantine declared Sunday as the legal Sabbath, Sunday, of course, being the day of the Sun. Furthermore, if you take a glance at the coin of Constantine

These Roman coins never carried Christian symbols, but images of the sun, for one, but also Mars and the God of War. Here we have the coin of Constantine depicting the Sol Invictus. In the Roman Empire, coins were practically state propaganda, and so it explains a lot about Constantine considering these coins never carried Christian imagery.

Also, take a glance at the original Column of Constantine:

Constantine set up this statue in AD 330 which depicts himself in the likeness of Apollo, wearing a sun crown. The column had pagan images covering it, also with some Christian symbolism.

What is more interesting is the likeness of Jesus to that of the Sun God. Firstly, his twelve apostles are seen by some to resemble the twelve zodiac constellations. Secondly, many of the photos of Jesus in which he has a halo as seen below has similarities to a parhelion or a ‘mock sun’ or ‘sun dog’, which consists of bright spots appearing on either side of the sun, also seen below.

I found it extremely interesting that there are so many parallels between the two and felt the need to share this. If you read my poetry, you will notice I allude to many different religions as this is a topic I thoroughly enjoy, I hope to do more articles like this in the future.
Look up the connection between Jesus and egypts Osiris. Its funny how there’s no eyewitness account for Jesus even though he apparently fed 9000 people


Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 11:23am On Jul 11, 2023

Look up the connection between Jesus and egypts Osiris. Its funny how there’s no eyewitness account for Jesus even though he apparently fed 9000 people

There is no black Jesus. The Egyptians were known as Kemet the Afar people who reside still in many parts of Ethiopia, Sudan and even parts of Egypt still. The Afar are sons of Ham which are the jet black Nubian tribes who are the fathers of all black people and lord's of Africa. The Nubian people are the largest tribe in Africa and there are many branches of them even in the Niger Area there are cousins of Nubia. Jesus was from the line of Abraham which are brown skin Semetic who cross breed with Hamitic black people and developed wooly hair as opposed to straight hair that their ancestors had. Jesus was described in many first century documents and portraits as being a brown skin Jewish teacher or rabbi. How Jesus became white only occurred in the 15th century under the teachings of the Jesuits who were raised up by the Moors to cause confusion in Christianity by pitting white people against the European Hebrews that ruled as Christian kings.
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by ruggedtimi(m): 11:25am On Jul 11, 2023
General barbeque na dey control haiti
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by Balogunodua(m): 12:08pm On Jul 11, 2023
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by Major7: 12:15pm On Jul 11, 2023

You must separate Catholicism from the Jesuits. I keep instructing you to the historical fact the Jesuits origins is with the violent religion of Islam. The Jesuits have the exact same initiation as the Moors Secret Brotherhood. The Jesuits were formed in Spain just after the Moors were expelled. Spain was not under the rule of my ancestors the Franks who created Catholicism which is different from Orthodox Christianity of the Roman Empire. We did not allow paganism it only began to appear in the 1500s after the Jesuits began to gain power in the church. That's when all those white statues began to appear of Jesus, David, Mary and other Biblical figures that we know
historically were people of color. The Jesuits are Khazars Askenasks Jews they began to cater to white people's psyche and created an angry mob out of poor white peasants. You can see this in the French Revolution that occured in the 1700s it had been brewing for a long time ignited by the Jesuits. The French kingdom was surrounded by a large uprising of newly white controlled classes. In 1578 the Queen of England formed a secret alliance with the Moors. They together overthrew the Brown Skin Stuarts Scotts, Irish and English In 1646. Alot of French blacks fled Europe and came to America. We are not African slaves. The British and the Moors control Nigeria and all the information is decievtful.


This is just a conspiracy theory and your argument is baseless

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Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 1:16pm On Jul 11, 2023

This is just a conspiracy theory and your argument is baseless

What you have been taught is theory which is a bold faced lie.

My views are rooted in truth.

Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 4:05pm On Jul 11, 2023
You wish to remain mediocre then your bloodline will stay commoner. Those who develop their spiritual and mental abilities rise in rank over lifetimes. Joining a cult will not help you to develop your spiritual and mental abilities. Cults are only gangs where people agree to remain mediocre just to gain materialism and popularity but they sacrifice their character and chance to meet God.

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Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by jcross19: 4:45pm On Jul 11, 2023

Yes they do and its destroying them. And Haitians mixed Vodou with Catholicism which makes it very abominable. Those two religions are not meant to go together.

go and get the meaning of Vatican!!? You will know that there is link between Catholic and pagan !
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by Kingpharamond: 6:25pm On Jul 11, 2023
go and get the meaning of Vatican!!? You will know that there is link between Catholic and pagan !

