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Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by 22jumpstreet: 6:19pm On May 06, 2024

First U lied that Immanuel is the name of Isaiah's son. Now that you have been bursted...U now looking for the boy in v 16.

Its impossible for a virgin to give birth. Don't come up with maiden angle because in ancient Jewish tradition a maiden (unmarried young lady) is expected to be a virgin. If U are found not to be a virgin on your wedding night- you are stoned to death.
That's why Septuagint wrote is as virgin.

The prophecy is both for near and ultimate fulfilment.

But if U disagree, then tell me who is the immanuel in
the old testament.
Who fits the criteria of Immanuel in the old testament?

Like I said, Immanuel is Isaiah second son...so the woman can't be a virgin..The sign was for king Ahaz, the oracle was for him..
If you continue reading to chapter 8:18 it says "I and the sons the Lord has given me we are for signs and potens for the children..... Isaiah and his 3 sons where the signs..do you understand now?
Learn, unlearn and relearn.
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by Ken4Christ: 10:10pm On May 06, 2024

What concerns me in Delta state with what may or may not have happened in middle east ?

We have 4 days circle...and we understand time as circular rather than linear..

Who cares what pope Gregory decreed.

None of my business bro..

It hurts you. The one you despise is your reference point for your age, birthdays and all forms of dating. Jesus is Lord. You can deny it. And you will stand before him to be judged in that day. Why not receive him as your Lord and escape his wrath;

Revelation 6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by Antilslaam: 12:49am On May 07, 2024

From the link you sent, do you not see Ala Madudi and Ibn Kathir separated by a distance?

Do you not understand that these are are hyperlinks?

Ala Madudi is a different person from Ibn Kathir. Tap on the Ibn Kathir hyperlink and see his tafsir.

Are you against Ala Madudi because it doesn't suit your ignorance? Below is another link



Now let me explain what you pretend not to understand.
"This speech in the cradle by Jesus was the sign to which the angel referred in (Surah Maryam, Ayat 21)"

What is in Surah Maryam, Ayah 21?

He replied, “So will it be! Your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me. And so will We make him a sign for humanity and a mercy from Us.’ It is a matter ˹already˺ decreed.”

He who replied is Jibril r.a who appeared to Mary in the form of a man and this verse is a response to Mary's question in Quran 19:20; She wondered, “How can I have a son when no man has ever touched me, nor am I unchaste?”

The sign; Jesus, is the conception of a baby without a man.
The speech is not the sign but Jesus spoke in defence of his mother when she was challenged on how he came to be. The sign is the miraculous conception.

You lack what is called comprehensive ability, skill and knowledge.

The conception of Jesus Christ is not the bone of contention here but rather how he was brought to court for crucifixion as read in those tafsirs. Stay on the track, don't try to deviate or shift the goalpost


You fail to understand and I am surprised at your reasoning. As a baby he was not rejected; as he grew and challenged their hypocrisy and they decided to eliminate him was when he was rejected.

Are you now reasoning from your anus? Does the tafsirs says as he grew up and challenged their hypocrisy, he was then rejected?


Have you seen a baby crucified before? Is it not clear that the jews/Israelites believe they crucified a grown man Jesus though this is make belief as Jesus was not crucified or killed

Why not ask your Islamic scholars and send your frustration to them for saying he was rejected while he was a baby when he speaks out in the cradle. I am only challenging your ignorance through what was written in your tafsirs


Have you seen a baby crucified before? Is it not clear that the jews/Israelites believe they crucified a grown man Jesus though this is make belief as Jesus was not crucified or killed.
The people showed their rejection by their disbelief. Quran 3:52. Is their ploy to crucify him and lie of crucufying him not a rejection? 4:157

Send that question to your scholars that do they seen a baby crucified before?

Taqqiya boy, you'll be exposed again for lying here. Crucifixion is a Roman form of execution, it was forbidden by Jewish law because so therefore, Jewish don't believe in crucifixion. Get your facts righy next time slave


God spoke through Jeremiah but who was seen to be speaking or is recorded as speaking? I guess it is God that is writing here on nairaland.com and not you with your Monika? Ludicrous!

Well I won't blame you for this utterances, had it been you know who a Prophet is you won't have typed this nonsense. If Muhammad was a through prophet, you will understand when and how God spoke through his servant


Jeremiah rebuked the Jews primarily by delivering stern warnings and prophecies of impending doom due to their faithlessness and idolatry
See the book of Jeremiah 7.

I've told you Jeremiah has no power to rebuked anyone except if ordered by God. Jeremiah was a prophet of God and not like your doom prophet of islam that was poisoned to death


Then what do you know about Taqiyya? Let me educate you.

Taqiyyah is the practice of concealing one’s belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury. It is derived from the Arabic word “waqa,” meaning to shield oneself.

Taqqiya or the priciple of Muslims being permitted to lie to non-belivers. It is considered acceptable in islam

Bukhari (84:64-65) - Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permissible in order to deceive an "enemy."


Is my life threatened and in this case by you this internet bot? Do I hide that Islam is my religion in any way?

Stop lying against the Jews and Prophet Jeremiah


Please Mr copy cat think for yourself.

Slave boy, always use your senses before typing nonsense or else, you will be exposed
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by SIRTee15: 2:04am On May 07, 2024

Like I said, Immanuel is Isaiah second son...so the woman can't be a virgin..The sign was for king Ahaz, the oracle was for him..
If you continue reading to chapter 8:18 it says "I and the sons the Lord has given me we are for signs and potens for the children..... Isaiah and his 3 sons where the signs..do you understand now?
Learn, unlearn and relearn.

Isaiah 2nd son is mentioned in Isaiah 8.3 and he's not Immanuel.

3 Then I made love to the prophetess, and she conceived and gave birth to a son. And the Lord said to me, “Name him Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. 4 For before the boy knows how to say ‘My father’ or ‘My mother,’ the wealth of Damascus and the plunder of Samaria will be carried off by the king of Assyria.”

Immanuel means God is with us...Isaiah has no son who bears such name.
He has 2 sons, the first was mentioned in Isaiah 7.3
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by honesttalk21: 11:58am On May 07, 2024

Are you against Ala Madudi because it doesn't suit your ignorance? Below is another link


You lack what is called comprehensive ability, skill and knowledge.

The conception of Jesus Christ is not the bone of contention here but rather how he was brought to court for crucifixion as read in those tafsirs. Stay on the track, don't try to deviate or shift the goalpost

Can you read the full text of Ala-Madudi though I understand your shame on being pointed to your error in not understanding Ala-Madudi is a different person from Ibn Kathir.

21. This speech in the cradle by Jesus was the sign to which the angel referred in (Surah Maryam, Ayat 21). What is the sign in Surah Maryam, Ayat 21?

As Allah intended to punish the children of Israel for their continuous wicked ways and evil deeds,He made a pious virgin girl of the family of Prophet Aaron, who had devoted herself to worship in the Temple under the patronage of Zachariah, bear a child and bring it before her people in order to concentrate the whole attention of the thousands of people assembled there on this extraordinary event.
Do you lack the ability of understanding or simply refuse to comprehend?

A pious virgin conceived and bore a child. A baby more likely less than 3 months spoke in defense of his mother. (I won't trouble you to find reports of other babies that spoke; it will be too far above your abilities).

Then He made this new born child speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a Prophet.

