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ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran - Foreign Affairs (4) - Nairaland

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by robbase: 12:48am On Jan 05, 2024
This makes sense

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Truthday: 1:22am On Jan 05, 2024

Mohammad Hannon/AP/Press Association. All rights reserved.There is a strange relationship between Israel and a small sect of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) based next to the Golan Heights. The very presence of a group like ISIS so close to Israel poses many questions.

Firstly why has ISIS not attacked Israel – a country they have sworn to destroy – from said base? Similarly why has the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) not attacked this small and weak group of extremists on their border? The answers to such questions show the truth behind the rhetoric all actors use in this conflict.

The Yarmouk valley is wedged between Jordan, Syria and the Israeli-occupied territories of the Golan Heights. The valley consists of a few small towns, the majority of which are now controlled by the ISIS affiliated Liwa Shuhada al-Yarmouk or the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade (YMB). This group was established by Mohammad al-Baridi, known by his nickname 'The Uncle' in 2012 in southwest Syria. The group started off relatively moderate, with a close alliance to the Free Syrian Army. But the moderation quickly dissipated during the course of the Syrian civil war.

The start of 2013 saw the YMB gain power in the Yarmouk Valley. The YMB in 2013 started to have military clashes with Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian al-Qaeda group who held the power in the Daraa governorate (the southwest governorate of Syria). This led to the assassination of al-Baridi by al-Nusra in November 2015. During this time, the group carved out a small area for themselves on the fringe of the Daraa governorate next to the Golan Heights. YMB continued to distance themselves from al-Nusra, while still promoting conservative Islamic laws.

The YMB in 2015 began implementing Islamist reforms through the islah policy. The policy was implemented under al-Baridi and sought to ‘correct’ the policies of the previous regime. This included the creation of an Islamic court and police force. YMB also changed the name of its department of governance to Diwan al-Hisba, Diwan translating to the regional name for ISIS. The group even changed their logo to incorporate the ISIS flag. By the end of 2015 YMB became a sub-group of ISIS, only a stone’s throw away from Israel.

The YMB alliance means that ISIS now shares a border with Israel, yet they have not acted on this. In one of al-Baghdadi’s speeches he discussed Israel, however he only referred to the area as 'Palestine', probably in an effort to avoid indirectly acknowledging statehood through using the term 'Israel'. Al-Baghdadi reminded the Jews in 'Palestine' that ISIS “has not forgotten you.” Such messages from al-Baghdadi are very rare; this one was presumably made due to internal pressure in ISIS to reaffirm its anti-Israel stance. He then went on to say that “with the help of Allah, we [ISIS] are getting closer to you [Israel] every day." This is puzzling, for ISIS has an armed group of fighters next door to Israel, to get any closer would mean they would be literally inside the country. So why has ISIS not followed through on their threats and invaded?

ISIS are significantly more likely to attack the weak then the strong. While there are some reports that the YMB have an armoured division looted from campaigns in Daraa they still predominantly use small arms and homemade explosives. ISIS is currently being pressed on all fronts; if they have to choose between attacking Israel and attacking a largely civilian area in the already decimated Deir ez-Zur province, historically they have picked the latter. Yet that does not explain Israel’s reaction to ISIS' possession of such a threatening territory.

The YMB have already provoked international outrage. In 2013 the YMB kidnapped some 20 Filipino United Nation peacekeepers. They held them for two weeks before releasing them. However YMB kidnapped these peacekeepers from inside Israeli occupied territories. While YMB was only loosely affiliated with ISIS in 2013 there have been no repercussions for an Islamic militant group infiltrating an Israeli buffer-zone and kidnapping UN peacekeepers. Israel has shown in the past it is willing to attack groups on its borders that it perceives as a threat.

Israel has during the Syria civil war authorised airstrikes in Syria multiple times. These airstrikes however have aimed not at ISIS, nor al-Nusra or other Sunni jihadist groups. These strikes have overwhelmingly been targeted at the assets of Shia-affiliated groups, predominantly Hezbollah.

