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Need Someone That's Good In Programming - Programming (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by MITCHELL96: 2:32pm On Jul 20, 2023

Since you seem to be very liquid, I suggest you get a rapid. gator premium subscription and go to softarchive. You can pay for the subscription by downloading the app on Google play or apple store. Then paying. Soft. Archive is a Warez website. You will find links to all sorts of coding tutorials. Most of the files are hosted on rapid. Gator. You should download and install J. Downloader. 2 for easy management of downloads.

I am separating some words with dots because of spermboot

How much is the subscription?
Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by GloriousGbola: 2:53pm On Jul 20, 2023

How much is the subscription?

25k for 6.months, 50k for 12 months.
Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by hizraehl(m): 10:57am On Jul 21, 2023
Well, tech world can be very vast, and if not careful you might end up learning what you don't even need, I'd suggest a roadmap. Know what you need to learn then get a roadmap. Since you're a novice if your roadmap is similar to mine, i don't mind co-learning
Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by Frontend: 12:57pm On Jul 22, 2023
Who told you that Tech can fetch you more money,it is easy to learn a Tech than to get a Tech job,3 years now no Tech job can't you see that Tech is saturated already

Lol, I'm someone that doesn't mind spending much on something that will fetch me more money, so I don't see it that way.

This is what some guys spend on clothes sef grin at least I use am do better thing.

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Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by Anonymous6o6: 1:59pm On Jul 22, 2023
Holla amigos, I wouldn't want to type a long text here.

I just want to be brief and clear.

I just got a HP envy laptop for 885,000k last 2 weeks, it's very okay for programming, you can google the specs.

Lately, I noticed I've fell in love with tech and with the demand in tech gurus currently and in the future.

I need someone who can guide me on how I can go about it. what language(s) I should learn, where to purchase courses, like I need someone that can access me and know what fits me and everything I should know of in this field.

I'm someone that's always ready to learn new things, I'm never tired of acquiring new knowledge and skills.

I'll be glad to read opinions from experts here.

Are you out here looking for a mentor? an adviser? A tutor? One of the best way to help yourself is by making research. It save you the stress of wasting fund on unnecessary things. You can get a good course on Udemy for a cheap price or if you would rather save money, you can get Udemy latest courses on "downloadly" website for free.

YouTube is also another great option, don't just spend because you have enough. And if you would rather have a mentor that checks in on your progress then get paid courses.

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Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by Bamijibig(m): 6:42pm On Jul 22, 2023
My own advice for you is to learn based on the programming languages that is mostly used and easy to learn and understand but meanwhile having a mentor is also a good idea. Don't rely too much on online courses. You can contact me for more advice. Been a programmer for quite sometimes now. 0 eight 0 sixtynine eighty ninety sixtynine.
Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by airsaylongcome: 7:06pm On Jul 22, 2023
My own advice for you is to learn based on the programming languages that is mostly used and easy to learn and understand but meanwhile having a mentor is also a good idea. Don't rely too much on online courses. You can contact me for more advice. Been a programmer for quite sometimes now. 0 eight 0 sixtynine eighty ninety sixtynine.

What other learning tools and methods would you recommend?
Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by airsaylongcome: 7:07pm On Jul 22, 2023
Who told you that Tech can fetch you more money,it is easy to learn a Tech than to get a Tech job,3 years now no Tech job can't you see that Tech is saturated already

Really? Why do you say so?
Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by MITCHELL96: 9:45pm On Jul 22, 2023

Are you out here looking for a mentor? an adviser? A tutor? One of the best way to help yourself is by making research. It save you the stress of wasting fund on unnecessary things. You can get a good course on Udemy for a cheap price or if you would rather save money, you can get Udemy latest courses on "downloadly" website for free.

YouTube is also another great option, don't just spend because you have enough. And if you would rather have a mentor that checks in on your progress then get paid courses.

Thanks for your input bro. Really appreciate.

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Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by MITCHELL96: 9:47pm On Jul 22, 2023
Who told you that Tech can fetch you more money,it is easy to learn a Tech than to get a Tech job,3 years now no Tech job can't you see that Tech is saturated already

You mean the whole tech thing is saturated? Or a just one particular field in tech?
Re: Need Someone That's Good In Programming by indoorlove(m): 3:46pm On Jul 29, 2023
I would recommend learning Python. It's beginner friendly and the syntax are easy to read and understand. But Learn the basic of HTML, CSS and a bit JavaScript first.

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