Though they had seen this wonderful sign of Allah, they rejected the Prophethood of Jesus and brought him to the court for crucifixion, and thus incurred the wrath of Allah.

Is it only one sign that was shown in Isa a.s to the Israelites to prove his prophethood? Did these prevent them from disbelief as you too are showing?

For further details, please see (Surah Aal-Imran, ayat 47) note 44 and (Surah Aal-Imran, ayat 59) note 53, and (Surah An-Nisa, ayat 171) note 212, 213.

Go and read if it will benefit you Quran 4:155-159 and gain understanding. It is a waste of my time trying to get through to you.

You talk about Jeremiah not having any power of his own please tell who has power of his or her own.

Prophet Jeremiah, also known as the “weeping prophet,” is traditionally believed to have died a martyr’s death in Egypt. According to ancient Jewish tradition, Jeremiah was stoned to death by his own people in Egypt after he continued to preach against their idolatry and wickedness.

The Book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament of the Bible contains a prophecy given by the eponymous prophet against the people of Judah for their idolatry and disobedience to God. Jeremiah 7 specifically focuses on a sermon delivered by Jeremiah at the Temple in Jerusalem during the reign of King Josiah (621-609 BCE). In this sermon, Jeremiah denounces the practices of the people, who were offering empty sacrifices while continuing to commit sinful acts outside of the Temple.

According to Jewish tradition, Jeremiah was put in a cistern filled with muddy water and left to die (Jewish Encyclopedia). This account is mentioned in Tosefta Sanhedrin 13:2 and Talmud Sanhedrin 109b. Another tradition states that he was stoned to death.

Sadly you lack the intellectual capacity to study and make independent research. May you have the grace of growth and development.
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by AntiisIam(m): 2:26pm On May 07, 2024

Can you read the full text of Ala-Madudi though I understand your shame on being pointed to your error in not understanding Ala-Madudi is a different person from Ibn Kathir.

Is like you're new here on nairaland. You ask for tafsir according to who?

And I told you according to ALA-MAUDUDI, IBN-KATHIR.. So because I omitted (,) means I'm taking the two as one entity right?

Here is another link again, open them you'll get all you need but try answering my questions


I've read the full text of Ala-Madudi with many others but don't forget to answer the questions


As Allah intended to punish the children of Israel for their continuous wicked ways and evil deeds,He made a pious virgin girl of the family of Prophet Aaron, who had devoted herself to worship in the Temple under the patronage of Zachariah, bear a child and bring it before her people in order to concentrate the whole attention of the thousands of people assembled there on this extraordinary event.
Do you lack the ability of understanding or simply refuse to comprehend?

Even Mary was not from the family of Aaron, that is a big blunder found in your Qruan, anyways that is not where I am going.

So what are you insinuating, I've told you several times that those that crucified Jesus Christ are not the Israelites, why is allah punishing the people of Israelites then?


A pious virgin conceived and bore a child. A baby more likely less than 3 months spoke in defense of his mother. (I won't trouble you to find reports of other babies that spoke; it will be too far above your abilities).

With Quran evidence, tell this house the name of a baby that was born of a virgin's womb and spoke from the cradle aside Jesus Christ


Then He made this new born child speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a Prophet.

Though they had seen this wonderful sign of Allah, they rejected the Prophethood of Jesus and brought him to the court for crucifixion, and thus incurred the wrath of Allah.

Jesus Christ was appointed a prophet from the cradle as you said, now the question goes thus:

Is Jesus Christ brought to the court for crucifixion as a prophet while in cradle since you said he had been appointed a prophet from the birth


Is it only one sign that was shown in Isa a.s to the Israelites to prove his prophethood? Did these prevent them from disbelief as you too are showing?

Are you asking me a jamb question? Why not give us a sign that was shown to the people of Mecca and Medina to prove the prophethood of Sugar daddy Muhammad, the late Baby Aishat's husband?


For further tafsirs

, please see (Surah Aal-Imran, ayat 47) note 44 and (Surah Aal-Imran, ayat 59) note 53, and (Surah An-Nisa, ayat 171) note 212, 213.

Go and read if it will benefit you Quran 4:155-159 and gain understanding. It is a waste of my time trying to get through to you.

I don't need any further details that are not in Quran 19:33 tafsirs

If Jesus Christ according to your moribund and ignorance wasn't crucified, why was he brought to the court for crucifixion as read in your tafsirs?


You talk about Jeremiah not having any power of his own please tell who has power of his or her own.


Muhammad had over ten wives without countless concubines. Where in Quran does allah permits Muhammad to have more than four wives?

This is just a typical example, I still have many others where Muhammad kicked against the will of his idol (allah)


Prophet Jeremiah, also known as the “weeping prophet,” is traditionally believed to have died a martyr’s death in Egypt. According to ancient Jewish tradition, Jeremiah was stoned to death by his own people in Egypt after he continued to preach against their idolatry and wickedness.
Prophet Jeremiah, also known as the “weeping prophet,” is traditionally believed to have died a martyr’s death in Egypt. According to ancient Jewish tradition, Jeremiah was stoned to death by his own people in Egypt after he continued to preach against their idolatry and wickedness. ETC

Jor who ask you for super story of Prophet Jeremiah? I only exposed the taqqiya you're trying to practice on this man of God. I am not asking you fot the origin of Jeremiah


Sadly you lack the intellectual capacity to study and make independent research. May you have the grace of growth and development.

If thou knoweth Antiislam very well here on nairaland, you will get to know that Antiislam only deal with things in your Quran and hadith by exposing the areas the league of your alfas and imams will never let you know about islam, Muhammad and allah.

May you have the privilege to know the truth about your Quran, hadith, Muhammad and his idol (allah)

Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by honesttalk21: 5:22pm On May 07, 2024

Is like you're new here on nairaland. You ask for tafsir according to who?

And I told you according to ALA-MAUDUDI, IBN-KATHIR.. So because I omitted (,) means I'm taking the two as one entity right?

Fantastic liar. Kindly tell which part of this is from Ibn Kathir if you speak any truth?

Here is the tafsir for better understanding

(19:33) Peace be upon me the day I was born and the day I will die, and the day I will be raised up alive."

This speech in the cradle by Jesus was the sign to which the angel referred in( Ayat 21). As Allah intended to punish the children of Israel for their continuous wicked ways and evil deeds, He made a pious virgin girl of the family of Prophet Aaron, who had devoted herself to worship in the Temple under the patronage of Zachariah, bear a child and bring it before her people in order to concentrate the whole attention of the thousands of people assembled there on this extraordinary event. Then He made this new born child speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a Prophet. Though they had seen this wonderful sign of Allah, they rejected the Prophethood of Jesus and brought him to the court for crucifixion, and thus incurred the wrath of Allah.

But our people in the slavery religion of allah are against the fact that Jesus Christ was crucified, died and resurrected

The length of time it takes you to say you forgot to include a comma is extremely telling.


Even Mary was not from the family of Aaron, that is a big blunder found in your Qruan, anyways that is not where I am going.

So what are you insinuating, I've told you several times that those that crucified Jesus Christ are not the Israelites, why is allah punishing the people of Israelites then?