Israel in September 2014 also shot down a Syrian Air Force fighter jet for straying into Golan airspace: the first time since the 1973 Arab–Israeli war that the IDF has attacked Syria’s official military. Israel has shown during the Syrian civil war that it is willing to attack those who threaten its territorial integrity – but not ISIS.

The YMB has entered Israeli-held territory, yet there has been no reported conflict between the two groups. In fact there have been reports by Foreign Policy Magazine claiming that far from fighting the militias on the Golan boarder, Israel has been providing health care to the militants. Around 1,000 Syrians within fourteen months have been given treatment, according to Lt. Col. Peter Lerner. The Lt. Col. went on to say, “we don’t do any vetting or check where they are from or which group they are fighting for, or whether they are civilians.”

There seems to be very different treatment for rebel groups on the south of the Golan Heights border than for those in the north. But why would Israel, which authorised multiple bombings on Syrian militant groups, take such a relaxed view towards ISIS on their doorstep?

Israel is focused not on ISIS and Sunni groups, but on the Shia groups in Syria. Israel's airstrikes have hit Assad’s Shia-backed regime and Hezbollah, not ISIS or al-Nusra. Correspondence between the then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and political advisor Jacob Sullivan about Israel’s aims in the region tried to rationalise why Israel ignores ISIS.

In 2012 at the start of the conflict, Sullivan said that there was “a positive side to the civil war in Syria.” This so-called ‘positive side’ to a war that has cost some 400,000 lives was that, “if the Assad regime topples, Iran would lose its only ally in the Middle East and would be isolated.” This would please Israel, which under the Netanyahu government has fixated on the perceived Iranian threat. A war which destabilizes Iran’s ally, Assad, would benefit Israeli interests. This Machiavellian belief could explain why ISIS is not focused on. The Iranian backed Shia militias are the biggest concern for Israel, not extremist groups such as ISIS.

A senior Israel military advisor when asked about Israeli policy in the Syrian civil war apparently quoted Sun Tzu, saying “he will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.” This is a sentiment that is followed by ISIS and Israel alike. ISIS knows it is too weak to fight Israel and Israel is concerned with enemies it thinks are worse. The Yarmouk Valley is on one of the most contested borders in the world, controlled by one of the most aggressive and disliked military forces, and is next to a country notorious for being extremely conscientious about its border security, all taking place in a warzone where violence is expected.

Despite all this, the Yarmouk Valley is still run by ISIS, left alone by Israel and is a testament to the complex, cynical and calculated machinations of the actors in this conflict.

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Truthday: 1:24am On Jan 05, 2024


Get it straight.

Here is a picture of nethanyahu and ISIS fighters in occupied golan heights

Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Whatisurproblem(m): 1:46am On Jan 05, 2024

Shut up.
Zio-western terrorists are the sponsors of isis.
They're doomed! 💯
you are a disappointment, you will still be killed by Isreal drone in a surgical strike that will locate your hideout like Hamas in Beruit

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by PEACE2023: 2:16am On Jan 05, 2024

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by obedience4(m): 3:06am On Jan 05, 2024

Osama bin Laden was a CIA agent who went rogue



ideology is the key here,
The USA and other Western countries armed rebels, or" mujahedeen" during the Soviet union invasion of Afghanistan.
Many countries do that, same way the Soviet union supported and armed Vic tong against the USA during the Vietnam war,
Same way the USA armed and supported rebels against Gaddafi, same way the russia also armed and supported separative in Ukraine before they finally invaded themselves.

Why am I bringing this up, is that the time of USA support to Osama he wasn't radicalised, he was used as a pawn to curtain the Soviet union during the hail days of the cold war

He was radicalised by the teachings of Abdullah Azzam, who became his mentor,
He created his organisation after the Soviet union withdrawal from Afghanistan ,this was after the military aid had stopped for the resistance against the Soviet union.

Just because at a point the USA supported him during the war against the Soviet union, dose not mean the USA is responsible for creating his terrorist group.

