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Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) - Religion (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by farem: 6:33pm On Nov 22, 2023

Attitude || LGBTQ Nation

Behold the face of the False Prophet prophesied in the Book of Revelation.
He's earnestly preparing for the manifestation of the man of sin - the Antichrist.
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by ponishah: 6:35pm On Nov 22, 2023
Even Jesus played host to the prostitute, if we were all perfect we wont be asking for forgiveness.

The pope is not endorsing any sin ,his holiness gives them strength for true repentance.
Prostitution is just son, transgender is not just sit but a mockery of the omniscience of God.
You made huge money and decided that that God did not know what he did when he created you.

As a Christian, this is the major reason I love the existence of Moslems.
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Broveens42(m): 6:35pm On Nov 22, 2023
Even Jesus played host to the prostitute, if we were all perfect we wont be asking for forgiveness.

The pope is not endorsing any sin ,his holiness gives them strength for true repentance.

Lol. You think you are smart, but you just showed us how far you are from understanding your own good book, or feigning of ignorance.
If he is not endorsing the concept of sin, what's he endorsing? Lol

Your biblical jesus dined with sinners to discourage them from sinning. What's the pope discouraging trans from ?
Let me do a little mathematics as the case of prostitute and biblical jesus
Put P in LGBT, where P is prostitute..LGBTP
You see, the variable P is what should be discouraged just as LGBT was discouraged in your good book.

If it's not to deflate that breast, cover up the hole and ask biblical God for forgiveness, then the pope is endorsing LGBT
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Vado(m): 6:35pm On Nov 22, 2023
Catholicism not Christianity.
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Daystar7: 6:35pm On Nov 22, 2023
As a Christian, I would say that this is one reason I respect Islam as a religion.

You're not a Christian

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Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Iseoluwani: 6:35pm On Nov 22, 2023
Even Jesus played host to the prostitute, if we were all perfect we wont be asking for forgiveness.

The pope is not endorsing any sin ,his holiness gives them strength for true repentance.

who made him holy?
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Deogratiasfx: 6:36pm On Nov 22, 2023
Christianity has become a joke 🤮

It seems Islam is our last hope.

Did Jesus not eat with Sinners?

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Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Sleekfingers: 6:36pm On Nov 22, 2023

Why Jesus pursue those wey dey sell and buy for the temple?
Sebi na business dem dey do, since you know wetin Jesus for do now, as him PA wey you be naa.

What did Jesus do , when they were trying to kill the prostitute?

I believe you know that your Jesus said, he came for the sake of the sinners.

The hypocrisy of Nigeria Christians is something else
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Vlad2023: 6:36pm On Nov 22, 2023
[quote author=magoo10 post=127110124]Even Jesus played host to the prostitute, if we were all perfect we wont be asking for forgiveness.

The pope is not endorsing any sin ,his holiness gives them strength for true repentance.

I love your statement.

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Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Benwallt(m): 6:36pm On Nov 22, 2023
This is worst than war. Train your children well
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Entanglement: 6:37pm On Nov 22, 2023

Attitude || LGBTQ Nation
we all know the antichrist will emerge from catholic
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Lukuluku69(m): 6:38pm On Nov 22, 2023

Terrorism might be ur last hope. Speak for urself u brood of viper.
Real christians who live by the Word understand what's going on here as it's has been written that a time like this 'll come. True believers are not ignorant of the devices of the devil.
Well I know you're a Muslim and you've spoken as u don't have no business with the holy spirit but just advertising ur religion cunningly.

That's what Jesus called the Jews not Muslims!
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by sonofElElyon: 6:40pm On Nov 22, 2023
The devil's pope
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by farem: 6:41pm On Nov 22, 2023
Even Jesus played host to the prostitute, if we were all perfect we wont be asking for forgiveness.

The pope is not endorsing any sin ,his holiness gives them strength for true repentance.
The only message of Jesus Christ sent down to the disciples and all Christians is REPENT!
Tell me where this man of sin opened his mouth to tell these souls 'repent'.
I bet you, you won't find it because he will never say it. He dares not say it
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by SisterAnn(f): 6:42pm On Nov 22, 2023

Not a conspiracy theorist but the Whites are pushing this dirty agenda.

In TV series especially... you would see them forcing homosexuality and tranny stuff on us.

Watching SANDMAN and virtually all couples are fagg0ts and carpet-munchers.

