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Talk To A Veterinarian - Pets (48) - Nairaland

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Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by H5698: 2:33am On Sep 10, 2023
Hello. Please I sent you a PM
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by 9182736455O1999(m): 5:54pm On Sep 10, 2023
Hi guys, this thread was created to answer any question relating to your animal health, be it pet or livestock and also enlighten the public about the veterinary profession generally especially for those seeking a career in the veterinary profession. Please feel free to send your questions and hopefully you will get your answers asap. Occasionally we would invite senior consultants to shed light on knotty issues. Thank you
Please read through.
I came home last month and met this litte dog in the house(a Nigerian breed)
At first observation, the dog was too mild for an average puppy.
She lack agility, very selective in her choice of food, doesn't bark and so on.
Within those times she would always crawl close to the fire we make (firewood) outside the main house to warm up herself. it started gradually but it later turned to a habit because she couldn't do without being close to the fire. She would be shaking uncontrollably like she's feeling cold everytime she's not close to the fire. We later noticed some staggering movements from the way she walks, became worse as she sometimes fall while walking.
Right now:
*She can no longer walk.
*Her legs are totally paralyzed.
*From time to time she groans like she is in serious pains.
*From observation, i think she'd partialy lost her sense of smell.
*I noticed a little swelling under the snout very close to the neck.
*She just lye helplessly on the floor and she cried the whole night cry
Initially, i didn't had time for her, maybe because of her breed but i can't help seeing her current situation.
Her stool is still normal and whenever we tried holding her, she shouts in pain and pee on herself.
She doesn't have ticks but i see few of the normal lice.
She tried eating something today as i previously thougt she'd lost total apetite.
Please can you help in any way?
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 6:10pm On Sep 10, 2023

Please read through.
I came home last month and met this litte dog in the house(a Nigerian breed)
At first observation, the dog was too mild for an average puppy.
She lack agility, very selective in her choice of food, doesn't bark and so on.
Within those times she would always crawl close to the fire we make (firewood) outside the main house to warm up herself. it started gradually but it later turned to a habit because she couldn't do without being close to the fire. She would be shaking uncontrollably like she's feeling cold everytime she's not close to the fire. We later noticed some staggering movements from the way she walks, became worse as she sometimes fall while walking.
Right now:
*She can no longer walk.
*Her legs are totally paralyzed.
*From time to time she groans like she is in serious pains.
*From observation, i think she'd partialy lost her sense of smell.
*I noticed a little swelling under the snout very close to the neck.
*She just lye helplessly on the floor and she cried the whole night cry
Initially, i didn't had time for her, maybe because of her breed but i can't help seeing her current situation.
Her stool is still normal and whenever we tried holding her, she shouts in pain and pee on herself.
She doesn't have ticks but i see few of the normal lice.
She tried eating something today as i previously thougt she'd lost total apetite.
Please can you help in any way?
Good eveing my dear brother I'm very sorry about the condition your dog is facing.
My sincere advice is to keep him hydrated,warm and calm while you prepare to take him to the nearest veterinary hospital because this is a serious case,I will be on standby for update.
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by 9182736455O1999(m): 6:14pm On Sep 10, 2023
Good eveing my dear brother I'm very sorry about the condition your dog is facing may Allah grant him shifa.
My sincere advice is to keep him hydrated,warm and calm while you prepare to take him to the nearest veterinary hospital because this is a serious case,I will be on standby for update.
I don't think we can afford a vet. She did not even respond to the drugs they have her.
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by SMILEBUX(m): 9:24am On Sep 30, 2023
Good morning Doctor my young puppy of 2 months have a bloated Tommy the puppy is aggressive when it comes to eating, please what can use to reduce the bloated Tommy.
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 11:28am On Sep 30, 2023
Good morning Doctor my young puppy of 2 months have a bloated Tommy the puppy is aggressive when it comes to eating, please what can use to reduce the bloated Tommy.
Good morning sir, Im so sorry about your pups condition, to be sincere the best advice is for you to visit a vet clinic in which they would use a stomach tube to release the gas once they have confirmed that it's a case of bloat. Meanwhile you can reduce food intake a bit and gently massage the stomach while you're preparing to take her to the clinic. I'll be on standby
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by Richieurch(m): 3:51pm On Sep 30, 2023
Which other symptoms are you observing, and try to keep her warm and hydrated. I'll be on standby. Meanwhile was she involved in any strenuous activity or previous medication?