PS there is no where on records that Osama is a CIA agent
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Difrent: 3:24am On Jan 05, 2024

When you speak good today of the Buhari administration you supported for eight years.. come back and talk.. olodo

I'm still better than you pretending Christianity has no ills , hasn't supported terrorism or slavery in the past, been involved in forced abduction of children so let's hand all the whole worlds violence poverty war and diseases on Muslims
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by TrainPark: 3:25am On Jan 05, 2024
• Uganda passed a law to criminalize Gay. Within the following week, they were attacked by terrorists who somehow managed to acquire western made weapons to carry out their massacres murders in Uganda.

• Western medias are pointing fingers at Iran as being the sponsors of the Houthis, the next thing ISIS carries out a mass massacre in Iran.

This should be an eye opener to any of you Africans still doubting that the West are not the sponsors of these "Islamic Organizations" operating under different names the world over, including the Boko haram and Herdsmen destroying Nigerias economy through the constant massacres they carry out.

The playbook to keep Nigeria and other Countries not belonging to pale-skinned people forever subservient to the West is simple:
Take the case of Nigeria for example.
• Initially it was Boko haram carrying out massacre in a timed schedule. Each of these massacres are constantly hyped by all Western media together. It even got to a point where I had to be checking the local t-online news screens in Germany's city train station to see the breaking news of the most recent massacre carried out by Boko haram and Herdsmen in Nigeria. The goal was to make Foreign investors scared of going to invest in Nigeria. Who wants to invest their money in a country where Islamic jihadists are carrying out mass murders every day?
• Recently the Boko harams are no longer getting enough Western Weapons from their sponsors because these same sponsors have shifted their priorities to sponsoring Herdsmen. The intent of sponsoring the Herdsmen is simple; attack and kill farmers constantly so that at some point in the near future, Farmers will become scarce in Nigeria and people will become scared of farming because everyone knows some farmer(s) that got killed or raped by Herdsmen while working in their farms.
• This trend will lead to us importing all our foods from other countries, meaning more demand of Euro and Dollar, weakening our Naira even further.
• The more our Naira Weakens, the weaker our economy and military will become. This means the few Nigerians left in Nigeria that still has an iota of IQ will all japa to the West in search of greener pastures where majority will end up working as slaves for these Westerners.
It is a grand game that these Westerners are using to keep us poor but unfortunately our leaders lack the self-esteem to stand up to the Western blood suckered.
Instead, ECOWAS, under the leadership of Nigeria, is supporting France to fight against their African Brothers Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, because these countries finally got leaders who seek dignity for their citizens.
We were once the same Nigeria that assisted South Africa to fight against their Apartheid inflicted upon them by these Pale skinned Westerners. Now we are the same Nigeria helping France to maintain their subjugation of our African brothers.
The image below shows all the affrican countries that supported France to maintain the colonization of Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso through the sanction that prevented any import going to these countries.
One thing stood out, all these countries are francophone colonies with puppet government appointed by France and using currencies produced by France. All the countries except Nigeria. Nigeria had the option but voluntarily chose to support France in their colonization of these three countries whose leaders aare fighting for their right to self-determination.
Thanks to the Moroccan government who finally invited Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger to a talk that will enable them route their imports through the Moroccan ports. It was after Benin Republic heard about this that they decided to quickly reopen their seaports for imports going to these three countries because they know they will be loosing billions annually if these three countries finally signs the deal that will allow them use the Moroccan sea ports for their imports and exports.

You go school and you still get sense on top!
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Ubanz: 4:07am On Jan 05, 2024
ISIS is American mercenary soldiers believe it or not,full final stop.

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Alpharey: 4:48am On Jan 05, 2024

Religion of piss does it again..

Drinking blood as usual

If I was a member of that religion.. i would have hanged myself..
One Yoruba Muslims up there claiming the west sponsors ISIS.. How can you receive sense when you voted Buhari twice and capped it off with Voting Tinubu..

What a pity..

