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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Foreign Affairs / Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action (39905 Views)
Tinubu To Mali, B'Faso, Niger: Re-consider Your Decision, ECOWAS not your enemy / Niger Coup: Russia Opposes Military Action, Won’t Deploy Troops – Ambassador / Niger: Coupists Seek Russia’s Help As ECOWAS Mulls Military Action (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Judolisco(m): 11:06am On Aug 12, 2023 |
steveodo:Russia dats fighting Ukraine no single missile has been dropped in Russia... Niger will be on d defensive.... Nigeria's defence budget is 4 times d total budget of Niger.... Una go jst dey cap.... oga na so every President wey dey under ecowas go seek permission from their national assembly.... |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Judolisco(m): 11:06am On Aug 12, 2023 |
lexy2014:Google |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Mubiola360: 11:07am On Aug 12, 2023 |
AllenSpencer:He just said the real fact any way. It won't last 2 days for Russia to deal with Ukraine but like he said, they are brothers and Us/Nato group doesn't care to spend all to just to bring them down .(both Ukraine and Russia). The intention is to use Ukraine as a battle ground to hit on Russia. USA first disposed Ukraine sitting government and install this Joker (stooge) that they can control. Some part of Ukraine are in support of Russia, why then will Putin destroy them all? About the Niger Crises, :despite the multiple sactions placed on Russia, Europe still depend on Russian Gas and uranium being one with one of the largest in the world of both resources. The European are seeking means to end the over dependency on Russia , the country they could turn to is Kazakhstan which they also have to pass through Russia to supply . Have no choice but to fully go back to their former colony(NIGER)to get them cheaper to zero rate.(Exploitation). France/Europe. Talking about Russian currency that weakened recently, On September 26, 2022 series of clandestine bombings and subsequent underwater gas leaks on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipelines, which transport natural gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea. Fingers pointing to US/UK . Now, USA is supplying Europe Gas after destroying Russia's gas pipeline.(they denied it anyway) This is where Russia support for Niger comes in: A gas pipeline project is to be built from warri which will pass through Niger and then (Algeria Hassi Amel) and from there be distributed to the whole of Europe. With the alliance of the military junta to Russia, the project won't be possible as Russia will back them as 1, A retaliation for destroying their gas line 2, support for control of their Mineral resources free from France or external influence so to hit back on Europe. The Wagner force are already on ground to against any force of invading by France and West while other military juntas in support of their brother in Niger. The Ecowas not Nigeria military on Satndby . If any war should break out, Africa ( sub Sahara) will be used as a battle ground for both the eastern (Russian) bloc and the western (USA) bloc . It won't be like that of Ukraine. Its a natural ground and will be messy . LET'S PRAY . |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by udemzyudex(m): 11:08am On Aug 12, 2023 |
Russian knows ECOWAS is a US /France puppet. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by udemzyudex(m): 11:10am On Aug 12, 2023 |
AllenSpencer: You're not at war with sanctions and your naira is nose diving and you're laughing at the rubbles for going down? Omo sense is very far from you i must say. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Buliwyf: 11:10am On Aug 12, 2023 |
tishbite42: It takes empty clowns to make noise about brain. Your first comment to be showed you lack one. Now the wall of text you call a retort furthers exposes the failure of your education and the congenital idiocy you were born with. Please type something meaningful next time. No point. No logic. Just throwing claims around like a cow. The goat is comparing UK to Pakistan because he doesn't have a point. Lol |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by udemzyudex(m): 11:11am On Aug 12, 2023 |
a4cube: That guy lacks common sense. Typical. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by ogbe88(m): 11:11am On Aug 12, 2023 |
igbosarejews:Another stupid fellow. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Buliwyf: 11:13am On Aug 12, 2023 |
nickyvil: You are pro Russian. Stop lying. And your arguments are all over the place and non-sequitur. You were the one that claimed Wagner staged a coup to be placed on the Belarus border and exposing your lack of logic and only resort to conspiracy theories. All I just did is to show you Poland has a much larger border with Ukraine and they can ship through there at anytime nothing Wagner can do about it. Go and get a map instead of being defensive. There is also the border with Slovenia that NATO or anyone can use. And Ukraine is still getting weapons delivered. So what are you even talking about? Stop exposing your ignorance. You have jumped from arguing that Poland is afraid of Wagner to claiming Wagner stopped weapons shipment. You haven't been able to defend your claims. All you have done is shown screenshots of headlines that don't say what you want them to say. ![]() ![]() |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by notttty(m): 11:16am On Aug 12, 2023 |
incandescentena:What re you saying please. African solution to African problems when there re foreign machinery and foreign boots on the ground there already at the invite of the junta? Wait a minute. Is ecowas a foreign body? Understand international politics before you breeze in with comments |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by saintrow1: 11:17am On Aug 12, 2023 |
Russia doesn't want Nigeria Gas to reach Europe, hence the coup detat. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by nickyvil: 11:19am On Aug 12, 2023 |
Wagner staged a coup and right now on on Belarus border, any weapon coming through there will be checkmate. It's all over the news and I don't give a biased info. I'm not a pro Russian. I'm neutral, I just want us to have a peaceful and functioning country. I don't want west vs Russian in Africa. If they want to fight it should be on their soil. Buliwyf: |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Buliwyf: 11:22am On Aug 12, 2023 |
nickyvil: You are pro Russian. I can easily tell even when you are obviously lying about it. Keep denying but we all know what you are. Please tell us how Wagner will checkmate Poland weapon shipments to Ukraine from Belarus. How? Give us one example of a weapon shipment Wagner stopped successfully since they entered Belarus. Not one single claim you have made since has been backed up by any fact. And that's a big problem. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Ewedegubbler: 11:22am On Aug 12, 2023 |
Putin is Igbo, he hates Tinubu, that’s why he doesn’t Evowas to invade |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Lanre1st(m): 11:28am On Aug 12, 2023 |