Kids can't even watch a show without a man tonguing another. YUCK 🤮
I used to think you were a fagg0t, my bad.
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by amaridigital(m): 6:45pm On Nov 22, 2023
Jesus comes to save the sinners, not the saints, after all!

Just imagine how the Catholic endorsed this act of apostasy from the pope. Imagine if this were to be Adeboye or kumuyi dinning with people who changed their sex will you accept it? This sign really shows we are in the end of time. Very soon Gays and lesbians will be ordained as catholic priests
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by zudozz: 6:45pm On Nov 22, 2023

Bad, only bad abi worst?
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Broveens42(m): 6:45pm On Nov 22, 2023

What did Jesus do , when they were trying to kill the prostitute?

I believe you know that your Jesus said, he came for the sake of the sinners.

The hypocrisy of Nigeria Christians is something else

Your biblical jesus asked the prostitute to go and sin no more.
take P as prostitute.
Put P in LGBT, since your good book regards it as sin= LGBTP..

"...He made them, MALE and FEMALE.( not he made them Beings)

Now the question
Is the pope preaching against disregard for biblical god's authority? (He made them MALE and FEMALE)

So let's not get angry when people say Christianity is a joke because christians seem not to understand their own good book
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by SisterAnn(f): 6:45pm On Nov 22, 2023

Well, like it or not, religion is meant to evolve as humanity does.

For instance Islam and Christianity prescribed the death punishment for sins like adultery, but that'd be barbaric in today's world.
Baba wetin? What of Sharia law?
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by magoo10(m): 6:46pm On Nov 22, 2023

The only message of Jesus Christ sent down to the disciples and all Christians is REPENT!
Tell me where this man of sin opened his mouth to tell these souls 'repent'.
I bet you, you won't find it because he will never say it. He dares not say it
you heard that of Jesus Christ because someone gave account of it.
if the pope in his holiness is not sending signal of repentance i wonder what else he will be doing.
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by brawlings(m): 6:46pm On Nov 22, 2023

Is there any other meaning to the word nonsense?
Yes! ...how it is used in the context.
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by victor08(m): 6:49pm On Nov 22, 2023
The pope don fu*CK up.

Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by faxana(f): 6:49pm On Nov 22, 2023

Jesus Christ would probably have done same.

Though His motive would have been Love & to draw them to His Kingdom.

Isn't..that...the...Pope's motive?
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by jrusky(m): 6:52pm On Nov 22, 2023
Catholic and Anglican have done so much damages to the christain world its a shame.

Can any Islamic leader do this nonsense without him been executed instantly?
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by KingOfAllIgbos: 6:53pm On Nov 22, 2023
I used to think you were a fagg0t, my bad.

No. I am not your Dad. grin
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Blackdisciple(m): 6:54pm On Nov 22, 2023
I just feel like this POPE is not representing Christians well, but only God can judge us

Bro you have said it all
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Indispensable85(m): 6:54pm On Nov 22, 2023
Catholics and their popes! I laff ooooo 🤣
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by Blacktruth: 6:54pm On Nov 22, 2023
Wahala, see wetin Pope turn Christianity to

Who tell una say na d same God una dey worship, make una just dey play .
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by farem: 6:55pm On Nov 22, 2023
you heard that of Jesus Christ because someone gave account of it.
if the pope in his holiness is not sending signal of repentance i wonder what else he will be doing.

The last time I checked the Pope is not a mute/dumb.
When and how did he send 'signal of repentance' here and anywhere else?
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by wrongman665(m): 7:03pm On Nov 22, 2023
I just feel like this POPE is not representing Christians well, but only God can judge us

jesus christ said. Love one another

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Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by StraightGaay: 7:04pm On Nov 22, 2023
Na from Clap dance de start. The next meeting is with Ashawos, money swindlers, yahoo-yahoo boys, gay prostitutes, armed robbers, rapists, drug dealers, murderers, cultists and finally INEC officials. Pope Francis is just using his own wokeness to embarrass Catholics world-wide! *Yimu* angry
Even Jesus mingled with prostitute and tax collectors.
Re: Pope Francis Hosts Trans-Women & Eats Lunch With Them At The Vatican (Photos) by dbestcno(m): 7:06pm On Nov 22, 2023
It's been long the Vatican left the way of Jesus christ. They are made up of many Satanists

Attitude || LGBTQ Nation

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