Savage. 🤣🤣. Voting Buhari twice and replacing him Tinubu because of tribalism actually showed the mindset of typical Nigerian, no matter the sufferings they are going through. Don't be surprised that they can still vote Tinubu again and replace him with Hell Rufai in order to show their "west / north collaboration" while they suffer and die in droves.
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Chochovini: 5:04am On Jan 05, 2024
I said it from the previous post that bombing civilians isn't the modus operandi of the the famed mossad, that the Islamic state Isis would be responsible.
And as always I am right.
The Muslim terrorists world is divided along the Sunni and Shia, but one thing is peculiar about the both group's is that they have a taste for killing "infidels"
. And who are you refaring to as “Infidels“.
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Bruxxels: 5:07am On Jan 05, 2024
The claim that Osama bin Laden was "created" by the United States is a simplification and misinterpretation of historical events. It's important to understand the context and nuances of the situation:

Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989): During this period, the United States, along with other countries, provided support to Afghan mujahideen groups who were fighting against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. This support was part of the broader Cold War strategy of the U.S. to counter Soviet influence.

Osama bin Laden's Role: Osama bin Laden, a Saudi national, came to Afghanistan to support the Afghan resistance against the Soviets. He was one of many foreign fighters who joined the cause. Bin Laden used his wealth to help finance and support the mujahideen.

U.S. Involvement: The United States, primarily through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), provided financial support, weapons, and training to the Afghan mujahideen. However, there is no concrete evidence that the CIA directly supported bin Laden or his organization, Al-Qaeda.

Formation of Al-Qaeda: After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, bin Laden founded Al-Qaeda, which was not a direct continuation of the mujahideen but a new organization with a broader jihadist agenda, including opposition to the United States.

In summary, while it's true that the U.S. supported Afghan resistance groups against the Soviets, which indirectly created an environment where individuals like Osama bin Laden could gain prominence and experience, it is not accurate to say that the U.S. directly "created" Osama bin Laden or his organization, Al-Qaeda. The historical relationship is more complex and involves various factors and actors beyond U.S. support.


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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Amayabor1: 5:28am On Jan 05, 2024
The people of Allah killing people of Allah!



Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by babajero(m): 5:36am On Jan 05, 2024
Isis again?

Anyways, "Conyman die, conyman bury am"

When Iran is busy arming proxies to do their bidding, they opened themselves up for others to also use proxies against them.

Let's not forget that ISIS was an American creation in the beginning.
please don't just bring US into your internal affairs. Islam is the greatest enemy of humanity.

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Jaxefij: 6:13am On Jan 05, 2024
you are a disappointment, you will still be killed by Isreal drone in a surgical strike that will locate your hideout like Hamas in Beruit

Condemned criminal, zio-western terrorists are doomed.
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Jaxefij: 6:21am On Jan 05, 2024

I ask for evidences, facts to back up your claims
Not prophecies

Mumus like you are still asking for evidence that western terrorists destroyed Nordstream pipelines.

Trying to convince brainwashed zombies is what I will never do.
I go just dey drop updates of the ever increasing western collapse, while una go dey witness am in real time.

Evidence kee you dia.
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Bonapart(m): 6:38am On Jan 05, 2024
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by YourGFsnatcher: 7:14am On Jan 05, 2024

Isis or ISRAEL?



We will keep drinking your tears grin

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by zombieHUNTER: 7:44am On Jan 05, 2024

I'm still better than you pretending Christianity has no ills , hasn't supported terrorism or slavery in the past, been involved in forced abduction of children so let's hand all the whole worlds violence poverty war and diseases on Muslims

Name one yoruba Muslim that supported Buhari for eight years who has a good thing to say about him today?... None

Tribalism and religious bigotry run in the veins of Yoruba Muslims..

prove me wrong..

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Whatisurproblem(m): 8:50am On Jan 05, 2024

Condemned criminal, zio-western terrorists are doomed.
till this world 🌎🌍 come to an end, No nation can defeat Isreal Nation. No this and die

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by crunchyDope(m): 9:03am On Jan 05, 2024
Zio-western terrorists are bleeding.
They're biting the dust in Ukraine, Palestine, red sea etc

SCAMerica's collapse will end isis, alqaeda and their likes forever.

Stay tuned.

When u.s carried a drone strike that killed that country's general they did not hide the fact that it was them, i mean a fvcking general was killed, so why would same u.s be hiding under isis to kill a bunch of citizens? hmmmmmm , 🤔

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Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by obedience4(m): 9:17am On Jan 05, 2024
. And who are you refaring to as “Infidels“.