With Quran evidence, tell this house the name of a baby that was born of a virgin's womb and spoke from the cradle aside Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ was appointed a prophet from the cradle as you said, now the question goes thus:

Is Jesus Christ brought to the court for crucifixion as a prophet while in cradle since you said he had been appointed a prophet from the birth

Are you asking me a jamb question? Why not give us a sign that was shown to the people of Mecca and Medina to prove the prophethood of Sugar daddy Muhammad, the late Baby Aishat's husband?

I don't need any further details that are not in Quran 19:33 tafsirs

If Jesus Christ according to your moribund and ignorance wasn't crucified, why was he brought to the court for crucifixion as read in your tafsirs?


Muhammad had over ten wives without countless concubines. Where in Quran does allah permits Muhammad to have more than four wives?

This is just a typical example, I still have many others where Muhammad kicked against the will of his idol (allah)

Jor who ask you for super story of Prophet Jeremiah? I only exposed the taqqiya you're trying to practice on this man of God. I am not asking you fot the origin of Jeremiah

If thou knoweth Antiislam very well here on nairaland, you will get to know that Antiislam only deal with things in your Quran and hadith by exposing the areas the league of your alfas and imams will never let you know about islam, Muhammad and allah.

May you have the privilege to know the truth about your Quran, hadith, Muhammad and his idol (allah)


Lots of diversions to hide your lie? Why do you need diversions to cover the fundamental fact that you lied or made a stupid mistake?

The lineage connection between Mary and Aaron could be through their shared ancestry in the tribe of Levi. Unfortunately you are still at junior elementary and need every single thing spelt out to you.

Is your Bible a complete compilation of ancient history? Obviously not.

Extracts from tafsir ibn Kathir in Quran 19:33

(Verily, I am a servant of Allah,) The first thing that he said was a declaration of the lofty honor of his Lord and His being free of having a child. Also, he affirmed that he himself was a worshipper of his Lord. Allah said,

(He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet.) This was a declaration of innocence for his mother from the immorality that was attributed to her. Nawf Al-Bikali said, "When they said what they said to his mother, he (`Isa) was nursing from her breast. At their statement he released the breast from his mouth and reclined on his left saying,

(as long as I live.)'' Concerning his statement,

(And He has made me blessed wherever I be,) Mujahid, `Amr bin Qays and Ath-Thawri all said that this means, "And He made me a teacher of goodness.'' In another narration from Mujahid, he said, "A person of great benefit.'' Ibn Jarir reported from Wuhayb bin Al-Ward, a freed slave of the Bani Makhzum tribe, that he said, "A scholar met another scholar who had more knowledge than himself. So he said to him, `May Allah have mercy upon you, what acts of mine should I perform openly' The other replied, `Commanding good and forbidding evil, for verily, it is the religion of Allah, which He sent His Prophets with to His servants.' The scholars have indeed agreed upon the statement of Allah,

(And He has made me blessed wherever I be,) Then it was said, `What was his blessing' He (Wuhayb) replied, `Commanding good and forbidding evil wherever he was.' '' His saying,

You with the moniker ANTIISLAM are nothing and a pathetic liar. Allah is far above you

Jesus could have been brought to court but this doesn't ascertain he was crucified or was the court sentence executed within the court before the judge? Is this how low your I.Q Is?
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by AntiisIam(m): 9:06pm On May 07, 2024

Fantastic liar. Kindly tell which part of this is from Ibn Kathir if you speak any truth?

Should we now shift our attention to Ibn Kathir since questions in Ala-Madudi are too difficult for allah and Muhammad to answer through you? Once you answer the questions raised in Ala-Madudi tafsir, I will shift the goal post to Ibn Kathie just to suit your ignorance. So therefore here are the Questions again;

1. Is Jesus Christ brought to the court for crucifixion as a prophet while in cradle since you said he had been appointed a prophet from the birth

2. If Jesus Christ according to your moribund and ignorance wasn't crucified, why was he brought to the court for crucifixion as read in your tafsirs?

3. Are all that was written in Ala Madudi tafsir what to expect in the future when Jesus Christ comes back again?


The length of time it takes you to say you forgot to include a comma is extremely telling.

Are you trying looking for an escaping route? I've told you the two are not the same but they have something similar regards the verse in question. Why not focus on the subject matter and answer all the questions


Lots of diversions to hide your lie? Why do you need diversions to cover the fundamental fact that you lied or made a stupid mistake?

I want to help you cover your shame but you have tempt me to expose your stupidity


The lineage connection between Mary and Aaron could be through their shared ancestry in the tribe of Levi. Unfortunately you are still at junior elementary and need every single thing spelt out to you.

First of all, Mary Was Not a Levite

In ancient Israel, tribal affiliation came through the father and Mary’s father was from the tribe of Judah. In Luke 3 we have Mary’s genealogy that traces her lineage through her father, Heli, back through King David, back to Judah, the fourth son of Jacob, and all the way back to Adam

See slave, surrender yourself for knowledge.. Quran asked you to consult we Christians when you're clueless, hopeless, moribund, etc on things written even in your Quran


Is your Bible a complete compilation of ancient history? Obviously not.

I thought you slaves classify Holy Bible as History book, so it is no more History book right? Good to hear that.

Mary was also from the house and lineage of David since she descended from David's son Nathan

Mary is said to descend on her father's side from the tribe of Judah, and on her mother's from the tribe of Levi. Read Luke 3


Extracts from tafsir ibn Kathir in Quran 19:33

You are a stupid liar, all you copied and pasted here are not extract from tafsir ibn Kathir in Quran 19:33. Be mindful of whom to practice your taqqiya with. Go back to the link you copied them from to read by yourself, you this potential liar. I have the link you copied that from but confess your sin, made corrections and be set free


You with the moniker ANTIISLAM are nothing and a pathetic liar. Allah is far above you

Your idol (allah) is nothing but pencil in my hand. That idol has no power, he has eye but can't see, he has mouth but can't speaks, etc he is a liar, deceiver, etc as read in Quran 3:54

And they cheated/deceived and Allah cheated/deceived, and Allah (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers.


Jesus could have been brought to court but this doesn't ascertain he was crucified or was the court sentence executed within the court before the judge? Is this how low your I.Q Is

The tafisr was when he was in cradle as a baby, why not answer all the questions I raised regard this verse? Is allah and Muhammad senseless that they can't help you answering the questions or you're clueless on the response to give?
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by 22jumpstreet: 8:43am On May 08, 2024

It hurts you. The one you despise is your reference point for your age, birthdays and all forms of dating. Jesus is Lord. You can deny it. And you will stand before him to be judged in that day. Why not receive him as your Lord and escape his wrath;

Revelation 6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Lord of the flies....or Lord of the rings..

I am Lord in my house and home..

But the Jman is ain't my lord in any way..

I have never met him and he has never done anything for me...

So why bother with him ?
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by 22jumpstreet: 8:46am On May 08, 2024

Isaiah 2nd son is mentioned in Isaiah 8.3 and he's not Immanuel.

3 Then I made love to the prophetess, and she conceived and gave birth to a son. And the Lord said to me, “Name him Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. 4 For before the boy knows how to say ‘My father’ or ‘My mother,’ the wealth of Damascus and the plunder of Samaria will be carried off by the king of Assyria.”

Immanuel means God is with us...Isaiah has no son who bears such name.
He has 2 sons, the first was mentioned in Isaiah 7.3

The son was a sign/assurance for Israel to know that the threat of the two kings will not come to pass because God was with them...

Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by SIRTee15: 9:20am On May 08, 2024
[quote author=22jumpstreet post=129843718]

The son was a sign/assurance for Israel to know that the threat of the two kings will not come to pass because God was with them...


Isaiah son did not fulfil the criteria in that prophesy.

Mahershalalhasbaz mean quick to spoil, speedy to ruin.
The 2nd son had his own prophecy in Isaiah 8.1-3

The Lord said to me, “Take a large scroll and write on it with an ordinary pen: Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.”[a] 2 So I called in Uriah the priest and Zechariah son of Jeberekiah as reliable witnesses for me. 3 Then I made love to the prophetess, and she conceived and gave birth to a son. And the Lord said to me, “Name him Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. 4 For before the boy knows how to say ‘My father’ or ‘My mother,’ the wealth of Damascus and the plunder of Samaria will be carried off by the king of Assyria.”

Mahershalalhasbaz couldn't be the one in Isaiah 7 because he wasn't born from a virgin and his name wasn't God with us.

This is just plain common sense.
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by honesttalk21: 12:58pm On May 08, 2024

Should we now shift our attention to Ibn Kathir since questions in Ala-Madudi are too difficult for allah and Muhammad to answer through you? Once you answer the questions raised in Ala-Madudi tafsir, I will shift the goal post to Ibn Kathie just to suit your ignorance. So therefore here are the Questions again;

1. Is Jesus Christ brought to the court for crucifixion as a prophet while in cradle since you said he had been appointed a prophet from the birth

2. If Jesus Christ according to your moribund and ignorance wasn't crucified, why was he brought to the court for crucifixion as read in your tafsirs?

3. Are all that was written in Ala Madudi tafsir what to expect in the future when Jesus Christ comes back again?

Are you trying looking for an escaping route? I've told you the two are not the same but they have something similar regards the verse in question. Why not focus on the subject matter and answer all the questions

I want to help you cover your shame but you have tempt me to expose your stupidity

First of all, Mary Was Not a Levite

In ancient Israel, tribal affiliation came through the father and Mary’s father was from the tribe of Judah. In Luke 3 we have Mary’s genealogy that traces her lineage through her father, Heli, back through King David, back to Judah, the fourth son of Jacob, and all the way back to Adam

See slave, surrender yourself for knowledge.. Quran asked you to consult we Christians when you're clueless, hopeless, moribund, etc on things written even in your Quran

I thought you slaves classify Holy Bible as History book, so it is no more History book right? Good to hear that.

Mary was also from the house and lineage of David since she descended from David's son Nathan

Mary is said to descend on her father's side from the tribe of Judah, and on her mother's from the tribe of Levi. Read Luke 3

You are a stupid liar, all you copied and pasted here are not extract from tafsir ibn Kathir in Quran 19:33. Be mindful of whom to practice your taqqiya with. Go back to the link you copied them from to read by yourself, you this potential liar. I have the link you copied that from but confess your sin, made corrections and be set free

Your idol (allah) is nothing but pencil in my hand. That idol has no power, he has eye but can't see, he has mouth but can't speaks, etc he is a liar, deceiver, etc as read in Quran 3:54

And they cheated/deceived and Allah cheated/deceived, and Allah (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers.

The tafisr was when he was in cradle as a baby, why not answer all the questions I raised regard this verse? Is allah and Muhammad senseless that they can't help you answering the questions or you're clueless on the response to give?

Simple instruction was what part of your earlier response was from Ibn Kathir?

Too bad you lack the ability to comprehend.

So you believe everybody sentenced to death is actually who the sentence is delivered on? Are you so limited in thought? I asked if the court is where the sentence was delivered right before the judge who gave the sentence and you fail to answer? Oh you cannot think on what will disrupt the fantastic lie you here and actively tell.
No worries of mine it's your problem.

Sadly you wrongly refer to an idol but are excited discussing commentaries on what Allah says. Is this a form of disease? May you get treatment and be cured.

Whether or not lineage in Israel is determined from the father's side please tell who Mary's mother was then trace her ancestry.

Does the Tafsir say a baby was crucified?


Commentary was given of 27-33 together

You are as silly as your Monika
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by 22jumpstreet: 8:58pm On May 08, 2024
[quote author=SIRTee15 post=129844250][/quote]..

The woman Isaiah was referring to was the prophetess...not a virgin.

Women don't give birth without a mans sperm, it is not possible...
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by SIRTee15: 10:49pm On May 08, 2024

The woman Isaiah was referring to was the prophetess...not a virgin.

Women don't give birth without a mans sperm, it is not possible...

The prophetess is Isaiah's wife, she wasnt mentioned at all in chapter 7, so what are I on about a prophetess?

Virgin birth is the miraculous sign associated with the prophesy.
A maiden will give birth.
A maiden is an unmarried young female. In ancient Israel culture- maidens are virgins. Not to be a virgin could prove fatal for the lady.
A maiden must be a virgin.

So when God said ask me for a sign- he's telling Ahaz to ask for the impossible.
Just like Gideon and Hezekiah asked for the impossible.
The impossible in this case is a virgin will give birth.
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by AntiisIam(m): 2:04am On May 09, 2024

The prophetess is Isaiah's wife, she wasnt mentioned at all in chapter 7, so what are I on about a prophetess?

Virgin birth is the miraculous sign associated with the prophesy.
A maiden will give birth.
A maiden is an unmarried young female. In ancient Israel culture- maidens are virgins. Not to be a virgin could prove fatal for the lady.
A maiden must be a virgin.

So when God said ask me for a sign- he's telling Ahaz to ask for the impossible.
Just like Gideon and Hezekiah asked for the impossible.
The impossible in this case is a virgin will give birth.

Should we conclude that these beautiful questions are hard for allah and Muhammad to answer through you abi?

1. Is Jesus Christ brought to the court for crucifixion as a prophet while in cradle since you said he had been appointed a prophet from the birth

2. If Jesus Christ according to your moribund and ignorance wasn't crucified, why was he brought to the court for crucifixion as read in your tafsirs?

3. Are all that was written in Ala Madudi tafsir what to expect in the future when Jesus Christ comes back again?

Continue displaying your stupidity here, mine is to be helping you adding to the nonsense radiating in your life


Simple instruction was what part of your earlier response was from Ibn Kathir?

Slave, is it because I exposed your lies on Ibn Kathir you posted that has nothing to do with Quran 19:33 you sha wan shift the goal post to the tafsir of Ibn Kathir right?


Too bad you lack the ability to comprehend.

Ahahahaha I lacked ability to comprehend the questions you can't answer shey? This is the fourth times I've been asking the questions but the expired camel urine you are adapted to is affecting your rotted brain


So you believe everybody sentenced to death is actually who the sentence is delivered on? Are you so limited in thought? I asked if the court is where the sentence was delivered right before the judge who gave the sentence and you fail to answer? Oh you cannot think on what will disrupt the fantastic lie you here and actively tell.
No worries of mine it's your problem.

Shey the Quranic school your father sent you to, you were taught and adviced to use questions to answer questions abi?

Jesus Christ was brought before Pilate, the court as read in that tafsir is saying that Jesus Christ was brought before Pilate the governor, who asked him, are you the king of the Jews? So those that crucifixion him are not Jews, let that get into your rotted skull sogbo

It was Pontius Pilate that sentenced and presided at the final trial of Jesus Christ and gave the order for his crucifixion in court


Sadly you wrongly refer to an idol but are excited discussing commentaries on what Allah says. Is this a form of disease? May you get treatment and be cured.

