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I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? - Romance - Nairaland

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I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Paulayor: 10:07am On May 16, 2024
Guys, please I need your advice.

I met my current girlfriend through my mom. She is the daughter of my mom's old time school mate. I didn't really fancy her that much but my mom encouraged me to chase after her. Now, i've grown to love her a lot. All seemed fine, but she seems quite not fully into me.

A few hours ago, a friend of mine drew my attention to a video online, and guess what- they are discussing a letter from someone who sounds very much like my girl. She's 29, I met her through her mom at a shopping mall on christmas eve. She did her masters in the US and had an ex (in the US) who she's broken up with. Her name starts with a T, just like the name in the letter. I had even suggested we have a formal introduction next month similar to what the girl in the letter is asking. What are the chances?

I am now scared my girlfriend doesnt really like me and just with me because our moms are schoolmates. Or am I being just paranoid?

Please listen to this letter and tell me if I should be worried?


And if it's truly her, should I confront her? Should I discuss first with my mom?
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by julietozy: 11:03am On May 16, 2024
Guys, please I need your advice.

I met my current girlfriend through my mom. She is the daughter of my mom's old time school mate. I didn't really fancy her that much but my mom encouraged me to chase after her. Now, i've grown to love her a lot. All seemed fine, but she seems quite not fully into me.

A few hours ago, a friend of mine drew my attention to a video online, and guess what- they are discussing a letter from someone who sounds very much like my girl. She's 29, I met her through her mom at a shopping mall on christmas eve. She did her masters in the US and had an ex (in the US) who she's broken up with. Her name starts with a T, just like the name in the letter. I had even suggested we have a formal introduction next month similar to what the girl in the letter is asking. What are the chances?

I am now scared my girlfriend doesnt really like me and just with me because our moms are schoolmates. Or am I being just paranoid?

Please listen to this letter and tell me if I should be worried?


And if it's truly her, should I confront her? Should I discuss first with my mom?

It's best to just ask her if it's her. Somethings are best not buried.


Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Asavivian: 11:08am On May 16, 2024

It's best to just ask her if it's her. Somethings are best not buried.

he should speak to his mom first and show her the video. Whether he likes it or not, the parents are in this mess now
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Nkemjoan1a: 11:18am On May 16, 2024
Guys, please I need your advice.

I met my current girlfriend through my mom. She is the daughter of my mom's old time school mate. I didn't really fancy her that much but my mom encouraged me to chase after her. Now, i've grown to love her a lot. All seemed fine, but she seems quite not fully into me.

A few hours ago, a friend of mine drew my attention to a video online, and guess what- they are discussing a letter from someone who sounds very much like my girl. She's 29, I met her through her mom at a shopping mall on christmas eve. She did her masters in the US and had an ex (in the US) who she's broken up with. Her name starts with a T, just like the name in the letter. I had even suggested we have a formal introduction next month similar to what the girl in the letter is asking. What are the chances?

I am now scared my girlfriend doesnt really like me and just with me because our moms are schoolmates. Or am I being just paranoid?

Please listen to this letter and tell me if I should be worried?


And if it's truly her, should I confront her? Should I discuss first with my mom?

you're just paranoid.
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Paulayor: 11:54am On May 16, 2024

you're just paranoid.

I'm not. There's more details I can provide here but i don't want to cast her publicly. Also, I really care for her. I just want to be sure I'm not the cleanup guy whose is being settled with because her first choice turned her down.
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Tidal23: 12:11pm On May 16, 2024
I suggest Just playfully ask her and see how she reacts
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Paulayor: 1:37pm On May 16, 2024
I suggest Just playfully ask her and see how she reacts

I feel quite awkward bringing it up because once I do, i'm fairly certain my mom will hear about it. I want to get evidence before i confront her.
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by dkidd: 1:49pm On May 16, 2024
Mthceeew... Oga go gather much evidence before u do the needful.
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by udede(m): 2:27pm On May 16, 2024
You really need a heart to heart talk with her. This is not something to handle with guesses
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Asavivian: 2:33pm On May 16, 2024
You really need a heart to heart talk with her. This is not something to handle with guesses

and you think the girl will come clean?

He is the backup plan and the girl likely is concerned because of their mother's close relationship....
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by udede(m): 2:37pm On May 16, 2024

and you think the girl will come clean?

He is the backup plan and the girl likely is concerned because of their mother's close relationship....
the involvement of the parents is the reason why they need to talk because there is need to stop the wrong expectations from the parents as the relationship is not on the right direction.

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Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by 1000Capacity: 3:01pm On May 16, 2024
Be bold and ask straight forward questions
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Paulayor: 3:05pm On May 16, 2024
the involvement of the parents is the reason why they need to talk because there is need to stop the wrong expectations from the parents as the relationship is not on the right direction.

Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Asavivian: 3:07pm On May 16, 2024
Be bold and ask straight forward questions

He needs to talk to his mom first. His mother can discuss the matter lowkey with the girl's mother to know if there's anything to be worried about. As it stands, he cannot break off things without tangible proof. If he brings it up with the girl, she most likely will lie to him. na my gender. na wetin we dey do.