Thanks I took him to vet who administered some medication his back to himself now. Thanks for your response
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by SpecialAkin12: 6:21am On Oct 15, 2023
Hello vet, my is coughing
Any chances that it will live.
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by SpecialAkin12: 6:23am On Oct 15, 2023
Send me a DM
My German shepherd is also coughing.
Any remedy vet.
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 7:51am On Oct 15, 2023

My German shepherd is also coughing.
Any remedy vet.
Good morning, I'm so sorry sir, please which other symptoms are you seeing

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Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by yembabs231(m): 4:58am On Oct 18, 2023
My 9 months plus female Eskimo suddenly losses appetite for all foods, she will smell n eat very little, she still play alot and much active but she hardly eat, she's been on multivitamin (vitapet) since 6 months old. This loss of appetite started a week ago.

What could be the cause?
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 1:48pm On Oct 18, 2023
My 9 months plus female Eskimo suddenly losses appetite for all foods, she will smell n eat very little, she still play alot and much active but she hardly eat, she's been on multivitamin (vitapet) since 6 months old. This loss of appetite started a week ago.

What could be the cause?
Good afternoon sir, what kind of food do you give her
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by yembabs231(m): 1:58pm On Oct 18, 2023
Good afternoon sir, what kind of food do you give her

Dry food, rice n fish, noodles and potato
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 2:47pm On Oct 18, 2023

Dry food, rice n fish, noodles and potato
Give her Vitamin C separately with the others you are giving, let's watch for 3 days. Are you observing any other symptoms?
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by yembabs231(m): 2:54pm On Oct 18, 2023
Give her Vitamin C separately with the others you are giving, let's watch for 3 days. Are you observing any other symptoms?

Ok Doc... Yes am watching, no other symptoms, very active and playful, will do as yu say, will get back to you
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by Excel1212: 8:29pm On Nov 25, 2023
Doc please help my 5wks 5days gsd is losing hair at the back of her ear.Pet shop recommended dermacur and i recently noticed ticks
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 8:41am On Nov 27, 2023
Doc please help my 5wks 5days gsd is losing hair at the back of her ear.Pet shop recommended dermacur and i recently noticed ticks
Good morning sir, you can get Bravecto it's an acaricide. Then clear the environment

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Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by jazzyjazz: 10:04pm On Nov 30, 2023
@seunH I just adopted an American Eskimo breed. The dog is 2yrs old and up to date in his vaccines. The owner have him up due to personal reasons. This is my first time owing a dog. What can I feed him asides those packaged foods they sell in stores?
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 1:16am On Dec 01, 2023
@seunH I just adopted an American Eskimo breed. The dog is 2yrs old and up to date in his vaccines. The owner have him up due to personal reasons. This is my first time owing a dog. What can I feed him asides those packaged foods they sell in stores?
Congratulations sir, in addition you can feed him vegetables esp carrots, rice is also okay and boneless fish too is equally fine
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by jazzyjazz: 1:48pm On Dec 01, 2023
Congratulations sir, in addition you can feed him vegetables esp carrots, rice is also okay and boneless fish too is equally fine

Thank you
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by Excel1212: 4:14pm On Dec 02, 2023
Good morning sir, you can get Bravecto it's an acaricide. Then clear the environment
Thank you doc the dermatur worked very well but iwant to ask if its normal for gsd waist to be a little smaller than the body.

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Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 10:15pm On Dec 02, 2023
Thank you doc the dermatur worked very well but iwant to ask if its normal for gsd waist to be a little smaller than the body.
It depends on several factors
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by Kehfie(f): 6:09pm On Dec 07, 2023
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 12:58pm On Dec 08, 2023
Hello Doc. I have rabbits that are sneezing with cattarh. I have tried a few antibiotic powders and injections on a vets recommendation and they are not getting better. This is two months now and the sickness has spread from 1 rabbit to all 5. Pls what can I use? Or pls can you recommend a reliable vet around Ijanikin/Ojo/Oko-Afo /Morogbo? Thank you.
First of all ISOLATE, take any of the sick rabbits to a Vet clinic for test and medical prescription and final disinfect your surroundings. Ill be on stanby
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by Excel1212: 10:09pm On Dec 10, 2023
Sorry for the long message doctor i just got a gsd and not really impress with the size she will be 2 months at dec 15th. A friend advise me to administer mect izan to my dog to get rid of tick.I would have gone to a pet shop to buy a spray or normal medicine and can i also use rambo powder because i am a little far from city and it will take a week before i enter lagos again and does tick make a dog look malnourished we feed her dog indomie and egg and add milk to the food during preparation then add crayfish on top.How effective is dermacur.can i give my dog normal human cod liver as a daily supplement.
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 11:38pm On Dec 10, 2023
Sorry for the long message doctor i just got a gsd and not really impress with the size she will be 2 months at dec 15th. A friend advise me to administer mect izan to my dog to get rid of tick.I would have gone to a pet shop to buy a spray or normal medicine and can i also use rambo powder because i am a little far from city and it will take a week before i enter lagos again and does tick make a dog look malnourished we feed her dog indomie and egg and add milk to the food during preparation then add crayfish on top.How effective is dermacur.can i give my dog normal human cod liver as a daily supplement.
Please don't use Rambo powder, it's dangerous. Get Bravecto® it's very effective, then clear your surroundings. You can also use Amitraz® too it's also effective and ensure you follow manufacturer's instructions