The symptoms of drinking an expired camel urine is what you are totally displaying here.

Muhammad inherited allah from his idolater father Abdullah who was named after your Islamic deity allah. Shey you never know say Muhammad's father was a pagan and an idol worshiper? See slave, count yourself lucky that you are with Antiislam, I'm fully ready to open wide your rotted skull and equipped you adequately in knowledge


Whether or not lineage in Israel is determined from the father's side please tell who Mary's mother was then trace her ancestry.

Again slave, Mary was not a levite. Her mother's name is Anne, Mary’s father was from the tribe of Judah. Mary was not from the family of Aaron, it was a big blunder seen and read in your quran


Does the Tafsir say a baby was crucified?

Go and ask your alfa or the league of your alfas and imams that question. When I read the tafsir of Ala-Madudi and others regards Quran 19:33, he said a baby was speaking from the cradle and bought to court for crucifixion. That made me to asked the questions above but you failed woefully to answer


Commentary was given of 27-33 together

Shey what you copied and pasted above talks about anything regards Quran 19:33? The expired camel urine you like drinking has totally destroy your miserable life


You are as silly as your Monika

grin Frustration has now set in, you have resulted insulting your father at home you this bast@rd
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by honesttalk21: 9:31am On May 09, 2024

You say a baby was speaking from the cradle and bought to court for crucifixion?

Emboldened is emphasized for you to provide clear proof to show a baby was brought to court for crucifixion if you are not a pathological liar?

If you cannot say or type no more as lying is a precursor for many sins and will definitely cost you a pleasant hereafter and affect your earthy life.
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by AntiisIam(m): 9:39am On May 09, 2024

You say a baby was speaking from the cradle and bought to court for crucifixion?

Emboldened is emphasized for you to provide clear proof to show a baby was brought to court for crucifixion if you are not a pathological liar?

If you cannot say or type no more as lying is a precursor for many sins and will definitely cost you a pleasant hereafter and affect your earthy life.

In a nutshell, those questions are hard for you to answer abi? No worry I go catch you next time

Your tafsir said it, shey Antiislam resemble one of your Islamic scholar nii? Bobo stop drinking that expired camel urine

Rent primary 1 pupil to explain this your tafsir for you since you can't comprehend simple statement

(19:33) Peace be upon me the day I was born and the day I will die, and the day I will be raised up alive."

This speech in the cradle by Jesus was the sign to which the angel referred in( Ayat 21). As Allah intended to punish the children of Israel for their continuous wicked ways and evil deeds, He made a pious virgin girl of the family of Prophet Aaron, who had devoted herself to worship in the Temple under the patronage of Zachariah, bear a child and bring it before her people in order to concentrate the whole attention of the thousands of people assembled there on this extraordinary event. Then He made this new born child speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a Prophet. Though they had seen this wonderful sign of Allah, they rejected the Prophethood of Jesus and brought him to the court for crucifixion, and thus incurred the wrath of Allah.
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by honesttalk21: 3:03pm On May 09, 2024

In a nutshell, those questions are hard for you to answer abi? No worry I go catch you next time

Your tafsir said it, shey Antiislam resemble one of your Islamic scholar nii? Bobo stop drinking that expired camel urine

Rent primary 1 pupil to explain this your tafsir for you since you can't comprehend simple statement

(19:33) Peace be upon me the day I was born and the day I will die, and the day I will be raised up alive."

This speech in the cradle by Jesus was the sign to which the angel referred in( Ayat 21). As Allah intended to punish the children of Israel for their continuous wicked ways and evil deeds, He made a pious virgin girl of the family of Prophet Aaron, who had devoted herself to worship in the Temple under the patronage of Zachariah, bear a child and bring it before her people in order to concentrate the whole attention of the thousands of people assembled there on this extraordinary event. Then He made this new born child speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a Prophet. Though they had seen this wonderful sign of Allah, they rejected the Prophethood of Jesus and brought him to the court for crucifixion, and thus incurred the wrath of Allah.

The sign mentioned in Surah Maryam verse 21 refers to the miraculous birth of a pure son to Mary, known as Jesus (Isa) in Islamic tradition. This verse highlights the divine decree and ease with which Allah will bring about this extraordinary event. The son, Jesus, is described as a sign for humanity and a mercy from Allah. This miraculous birth without a father serves as a clear sign of Allah’s power and mercy

So you now clearly know I hope

Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by AntiisIam(m): 5:55pm On May 09, 2024

The sign mentioned in Surah Maryam verse 21 refers to the miraculous birth of a pure son to Mary, known as Jesus (Isa) in Islamic tradition. This verse highlights the divine decree and ease with which Allah will bring about this extraordinary event. The son, Jesus, is described as a sign for humanity and a mercy from Allah. This miraculous birth without a father serves as a clear sign of Allah’s power and mercy

So you now clearly know I hope

Then He made this new born child speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a Prophet. Though they had seen this wonderful sign of Allah, they rejected the Prophethood of Jesus and brought him to the court for crucifixion, and thus incurred the wrath of Allah.

Did you understand the above statement or you want it in Arabic?
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by 22jumpstreet: 6:14pm On May 09, 2024

The prophetess is Isaiah's wife, she wasnt mentioned at all in chapter 7, so what are I on about a prophetess?

Virgin birth is the miraculous sign associated with the prophesy.
A maiden will give birth.
A maiden is an unmarried young female. In ancient Israel culture- maidens are virgins. Not to be a virgin could prove fatal for the lady.
A maiden must be a virgin.

So when God said ask me for a sign- he's telling Ahaz to ask for the impossible.
Just like Gideon and Hezekiah asked for the impossible.
The impossible in this case is a virgin will give birth.

A sign that will assure king Ahaz that his kingdom will stand...The oracle was for him.
The woman is about to give birth...it is a delivery that is about to happen as the one is already with child. And before the child is weaned, The two kings will be deserted by their people..

And the woman in question is Isaiah' s wife.. because the child in question belongs to Isaiah...
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by SIRTee15: 8:28pm On May 09, 2024

A sign that will assure king Ahaz that his kingdom will stand...The oracle was for him.
The woman is about to give birth...it is a delivery that is about to happen as the one is already with child. And before the child is weaned, The two kings will be deserted by their people..

And the woman in question is Isaiah' s wife.. because the child in question belongs to Isaiah...

Talking to a dead wall. All claim no evidence.
Doing your own interpretation not backed by any scriptural evidence.
I quoted bible verses to back my claim U did none

Btw a woman is not the same as a maiden.
A maiden is an unmarried young lady.
A woman is an adult female. She could be married or not.
The verse clearly spoke about maiden. Did U get it now.

If we have r to continue, back your claim with evidence from the verse then we can talk.

Otherwise bye
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by honesttalk21: 10:30am On May 10, 2024

Then He made this new born child speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a Prophet. Though they had seen this wonderful sign of Allah, they rejected the Prophethood of Jesus and brought him to the court for crucifixion, and thus incurred the wrath of Allah.

Did you understand the above statement or you want it in Arabic?

Perhaps you should write the Arabic.