Almost all girls nowadays double dates especially if the other guy is abroad. then they keep a bobo in nigeria for backup just in case abroad guy fcuks up
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by pryme(m): 3:21pm On May 16, 2024
Guys, please I need your advice.

I met my current girlfriend through my mom. She is the daughter of my mom's old time school mate. I didn't really fancy her that much but my mom encouraged me to chase after her. Now, i've grown to love her a lot. All seemed fine, but she seems quite not fully into me.

A few hours ago, a friend of mine drew my attention to a video online, and guess what- they are discussing a letter from someone who sounds very much like my girl. She's 29, I met her through her mom at a shopping mall on christmas eve. She did her masters in the US and had an ex (in the US) who she's broken up with. Her name starts with a T, just like the name in the letter. I had even suggested we have a formal introduction next month similar to what the girl in the letter is asking. What are the chances?

I am now scared my girlfriend doesnt really like me and just with me because our moms are schoolmates. Or am I being just paranoid?

Please listen to this letter and tell me if I should be worried?


And if it's truly her, should I confront her? Should I discuss first with my mom?

If you are scared of losing her, not only have you lost her, you have also lost your ability to set boundaries.
If this is indeed true how will you put a stop to it when you have lost your balls to make tough decisions (because you are scared she may not like it and that will make her leave).

You will never command respect from a woman when you make them feel they are not disposable if they step out of line.

You can man up and confront her about it, if she confirms it and don't care what you think (cos she may have sensed you are a biitch ) you tell her you wish her well and break up the relationship.

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Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Eunoiaa(f): 4:00pm On May 16, 2024
Feels like a thread of alternates responding to themselves.

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Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by meobizy(f): 7:13pm On May 16, 2024
Feels like a thread of alternates responding to themselves.
Welcome to Nairaland. Many children here are autistic. Posting comments is their only means of communicating with the outside world.

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Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by YorubaLord: 10:01pm On May 16, 2024
You should go and do her laundry, make her hair, clean her room and keep begging / worshipping her. OK?

Foolish man! angry
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by GreenDee(f): 10:38pm On May 16, 2024
When you start having doubts walk away

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Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by kevwemike: 3:59am On May 17, 2024
Let her be, she never get sense, have plans B
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by KingLennon(m): 6:41am On May 17, 2024
SIMPson disease is worse than covid19 sadsad.....Our men are turning into women

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Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by FRANCISTOWN: 7:39am On May 17, 2024
Guys, please I need your advice.

I met my current girlfriend through my mom. She is the daughter of my mom's old time school mate. I didn't really fancy her that much but my mom encouraged me to chase after her. Now, i've grown to love her a lot. All seemed fine, but she seems quite not fully into me.

A few hours ago, a friend of mine drew my attention to a video online, and guess what- they are discussing a letter from someone who sounds very much like my girl. She's 29, I met her through her mom at a shopping mall on christmas eve. She did her masters in the US and had an ex (in the US) who she's broken up with. Her name starts with a T, just like the name in the letter. I had even suggested we have a formal introduction next month similar to what the girl in the letter is asking. What are the chances?

I am now scared my girlfriend doesnt really like me and just with me because our moms are schoolmates. Or am I being just paranoid?

Please listen to this letter and tell me if I should be worried?


And if it's truly her, should I confront her? Should I discuss first with my mom?

If it roared like a lion, walked like a lion and hunted like a lion. It is definitely a lion.
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Sanmel(f): 7:48am On May 17, 2024
Welcome to Nairaland. Many children here are autistic. Posting comments is their only means of communicating with the outside world.
cheesy grin
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by Jeruadamma: 11:14am On Jun 05, 2024

If it roared like a lion, walked like a lion and hunted like a lion. It is definitely a lion.

waht if it's a tiger grin
Re: I Think My 29 YO Girlfriend Is Still In Love With Her Ex. What Do I Do? by MASTAkiLLAh(m): 12:24pm On Jun 05, 2024
You're a pussy and a Mama's boy that's for sure. The foundations of your relationship are shaky because of the enforced match making and do you really have to get your mother involved at this stage ? It's not as if mummy will be conducting marital duties in the bedroom for you. Fûcking hell. Take your semi girlfriend on a nice date and after all the fun, TELL HER marriage isn't something to be joked with therefore, the two parties must be 110% committed especially in love so that regrets wouldn't crop up in the near future. Assure her that your love is above 110% but you want to know if she's as committed and really loves you too because yout want it to seem as she's being rushed into something by you or both parents. Trust me, getting married to a woman who doesn't really love you is hell on earth, her tongue will be like a constant sword piercing your heart and you will hate yourself. You don't have to bring up that letter at all. If she says she's game for the marriage then, go ahead but if she says she's not interested or needs some space to heal for some time then give her that space, you can even remain good friends without the pressure and things could work out from there (or not)
It's your life bro and not mommy's own. You can tell mama you guys decision after the discussion. Peace out

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