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Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by FODA(m): 5:20pm On Dec 13, 2023

The truth is that, there are many factors governing adminstration of dewormers and I have very few information about your dog, the reason for deworming, and even the dewormer that was prescribed to you. As for the age you don't need to worry yourself, drugs are dosed according to weight in Kg, so if a drug is 10mg per Kg, you would simply multiply the weight of your pet by 10mg, that would give you the amount you would administer irrespective of the age (except they have a special formulation for young pets) but must be done under the guidance of a veterinarian in order to avoid adverse reaction to the drug. If you had given me more information about your pet and the drug prescribed, I might have been able to help you more, but nonetheless I hope this helps.
please I need a male breed of this dog for stud service in ibadan.

Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by Kehfie(f): 9:34pm On Dec 13, 2023
Thanks Doc.
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by majortwild(m): 10:02pm On Dec 28, 2023
First of all Mr seun i want to specially appreciate u on how strong and steady u handle this thread also want to appreciate your time and effort, i read through ur thread and i was wowed how well u took ur time to answer almost all questions with proper advice.

I want to ask a vital question, How can one prevent Parvo in dogs? I lost 1 of my pup(GSD) last 2 months to parvo and the funniest part of it is i dont take the pup out at all , the second dog(Boerboel) got it prior to having the GSD fortunately she was cured but that was months ago so i was wondering how and why my GSD got it when it doesn't go out. Tho the Boerboel goes out on walks could it be she was the carrier and since she's immune to it as being a victim of parvo before then transmitted it to the GSD. Cuz now the Boerboel gave birth and I'm really scared of the Parvo thing so it doesn't get to its puppies

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Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by seunH: 12:19pm On Dec 30, 2023
First of all Mr seun i want to specially appreciate u on how strong and steady u handle this thread also want to appreciate your time and effort, i read through ur thread and i was wowed how well u took ur time to answer almost all questions with proper advice.

I want to ask a vital question, How can one prevent Parvo in dogs? I lost 1 of my pup(GSD) last 2 months to parvo and the funniest part of it is i dont take the pup out at all , the second dog(Boerboel) got it prior to having the GSD fortunately she was cured but that was months ago so i was wondering how and why my GSD got it when it doesn't go out. Tho the Boerboel goes out on walks could it be she was the carrier and since she's immune to it as being a victim of parvo before then transmitted it to the GSD. Cuz now the Boerboel gave birth and I'm really scared of the Parvo thing so it doesn't get to its puppies
Thanks so much for the compliment, it's comments like this that encourages more efforts. First of all, your suspicion is correct, she may be a carrier. First thing first is for you to evacuate and scrupulously fumingate and disinfectant the whole environment and surrounding, explain to them what you are fumigating against so that they will know the appropriate chemical agent to use. Then ensure good nutrition and immune booster for your remaining pets, then ensure the suspected carrier is taken to the clinic for proper medical attention. I'll be on standby
Re: Talk To A Veterinarian by majortwild(m): 6:26pm On Dec 30, 2023
Thanks so much for the compliment, it's comments like this that encourages more efforts. First of all, your suspicion is correct, she may be a carrier. First thing first is for you to evacuate and scrupulously fumingate and disinfectant the whole environment and surrounding, explain to them what you are fumigating against so that they will know the appropriate chemical agent to use. Then ensure good nutrition and immune booster for your remaining pets, then ensure the suspected carrier is taken to the clinic for proper medical attention. I'll be on standby

Once again Mr seun i do honestly appreciate your replies ,u cant imagine how happy i am each time i see ur reply or comments on people's post . Thank you once again.

Can you help me with an effective immune booster i can get for my pet (The mum and the puppies) I'll contact some fumigation service so i can get my compound fumigated, also i thought parvo was airborne wont it have the possibility of returning to the environment even after fumigation?

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