People who misinterpret the Quran translate this verse as: How shall we talk with him, who is but a child of yesterday? They attribute these words to the elderly people of the Jews, who said years later, when Jesus was a grown up boy, that they could not have any useful dialogue with a mere kid. But the person who keeps the whole context in view, will realize that this interpretation is absurd and has been given merely to avoid the miracle. As a matter of fact, the dialogue took place when the people were condemning Mary who being unmarried, had brought forth a child, and not when the child had grown up into manhood. (Ayat 46 of Surah Aal-Imran) and (Ayat 110 of Surah Al-Maidah) also support the view that Prophet Jesus had uttered these words as a baby in the cradle and not when grown up. In the first verse, the angel while giving the good news of a son to Mary, says: He will speak to the people alike when in the cradle and when grown up. In the other verse, Allah Himself says to Prophet Jesus: You talked to the people even in the cradle as you talked when you were grown up.

20a. The words used are: “dutiful to my mother” instead of “dutiful to my parents”.
This is another proof of the fact that Jesus (peace be upon him) had no father, and for the same reason he has been called Jesus son of Mary everywhere in the Quran.

In the Quran, it is stated that Jesus performed numerous miracles, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, and even creating a bird from clay and making it come to life. Despite witnessing these incredible signs of Allah's power, the people still rejected Jesus as a prophet and brought him to the court for crucifixion. Did Jesus perform all these miracles aside speaking from the cradle as a baby when he was newly born?

One of the reasons for the rejection of Jesus as a prophet was the people's refusal to accept his message of monotheism. Jesus preached about the worship of one true God and called for an end to idol worship. This message was in direct contrast to the beliefs of the polytheistic society in which Jesus lived, and many people found it difficult to accept. In addition, Jesus' assertion of his own prophethood and his claim to be born of only a woman caused controversy among the people. Yet Adam was created without a father or mother, Eve(female) from one person as so Isa(male) from one person.

The leaders of the Jewish community, in particular, saw Jesus as a threat to their authority and religious beliefs. They viewed him as a heretic and blasphemer, and they feared that his teachings would undermine their power and influence. As a result, they conspired to have Jesus arrested and brought before the Roman authorities on charges of sedition and blasphemy.
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by AntiisIam(m): 2:50pm On May 10, 2024

Perhaps you should write the Arabic.

People who misinterpret the Quran translate this verse as: How shall we talk with him, who is but a child of yesterday? They attribute these words to the elderly people of the Jews, who said years later, when Jesus was a grown up boy, that they could not have any useful dialogue with a mere kid. But the person who keeps the whole context in view, will realize that this interpretation is absurd and has been given merely to avoid the miracle. As a matter of fact, the dialogue took place when the people were condemning Mary who being unmarried, had brought forth a child, and not when the child had grown up into manhood. (Ayat 46 of Surah Aal-Imran) and (Ayat 110 of Surah Al-Maidah) also support the view that Prophet Jesus had uttered these words as a baby in the cradle and not when grown up. In the first verse, the angel while giving the good news of a son to Mary, says: He will speak to the people alike when in the cradle and when grown up. In the other verse, Allah Himself says to Prophet Jesus: You talked to the people even in the cradle as you talked when you were grown up.

20a. The words used are: “dutiful to my mother” instead of “dutiful to my parents”.
This is another proof of the fact that Jesus (peace be upon him) had no father, and for the same reason he has been called Jesus son of Mary everywhere in the Quran.

In the Quran, it is stated that Jesus performed numerous miracles, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, and even creating a bird from clay and making it come to life. Despite witnessing these incredible signs of Allah's power, the people still rejected Jesus as a prophet and brought him to the court for crucifixion. Did Jesus perform all these miracles aside speaking from the cradle as a baby when he was newly born?

One of the reasons for the rejection of Jesus as a prophet was the people's refusal to accept his message of monotheism. Jesus preached about the worship of one true God and called for an end to idol worship. This message was in direct contrast to the beliefs of the polytheistic society in which Jesus lived, and many people found it difficult to accept. In addition, Jesus' assertion of his own prophethood and his claim to be born of only a woman caused controversy among the people. Yet Adam was created without a father or mother, Eve(female) from one person as so Isa(male) from one person.

The leaders of the Jewish community, in particular, saw Jesus as a threat to their authority and religious beliefs. They viewed him as a heretic and blasphemer, and they feared that his teachings would undermine their power and influence. As a result, they conspired to have Jesus arrested and brought before the Roman authorities on charges of sedition and blasphemy.

You don shot yourself for leg, sebi you understand the super story you copied and pasted above? I asked is it while Jesus Christ was in cradle they brought him to court for crucifixion? You didn't answer but that super story you narrated has answered my question.

So it was little baby Jesus that was speaking in cradle and also brought to court for crucifixion.

The Arabic text you asked for has been screenshot, go through it and stop arguing blindly

Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by honesttalk21: 4:57pm On May 10, 2024

You don shot yourself for leg, sebi you understand the super story you copied and pasted above? I asked is it while Jesus Christ was in cradle they brought him to court for crucifixion? You didn't answer but that super story you narrated has answered my question.

So it was little baby Jesus that was speaking in cradle and also brought to court for crucifixion.

The Arabic text you asked for has been screenshot, go through it and stop arguing blindly

When a stupid question is asked, do you submit to the stupidity in answering?

Proverbs 26:4 reads Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.


You say a baby was speaking from the cradle and bought to court for crucifixion?

Emboldened is emphasized for you to provide clear proof to show a baby was brought to court for crucifixion if you are not a pathological liar?

If you cannot say or type no more as lying is a precursor for many sins and will definitely cost you a pleasant hereafter and affect your earthy life.


Does the Tafsir say a baby was crucified?

Clap for yourself being able to use translators and sharing screenshot
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by AntiisIam(m): 10:05pm On May 10, 2024

When a stupid question is asked, do you submit to the stupidity in answering?

When you're been asked a question Muhammad in grave can't answer while alive, you will called it stupid question why, because it will expose the stupidity, nonsensical, ignoramus, craziness, etc radiating in the lives of you slaves and islam at large.


You say a baby was speaking from the cradle and bought to court for crucifixion?

Emboldened is emphasized for you to provide clear proof to show a baby was brought to court for crucifixion if you are not a pathological liar?

If you cannot say or type no more as lying is a precursor for many sins and will definitely cost you a pleasant hereafter and affect your earthy life.

If comprehending simple sentence is your problem, I will beseech thee to drop your details for enrollment to Montessori school. I've been doing this to your fellow slaves here on nairaland and outside nairaland. We will also do it for you too. Just your details and we'll get back to you asap

Go and read the tafsir again from the beginning, hire a primary 1 pupil to help you out in explaining the whole thing for you till you'll be enrolling to Montessori school.

The tafsir says a baby speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a prophet, they rejected his prophethood and brought him to court for crucifixion. Asking me this kind of a question you raised above shows the type of brain in your rotted skull


Does the Tafsir say a baby was crucified?

But the tafsir says a baby was brought to court for crucifixion, shey you can't read again nii? Nawa oo
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by 22jumpstreet: 12:24pm On May 11, 2024

Talking to a dead wall. All claim no evidence.
Doing your own interpretation not backed by any scriptural evidence.
I quoted bible verses to back my claim U did none

Btw a woman is not the same as a maiden.
A maiden is an unmarried young lady.
A woman is an adult female. She could be married or not.
The verse clearly spoke about maiden. Did U get it now.