What is the literal meaning of Vatican?
"Vatican" is derived from the name of an Etruscan settlement, Vatica or Vaticum, located in the general area the Romans called Ager Vaticanus, "Vatican territory". The Italian name of the city is Città del Vaticano or, more formally, Stato della Città del Vaticano, meaning 'Vatican City State'.

You have been mislead again. Vatican is the name of the city for a couple thousands of years. The original Italians are brown skin Semitic people and their ancient Latin language is the holy language of the Church, because like I said my ancestors the Franks saved them, and helped create Catholicism through royal edicts, for my forefathers were Frankish kings.

The Jesuits are from Spain and they are a secret society of Moors. There is a book online you should read, Islamic Ifluemce On Jesuit Origins. This book proves plus the early Jesuits were open advocates of the Moors being considered Chtistians and Moors lords be allowed to rule over Christians. We never allowed Moors any seats of power no matter how many Muslims lived in our lands so the Jesuits long were exposed for who they truly were.

These are the real Italians below the modern Etruscan people.

The white people were called Goths and they were from Central Asia. They were the legionnaires for the brown skin Edomite Roman Empire just like the French foreign legions they were not Romans.

Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 7:24am On Jul 12, 2023

Deuteronomy 28:15-68

Curses for Disobedience
15 However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you:

16 You will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country.

17 Your basket and your kneading trough will be cursed.

18 The fruit of your womb will be cursed, and the crops of your land, and the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.

19 You will be cursed when you come in and cursed when you go out.

20 The Lord will send on you curses, confusion and rebuke in everything you put your hand to, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin because of the evil you have done in forsaking him.[a] 21 The Lord will plague you with diseases until he has destroyed you from the land you are entering to possess. 22 The Lord will strike you with wasting disease, with fever and inflammation, with scorching heat and drought, with blight and mildew, which will plague you until you perish. 23 The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron. 24 The Lord will turn the rain of your country into dust and powder; it will come down from the skies until you are destroyed.

25 The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. You will come at them from one direction but flee from them in seven, and you will become a thing of horror to all the kingdoms on earth. 26 Your carcasses will be food for all the birds and the wild animals, and there will be no one to frighten them away. 27 The Lord will afflict you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, festering sores and the itch, from which you cannot be cured. 28 The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness and confusion of mind. 29 At midday you will grope about like a blind person in the dark. You will be unsuccessful in everything you do; day after day you will be oppressed and robbed, with no one to rescue you.

30 You will be pledged to be married to a woman, but another will take her and rape her. You will build a house, but you will not live in it. You will plant a vineyard, but you will not even begin to enjoy its fruit. 31 Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will eat none of it. Your donkey will be forcibly taken from you and will not be returned. Your sheep will be given to your enemies, and no one will rescue them. 32 Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, and you will wear out your eyes watching for them day after day, powerless to lift a hand. 33 A people that you do not know will eat what your land and labor produce, and you will have nothing but cruel oppression all your days. 34 The sights you see will drive you mad. 35 The Lord will afflict your knees and legs with painful boils that cannot be cured, spreading from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.

36 The Lord will drive you and the king you set over you to a nation unknown to you or your ancestors. There you will worship other gods, gods of wood and stone. 37 You will become a thing of horror, a byword and an object of ridicule among all the peoples where the Lord will drive you.

38 You will sow much seed in the field but you will harvest little, because locusts will devour it. 39 You will plant vineyards and cultivate them but you will not drink the wine or gather the grapes, because worms will eat them. 40 You will have olive trees throughout your country but you will not use the oil, because the olives will drop off. 41 You will have sons and daughters but you will not keep them, because they will go into captivity. 42 Swarms of locusts will take over all your trees and the crops of your land.

43 The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. 44 They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail.

45 All these curses will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the Lord your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you. 46 They will be a sign and a wonder to you and your descendants forever. 47 Because you did not serve the Lord your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity, 48 therefore in hunger and thirst, in unclothedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the Lord sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.

49 The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand, 50 a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young. 51 They will devour the young of your livestock and the crops of your land until you are destroyed. They will leave you no grain, new wine or olive oil, nor any calves of your herds or lambs of your flocks until you are ruined. 52 They will lay siege to all the cities throughout your land until the high fortified walls in which you trust fall down. They will besiege all the cities throughout the land the Lord your God is giving you.

53 Because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege, you will eat the fruit of the womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters the Lord your God has given you. 54 Even the most gentle and sensitive man among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the wife he loves or his surviving children, 55 and he will not give to one of them any of the flesh of his children that he is eating. It will be all he has left because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege of all your cities. 56 The most gentle and sensitive woman among you—so sensitive and gentle that she would not venture to touch the ground with the sole of her foot—will begrudge the husband she loves and her own son or daughter 57 the afterbirth from her womb and the children she bears. For in her dire need she intends to eat them secretly because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege of your cities.