AllenSpencer: What are you saying? How big and competent is Boko-haram that Nigeria could not defeated for a longtime. Is west not supporting Nigeria on Boko-haram issue. Nigeria should just be carefully to take side, the world power bloc (Russia/China vs US/Europ) is at loggerhead. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by lexy2014: 11:28am On Aug 12, 2023 |
Judolisco: Is ECOWAS google? |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Weathered: 11:29am On Aug 12, 2023 |
nickyvil:just as Russian drones against Ukraine is being supplied by Iran, Turkey etc. And Russia is still doing same thing you're accusing the West of in Syria and some other places. Russians and her supporters believed the war in Ukraine was a matter of weeks. But now it's over a year and while you admit it's a war, Russia is too ashamed to call it that. With thousands of its troop dead and Wagner frustrated, shame and pride will not allow Russia call off the war. She had wanted to capture Kiev tivendcthe war on record time but failed and failed repeatedly. No Russia is not even thev3rd greatest military on the planet. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by lexy2014: 11:30am On Aug 12, 2023 |
saintrow1: What has Russia got to do with coup in Niger? Is it Russia that instigated the coup? Algeria has gas and is way closer to Europe than nigeria. So what Russia now do to Algeria? |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by nickyvil: 11:32am On Aug 12, 2023 |
You have your phone and there are lots of facts out there, don't be lazy to search. Buliwyf:
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Buliwyf: 11:36am On Aug 12, 2023 |
nickyvil: 😂. Your education was a waste. You are still posting links and pictures that don't in any way support your claims. The image you posted said "to destabilise the alliance" and that was a claim by Poland because they were itching to get involved in the war. But you were all over this thread claiming Wagner staged a coup to be posted to Belarus to checkmate weapons shipment as if they couldn't have been posted there before the coup. No logic. No English comprehension. Yet you think you know what "facts" are. LMAO @ "lots of facts out there". Nairaland o 🤣🤣🤣 |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Dshocker(m): 11:42am On Aug 12, 2023 |
The United States of America is using Tinubu's dark past records to cajole him into sending troops into Niger. And when that happens, things will escalate and blow out of proportion. That way, our resources like crude and that of Niger's Uranium will be bought at a give away price, in return they will supply ammunition. I am not a supporter of Tinubu or APC, but he should tread carefully. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by nickyvil: 11:50am On Aug 12, 2023 |
Is there any rules set aside for west/USA different to Russian and the rest of the world? Another question, why would France still control Niger and subharran region resources after independence, this fight is all about imperialism which I'm not in support. I'm not in support of the junta nor the west. We need them out so we can develop ourself . Weathered: |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by OChimex: 11:53am On Aug 12, 2023 |
AllenSpencer: Fighting the hunters with catapult in Africa na small thing for him |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Cautemoc(m): 11:53am On Aug 12, 2023 |
[quote author=vowiski post=125051410] Struggling in Ukraine ? You watch too much western propaganda western news… If Putin wants to blow up the entire Ukraine in one day he can surely do it … You don’t know they were USSR before ? It’s like killing his own people if he decides to use brute force… It would have been different if Putin was fighting against some western or Asian countries … And he's recruiting every thing recruitable even to the point of recruiting Criminals from prison to go and die in Ukraine. Believe whatever you like but the truth is that Russia is a big mess right now. If he get mind make he blow up Kyiv. If they no blow up Moscow in the next minute call me a motherfucker. You think say Na only him get monopoly of violence? |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by nickyvil: 11:58am On Aug 12, 2023 |
Now I know your education is a waste and your childish, I don't think you even think, destabilized is part of stopping weapon and support from the east to Ukraine which that is the most active route since the war starter. It's easier to connect NATO and Ukraine from Poland. Why am I even replying you. This will be my last response to you. I love knowledgeable people who are deep thinker and can be able to understand and comprehend. Buliwyf: |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Jossiace: 12:02pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
So ECOWAS isn't Africa or what are you trying to say? |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Buliwyf: 12:04pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
nickyvil: Chai. Look at a living walking waste of education money. Where did you get your own definition of "destabilise" from? Keeping exposing yourself to the world and let us be laughing at you. You still show bad judgment and lack of comprehension. Poland has a direct border with Ukraine. How is Wagner that is in Belarus going to stop the shipment of weapons through there? You still haven't answered this and you think that posting idiotic links that don't relate to the discussion will stop me from exposing you. Ukraine also has a border with Slovenia. How is Wagner in Belarus going to stop weapons from being shipped through there too? And you are advising me to think. If your brain can do anything of that sort, you would have left this thread in shame since but you are still here putting up a false bravado and exposing yourself to more ridicule. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by Yoighaman(m): 12:07pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
AllenSpencer: Bob Marley and the..... Continue spilling trash, only you and yours will go to that war in Niger, nothing concern we sane Nigerians. |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by victory36(m): 12:12pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
AllenSpencer:you certainly don't know what war feels like. Y'all are talking like children. By the way, I hope you have enlisted in the military |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by ShedrachU(m): 12:30pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
vowiski: You get sense. I don't know what people take Putin as, maybe as a joke? Wiping Ukraine won't take him anything. As you said, if it was a Western country, he would have had them lick his ass, man hates the West to the core. 1 Like |
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by saintrow1: 12:49pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
lexy2014: Hope that helps you
Re: Niger Coup: Russia Warns Ecowas Not To Take Military Action by etrange: 12:50pm On Aug 12, 2023 |
Africa is like a teenager with divorced parents. ![]() 1 Like |
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