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How A Pigeon Fly by HugeElephant(f): 1:05pm On Jan 06, 2024
Hello early this morning. I saw a flock of pigeons and observed how each bird glide through with several moves with their wings, legs and cute fluffy head kiss

I noticed some things pigeons wings flap with an up-and-down motion. But when you look at it from the side, the wings has a flat triangulation shape. It presents an inwards-outward movement.

When you are looking at a pigeon from the front, they have a wide chest compared to other birds of their size.
This move is obvious when they challenge thier fellow birds or trying to climb a mate smiley

I used to have a flock of pigeons when I was much younger. I enjoy seeing them every morning and in the evening.
Even though I am the owner, they often times fly very fast away from my legs. Pigeons can fly very fast.
Some times they do not care. Infact they can be fighting each other under your legs when they are all eating. grin grin

Re: How A Pigeon Fly by HugeElephant(f): 1:06pm On Jan 06, 2024
Still writing
Re: How A Pigeon Fly by illicit(m): 1:07pm On Jan 06, 2024
Re: How A Pigeon Fly by ikeno(m): 1:31pm On Jan 06, 2024
I can see you're a bird lover compared to some that prefer to see it in a pot of soup
Re: How A Pigeon Fly by HugeElephant(f): 3:26pm On Jan 06, 2024
I am not trying to brag, trust me, the pigeons are different from other birds. There is a way they look and behave. They are more social animals.
When they mate, the partner has a way of sticking around the female pigeon when she lays her eggs. Not like he can do anything if humans comes tho. I guess it's to serve as a symbol of protection for the bird.

What I find fascinating mosts is when they are in flight and about to land. They have a great control, the push the legs forward, the wing part close to the neck moves up and a halt is achieved.

And when huey want to take to flight its always fast and swift forward
Re: How A Pigeon Fly by Nicepoker(m): 6:08pm On Jan 06, 2024
When pigeons are in the air. They are referred to as "flight of pigeon" on ground or in their group "flock"
Re: How A Pigeon Fly by PinkNature(m): 7:28pm On Jan 06, 2024
Hello early this morning. I saw a flock of pigeons and observed how each bird glide through with several moves with their wings legs and cute flurry head kiss

I noticed some things
Pigeons wings flap with an up-and-down motion. But when you look at it from the side, the wings has a flat triangulation shape. It presents an inwards-outward movement.

When you are looking at a pigeon from the front, they have a wide chest compared to other birds of their size.
This is move obvious when they challenge thier fellow birds or trying to climb a mate smiley

I used to have a flock of pigeons when I was much younger. I enjoy seeing them every morning and in the evening.
Even though I am the owner, they often times fly very fast away from my legs. Pigeons can fly very fast. Some times they do not care. Infact they can be fighting each other under your legs when they are all eating. grin grin

Bro wtf?? You legit sat down and wrote this?

Re: How A Pigeon Fly by HugeElephant(f): 8:00pm On Jan 06, 2024

Bro wtf?? You legit sat down and wrote this?


Observations of life forms and it's patterns is beautiful
Re: How A Pigeon Fly by HugeElephant(f): 8:00pm On Jan 06, 2024
When pigeons are in the air. They are referred to as "flight of pigeon" on ground or in their group "flock"

Oh thanks for the knowledge

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