58 If you do not carefully follow all the words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not revere this glorious and awesome name—the Lord your God— 59 the Lord will send fearful plagues on you and your descendants, harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and lingering illnesses. 60 He will bring on you all the diseases of Egypt that you dreaded, and they will cling to you. 61 The Lord will also bring on you every kind of sickness and disaster not recorded in this Book of the Law, until you are destroyed. 62 You who were as numerous as the stars in the sky will be left but few in number, because you did not obey the Lord your God. 63 Just as it pleased the Lord to make you prosper and increase in number, so it will please him to ruin and destroy you. You will be uprooted from the land you are entering to possess.

64 Then the Lord will scatter you among all nations, from one end of the earth to the other. There you will worship other gods—gods of wood and stone, which neither you nor your ancestors have known. 65 Among those nations you will find no repose, no resting place for the sole of your foot. There the Lord will give you an anxious mind, eyes weary with longing, and a despairing heart. 66 You will live in constant suspense, filled with dread both night and day, never sure of your life. 67 In the morning you will say, “If only it were evening!” and in the evening, “If only it were morning!”—because of the terror that will fill your hearts and the sights that your eyes will see. 68 The Lord will send you back in ships to Egypt on a journey I said you should never make again. There you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you.

Mocking Christ brings upon them many curses that the people of Benin Republic do not suffer because they practice their traditions without Catholicism.

Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by jcross19: 1:07pm On Jul 12, 2023

You have been mislead again. Vatican is the name of the city for a couple thousands of years. The original Italians are brown skin Semitic people and their ancient Latin language is the holy language of the Church, because like I said my ancestors the Franks saved them, and helped create Catholicism through royal edicts, for my forefathers were Frankish kings.

The Jesuits are from Spain and they are a secret society of Moors. There is a book online you should read, Islamic Ifluemce On Jesuit Origins. This book proves plus the early Jesuits were open advocates of the Moors being considered Chtistians and Moors lords be allowed to rule over Christians. We never allowed Moors any seats of power no matter how many Muslims lived in our lands so the Jesuits long were exposed for who they truly were.

These are the real Italians below the modern Etruscan people.

The white people were called Goths and they were from Central Asia. They were the legionnaires for the brown skin Edomite Roman Empire just like the French foreign legions they were not Romans.

stop your useless epistle, go and find the meaning of Vatican? Period
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 1:58pm On Jul 12, 2023
stop your useless epistle, go and find the meaning of Vatican? Period

Whatever meaning that you are assigning to the name Vatican can not be found among its etymology so you are still going to insist upon the wrong path.
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 1:27am On Jul 13, 2023
There is no black Jesus.
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 4:29am On Jul 13, 2023
Some people have kindred spirits with evil people and look for ways to defend them and its so obvious they are failing at it.
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by Nobody: 4:38am On Jul 13, 2023
There is no black Jesus.
There’s no black Jew either
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 8:54am On Jul 13, 2023
Let's agree that a Jew is a convert then there are Black Jews. grin

A Hamite can convert just like a Yapeth to Judaism.

Those from the Kingdom of Judea are Judeans not Jews. We just call them all Jews but we know scholarly wise that some are Jews by conversion and some are biological Judeans. I use them the two nouns interchangeablely yet I am aware of their distinct differences.

Such as Black Hamite Jew below. He has black skin, big lips, wide nose and round face of a Hamite and he is a Hamite converted Jew. So you are correct there are no Black Jews. grin

Thank you for bringing that deception to light.

Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by kingthreat(m): 1:38pm On Jul 13, 2023
Haiti is a country with a very violent history from the start. They were the only nation that executed all the whites in a way to liberate their country. Nothing bad fighting for freedom but killing all your perceived enemies towed that country on the wrong path. I read that Hiati doesn't even have a military.
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 1:54pm On Jul 13, 2023
Haiti is a country with a very violent history from the start. They were the only nation that executed all the whites in a way to liberate their country. Nothing bad fighting for freedom but killing all your perceived enemies towed that country on the wrong path. I read that Hiati doesn't even have a military.

God's spirit doesn't dwell there. God gave them up. God does give up on people and let them have what they want He does not force His will although He could.
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 3:08pm On Jul 13, 2023
The Brown Skin Anti Christ
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 4:00pm On Jul 14, 2023
Hardest thing in the world to do is exorcism of powerful demons that have been in the bloodline for generations.
Re: Haiti Sacrificed Its Future And Remains Trapped In An Oath To The Devil by FrankishKing: 11:53pm On Jul 14, 2023
There is no Vodou Jesus

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