If we have r to continue, back your claim with evidence from the verse then we can talk.

Otherwise bye

I don't really know what your on about?
Let's discuss the whole chapter again. Shall we?
Educate your self, same thing I have been saying..
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by honesttalk21: 2:37pm On May 11, 2024

When you're been asked a question Muhammad in grave can't answer while alive, you will called it stupid question why, because it will expose the stupidity, nonsensical, ignoramus, craziness, etc radiating in the lives of you slaves and islam at large.

If comprehending simple sentence is your problem, I will beseech thee to drop your details for enrollment to Montessori school. I've been doing this to your fellow slaves here on nairaland and outside nairaland. We will also do it for you too. Just your details and we'll get back to you asap

Go and read the tafsir again from the beginning, hire a primary 1 pupil to help you out in explaining the whole thing for you till you'll be enrolling to Montessori school.

The tafsir says a baby speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a prophet, they rejected his prophethood and brought him to court for crucifixion. Asking me this kind of a question you raised above shows the type of brain in your rotted skull

But the tafsir says a baby was brought to court for crucifixion, shey you can't read again nii? Nawa oo

In the simplest way since you claim to have used Ala Madudi and Ibn Kathir please show on the latter's tafsir where he says the baby was brought to court and crucified. Shameless liar!

You see this (For further details, please see Al-i-Imran (III): E.N.'s 44 and 53, and An-Nina (IV): E.N.'s 212,213).at the end of Ala-Madudi's tafsir on Quran 19:33 and of course cannot discern the meaning.

Do get educated here:

44 That is, "Although no man has touched you, yet a son shall be born to you." It should be noted that the same word "kazalika, "meaning "so shall it be," had been used in response to Zacharias' prayer. It, therefore, carries the same sense here. Moreover, the whole context here corroborates the story that Mary was given the glad tidings of the birth of a son without any sexual intercourse, and the birth of Christ, in actual fact, took place in that unusual way. If a son was to be born to her in the normal known way, and if the event of the birth of Jesus had taker. place in a natural way, then the whole discourse starting from verse 33 and ending with verse 63 would become absolutely pointless. Not only that but all other references to the unusual birth of Jesus in the Qur'an would lose their significance and meaning. The Christians had made Jesus the Son of God and worthy of worship simply because of his unusual birth without a father and the Jews had accused Mary because they had witnessed that she had given birth to a child, though she was not married. Had it been otherwise, then the two groups could have been told plainly that the girl was married to such and such a man and that Jesus was from his seed. In that case, one fails to see the reason why such a long introduction and a series of arguments should have been necessary to remove all doubts about his miraculous birth. Then Jesus could have been called the son of a particular man, instead of being called "the son of Mary". The position of those people who, on the one hand, profess to believe the Holy Qur'an to be the Word of Allah and on the other hand try to prove that Jesus was born after the natural coming together of a husband and wife, really try to show that Allah is not able to express Himself as clearly as these people. (May God protect us from blasphemy!)

53 That is, "If one's miraculous birth entitles one to become God or the Son of God, then Adam was better entitled to it because he was created without either a human father or a mother, while Jesus was born without a father only.

212 The Prophet Jesus has specially been called God's "Command" (Kalimah) because he was born without the usual agency of a father. God sent a Command that Mary should become pregnant without the semen of a man and she conceived. Although in the very beginning, the Christians were told that Christ had been born without a father by the Command of God, yet they were so misled by the Alexandrian Philosophy of Philo that they first mistook Kalimah (Command) for the "Divine Word"; then changed the "Divine Word" into the "Logos"; then they built on the Logos Doctrine which misguided them to the false belief in the divine nature of Jesus Christ. That is how they came to believe that God had revealed Himself or His eternal attribute of speech in the person of Jesus. (See John I : 1, 14).

213 Here Jesus has been called "A spirit from God" and in Al-Baqarah, 11 : 253, it is stated that God supported him (Jesus) with the "Holy Spirit". In both cases, it means that Allah had bestowed upon the Prophet Jesus a Holy Spirit that .was imbued with high moral values and was a perfection of truth and righteousness without any tinge of evil. The Christians were taught this very thing, but they exaggerated the notion: they took "a spirit from God" for "the Spirit of God" and perverted the meaning of the Holy Ghost into "the Spirit of God Himself" which had entered into Jesus Christ. Thus, a third god, "the Holy Ghost", was created along with God and Christ. This was their second transgression which led the Christians astray.

The perversion of "a spirit from God" into "the Spirit of God" (Holy Ghost) has been made in spite of the fact that according to the Gospel of Matthew, "The angel of the Lord appeared unto him (Joseph) in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary, thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost," and not the Holy Ghost (1 : 20).
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by Antilslaam: 1:25pm On May 13, 2024

In the simplest way since you claim to have used Ala Madudi and Ibn Kathir please show on the latter's tafsir where he says the baby was brought to court and crucified. Shameless liar!

You see this (For further details, please see Al-i-Imran (III): E.N.'s 44 and 53, and An-Nina (IV): E.N.'s 212,213).at the end of Ala-Madudi's tafsir on Quran 19:33 and of course cannot discern the meaning.

Do get educated here:

44 That is, "Although no man has touched you, yet a son shall be born to you." It should be noted that the same word "kazalika, "meaning "so shall it be," had been used in response to Zacharias' prayer. It, therefore, carries the same sense here. Moreover, the whole context here corroborates the story that Mary was given the glad tidings of the birth of a son without any sexual intercourse, and the birth of Christ, in actual fact, took place in that unusual way. If a son was to be born to her in the normal known way, and if the event of the birth of Jesus had taker. place in a natural way, then the whole discourse starting from verse 33 and ending with verse 63 would become absolutely pointless. Not only that but all other references to the unusual birth of Jesus in the Qur'an would lose their significance and meaning. The Christians had made Jesus the Son of God and worthy of worship simply because of his unusual birth without a father and the Jews had accused Mary because they had witnessed that she had given birth to a child, though she was not married. Had it been otherwise, then the two groups could have been told plainly that the girl was married to such and such a man and that Jesus was from his seed. In that case, one fails to see the reason why such a long introduction and a series of arguments should have been necessary to remove all doubts about his miraculous birth. Then Jesus could have been called the son of a particular man, instead of being called "the son of Mary". The position of those people who, on the one hand, profess to believe the Holy Qur'an to be the Word of Allah and on the other hand try to prove that Jesus was born after the natural coming together of a husband and wife, really try to show that Allah is not able to express Himself as clearly as these people. (May God protect us from blasphemy!)

53 That is, "If one's miraculous birth entitles one to become God or the Son of God, then Adam was better entitled to it because he was created without either a human father or a mother, while Jesus was born without a father only.

212 The Prophet Jesus has specially been called God's "Command" (Kalimah) because he was born without the usual agency of a father. God sent a Command that Mary should become pregnant without the semen of a man and she conceived. Although in the very beginning, the Christians were told that Christ had been born without a father by the Command of God, yet they were so misled by the Alexandrian Philosophy of Philo that they first mistook Kalimah (Command) for the "Divine Word"; then changed the "Divine Word" into the "Logos"; then they built on the Logos Doctrine which misguided them to the false belief in the divine nature of Jesus Christ. That is how they came to believe that God had revealed Himself or His eternal attribute of speech in the person of Jesus. (See John I : 1, 14).