Can't you see it is quoted, it is subjective to different opinions
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by NzogbuNzogbu: 9:53am On Jan 05, 2024
Abiiii they would be happy it is ISIS claiming responsibility for the attack.

If Iran goes to any sort of confrontation with Israel, automatically U.S is involved followed by NATO and the gulf Arab states who although have reconciled with Iran on paper, they secretly loathe the Iranians.

Iran no doubt have military and technical capabilities, but they can't maintain a sustained war with global powers who have more resources, loyal and willing citizens and a more robust economy.

Iran has so many factors that would mess their war efforts up; such as sabotage within by heavily disgruntled citizens.

I hope your notion has a bit changed.

let it be clear to you that israel is not even waiting for America to fight for it again

Should iran start a war with israel today, israel would deploy nuke 100%, they would first destroy those nuclear facilities iran have been building and deploy nuke on Iran army and Lebanon

Israel no send anybody papa at this moment, the war with Hamas is over na just the governing plan of Gaza the israeli cabinet is split on, they can't officially create a vacuum by ending the fight when they haven't agreed who to govern gaza
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by JuanDeDios: 10:08am On Jan 05, 2024
grin Who sponsored Abdumalek Rigi and his Terrorist Jandallah group in Iran? America and Israel! Who sponsored Alqaeda in Libya against Gaddafi? America! Who sponsored ISIS and salafists in Syria against Assad? America again! Infact it was in Syria, Obama tried to create GOOD TERRORIST concept. Meaning, no matter how atrocious your acts might be, provided it’s geared at removing Assad, then you are justified!
Who sponsored Salafists called northern alliance against Taliban in Afghanistan? America yet again! Who sponsor Neo nazis such as AZOV battalion against Putin in Ukraine? Who else?
It’s wot America always does. They are the GREATEST TERRORIST ALIVE
O dear!
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Difrent: 11:28am On Jan 05, 2024

prove me wrong..

And after then..... What next? Will that make the price of petrol become 500 naira.
You rate yourself too much as if your opinion matters. It doesn't
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by ALFADOS(m): 11:55am On Jan 05, 2024
Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.
Proverbs 26:27

This is the summation of the Ayotollahs in Iran.

They are busy with all their Might, setting up and Sponsoring TERRORISTS and TERRORISM round about ISRAEL.
A terrorist gang now comes against them on a very special day to cause the same destruction they sponsor against Israel..

The Ayatollahs will be very disappointed that ISIS ruined their plan to accuse ISRAEL for the bombings yesterday.
a terrorist group your damn so called Israel and America
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by ALFADOS(m): 11:59am On Jan 05, 2024
let it be clear to you that israel is not even waiting for America to fight for it again

Should iran start a war with israel today, israel would deploy nuke 100%, they would first destroy those nuclear facilities iran have been building and deploy nuke on Iran army and Lebanon

Israel no send anybody papa at this moment, the war with Hamas is over na just the governing plan of Gaza the israeli cabinet is split on, they can't officially create a vacuum by ending the fight when they haven't agreed who to govern gaza
it's easy to say oga at the top lol go and free the Israeli hostages by Hamas'
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by erniok(m): 12:28pm On Jan 05, 2024
• Uganda passed a law to criminalize Gay. Within the following week, they were attacked by terrorists who somehow managed to acquire western made weapons to carry out their massacres murders in Uganda.

• Western medias are pointing fingers at Iran as being the sponsors of the Houthis, the next thing ISIS carries out a mass massacre in Iran.

This should be an eye opener to any of you Africans still doubting that the West are not the sponsors of these "Islamic Organizations" operating under different names the world over, including the Boko haram and Herdsmen destroying Nigerias economy through the constant massacres they carry out.

