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I This The Best Way To Go About This? - Programming - Nairaland

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I This The Best Way To Go About This? by Domaining101: 4:28pm On Jul 11, 2024
Let's say you have a very big idea that could become the next big thing. But the thing is you're not a software engineer and know nothing about SWE or how the idea can be made a reality with coding and others, but you're very rich and have the funds or capital that could help to kick start the startup and serve as the initial seed fund. Is it best to make friends with SWE's, build a relationship and along the line share your idea with them and you all work together and build the product or you just flat out hire people to help you build it? I'm thinking that the first option is the best though because then, you'd know your team is made up of people who are equally as passionate as you about the idea and are committed, not just some bunch people who just care about their salaries and could abandon you and the project at anytime.

qtgutu tensazangetsu20 turmacs
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by tensazangetsu20(m): 5:00pm On Jul 11, 2024
The best option is to learn to code and build it yourself. If it fails, you should have acquired enough skills to be able to land an entry level position so nothing spoil. If it works out, you get your coding skills and you are rich.


Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by Domaining101: 5:15pm On Jul 11, 2024
The best option is to learn to code and build it yourself. If it fails, you should have acquired enough skills to be able to land an entry level position so nothing spoil. If it works out, you get your coding skills and you are rich.
Lolzz. What if it's something that not only one person can build?
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by airsaylongcome: 5:22pm On Jul 11, 2024
Lolzz. What if it's something that not only one person can build?

Some times you have to hunt "existing" solutions o. For example I'm looking at a business opportunity within Naija telco space. Normally I would have to either "assemble" a solution or pay with my kidney, bladder and liver to acquire a production solution. But I Google the Internet crazy for open source solution and came across two solutions that seem like a right fit. Will they do exactly what I want? Possibly not in all instances. But it will get me started. And if the business is truly viable, I should be able to then start planning for the more expensive solutions. Or "assemble" several open source solutions to accomplish what I want. Sometimes nobi everything need the founder to be a programmer or SWE. You just need to know the problem in depth and hunt down tools that can solve it

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Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by tensazangetsu20(m): 5:22pm On Jul 11, 2024
Lolzz. What if it's something that not only one person can build?

You will need money to outsource If you can't handle it alone. With the hunger level in Nigeria I would be surprised to see anyone coding for free.
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by Kaczynski: 6:05pm On Jul 11, 2024

You will need money to outsource If you can't handle it alone. With the hunger level in Nigeria I would be surprised to see anyone coding for free.

I'm coding for free and im sure guys like me doing the same
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by Kaczynski: 6:06pm On Jul 11, 2024
That thing you're trying to build , someone has already done it already even better it's free and open source. why not just sponsor that person ??
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by tensazangetsu20(m): 6:09pm On Jul 11, 2024

I'm coding for free and im sure there are others doing the same

That's good for you. Maybe you should help the op build his idea.
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by telim: 9:44pm On Jul 11, 2024
I am taking from experience you must learn how to code else you will waste alot of money with nothing to show off. You can only outsourced the easy thing about your projects out any complicated features must be done by you.
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by gistray: 5:09am On Jul 12, 2024
I am taking from experience you must learn how to code else you will waste alot of money with nothing to show off. You can only outsourced the easy thing about your projects out any complicated features must be done by you.
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by Revealpanda: 5:12am On Jul 12, 2024
I am taking from experience you must learn how to code else you will waste alot of money with nothing to show off. You can only outsourced the easy thing about your projects out any complicated features must be done by you.
Blord didn't learn how to code yet he has many successful app based companies.

Same with the founder of Patricia and the list goes on.

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Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by Revealpanda: 5:21am On Jul 12, 2024
Let's say you have a very big idea that could become the next big thing. But the thing is you're not a software engineer and know nothing about SWE or how the idea can be made a reality with coding and others, but you're very rich and have the funds or capital that could help to kick start the startup and serve as the initial seed fund. Is it best to make friends with SWE's, build a relationship and along the line share your idea with them and you all work together and build the product or you just flat out hire people to help you build it? I'm thinking that the first option is the best though because then, you'd know your team is made up of people who are equally as passionate as you about the idea and are committed, not just some bunch people who just care about their salaries and could abandon you and the project at anytime.

qtgutu tensazangetsu20 turmacs

That is the work of SWEs is it not?

You need to hire people to build it for you and if you're scared your idea will be stolen involved your lawyers and sign some documents since it seems you have the funds.

How long do you think it will take you to learn to build a software and start creating a product it Todays market?
You'll set a minimum of 1 year just to learn and we don't even know how smart you're to learn fast.

If you have the means hire competent developers first mainly from recommendations from people who have tried them... After that try creating a small dedicated team consisting of 1 SWE who's really good, One marketer and one manager who can manage the other 2, keep it as simple as possible and don't hire or fill people in a role that isn't crucial at first.... You can get rid of the Manager and handle that position yourself then later if your app is a proven success you can expand and hire more people.

Worst thing you can do is believe your idea is so good you need to hide it inside your brain for eternity because if you share with people they'd probably steal it.
Some people even share their ideas with friends and group of people first and do a small alpha test to see if it really makes sense before moving to stage of development... What makes sense in your head might be total garbage in the real world

Best thing to do is to make your idea a reality as fast as possible if you've done proper research and believe it may work... if you have the means try out everything possible to see it becomes a product at least so you can enjoy all the fruit of first person advantage

That idea you think is very special to you, someone who didn't think too much is busy working on it as we speak
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by telim: 6:51am On Jul 12, 2024

Blord didn't learn how to code yet he has many successful app based companies.

Same with the founder of Patricia and the list goes on.

Is either the founders have huge money to hire in house devolopers from different fields ( server managers, UI expert, backend developers, marketters etc) that are passionate about the founders ideas.

In house developers cost alot of money to sustain. If you don't have huge budget you must develop the complicated parts of your product yourself and outsource the easy parts to freelancers else you will waste your money without achieving anything in the long run.
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by Revealpanda: 10:56am On Jul 12, 2024

Is either the founders have huge money to hire in house devolopers from different fields ( server managers, UI expert, backend developers, marketters etc) that are passionate about the founders ideas.

In house developers cost alot of money to sustain. If you don't have huge budget you must develop the complicated parts of your product yourself and outsource the easy parts to freelancers else you will waste your money without achieving anything in the long run.
The OP clearly stated he had the funds

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Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by Shomek(m): 12:39pm On Jul 12, 2024
You actually need a team to fulfill this
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by eraglory: 6:18pm On Jul 12, 2024
I am taking from experience you must learn how to code else you will waste alot of money with nothing to show off. You can only outsourced the easy thing about your projects out any complicated features must be done by you.
Sir please do not pass me by,,, I'm on bended knees. I need to get garri. Pls.
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by telim: 6:20pm On Jul 12, 2024
Sir please do not pass me by,,, I'm on bended knees. I need to get garri. Pls.
i sent 4k
Re: I This The Best Way To Go About This? by eraglory: 6:23pm On Jul 12, 2024
i sent 4k
God bless u abundantly sir.....

May ur cup continue to overflow. Thanks so much.

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