213 Here Jesus has been called "A spirit from God" and in Al-Baqarah, 11 : 253, it is stated that God supported him (Jesus) with the "Holy Spirit". In both cases, it means that Allah had bestowed upon the Prophet Jesus a Holy Spirit that .was imbued with high moral values and was a perfection of truth and righteousness without any tinge of evil. The Christians were taught this very thing, but they exaggerated the notion: they took "a spirit from God" for "the Spirit of God" and perverted the meaning of the Holy Ghost into "the Spirit of God Himself" which had entered into Jesus Christ. Thus, a third god, "the Holy Ghost", was created along with God and Christ. This was their second transgression which led the Christians astray.

The perversion of "a spirit from God" into "the Spirit of God" (Holy Ghost) has been made in spite of the fact that according to the Gospel of Matthew, "The angel of the Lord appeared unto him (Joseph) in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary, thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost," and not the Holy Ghost (1 : 20).

How many times am I going to show you that? Hope allah has not blindfolded you

A baby speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a prophet, they rejected his prophethood and brought him to court for crucifixion
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by honesttalk21: 7:26am On May 14, 2024
Though they had seen this wonderful Sign of Allah, they rejected the Prophethood of Jesus and brought him to the court for crucifixion

How many times am I going to show you that? Hope allah has not blindfolded you

A baby speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a prophet, they rejected his prophethood and brought him to court for crucifixion

Did you not change though they had seen this wonderful sign to and .....?

I don't blame you. It's your way and those before you.

I asked that you show similar from Ibn Kathir you keep repeating what is said before as ibn Kathir you claim to also reference said no such thing

Trying to hide your lie?

4.156-162 Maududi - Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi - Tafhim al-Qur'an
This is in continuation of the theme under discussion.
The calumny against Mary concerning the birth of Jesus has been declared here as "disbelief" because it was not directed against the person of innocent Mary or her son but against Jesus Christ, the Messenger of God. The Jews had absolutely no ground for suspicion about his miraculous birth without father, because God had caused the whole Community to stand as witness to the miracle. When Virgin Mary, who belonged to the noble and well-known religious family of the Israelites, came home with the new-born child, a large crowd gathered there and demanded an explanation from her. But she simply pointed to the child. The crowd could not understand how a child in the cradle could speak, but to their utter astonishment, the child began to speak clearly and fluently and addressing the crowd, he declared, "I am Allah's servant: Allah has given me the Book and made me a Prophet." (Maryam, XIX : 30) Thus Allah cut at the very root of the slander about his birth. That is why none ever accused Mary of fornication nor taunted Jesus with being an illegitimate son until he stained his maturity. But when at the age of thirty, he started his mission to invite the people to the way of God and rebuked the Jews for their evil deeds and exposed the hypocrisies of their scholars and jurists and warned the whole community of the consequences of moral degradation, they turned against him
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by Antilslaam: 8:57am On May 14, 2024
Though they had seen this wonderful Sign of Allah, they rejected the Prophethood of Jesus and brought him to the court for crucifixion

Were you blindfolded before? So the questions which you refused to answer are:

1. Is Jesus Christ brought to the court for crucifixion as a prophet while in cradle since you said he had been appointed a prophet from the birth

2. If Jesus Christ according to your moribund and ignorance wasn't crucified, why was he brought to the court for crucifixion as read in your tafsirs?

3. Are all that was written in Ala Madudi tafsir what to expect in the future when Jesus Christ comes back again?


Did you not change though they had seen this wonderful sign to and .....?

See try and get zamzam water to wash your eye with maybe you will regain your sight organ back. Where did I change the though or whatever you said above?


Then He made this new born child speak out even in the cradle that he had been appointed a Prophet. Though they had seen this wonderful sign of Allah, they rejected the Prophethood of Jesus and brought him to the court for crucifixion, and thus incurred the wrath of Allah.


I don't blame you. It's your way and those before you.

Yeah, it is our way to exposed your gullible, ignorance and lies


I asked that you show similar from Ibn Kathir you keep repeating what is said before as ibn Kathir you claim to also reference said no such thing

I have given you many links none of them you click on to read by yourself, is Ala Maududi not part of your islamic scholars? Or because of what he said as it didn't suit your ignorance you kicked against him right?


Trying to hide your lie?

Hiding my lies, slave you funny die.. Where did I lied abeg point it out?

You are pained that I proved it to you on the fact that Mary was not a levite abi, it was romans that sentenced Jesus Christ to be crucified and not the Jews you're ranting on, etc.

My joy is to be exposing your taqqiya you ahlu bidiah slaves


4.156-162 Maududi - Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi - Tafhim al-Qur'an
This is in continuation of the theme under discussion.
The calumny against Mary concerning the birth of Jesus has been declared here as "disbelief" because it was not directed against the person of innocent Mary or her son but against Jesus Christ, the Messenger of God. The Jews had absolutely no ground for suspicion about his miraculous birth without father, because God had caused the whole Community to stand as witness to the miracle. When Virgin Mary, who belonged to the noble and well-known religious family of the Israelites, came home with the new-born child, a large crowd gathered there and demanded an explanation from her. But she simply pointed to the child. The crowd could not understand how a child in the cradle could speak, but to their utter astonishment, the child began to speak clearly and fluently and addressing the crowd, he declared, "I am Allah's servant: Allah has given me the Book and made me a Prophet." (Maryam, XIX : 30) Thus Allah cut at the very root of the slander about his birth. That is why none ever accused Mary of fornication nor taunted Jesus with being an illegitimate son until he stained his maturity. But when at the age of thirty, he started his mission to invite the people to the way of God and rebuked the Jews for their evil deeds and exposed the hypocrisies of their scholars and jurists and warned the whole community of the consequences of moral degradation, they turned against him

You can't know Jesus Christ more than those that were there when he is on earth physically. Muhammad came over 600yr after the Ascension of Christ to heaven and his patners cooked lies for you about Christ after your pedophile messenger Muhammad was poisoned to death

Jesus Christ never rebuked or condemned anyone, he even prayed for those that crucified him so please stop cooking lies story here and answer the questions I raised above as read in Ala Maududi tafsir
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by honesttalk21: 9:42am On May 14, 2024

3. Are all that was written in Ala Madudi tafsir what to expect in the future when Jesus Christ comes back again?

I have given you many links none of them you click on to read by yourself, is Ala Maududi not part of your islamic scholars? Or because of what he said as it didn't suit your ignorance you kicked against him right?

Do you see reference to Jesus at 30 in Ala-Madudi or pretend to be blind?

Screenshot Ibn Kathir saying a Jesus was brought as a baby to court. Remember to share reference too.
Re: Jesus Predicted His Death And Resurrection In The Quran by Antilslaam: 10:42am On May 14, 2024

Do you see reference to Jesus at 30 in Ala-Madudi or pretend to be blind?

Now go back to ala maududi, read gently all over again and point out to where he mention Jesus at 30?

Should we conclude that the first question is hard for allah and Muhammad to answer through you?

1. Is Jesus Christ brought to the court for crucifixion as a prophet while in cradle since you said he had been appointed a prophet from the birth


Screenshot Ibn Kathir saying a Jesus was brought as a baby to court. Remember to share reference too.

Ala maududi said so, should I screenshot since you are finally in disarray? But wait did you now hate Maududi for exposing your stupidity?

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