The playbook to keep Nigeria and other Countries not belonging to pale-skinned people forever subservient to the West is simple:
Take the case of Nigeria for example.
• Initially it was Boko haram carrying out massacre in a timed schedule. Each of these massacres are constantly hyped by all Western media together. It even got to a point where I had to be checking the local t-online news screens in Germany's city train station to see the breaking news of the most recent massacre carried out by Boko haram and Herdsmen in Nigeria. The goal was to make Foreign investors scared of going to invest in Nigeria. Who wants to invest their money in a country where Islamic jihadists are carrying out mass murders every day?
• Recently the Boko harams are no longer getting enough Western Weapons from their sponsors because these same sponsors have shifted their priorities to sponsoring Herdsmen. The intent of sponsoring the Herdsmen is simple; attack and kill farmers constantly so that at some point in the near future, Farmers will become scarce in Nigeria and people will become scared of farming because everyone knows some farmer(s) that got killed or raped by Herdsmen while working in their farms.
• This trend will lead to us importing all our foods from other countries, meaning more demand of Euro and Dollar, weakening our Naira even further.
• The more our Naira Weakens, the weaker our economy and military will become. This means the few Nigerians left in Nigeria that still has an iota of IQ will all japa to the West in search of greener pastures where majority will end up working as slaves for these Westerners.
It is a grand game that these Westerners are using to keep us poor but unfortunately our leaders lack the self-esteem to stand up to the Western blood suckered.
Instead, ECOWAS, under the leadership of Nigeria, is supporting France to fight against their African Brothers Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, because these countries finally got leaders who seek dignity for their citizens.
We were once the same Nigeria that assisted South Africa to fight against their Apartheid inflicted upon them by these Pale skinned Westerners. Now we are the same Nigeria helping France to maintain their subjugation of our African brothers.
The image below shows all the affrican countries that supported France to maintain the colonization of Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso through the sanction that prevented any import going to these countries.
One thing stood out, all these countries are francophone colonies with puppet government appointed by France and using currencies produced by France. All the countries except Nigeria. Nigeria had the option but voluntarily chose to support France in their colonization of these three countries whose leaders aare fighting for their right to self-determination.
Thanks to the Moroccan government who finally invited Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger to a talk that will enable them route their imports through the Moroccan ports. It was after Benin Republic heard about this that they decided to quickly reopen their seaports for imports going to these three countries because they know they will be loosing billions annually if these three countries finally signs the deal that will allow them use the Moroccan sea ports for their imports and exports.

Conspiracy theorist, stop trying to twist the narrative on boko haram and herdsmen pls. Your ex-president emboldened both parties when he was insisting RUGA for herdsmen. Your military is cashing out on boko haram. When we are serious to clean the Aegean stable, both boko haram and herdsmen will disappear, afterall, no one knew about them 20 years ago.
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by erniok(m): 12:31pm On Jan 05, 2024
The claim that Osama bin Laden was "created" by the United States is a simplification and misinterpretation of historical events. It's important to understand the context and nuances of the situation:

Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989): During this period, the United States, along with other countries, provided support to Afghan mujahideen groups who were fighting against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. This support was part of the broader Cold War strategy of the U.S. to counter Soviet influence.

Osama bin Laden's Role: Osama bin Laden, a Saudi national, came to Afghanistan to support the Afghan resistance against the Soviets. He was one of many foreign fighters who joined the cause. Bin Laden used his wealth to help finance and support the mujahideen.

U.S. Involvement: The United States, primarily through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), provided financial support, weapons, and training to the Afghan mujahideen. However, there is no concrete evidence that the CIA directly supported bin Laden or his organization, Al-Qaeda.

Formation of Al-Qaeda: After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, bin Laden founded Al-Qaeda, which was not a direct continuation of the mujahideen but a new organization with a broader jihadist agenda, including opposition to the United States.

In summary, while it's true that the U.S. supported Afghan resistance groups against the Soviets, which indirectly created an environment where individuals like Osama bin Laden could gain prominence and experience, it is not accurate to say that the U.S. directly "created" Osama bin Laden or his organization, Al-Qaeda. The historical relationship is more complex and involves various factors and actors beyond U.S. support.


Conspiracy theorists will always have something to say as though they're oblivious of the cold war era.
Re: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Attack In Kerman, Iran by Jaxefij: 12:59pm On Jan 05, 2024
Condemned criminal, zio-western terrorists are doomed.

Zionist invincibility is a myth, poor/ragtag hamas has unravelled the ruthless terrorists.

till this world 🌎🌍 come to an end, No nation can defeat Isreal Nation. No this and die

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