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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Jobs/Vacancies / Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? (12780 Views)
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Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Curiouscity(m): 5:58pm On Dec 12, 2023 |
Why do Nigerians expect things to change, yet we still do things the old way? Someone just sent me a link for one of the states' organized Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP). A quick look at the form, I noticed that the request the following: * Marital Status * Number of Children / age of children * Religion and Denomination What on earth is the usefulness of these information for a training program? This is also of all employers in Nigeria. In fact, most CV (resumè) formats in Nigerian public and private sectors have space for above information. Please What is the usefulness of these usefulness information? 27 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Bahamas95(m): 6:01pm On Dec 12, 2023 |
You're even lucky they didn't ask the number of times you knack your wife in a month. ![]() 106 Likes 10 Shares |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by yomi007k(m): 6:30pm On Dec 12, 2023 |
Bliss52: Don't mind them. 19 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Hamachi(f): 7:06pm On Dec 12, 2023 |
Bliss52:Tell that to Nigerian banks 23 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by westlius(m): 8:40pm On Dec 12, 2023 |
I remember my first job interview And the GM asked if I drink I replied him yes I drink water alot Everyone on the panel was laffing 86 Likes 9 Shares |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Curiouscity(m): 11:34pm On Dec 12, 2023 |
yomi007k: Where has this gotten us to? With Nigerians leaving in droves, do they denounce their religion and marital status to work for employers in Western countries? In western countries, most employers give coffee/tea breaks every 2-3hours. We encourage ethnic/religions division when it favors us, then turn around to shout segregation/racism when it does favors us. How does number of children and their ages affect my productivity please? cc: Bliss52 13 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Easybet1(m): 10:34am On Dec 13, 2023 |
I did one interview with access bank some years ago and the man was asking me about family. 1) tell me about your family? 2) tell me more about it? 3) how many wife did my father have? 4) what kind of work is my father doing? 5)how many children did my mother have for my father? 6) what is my number? Am I the first or last born? 7)did your father build any properties in Lagos? No single technical question and I was given offer letter after that interview 43 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Klasique911(m): 10:34am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Useless Employers doing the most 2 Likes
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by MuslimIgbo: 10:34am On Dec 13, 2023 |
They are just silly and senseless. How do you expect change in such a low thinking kind of people? 6 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Charmingrascal(m): 10:35am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Lol Infact generally Nigeria employers are so heartless and irresponsible. They want staffers to do their work perfectly but once it is getting to the end of the month that they will pay salary, they will start acting weird, they will start giving negative attitude, they will be looking for every opportunity to complain about staffers. Nigeria Labour congress and TUC are just selfish and greedy set of people who don't really fight for labourers/workers but their own selfish interest. Another thing is year of experience, how do you expect a fresh graduate to have 3 years experience in a certain field which is not even a professional field. Ordinary Supermarket owner will be asking a fresh graduate for 4 years experience for sales representative job. Above all you can't make it working for someone, if you have a little capital start your own business no matter how small the amount you are making daily, you will have peace of mind. 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by FalseProphet1(m): 10:35am On Dec 13, 2023 |
I have no prophecy on this matter. Kindly bear with me. This I have seen. 20 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by IMASTEX: 10:35am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Marital status: Your job description might involve working into the night, travels, having meetings in hotels with clients, etc. Number of children: To determine to an extent your financial responsibility. Children ages: To determine the focus level and availability. Religion: To know if a certain day of worship might conflict with the company's interest. Denomination: To know whether you will easily suspend work ethics for religious approach. There is really no labour laws in Nigeria, hence the cut & nail approach by both public & private sector. 30 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by payaseriy: 10:36am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Hmmm |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Fatbam005: 10:36am On Dec 13, 2023 |
No choice in the face of hunger and must answer 1 Like |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by LordReed(m): 10:37am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Curiouscity: Those are not irrelevant questions, it is very necessary to give context to an employee's personal situation which can impact their work environment. 8 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Prdluxe(m): 10:37am On Dec 13, 2023 |
low thinking kind of people how do u except change? |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Domaining101: 10:37am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Bahamas95: I swear.. I remember when i wanted to get a cyber cafe job one time, the useless interviewer was asking me how many time do i have sex with girlfriend every month. When i asked the mumu why he was asking me such questions, he told me that they need to know if i pose any form of sexual threat to their madam or any other female employee. ![]() 3 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Tetrahedron(m): 10:37am On Dec 13, 2023 |
HR people that think because they are hiring they are now mini-gods 2 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by GloriousGbola: 10:38am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Curiouscity: Some businesses want people who do not have responsibilities so they can easily send them on our of state job or make them work late Some want people who are married because this denotes stability Some Muslims may say their Friday jumat is sacrosanct. Some may say they are church of latter day saints. Some are jehovahs witnesses. Some people's religion may lead to job issues As a company you want a hire that adds value without problem. That is the purpose of all of this. Confirming the candidate is a good fit. 9 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by DrAda(f): 10:38am On Dec 13, 2023 |
They aren't irrelevant 2 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Sucre6: 10:41am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Am an HR I can say that most questions and information are useless. While other are useful, some company that works both weekends might consider your availability and productivity during the weekends before hiring, Some even consider religion, and marital status like banks, They believe single people are best fit for the position of marketing for example, because they will push and encourage u with targets to get in fat account to the company without minding how u gonna do it. At the end of the day, the company wins, selfish set of people 3 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by StraightGaay: 10:42am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Can you imagine, one asked if I have f.c.kd b4, the other asked what's my sexuality. 1 Like |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by ednut1(m): 10:42am On Dec 13, 2023 |
No laws against them in Nigeria . Marital status- married people are more trusted for certain positions as its not easy to run away with a family of 4 for example when compared to a single guy in cases of fraud, embezzlement or theft of company assets. For females- they want to know if they are going on maternity leave soon. If they have children already then they can infer too . Religion- there are companies who make it compulsory for staff to pray in the morning. Mostly protestant Christian owned ones. So they want to know if you be Muslim or Catholic. Age also- a 45 years old man vs a 24 years old man are not the same. You can send the younger one on mumu errands at work or talk to him anyhow. But a 45 years olf man you go collect slap one day. The Senate and House of Representatives need to pass laws on them. In my current country of residence those things are. Forbidden from your resume 7 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by emmabest2000(m): 10:43am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Bahamas95: Werey 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by ppogba: 10:44am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Is it not ironic that someone thinks these questions are irrelevant? You will do well to let us know the questions that are relevant then. Adults in children clothing. Indeed, social media has democratise stupidity. 2 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by spencekat(m): 10:45am On Dec 13, 2023 |
GloriousGbola:It does not change anything,please.Those are irrelevant questions. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by sparko1(m): 10:46am On Dec 13, 2023 |
westlius: If you are operating machinery, that question is valid. 4 Likes |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Waterlilly: 10:47am On Dec 13, 2023 |
k |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Emeskhalifa(m): 10:47am On Dec 13, 2023 |
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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Emma1Oj(m): 10:49am On Dec 13, 2023 |
How can a female gender be asking about personal and extended family questions during an interview? Female employer are common in this habit. Because men are always straight to the point and business cautious, but female will almost ask you how many times you bleep you woman in a day. |
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by lomprico(m): 10:49am On Dec 13, 2023 |
Fubara don demolish Rivers state house of assembly complex o! Fubara 4 : 1 Wike All rivers people are mad and potential mad men. OP no vex, I too like amebo. ![]() 1 Like |
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